Originally Posted by quandolak
Ok well someone said that the quaran opresses women.. Now this really does my head in cos is this seriously the best people can come up with time and time again. For a start it is completley untriue and also other major religion have verses that translate to far more severe or *oppressive* acts.
One of the main reasons i became a muslim is because it treats women more fairly. I am treated better now than when i was anglican or at one point catholic. When i was anglican and at school and in society in general women are judged on rather meaningless points. And we were treated like bits of meat. The quaran gives me more rights than many woman in first world christian countries have in this day and age. But people get obsessive with telling me their little quotes of some lame site with incorrect Translation. Well GIVE UP cos i can speak fluent arabic so there is no point in trying to pull the wool over my eyes.
Also i feel much more free wearing the hijab than i did not wearing it. biut as always the free christian country i live in is so *free* that it wants me to take it off to show that repressed freedom they love..freedom that means all options are not available but infact only a few..lame.....
i have been thrown out of playgroups etc..one woman found out i was going to the same one as her and promptly told me to leave or she would go to anotjer group..so i told he well looks like u will have to go... she said she didnt want to let her son be influenced by people with oppressive ideas...i said ''thats a shame cos you were doing a wonderful job as it is''....she never came back...all cos she was too scared to learn something new or challenge her ignorant views...
Also the largest percentage of converts to islam are young women and the main reaon they give is that it gives them more freedom and rights..i canserioulsy hand on heart say that i am treated wonderfully now..people have such respect...its not that i want people worhipping me but its nice to have some ammount of manners and thought put into how men act..which i never saw before...
Either way ive never said christian women are oppressed but my experiences have been better as a muslim...But they seem to have no problem telling me all these aimless quotes that arent even translated properly to back up their pushy attacks. Im not attacking your religon or what you belive in..i belive everyone should be allowed to belive in what they want. But why are muslim free for all to attack?...Im not desperate to prove someone elses religion meaningless but some people on this forum serioulsy spend ridiculous amounts of time on doing just that. Also it rather contradicts their own religions teachings on such subjects. Its rather sad needing to demean others beliefs while no even being able to stick to your own and with the full knowladge that you are copy pasting of venomous sites set up to breed hate.
I am going to respectfully disagree that Muslims are free for all attack.
Because too many different comics, printed, filmed, and spoken, have skewered the Catholic Church for the molestation scandals.
With no reprimand. In fact, much of the world laughs when they do it (don't believe me? Check out Southpark's ratings for episodes where they do just that.)
Because too many editorials cartoons, movies (Hi. DOGMA anyone?), jokes, columns, etc. are written and performed and displayed poking fun at Christ, his sacrifice, and his life.
And it's okay, by the rest of the world. When Christians speak out POLITELY or PEACABLY they are called "RIGHT WINGERS" or "BIBLE THUMPERS".
But...when a cartoon is drawn of Muhammed, fires erupt. People are shot. Stores are looted. Violence is
sanctioned and
acted out on and
threatened and everyone should just be OKAY with that.
THAT is what gives Muslims a bad name.
I don't follow the Muslim faith.
I have no intention of EVER following the Muslim faith.
I don't hold ANY sanctity what so
ever of or to the Muhammed, and I don't ever intend to.
I say that not as disrespect, but because I want to prove a point.
If I choose to screen print a picture of the turban bomb muhammed drawing and wear it on a tshirt,
I have that right. AND I have the right to do so without fear of being killed, shot, injured, or targeted.
But I can't. And, honestly I wouldn't, out of respect for the number of Muslims in my area.
Yet, when I see people wearing the shirts mocking Christ, the entire world is all cool with that.
So I ask you...who gives Muslims a bad name? And...why is it okay to mock Christianity, but not Islam?