WHO is Jesus?

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Well-known member
Note - Removed the first two responses to this thread as it was initally posted in a different forum and they no longer pertain to the discussion. Yes, this is a makeup forum but we are all individuals with interests and the ability to communicate and challenge ourselves to think with intelligent discussion amongst peers.
Let's keep things that way, I'd hate to see such an interesting discussion GTS (=go to shit)! 8)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Who is the "we" here? This appears as if you are copying and pasting some anti-Christianity propoganda pamphlet.

May I ask what religion you feel is legitimate and that you embrace?

Apparently Islam.

Did you mean Islam as the religion she embraced or referring to the "anti-Christianity propoganda pamphlet"?


Well-known member
Shimmer- hehehehe you're post about the fanatic's part-reminded me of a Jewel Song and it made me laugh because one of her lyrics are-" will send you straight to a firey hell-that is if the fanatics don't beat satan to the kill....."

You are totally right about the knowledge of learning others religions. I cannot believe I'm quoting something from Oprah but the Queen of Jordan was on her show recently and she said something that I wish everyone would hear.
You can change the course of a nation through education," Rania said.
Ignorance really does more than just hamper financial growth and economic growth but it also hampers any kind of thought process of being willing to accept others.
Ignorance gives birth to hate

That's the most dangerous part and we see it every single day of our lives.

I will never forget being on a mission trip to Michigan and one guy expressed a different point of view (he supported evolution) and the group tried to devour him to convert him spitting out facts just so they could win him to christ and I remember grabbing that poor guy dragging him out and saying, " teach me, give me your thoughts"

I mean hate and ignorance just yeah. dangerous stuff.

But it seriously wasn't until I actually left the church to study myself on what this being we refer to God actually is before I realized and accepted that it is not wise to only look at one point of view. I know for me personally, I will read EVERY point of view of EVERY topic in politics, religion, ecomonical, even right down to the scientific arenas just because its best to be educated and see where they are coming from and why.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stacey
Did you mean Islam as the religion she embraced or referring to the "anti-Christianity propoganda pamphlet"?

the question was what religion does she embrace.
According to the information disseminated, one could probably rightly assume Islam is her religion of choice.

As far as Anti-Christianity propoganda, I have no opinion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Life In Return
I will say this though - Unlike other 'religions', the God I serve is alive and not dead.

I'm curious as to why you've placed the word religions, presumably in context about non-Christian religions, in quotes.


Well-known member
As this is the Deep Thoughts section, IMO this is where this topic should be discussed. I am just opposed to the manner in which it was presented. If you want to have a discussions about religion, bashing one is not the way to do it.

As I said before, the use of the word "we" is also what bugged me. It appears as if a group, which I can assume is a religious group, put out literature questioning Christianity. That rubs me the wrong way. I frankly could care less what Angelic Me's or anyone's religion is. That is their choice. But, I do have a problem when someone insists on their religion being a better choice for me. That's arrogant and small-minded. My religion is my choice, not theirs.

I was baptised Catholic, but admittedly I'm not a very good one. My family and friends are a mix of Christians, Jews, Muslims and Buddhists. To each their own. I think that you can get wisdom and benefit from many different religions if you open your mind to them. I believe that you can do this and still hold true to your religion of choice.

Angelic Me, I just wonder why you felt the need to begin a thread that questions Christianity? What was your intent?


Well-known member
Stop reading the thread. You know what the contents are. Not a person who is willingly taking part is forcing you to become part of the conversation.
Don't click.


Well-known member
Gotta agree, stop saying screw this if you aren't mature enough to give an actual insight to the discussion!

I think her intent was to really cause us to think. It's interesting though because its fun to see the various thoughts of other people!

Angelic Me!

Active member
Originally Posted by shimmer
Apparently Islam.

The Bible, Quran, Torah, etc. were written by men.
Specifically with the Christian Bible, there are texts missing or eliminated based on what fits and doesnt fit according to what the churches wanted the public to know.
I know what I believe true, however, in my own beliefs, I would never tell someone else what to think.
I question what the Bible says not because I don't believe it but because I do not believe in blindly following anything.
I believe that since the book has been changed over the course of centuries, the texts SHOULD be questioned.

But, I think most (believers or not) would agree that the basic tenets of the Bible (specifically the Ten Commandments and the instructions on how to live a good life) make all who follow them decent people...as long as they're not using them to rationalize punishing others.
I have never believed in killing someone else based on their beliefs and or non beliefs, nor have I believed in killing someone based on "God's will", and you'll find that MOST truly don't believe that either.

Fanatics for or against God are still fanatics, and they give moderates everywhere a bad name.

Dear shimmer..

i totaly agree with you Spicily when you say that the holly bible has been changed over the course of centuries, the texts SHOULD be questioned...thats why they are so many people who Confuse about it ..

yes I`m muslim ..

also .. we all know that the Holly Quran,,the Holly bible and the Torah, etc. were written by men !
but !! what you dont know that all the words are frome Allah (God)
and these men are the massengers --- Prophet--the choesn ones ..
and we all know that the prophet jesus is NOT the god child !! it just can`t be !! he was only the massenger .. between god and the poeple just to teach them and to wise them ...

lets not get way deep in this `Cause it takes 4 ever .. But if you want to hare about it .. just E-Mail me and you welcom any time
beside ,, when i`m talking about the prophet jesus... Im like you wonder were how why and when...!! thats all and we or I have all the respect to you and to all the girls in here....
i just love to learn new things thats all ..
NOt ...

did you know that juese wasn`t dead?? god left him up..when he was only 33 years old !! and god replays jesus with judith....
any way ,,, So many info..and there is no time .. I`m Sorry if i wrot things that bother any one ,, I didn`t mean to ,, i just want to know the truth ,, and i really respect your christianti ....

i will come back soon ....


Angelic Me!

Active member
Dear youbeabitch ,,,

You look a little uncomfortable sorry about that if it's me ..!!
I know for sure that this is a MAKE_UP site that it's all about make-up and stuff…
But.. I can't see why not? Why can we but stuff like that in here just 4 change!
Is not like I but it24\7 ?? is not for any a reason or something!! NO way..!! I just but it because this very important to me `cause I have a lot of a christens childhood friends and I still with them !! and I like to share stuff with this site `Cause I LoOoVe this site So much and I want the boys or girls be more aware about it beside you seem that you take this personal? Is not like i say that you must believe in it !! why are you mad??  take it Easy 

I`ll be back Soon ..

Peace ...


Well-known member
ive been christened..never been to a church in my life
also never read the bible
not a religion fan
this one old woman once stopped me in the street nd was questioning me about 'god' and i said i dont believe in it nd she got v rude and shouted at me to have a nice life


Well-known member
Angelic Me,

This is beginning to concern me as you have obviously not been reading any of my posts. If you will kindly notice (1) I have been among the first to defend YOUR post (2) I have been among the first to tell people that indeed you ARE allowed to post. I am not quite sure what you are talking about.

Other people on here have been uncomfortable (IE: Posts such as Screw this by other members) so I can quite blatently tell you (as I would with any person of any religion) I will tell you when I feel uncomfortable and NEVER on ANY of my Posts have I even SAID I was uncomfortable.

Perhaps it is you who is uncomfortable with me?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Angelic Me!
and these men are the massengers --- Prophet--the choesn ones ..
and we all know that the prophet jesus is NOT the god child !! it just can`t be !! he was only the massenger .. between god and the poeple just to teach them and to wise them ...

This is incorrect. Christ was (and this is speaking from a Christian perspective, so athiests and naysayers, please do not attack this statement) the God Child/Son of God.

What, then, are some of the credentials of the Messiah? Only a few can be listed below; there are many others. All of these passages were recognized by the early rabbis as referring to the Messiah:

Messiah was to be born at Bethlehem: Micah 5:1
Messiah would be from the tribe of Judah: Genesis 49:10
Messiah would present himself by riding on an ass: Zechariah 9:9
Messiah would be tortured to death: Psalm 22
Messiah would arrive before the destruction of the Second Temple: Daniel 9:24-27
Messiah's life would match a particular description, including suffering, silence at his arrest and trial, death and burial in a rich man's tomb, and resurrection: Isaiah 52:13-53:12
In detail as to lineage, birthplace, time, and lifestyle, Jesus matched the Messianic expectations of the Hebrew Scriptures. The record of this fulfillment is to be found in the pages of the New Testament. But several other factors combine to further substantiate the Messiahship of Jesus.

In the first place, he claimed to be the Messiah! When a woman said to him, "I know that Messiah is coming." he replied, "I who speak to you am he."1 Naturally, that doesn't prove anything one way or the other. But if Jesus had never made the claim to be the Messiah, why would we bother to try and prove that he was? His own claim lays the groundwork for the rest of the evidence.
Also, Jesus' life is in sharp contrast to that of the false Messiahs, and it is a positive demonstration of what we would expect the Messiah to do. Thus, Jesus worked many miracles of healing, bringing wholeness into people's lives, forgiving sin and restoring relationships. In contrast with Shabbetai Zevi, for instance, Jesus carried out the Law of Moses as a devout Jew. And in contrast with Bar Kochba, although Jesus also died, he was resurrected!

The resurrection is a third piece of additional evidence, and it is perhaps the most convincing vindication of Jesus' claims. It is interesting that an Israeli scholar, Pinchas Lapide, has written a book which has attracted no small amount of attention in the Jewish community. The reason is that Lapide has said that the resurrection of Jesus is well within the realm of possibility. After all, he reasoned, the Hebrew Scriptures give a number of accounts of people coming back to life. Why not Jesus as well? Regrettably, Lapide fails to note that the resurrection of Jesus is described in terms that go far beyond the resucitations of the other stories; and, he fails to come to grips with the fact that Jesus predicted his own resurrection, which vindicated his claims to Messiahship.

An assortment of explanations has been offered throughout history to explain away the resurrection as either non-historical ("It never happened.") or as non-supernatural ("Here's how it happened."). But these explanations have not been successful. Run down the possibilities for yourself and see which makes the best sense. Did the Roman authorities steal the body of Jesus from the tomb? Then why didn't they produce it when the word started being spread that Jesus was risen? Or maybe the disciples stole it. But could such a fabrication on their part account for the change in their attitude? Three days earlier they were disillusioned, defeated idealists who had hoped that Jesus would bring in a new world order; could a lie which they knew to be a lie, now account for their hope, their boldness in the face of official persecution, and for the high ethical standards they set?
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