What's your real name? Get to know everyone!


Well-known member
my name is Louise and it means famous warrior! i'm not famous nor a warrior! but i'd love to be one for the day!

i also hate bieng called Lou.... i will poke people in the eyes if they call me this!!

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
My real name is Saadeh. It's pronounced Saaada. It's actually an Arabic name though I'm Persian. My parents liked the meaning of it and I guess that's why the gave me this name; it means "happiness" apparently.

If anyone speaks arabic please let me know if it's true, lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Fataliya
I like it...graceful warrior!!

My nickname with family has been Tracy Bug since I was about two years old.

Matter of fact, when I finally got my New Beetle that I've always wanted, I got a vanity plate that said TRCYBUG

That's cute!!
How fitting for a Beetle license plate.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HustleRose
oh em gee are you russian and italian? so am i!!

Omg yes!! WOOO! Geez, I like NEVER meet anyone with that heritage. I don't know why, apparently Italians and Russians don't marry often? Hahah!
Shucks. Now I'm all happy. Vodka and vino ftw!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
First Name- Shika ( Japanese= deer)
Middle Name- Shamette ( no clue, named after my mom's best friend)

If anyone has another meaning for my name based on their culture or language please share!

Shika is too cute!

I'm Hazuki. It means "August" in Japanese. I guess you can probably guess when I was born. . .


Well-known member
The name's Gigi, which is derived from my Chinese name (Ting Chi, Gigi comes from the last character repeated twice; sort of like a nickname that stuck as an English name).

My Chinese name means "beautiful poise" or something completely inaccurate like that LOL.
Hello, my name is fairly obvious - Eleanor

I don't know the actual meaning of my name but my mum named me after Elanor from LOTR (but she changed the spelling so no one would think she was a geek - bless her).
Danger is soon to be part of my official name too (along with some other more interesting names), just waiting on the deed poll...


Well-known member
Natalie means like born at xmas..I was born in August go figure !

and my middle is Louise, which is like famous fighter like LMD84 said, I never really liked it but once I found out what it ment I thought it was pretty cool.And its so true. Ive really come to love my middle name, 4 generations of women in my family have that middle name.


Well-known member
Ahh I'm Sabrina!! I think it's sort of easy to guess from seeing my username, but I guess not everyone would think that right away! I think my name means princess... Ya right lol. And I have no middle name haha woot woot for being east euro!


Well-known member
I'm Sarah - which means princess, howeverrrr, I am so not a princess! I was named after my mom's favorite cousin and my dad's gran. My middle is Elizabeth, which is my aunt's name. We're into repeating names in the family... Which is nice, I guess.


Well-known member
My name is Bambi...honest. My mom loved this name. I was born 3 months premature, and only weighed 4lbs. In italian, Bambino means "the child", or "small one" which is why my parents chose it.

Just in case anyone wants to ask the usual questions I've gotten my whole life because of my name I will answer them now.

Yes, it is spelled the same as in the movie. No, I was not named after the movie, and I've never seen it. My mother was not killed by a hunter, she is not dead and my best friends are neither rabbits or skunks.


Well-known member
Brittany is my first name, pronounced Britt-nee.
From the name of the region in the northwest of France, called in French Bretagne. It was named for the Briton settlers who fled to that area after the Anglo-Saxon invasion of England. As a given name, it first came into common use in America in the 1970s.

Chantal is my middle name, its pronounced Shawn-Tal
From a French surname which was derived from a place name meaning "stony". It was originally given in honour of Saint Jeanne-Françoise de Chantal, the founder of the Visitation Order in the 17th century. It has become associated with French chant "song".

My middle name isChantal after my moms favorite perfume (of the 80's)... Chantilly Lace. And my deceased auntie actually gave me my first name.

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