Why are we so obsessed with makeup?


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I second all the above - it's fun and artistic, etc. I love doing makeup for my costumes - it's easily my favorite part!

One thing I like about makeup is that, unless you're allergic to ALL of it, it's pretty much open to anyone - and it kind of levels the playing field to some degree! A key part of it for me: I don't like the idea that beauty is something "natural" that you're either born with or not. I think what we think of as "natural beauty" isn't really natural, anyway (the pictures we see in magazines certainly isnt - even if she isn't wearing much makeup she's probably Photoshopped, had surgery, etc.)

I don't think complimenting someone on what amounts to an accident of genetics (or criticizing them for the same) is particularly kind or fair or just. Why not just think of our "looks" as something we create? Sure, there are limitations (I'll never be 5'10" in bare feet), but I can make my eyes look bigger, sexier, and more striking. Or just more colorful and fun.

I always laugh when people feel makeup is "cheating." On what? That's like saying clothes cheat by hiding our naked bodies from scrutiny. It's all about enhancement, and approaching beauty as something one can manipulate and celebrate, rather than just being bummed that genetics didn't bestow "perfection" upon you without you ever having to lift a finger. No one will never be perfect, but it takes a certain amount of self-acceptance to really play up what you've got.

If that makes ANY sense...!


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I'm a computer artist as well, working in the 3D industry as a texture/surface artist. I work insanely long hours (12-16 a day, weekends included) to meet my production schedule for a 3D content provider. Both my husband (also in the computer industry, although not in digital art) and I work out of the house.

Although I have always been the sort who never leaves the house without makeup, pulled together clothing, etc, things escalated over the last year asmy job has become extremely stressful. Around the time things got really crazy, I realized that I really needed to take a break in the middle of my work day, get some exercise - there's no other way to push pixels around a screen and manipulate models other than sitting - and clear my mind.

Enter my makeup obsession - the perfect creative mind clearer. My collection has grown immensely since April of last year. I had to graduate from a small-ish 4 compartment makeup bag to a 3 level traincase monster on wheels. My birthday is in two weeks, and I asked for a makeup table, a beautiful gold lacquer and painted thing. It will certainly not accomodate all my makeup, but it will give me dedicated area to play

Most of my shopping is done online, which doesn't get me out and away from work. About the only regular outing I force myself to take is to the MAC counter for a peek at the new collections. I don't buy everything, by any means, but somehow, even not buying everything, I have outgrown my immense traincase.

I love doing other people's makeup as well, however, I doubt I would want to this for a living. Its more of a stress relieving hobby, a way of giving myself something to look forward to that makes the long days more bearable.

Don't get me wrong - I love the basics of my job, its incredibly challenging, super creative and I get the rare luxury (for a working artist) of taking my projects in any direction I envision. However, without the daily makeup therapy pause, I think I would lose my mind. It helps me focus and become centered again, and as such, is wonderfully therapeutic.


Active member
For me, I was never good at drawing or painting and I feel kinda of envious of people who are good at that stuff. They get to work with all kinds of paints and crayons and canvases and brushes, etc and i really have no use for that fun stuff... So I guess make up is an artistic/creative outlet for me. I love collecting all the different colors and textures and products.

I have a fairly large collection, and I don't use all of it all the time, but its satisfying to have the *perfect* red lipstick when you need it, or to have a lot of fun and funky options when you're getting dressed up to go out with friends to a club, or more sophiscated options if you're going on an interview or to the theatre.

I think some people are turned off by make up, or even intimidated by it, because they haven't found the products or colors that work for them. But when you *do* find those holy grail items, the ones that make you feel pampered and really enhance your natural beauty, all the hunting and experimenting and collecting becomes worth it!

Another Janice!

Well-known member
With the exception of some brown eyeliner from time to time, I never gave makeup much thought.

I had a Caboodle filled with "junk" makeup, that I never used unless I was bored.

This might sound odd, but that all changed when I became a mom.

When I became a mom, my attitude in and about life changed. No longer was I responsible just for myself. I couldn't sleep just whenever I wanted. Friends couldn't call at 11pm to go out and I'd be ready in 15minutes. My life and body were no longer mine. My being belonged to the baby....my boobs belonged to the baby. Then at the end of the day, I also had a husband that needed my attention. I always felt that my identity had somehow been changed.

A few months after my first son was born, my sister and I attended a MAC event. The MA just blew me away with how he made me look. Yes, it was a little over the top, had I done it myself (and had I known how to apply it), I probably would have toned it down some, but nonetheless I loved it. No longer was I the tired, ragged looking new mom who's favorite new clothing item was black sweatpants. I looked human. I looked pretty. When my sister and I came back home after the event, my husband actually stood up and told me "you look great".

Now there are still many days when me and the boys are at home all day, with my hair a mess, wearing sweat pants and some spaghetti-handprinted t shirt, but when I get ready for work at my part time evening job, or out to run errands, putting on my makeup and making myself look pretty is often the highlight of my day.

It's crazy the way I look before I do my makeup and hair compared to after. It really looks (and feels) like a completely other person.


Well-known member
Hi this is an interested topic and I would like to add a few comments. Firstly a little background about me. I grew up as a Tom Boy, in fact in some ways I still am. In addition my profession is male dominated and can be rather "testosterone" fuelled. So, for me, makeup is like this need to get in touch with my feminine side. It completes that innate part of me. I used to think being "tough" meant I had to act "masculine". But the older I get the more I realized I can look pretty, feminine and just be a woman and still be tough, smart and driven
I hope I am making sense

I too agree with the artistic/creative satisfaction of makeup. In addition, makeup in my view is just part of personal grooming. Naturally we enjoy being around someone who keeps clean (showers), is tidy (grooming & dress) and makeup is not much different than that. Don’t get me wrong, more makeup is not better but attention is definitely appreciated. I can’t speak for everyone else but when I see a nicely put together woman or man walking down the street I just naturally take an extra longer look

Lastly when you mentioned your editor was sort of "anti-makeup" I think it really depends on how you perceive what the meaning of wearing makeup means. For some people they may view it as society's expectation to keep up with the ideal beauty or oppression of women to be deemed as “attractive" in a man's eye. But for me, I wear makeup for myself and not for anyone else, and that's the honest truth. I am comfortable going outside with no makeup but to me it's part of my presentation. It’s the same as if I couldn’t shower for days because I would just feel dirty and gross and that has nothing to do with society or what a man thinks about me. It’s just how I feel about myself. HTH.


Well-known member
Makeup is very cathartic to me, I would say I'm addicted for sure. I love color & texture and the feel of it sometimes, it still amazes me when somehting new and different comes out, like you would think everything would be invented by now.

I love to wear makeup because it allows me to be whoever I want to be that day, I could be a smokey eyed vixen, a shy waif, or a hollywood bombshell. It lets me be a artist & inventor (making your own products by mixing colors, products, etc.). I don't feel complete until it's on, I don't feel polished. . I think I'm pretty without and often times I do forgo it to do simple errands (okay, not totally maybe a little mascara & gloss!). Similerly, I like to do makeup on other people for a living because I get so much joy (I know it sounds corny.....) from seeing their eyes light up and their confidence grow just from a quick swipe of lipstick or a swirl on the cheeks. It fascinates me to see people go from 0 to 60 in one second when they look in the mirror.


Well-known member
I am obsessed with make up because it makes me up, it makes me up into anyone I want to be, and anyone I can pretend to be. It lets me create a new person each time I wear it, I love to play with colors, I love all colors and variety. I guess our faces are canvases and we create an fine painting when we put on make up and it truly does make women beautiful, I feel so much better when I wear make up compared to when I don't wear make up.


Well-known member
i have always been into makeup. i only started loving mac in the summer, and by next summer i may not any more. i have a very obessive personality, so something else might come along that i attach myself to.

but i tend to obsess about things that i am good at or have the potential to be good at (usually artistic things)

simply though, it's fun and i like to look different but not to an extent that would single me out as weird. being able to experiment with different colours and looks is fun too.


Well-known member
I'm obsessed with makeup and always have been.
I like it because you can make people feel good about themselves, feel prettier and to give them a new look and perspective into how things can look. Its also a creative outlet, which is why I prefer big dramatic look with lots of color and bright colors compared to "natural" makeup...
I feel inspired by people, which hopefully I can pass on and inspire other people with color.
Its also a way to bring out confidence to those who can sometimes get a little shy, and to define certain areas which you love and minimize those you aren't so fond of.
I love color and I love seeing people in color when this world is sometimes so black and white. I like to mix it up and make people look and think twice and not be so judgemental...

That doesn't really make sense I'm sure, but it does to me... LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Another Janice!
With the exception of some brown eyeliner from time to time, I never gave makeup much thought.

I had a Caboodle filled with "junk" makeup, that I never used unless I was bored.

This might sound odd, but that all changed when I became a mom.


Damn girl, you made my eyes water, this is so cute, and me being afraid of someday being a mom, makes me kind of long to be

For me sice I never pursued art after high school it's an artistic outlet. (And also an excuse I use for having soo much makeup). Though it's also for confience. I can't believe how much better I am treated, especially by random people when I'm out and about, or shopping. I do have very striking features, but makeup plays them up sooo much. My boyfriend always loves when I do my eyes and lashes. I tell him sometimes, I have too much on
and he'll say you're still hot as hell, with none little or too much, it doesn't matter. What sucks is my love for gloss is fading. I rather get smooches than have gloss on. lol . So yeah.....it's a mix of both artistic/confidence.


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I like the transformation aspect of it (particularly when I need to go from looking dead to alive in the morning).
The artistic and soothing-morning-ritual parts, as everyone else has mentioned, are also huge reasons why I enjoy it so much.


Well-known member
I've been into cosmetics since I was about 12 and my friend and I would sit in study hall together and go through our lipglosses and balms, all spread out on the table. Our teacher thought we were nuts!

For me, it boosts self-esteem. Putting on foundation and concealer is very tedious for me, but the outcome is worth it. Having acne just makes you want to hide your head in the sand and with the right products, I can give the illusion of a decent complexion.

Also, I'm pretty conservative in every aspect except makeup, which is when I'll break out the different colors and "play." I'm not trendy fashion-wise and stick to the same hairstyle, but with makeup it's so easy to make a change. I love trying to do different glam looks.

Lastly, it's a kind of collection. My MAC and Fyrinnae pigments are just gorgeous to look at, even if I'm not doing anything with them, so it's a sort of eye candy. When you see a color that appears to be green but then switches to brown, well, it's just cool! (What can I say, I'm easily amused.

I hope to read your article!


Well-known member
i believe that make-up enhances certain/different features in different people. And different products/textures/bases/colors etc. determine how these features are accentuated. It makes girls different, and unique depending on how it is used/applied. And i believe that we are now obsessed with it because since most of us girls wear makeup, we see eachother in public and we either envy other girl's makeup or facial features, or we see something on another girl that we think might look good on us as well... and so we go home and try to be the best! or somewhere near it. [admit it... u dont put on makeup to look uglier than the girl sitting next to you do you??] It's always a goal to try and look my best [as im sure it is for the rest of you as well!
] so i think deep down inside [although we are all beautiful and some of us might deny it but...] we are all secretly competing with the girl behind us in line, or the girl walking the other way, or our friends at school/work. And like i said before, the more variety of cosmetics and select features that come with them, the more doors open up for uniqueness and individuality. it is an art. a way to express emotion, trend, personality, etc. and it is a girl thing!
<3 [which of course makes it wonderful!!!!]


Well-known member
In highschool it started with just getting my non-descript asian eyes noticed as a facial feature! I didn't care if people didn't notice I had makeup on, so long as they noticed my eyes. I kept playing around with makeup but never really went further than liner and mascara till preparing for my wedding, when I did my own makeup. My makeover with MAC hoooked me in and it snowballed from there.

Creating my fotd is like putting together an outfit for me, and buying cosmetics was a cheaper way to reinvent myself than to redo my wardrobe. It's also a way of keeping "in style" without clothing; I hate buying "in" clothes which are only "out" 2 years later. I can alter my fotd in a way I can't alter my (entire) wardrobe and (individual) clothing.

As others have said, it's a also a calming time when you just get in "the zone". Going into adulthood and studying for the masters program I'm in, there isn't much time or room for creativity (although some may argue that writing an essay is an art!). Making up my face is my artistic contribution to my day. It also signifies a fresh start from whatever crappiness may have happened the day before.

I also like to challenge myself in this area, building up my skills and trying new things every week (and juggling my budget when a new collection comes out!
). I find it especially challenging because I'm East Asian (specifically, Chinese). Not that our features our harder to work with, but it's difficult to find examples to work from, so I need to see how I can adapt a look on a face with defined cheekbones and a crease in the eye area onto a face with few angles and a eyelid fold. It's an activity in which I can see more tangible results than the courses I'm taking at school!

Lastly, I like collecting things. There's a hint of - I dunno, pride? satisfaction? being part of a special club? - when I get my hands on a limited edition item, especially one from past collections that everyone talks about. And at least by collecting makeup, I'm gathering items I can use - or is that simply another way to justify my obsession?


Active member
I think the appeal is two-fold for me. Firstly, I have always enjoyed the whole transformation side - I used to do stage/special effects stuff as well as cosmetic makeup and the difference you can create with some powder, paint and brushes is just amazing. This also kind of ties in with the whole artistry of makeup - if you're trying out a high-fashion look or something radically different to a normal every day face there is a sense of artistic achievement.

Secondly, self esteem - although this is more me personally than a general comment. I have extremely low self esteem which I suspect is due to my mother always telling me I would be pretty if I lost weight. Which made me feel like I wouldn't be pretty unless I was skinny. I noticed she complimented me a little when I wore makeup. Now I won't go see her with a bare face. I feel much more confident when I have my war paint on


Well-known member
i have always been into makeup. ive worn it since 5th grade (of course they made me take it off) hehe. i have always been into collecting it, and practicing and practicing. i guess it helps me relieve stress, and like someone already mentioned it is a creative outlet. to me it's about harnessing my inner beauty and expressing it like an art. that's why mac is perfect, i think they totally encompass art and creativity, hence the name "makeup art cosmetics" lol


Well-known member
I have always had great admiration for artists, both because of the beauty they create and my inablity to create art myself. I have taken a few art classes, but I have never really been good at it. When I really started getting into makeup, for the first time, I finally felt artistic and creative. So, for the most part, my makeup is my form of artistic expression.