Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia from girly_face


Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

ahhh i'm so stupid!! i bought coco from her..i cancelled my payment though so hopefully can cancel the whole thing..i shall leave negative feedback!


Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

I feel so ashamed to be a chinese! HAHAHA Nah just kidding! I know what they're like! I just want my money back!

Originally Posted by caffn8me
and if you believe that, you'll believe anything. If an eBay seller admits the products they are selling are fake then they are admitting to a criminal offence.

She knows full well the products are fake. With a name like "T. Lee" it's more than likely she's ethnic Chinese sourcing these pigments from friends and relatives in China. As a nation, the Chinese have no concept of intellectual property. This isn't being racist, it's a cultural observation. In China, the tradition is to copy the master's work. The master will always hold back something so that their apprentices can't achieve the same level as the master. Copying is endemic in China. A friend who is a professor at a Hong Kong university tried to fail a degree student because they had copied their entire thesis. She was overruled and the student got a degree.

I would still urge you to take up the matter with consumer protection.



Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

Originally Posted by Xqueeze_me
If she finds out that we've been discussing about her MAC Pigments here, she probably would either not pay us back the refund or open a new ebay account!

That's not as big a problem as you think becuase she's based in Australia and so are you which means that you can (and should) complain via your local consumer protection team. There's a leaflet produced by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission titled Internet Auctions which you might find useful. I'm not sure where you are based in australia, but the seller is near Newcastle, NSW. You can contact Newcastle Office of Fair Trading here for advice on what you should do. Getting professional advice will cost you nothing and would be a very good next step.


Well-known member
It's worth noting that girly_face doesn't accept PayPal and has set recent auctions to private so that buyers who have been ripped off can't tell recent buyers that the products are fake.


Well-known member
Thanks a lot for the helpful response with the ACCC, caffn8me!

Have a lovely Easter!

Originally Posted by caffn8me
It's worth noting that girly_face doesn't accept PayPal and has set recent auctions to private so that buyers who have been ripped off can't tell recent buyers that the products are fake.


New member
gee where does one start?
this seems like a good place
It's worth noting that girly_face doesn't accept PayPal and has set recent auctions to private so that buyers who have been ripped off can't tell recent buyers that the products are fake.

oh and you know this because....i told you? the reason is because alot of my buyers have requested i have private auctions so people dont know where they bought their products! In case you havent read my feedback i havent had buyers claim they have been ripped off by me thanks!
Another point, i am not asian. I buy my products from the states from a seemingly well known supplier who supplies alot of ebay powersellers (some of which you have openly praised on this site so thats LAUGHABLE)
She knows she's selling fakes so you should get eBay involved from the start. Nothing less than a full refund including postage and packing costs is acceptable. She is committing a criminal offence by selling counterfeit goods.

i KNOW im selling fake goods do i? NO all i have to go on is the word of two members off this forum. One who has left me good feedback already, if my products were SO obviously fake why not tell me? why not make me aware of the fact? why leave positive feedback? If you were fooled why is it unfeasible i have been?
I havent verified with MAC that they are indeed fake however i HAVE offered full refunds to you two because my customers are unhappy, a fact that was never mentioned i see...
does it ever occur to anyone perhaps the SELLERS get ripped off by suppliers? if they are fake its ME who has lost the most here isnt it? its MY money that wont be refunded not anyone off ebay! I am the one who has taken down my listings till this gets sorted out, IM the one offering refunds, IM the one doing the honourable thing yet you are all going behind my back acting like you have all been ripped off! I FOUND OUT YESTERDAY! NONE of you told me! you decided to go to all the effort of writing it on a FORUM but talking to me about it wasnt causing enough drama obviously. Might i add as soon as i FOUND out they MAY be fake i yanked my listings, offered full refunds and have contacted my supplier demanding authenticity receipts.
So how exactly do I benefit here? by handing out refunds? NEWSFLASH: I've been ripped off too if they are INDEED fake!
Like one of you pointed out, i could just close down my account and open another and not issue any refunds! it would take me all of 5 minutes with a cup of coffee, yet i do the honourable thing here and refund people and im a 'criminal'?
Am I too nice or what?? :/ I've also warned some buyers about the products she sells/sold AND I've reported her to eBay about her selling the fake MAC Pigments. Am I right to do warn buyers and report her to eBay?

Go for it, i will also be contacting ebay about you contacting my buyers when the correct thing to do is work it out with me and ebay. I have had to hide my feedback because you have taken it upon yourself to contact people on my list who like yourself arent happy with a refund and are threatening myself and my family with physical harm. Thats why my feedback is now private.
ahhh i'm so stupid!! i bought coco from her..i cancelled my payment though so hopefully can cancel the whole thing..i shall leave negative feedback!

You left me a msg on ebay saying you wouldnt leave negative feedback, yet im the untrustworthy one here?
Hey! Glad you're doing the right thing but don't leave a negative feedback until I get my refund! HAHAHA I'll let you know when I receive the refund from her!

If she finds out that we've been discussing about her MAC Pigments here, she probably would either not pay us back the refund or open a new ebay account

i should do that, the way you are all carrying on you would deserve no less.
however unlike you lot who are just bent on a bit of drama and find this amusing, i have potentially lost ALOT of money here and been ripped off myself yet that doesnt matter does it? not a possible sc enario is it?
i am a moral person and will not run off with peoples money and will resolve all complaints i have.
Arent you all lucky im not like you eh?
xqueeze me: you disgust me. you are DEPLORABLE!


Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

I apologise for my actions, for not discussing the issue with you (girly_face) first and publicly diss you and the items you sold.

Received refund.

My main aim was only to differentiate between authentic and fake MAC Pigments.

Yes, I left her 3 positive feedbacks but that was the mistake on my part because I was happy that I received the items and didn't do my research properly first.

Originally Posted by girly_face
i am a moral person and will not run off with peoples money and will resolve all complaints i have.
Arent you all lucky im not like you eh?
xqueeze me: you disgust me. you are DEPLORABLE!



Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

Originally Posted by astronaut
Whoa! They're THAT bad??

Originally Posted by Ambi
Well, they might contain just about anything, like rat poison, there's no way of knowing [without some professional chemistry] and people who make these probaby don't give a crap if someone goes blind or something, they just want your money.

There was a very timely article about China's counterfeit culture published about a week ago in The Age in Australia which states;
Originally Posted by The Age
Foods are counterfeited and may contain non-specified ingredients that cause allergic reactions and illness. In 2004, more than 200 babies reportedly died in China after being given counterfeit infant formula with harmful ingredients. Counterfeiting in China is utterly unconstrained by ethics or morality.

So now you know. The full article, which is very much worth a read, is here


Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

Originally Posted by caffn8me
There was a very timely article about China's counterfeit culture published about a week ago in The Age in Australia which states;
So now you know. The full article, which is very much worth a read, is here

Oh my gosh, I had no idea it was that bad! Thanks for the article! I found it very interesting!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by girly_face

You left me a msg on ebay saying you wouldnt leave negative feedback, yet im the untrustworthy one here?

sorry i wrote on here before i even contacted you! you have been nice to me through ebay!

but i wouldn't want other people to buy fake products, that's why i initially planned on leaving the negative feedback, as it's hard to prove online if you were actually concerned or not!

i do feel sorry for you if you have been ripped off, i don't think i'm going to buy anywhere apart from official mac site now!!


Well-known member
What I think is funny is that girly_face would even create an account to write back about all this stuff. So, some people on a forum wrote negative things about you... boo hoo, cry over your cup of coffee. Are you truly that insecure that you have to validate yourself on the internet, or is sittin at the computer playing with Ebay your full time job and life? Even if these individuals do report you, the only reason you should be worried about it is if you KNOW you are doing something wrong! If it truly is your supplier, can you not prove it, or are you afraid of some reprimand?

This whole thing is comical, not only because she wasted time outta her life to indulge her own fears of being slandered by written word, she created an account just to do it.
Then again there are ppl that apologized for what they said. This is comical too. Get some backbone, or would you like to borrow one? You posted it, at the time what you said were your intentions. Maybe you shouldn't have said it, but you did. She read it. If you were as worried about it as you seemed earlier, post after post, why back down because she said how her side was. She didn't get on here to apologize to you. In a business management class I took in college it said that statistically womens' weakness in business was apologizing too much.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Suzyn
Then again there are ppl that apologized for what they said. This is commical too. Get some backbone, or would you like to borrow one? You posted it, at the time what you said were your intentions. Maybe you shouldn't have said it, but you did. She read it. If you were as worried about it as you seemed earlier, post after post, why back down because she said how her side was. She didn't get on here to appologize to you. In a business management class I took in college it said that statistically womens' weakness in business was appologizing too much.

Geez, that is STRONG but thank you for the info!
I really do need to strengthen myself and stop apologising as I tend to let people getaway with using guilt against me! GAH!


Well-known member
Hi girls !
First excuse my English, I'm French and it's really hard for me to have a good english enough to explain everything i'd like to tell. lol
I've read the hole conversation,and picked by curiosity, went to see girly_face auctions actually.

This auction: (I know it's not MAC..)
http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Chanel-paris-pressed-powder-no-255-light-to-medium_W0QQitemZ200103793111QQihZ010QQcategoryZ117 348QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem


This Chanel packaging does not exist, and the color too. (And I'm totally sure of it!)

I think her perfumes are fakes too ...

We should ( and must) inform Ebay and the brands for these auctions.


Well-known member
I actually went to Chanel and asked (nicely of course!) if I could have a look at the Pressed Powder packaging. It is indeed wrong/fake compared to the lot of Pressed Poweder packaging that I saw at the Chanel counter.

Plus, it should say "Pressed Powder", not Press Powder.


girly_face is full of BS really! She mentions that she pulled her listings as soon as she was told there could be an issue with counterfeit products....not true.

At the time of posting this thread I had emailed her requesting further photo's of goods...I received piks.and then wrote to her to say I thought they were fakes....and advised her to check ebay guides and here on spektra to confirm....didn't hear back from her...and that was months back...so there's a flaw in her story right off.

girly_face, you are knowingly selling fake products and that is all there is to it!


girly_face offered me a refund for an e/s and pigment, so I returned them and - surprise! No reply to my messages now and no refund has made itself my way..


Well-known member
WOW! Look who replied on here last month with a HUGE LONG post about having morals and offering refunds to other buyers who bought the crap fakes off her. I DON'T THINK SO!

I can't believe I had to apologise to girly_face when clearly SHE is the one who is wrong and dishonest! She stopped responding to any of the messages I sent after I received my refund. Since that apology's been said, the seller has been telling lies to one of our members and won't give refunds because the seller wants a "verification letter" which is IMPOSSIBLE to obtain! Staff at the MAC Counters and MAC Concept Store are not authorised to write any documents especially to verify items. So the seller said she wants that before doing a refund THEN when the buyer said it is NOT obtainable, girly_face twisted the words around SAYING they can't obtain the verification letter because the items they bought from her are authentic. BS!

Seller also claims that, 'at first with them i refunded no question until i read an email with one of them gloating she had contacted all my customers and 'lets see how long she stays in business for HAHAHA girls you know where to get your free MAC!" '. NO email proof for that! Yes, I messaged her and apologised for messaging her customers and I can prove that but not the part where she claims that I said something about the business duration and freebies.

Seller has also told me that she pulled her listings when a few people told her that her MAC Pigments are fake and won't sell them anymore. Couple of weeks later, her feedbacks pop up with thanks from unsuspecting buyers who bought those garbage fakes from her!

ALSO, she claims that she had asked her supplier for authenticity receipts, also claimed that she had contacted eBay and MAC regarding this matter, "i have spoken with ebay and mac myself and this is my policy. IF you think its fake simply get me a letter. 100% refund guarranteed if mac says they are in a letter to me which i will verify". That's total BS because she did NOT show any proof to support her claims!

I buy my products from the states from a seemingly well known supplier who supplies alot of ebay powersellers (some of which you have openly praised on this site so thats LAUGHABLE) - girly_face

I want to sell M·A·C products. What should I do?
While we appreciate your interest in M·A·C products, please be advised that our products are distributed for sale only at our authorised retail store accounts, the majority of which are located in major department stores or international perfumeries. While there are other points of sale, we are not seeking to expand our distribution network at this time and we do not offer franchises.

Make-up Art Cosmetics, Inc. 2007, Product Information, http://www.maccosmetics.com.au/custo..._prodinfo.tmpl (4th May 2007)

In other words, there is nowhere legitimate anyone can buy authentic MAC items wholesale for onward resale.

I have also received a reply from MAC Consumer Communications who said that, "It is out of their hands as eBay is not one of their accounts. We trust you can understand that we are unable to assume responsibility for unauthorized representation of our product". Once again in other words, obtaining verification letters are IMPOSSIBLE!

I have proof/evidence to support my claims! BEAT THAT!

Girly_face: YOU disgust me and YOU are the deplorable + dishonest one!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Xqueeze_me
I want to sell M·A·C products. What should I do?
While we appreciate your interest in M·A·C products, please be advised that our products are distributed for sale only at our authorised retail store accounts, the majority of which are located in major department stores or international perfumeries. While there are other points of sale, we are not seeking to expand our distribution network at this time and we do not offer franchises.

Make-up Art Cosmetics, Inc. 2007, Product Information, http://www.maccosmetics.com.au/custo..._prodinfo.tmpl (4th May 2007)

Ohhh! Impressed with the proper citation and everything!
You rock!