What's your real name? Get to know everyone!


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I'm Tracy Ann.

Tracy means courageous, I believe, and I have no idea what Ann means.

It's a pretty boring name, but oh well, I've lived with it for 35 years, no sense messing with things now, lol.

My maiden name is German (both sides of my family emigrated from Germany..I traced it back to I *think* the 1700's and then lost all the info).

My married name now, is Hispanic (my husband is Native American, and his tribe originated in Mexico).


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My name is Susanne. It's the french form of Susan/Susannah and it's a biblical name that means lily.


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my name is Clara, and according to Urban Dictionary...

A Clara is a girl of smarts, integrity, and humor. She is a specimen to behold, for she is a person with the most fun, loveable, and easy to be around qualities. Her best friend loves her to death and back.

or, even better:

A girl who likes penis in her mouth.

LOL :'(


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Fataliya
I'm Tracy Ann.

Hey.. me too!!

Most people that know me, call me Trace.

The site I looked at said Tracy means "warlike/fierce". I would agree with both, lol.
I used to hate my name when I was younger.. I wanted a popular name like Jennifer or Jessica, haha.. but I have grown to like it. It's not SUPER unique, but I don't know many Tracys.

Ann means "grace".... so I guess that means we are graceful warriors then, Fataliya.. lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by claralikesguts
my name is Clara, and according to Urban Dictionary...

A girl who likes penis in her mouth.

LOL :'(

LMAO!! what the hell is wrong with UD? Any shmuck can just make an entry I guess, look at the range of meanings for my name on it:


A fucking hott chick that loves ecstasy!

Tracy is the girl of every guy's dream. She has a rocking body with a fine ass and a wonderful smile. She is the hybrid of a hot rockstar and a nerd. She has perfect skin and her smile lights up the world. Every day I see her, I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. She has everything and IS my everything. There's no one that can compare to her.

The last one's not so bad though..


Audrey - "noble strength"
.. i don't consider myself very "noble" or strong haha

according to UD, Audrey also means

A girl who is completely and stunningly beautiful and can take very good myspace pictures.


A girl that is extremely beastly.

haha. amusing.


Well-known member
nicole... which ud defined as being "awesome person that is often imitated but never duplicated." i have to say i agree.

actually my full name is nicole jennifer lilyana *****. i have two middle names for some strange reason. nicole comes from my dad's name which is nicholas, jennifer comes from a film my mother loves called "potrait of jenny" and lilyana comes from my maternal great-grandmother who i never met.

oh and hustle rose is a song by one of the most amazing bands ever - metric <33


Well-known member
Originally Posted by enigmaticpheo
ooh la la! I love your guys' names.

On paper, I'm Sarah Elizabeth. Buuut:

-To the Russky side of my family it's Cerafima (Serafima...Easier to spell in cyrillic...) which is basically a firey angel. Purty!
-To the Italian side of my family it's more like Sera, as in, evening.
-To my teacher and anyone in ballet it's Sarinka, which is the diminutive of Sarah.

My middle name is my mom's first name, which is actually Elisabetta, but we anglicized it since everyone anglicized hers anyway.

Annnd my last name is a really standard name amongst Russian Jews.

oh em gee are you russian and italian? so am i!!


Well-known member
My name is Claudia.....159 up, 59 down Claudia is a feminine gender name. The origin is Latin and derives from Claudius, meaning lame, disabled.

This name relates to active minds and restless urge to explore new ideas. Combined with last name can, and most likely will, create greatness.
Claudia seeks change, travel, new opportunities and challenges. Her active, restless nature demands action and dislikes system and monotony.
Versatile and capable; with great vision and adept at formulating new, more effective ways of doing things.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by laperle
I was registered Mariana, which is the portuguese (and many other languages) version of Marianne or Marian. It's just Mary + Anne! Mariana can also be related to Mary, mother of Jesus - and all this religious thing.

It's soooo popular here in Brazil. I don't like it, 'cos there's nothing to do with my unique personality.

Anyway, every person seems to call me in crazy different ways they create, such as: Who (my bro), Flor (Flower in portuguese - my mom), Ani (my dad and a few friends), Marie, Mary, Maricota, Marizinha, Maribeau, Mary Poppins, Marijuana (no, I don't smoke pot!), Nana, Mary Crazy (no comments!), M. or the most common nickname for my name Mari. There are more, I can't even remember them all.

I wish my mom would have chosen Flor. It's pretty and can be easily pronouced in other languages.

At least, she dropped Camilla (her first choice) when I've apeeared to her for the first time.

Anyway, I prefer Mari, Ani or Marie.

I don't have a middle name. They'r not really common here in Brazil. Instead, we have our mother's maiden name as second last name.

My mom calls me Flor to! My first name is Talyssa (pronounce the y like a long e, Taleesa). My middle name is Vilela and that’s my grandmothers maiden name. My mother got my name from my sister's name, when my sister was little people would always butcher her name and Talyssa came out of that mix. So have no idea what it means.


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Might know me as stronqerx (stronger spelled with a Q haha) Inspired by kanye west!

real name Melissa here!
It means honey bee..

some family members call me lissa, which idk sometimes I dont really like it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TDoll
I'm Tiffany. It's Greek and means "appearance of God". To me, it screams "80s child".

LMAO-my name is Tiffany also. And thanks, now I know what my name means. Couldn't agree with you more about the 80's comment. Not to metion im 1/2 Mexican 1/2 Puerto Rican, and in my personal opinion you dont hear of too many Mexican or Puerto Rican Tiffany's. Its like a forever young name..Grandma Tiffany just doesnt sound good...


Well-known member
^ hehe.. My dad wanted to name me Tiffany, but my mom said she didn't want her daughter named after a lamp.
So, dad lost, and I'm Tracy. lol I wouldn't have minded either way though


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACLovin
Hey.. me too!!

Most people that know me, call me Trace.

The site I looked at said Tracy means "warlike/fierce". I would agree with both, lol.
I used to hate my name when I was younger.. I wanted a popular name like Jennifer or Jessica, haha.. but I have grown to like it. It's not SUPER unique, but I don't know many Tracys.

Ann means "grace".... so I guess that means we are graceful warriors then, Fataliya.. lol

I like it...graceful warrior!!

My nickname with family has been Tracy Bug since I was about two years old.

Matter of fact, when I finally got my New Beetle that I've always wanted, I got a vanity plate that said TRCYBUG

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