Why are we so obsessed with makeup?


Well-known member
Well, it's a way for me to pamper myself. I like taking it slow and doing my makeup. It can take me 30 minutes to an hour on the nights I make it part of my getting ready ritual.

It calms me down a lot before I go out. I pull out my big magnifying mirror and sit in front of my computer and browse the FOTDs and the forum and I play my favorite music and I make myself pretty.

Yeah, it is a bit of a confidence boost... I feel just fine without it... but on days with it I feel like I can face more because I am at the best I can be physically that day. It makes me feel put together. Granted my real importance is of course the real stuff, not the stuff on the outside. It just helps me face the situation sometimes.

I absolutely don't do it for anyone else- my boyfriend hates when I wear makeup and my girl friends aren't too big on it.

I'm more of a casual user though... but I adore and admire the very artistic side of it- costume makeup, glamour makeup, and abstract makeup. I think it's hard to deny that these types of makeup are an art form. I also like to think that if it came down to it, with work, practice and perseverance I could created a face masterpiece of my own.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I started, because I wasn't allowed to wear it. It was "rebellion" for me in middle school.

I wouldn't say I'm obsessed, because if I really, really wanted to, I could give it up. I consider it more along the lines of my guilty pleasure. I love makeup, because I love color. I don't dress colorfully, oddly enough, but I love looking at color and doing things with color. I love the way makeup looks in the package and on my face. I like doing artsy thing, so it's like being able to paint or draw every single day. I think it's absolutely fascinating how a little blush or eyeliner can enhance a feature, bring out its natural beauty.

It's never been a self-esteem thing for me. I went out today the entire day without anything on my face. I can see how your boss may be anti-makeup if that's where she's coming from, because real self-esteem comes from within
. However, at the end of the day, it's just cosmetics and it's fun.


Active member
I think we use makeup as a form of expression...I think whatever your mood is will reflect what colours your wear on your body and your face. If your mood is not so good dark colours (clothing/eye shadow etc) when your happy you usually wear lighter colours/shadow etc...A perfect example is that a nice red lipstick will always seem to bring your spirits up when wearing it.

The hunt for the holy grail cosmetic item that you just cant live without. Either trying to find it on E-bay or swapping for it. Once the deal is closed and you have it you usually are off looking for another coveted item that is a HG or that people are giving rave reviews on. The discontinued item or Limited Edition items really make you give chase! And it just keeps going on and on...it really seems to be a addiction. Especially the MAC pigments!


Well-known member
I really like this thread because as a busy college student, I am constantly trying to be more efficient so I need to have a good justification of everything that I invest my time and money into...

I have a very addictive personality, especially with collecting things. I prefer to collect useful things, like pens, erasers, etc (no beanie babies for me) and makeup (especially MAC) is the perfect outlet for this need of mine.

I've never been exceptionally comfortable with the way I look, but I don't go around with cakes of makeup on my face. In fact, most of my friends are surprised when I tell them I wear makeup. I use makeup to enhance my face, to accentuate the things I like on my face and de-emphasize the things I don't like. For me, makeup is a much better use of time than drinking or other forms of narcotics, and I use the time that I apply makeup in the morning as a meditative time where I collect myself to begin the new day.

I also just recently started experimenting on other people (using all the skills and tricks I learn on specktra) and I love the confidence booster that my friends get after i finish their faces and they look in the mirror for the first time and see a better, more enhanced version of themselves. I am on a career path that is far from makeup (finance and mathematics), and as much as I love the intense rigor and usefulness of what I learn in school, there is nothing that compares to giving people confidence by helping them look better.


Well-known member
Its just so much fun to me. I think it makes me look beautiful and its fun to play with all the colors and finishes and different things....its just fun!

I never considered myself an artist ever. But makeup is an art. This is the one thing that truly interests me...it is my absolute favorite thing.


Well-known member
I've been into makeup since I was a small child. It all started with the stage makeup we would use for dance recitals. I loved the dramatic looks, and would always practice the makeup for days before the recitals.

Gradually as I got into my later teens I began to acquire more makeup and more skills, with some MAC consultations along the way. I found that it really boosted my confidence and made me feel like a polished lady.

After graduating from University, I moved to rural Japan. I now have a decent salary and can afford to buy more MAC than ever before.

I've always been involved in the arts, whether it be through classic dance, music, etc. However, I never could get a decent grasp on painting, drawing etc. Makeup has become just another artform in my life.

I live in the rural boonies, alone. I have a fair amount of spare time, and makeup has filled a large void. This forum has inspired me a lot to try new looks, and I've learned a lot. The youtube makeup gurus also inspire me.

Lastly, it's a bit of a rebellion. I have to dress conservatively for my job, no wild hair colors, piercings, nail colors or makeup. Thus, on the weekdays I perfect my neutral looks, and on the weekends I go a little crazy with fun colours.



Well-known member
When I was in my teens and twenties I was a model while in school, and I was used to either being made up or having to do my own makeup. In my twenties and thirties I played in a band, and did work that involved some degree of presentation. Even in my current job as a nurse, presentation is very imortant. People have to look at my face, so I try to make it look good. I also have a few art degrees and had gone to cosmetology school (in my late teens) so makeup is a creative outlet. It's also playtime for adults. At the age of 45, I am not interested in looking younger, not interested in every little trend, but I am interested in exploiting what I have to work with naturally. I adore the idea of a mature woman who has not been botoxed and altered looking sophisticated and sexy. It's very empowering. I don't see it for me -as a super girly, femmey thing, more like a tool-like a "power tie" would be for a male. I like that little bit of glamour time before work...its like having a pep rally, its my mental preparedness as well. I wear makeup even when I am not going anywhere....I wear it for myself. It's kind of odd- I'm not interested in clothing or shoes, I don't carry a pocket book, I'm not what a person would call feminine. I do, however, have a "ton" of makeup. I'm rather obsessed with it-finding the right shade or the perfect textureof lipstick to me is a total rush.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Its just so much fun to me. I think it makes me look beautiful and its fun to play with all the colors and finishes and different things....its just fun!

I never considered myself an artist ever. But makeup is an art. This is the one thing that truly interests me...it is my absolute favorite thing.

This is how I feel too

Yesterday, a friend of mine told me that some freaks on a message board started talking sh*t about me on the fact that I love makeup...

Yeah so what?
I prefer being who I am than being the lying/frustrated person they are...

I mean, what is the problem with people?
I don't use makeup to look like a clown, I'm not an artist and a professionnal but never people came up to me saying I was wearing too much makeup. I don't even wear foundation!


Well-known member
Quite honestly, I enjoy the act of putting it on and the sensation of putting it on with brushes. I'm crap at drawing so make up is a creative outlet for me and funnily enough it inspires me with colour combinations for my dread making business lol.


Well-known member
Umm....'cause its cheaper, and more versatile than tatoos.

I love the artistry of makeup, and the ability it gives me to express myself with color. I love the same thing about tats, but lets face it... they're very expensive and they don't wash off. Makeup's not a long-term commitment.


Well-known member
well ive always loved art and im a very creative person. I love practising with makeup, different colours, different shapes and using different tools for every product. I love how it can make you look a million dollars and more 'awake' rather than looking the same person all the time. Theres also many different styles out there, right now i LOVE 50's pin up style makeup because you can have it looking natural or dramatic. Theres so many other reasons why i love it but i would be here all day lol


Well-known member
Several reasons:

It's a great way to express mood and creativity
It gives me a moment to myself in the morning to have some down time
I think it enhances features
Working as a make up artist as well it's great to see people look at themselves in a new light when you've shown them a new colour or a foundation. A lot of times you get these women who have forgot about themselves. They have kids and get wrapped up in life and the 'me time' just goes out the window. It's lovely when you get them feeling fresh again and they say they haven't felt this pretty in years. It's just about taking care of yourself.

Some people have a very negative out look on make up and think it's about 'masking oneself' but I think it's a real positive thing .

There's a quote on the mac site by one of the artist that I really liked to describe it :

"The process of moving from a creative impulse to a practical application."
-Dave S