Will gay marriage lead to the downfall of society?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
No they're not speaking out against it.
They're stoning or killing or ostracizing anyone who dares to live the lifestyle. That's WAY better.

Ugh. I know you know what I'm saying. I am strictly speaking in the US and Canada, because that's where this topic (for prop 8 if I'm not mistaken) was started for. I'm pretty sure no one has been stoned to death in the States or Canada in a very, very long time unless it was an accident.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by knoxydoll
Ugh. I know you know what I'm saying. I am strictly speaking in the US and Canada, because that's where this topic (for prop 8 if I'm not mistaken) was started for. I'm pretty sure no one has been stoned to death in the States or Canada in a very, very long time unless it was an accident.

I do know what you're saying, but at the same time, I wouldn't want to champion any bigotry based on the "well they have the opinion but they don't talk about it" stance. the only reason those things don't happen here is because we have some pretty serious laws against them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JennieHere
How soon do people forget that America is also a Christian nation founded by Christian people on Christian fundamentals...hence the multiple scripture passages in our government buildings and the obvious "One Nation, under God" in our pledge and "In God We Trust" on our currency. Gay marriage goes against that 100%.

If you dont like the Christian principles this country is based on, your free to move to a different country also. We shouldnt have to change our laws for 1% of the population. (the amount who consider themselves "same-sex" couples)

Sure, we're a nation of tolerance...to a certain extent.

Not true... This point is highly offensive. You are basically saying if you don't believe in Christianity you should move to another country? Who are you or anyone for that matter to say who and who not should live here or who or should not have civil rights etc?

I am open to hearing all sides of a debate but this is a ludicrous statement. Our forefathers, or founding fathers came here to escape persecution. Yes America is not as tolerant as we would hope but hopefully we are getting there. Every human being should have the same rights, obviously this is my personal opinion and everyone has a right to their own.

I don't know... am I stepping into a fire pit here?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FemmeFatale
Not true... This point is highly offensive. You are basically saying if you don't believe in Christianity you should move to another country? Who are you or anyone for that matter to say who and who not should live here or who or should not have civil rights etc?

I am open to hearing all sides of a debate but this is a ludicrous statement. Our forefathers, or founding fathers came here to escape persecution. Yes America is not as tolerant as we would hope but hopefully we are getting there. Every human being should have the same rights, obviously this is my personal opinion and everyone has a right to their own.

I don't know... am I stepping into a fire pit here?

I quit reading after the first few posts. It was my belief that the OP just wanted to plug her blog. I'm sure it got fire pit-y which is why I didn't go through it. It seemed like she just came in, dropped a bomb and rode out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JennieHere
How soon do people forget that America is also a Christian nation founded by Christian people on Christian fundamentals...hence the multiple scripture passages in our government buildings and the obvious "One Nation, under God" in our pledge and "In God We Trust" on our currency. Gay marriage goes against that 100%.

If you dont like the Christian principles this country is based on, your free to move to a different country also. We shouldnt have to change our laws for 1% of the population. (the amount who consider themselves "same-sex" couples)

Sure, we're a nation of tolerance...to a certain extent.

Wow, I didn't make it far down the list before this offended me. Let me say this: I am a heterosexual female with absolutely no agenda.

Have you read your Bible? Seriously read it and taken to heart what Christ taught? Christ taught acceptance and tolerance. He taught charity. And he taught unconditional love. Read your Bible.

Gay marriage will not be the down fall of the nation--because it is not a sin to love who you love. Marriage is not a religious movement, it is purely governmental. WHY? Because if you aren't married you can't have any rights to your mate's property or health or anything. Gay marriage will only be one more thing to make pretty green money off of, just like heterosexual marriage. But of course I think we should legalize prostitution so we can tax their incomes and they can form a union and have health care. But mostly so we can tax them...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BlueMoonDoll
But of course I think we should legalize prostitution so we can tax their incomes and they can form a union and have health care. But mostly so we can tax them...

They definitely could benefit from the health care. ...and maybe we'd get out of debt if we taxed their income...hmmm...but what would we do about the pimps? Do we keep the pimps, which would bump the prostitutes into a lower tax bracket, because they take a huge chunk of their money...or do we lose the pimps and make them find jobs where they have to work for their money (cuz, I'm sorry, 'keepin' your pimp hand strong' just doesn't qualify as work in my eyes...
)? And of course, the following lyric popped into my head just now; 'she works hard for the money...so hard for it honey...she works hard for the money so you better treat her riiiiight'.

Half N Half

Well-known member
Originally Posted by ForgetRegret
Do we keep the pimps, which would bump the prostitutes into a lower tax bracket, because they take a huge chunk of their money...or do we lose the pimps and make them find jobs where they have to work for their money (cuz, I'm sorry, 'keepin' your pimp hand strong' just doesn't qualify as work in my eyes...

Lose the pimps! Keep the hoes!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JennieHere
Will it? This article makes a good point at why it will:

Gay Marriage Will Lead to the Downfall of Society

It does make a good point about if we put morals and ethics aside for gay marriage, then what else will people start to think they should be allowed to do? Do we allow polygamous relationships, ect, as long as people are happy? Where does it stop?

Thoughts on this subject? Its worth reading, regardless of your views on the issue...

I've been looking at this since it was posted. It almost made me want to cry.

I am amazed that its still even here. I respect that everyone has an opinion about this subject. however, what i don't like, is that people, who's lives are NOT same-sex or gay, are trying to make decisions for those who ARE.

When did this become acceptable? When did we, as a people, think its OK to decide for OTHERS what kind of of adult behaviours is acceptable to US. As long as no one is being hurt (children, animals etc) what is the big deal? Do we really feel the need to dictate people's sexual behaviours? Straight people do not know what its like to be gay.. anymore than a chinese person knows what its like to be italian, and so forth.

I'm shocked at the lack of love,understanding and frankly, how we mind everyone elses business to the point of attempting to dictate whats right and wrong for essentially, someone ELSE. I don't believe that being gay is a "choice". Who would CHOOSE to be discriminated against?

The original post is cruel if you ask me. No offense to anyone. Its just my opinion. I think if we all paid more attention to our OWN homes and our OWN lives.. life would be alot better..for everyone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ForgetRegret
ld bump the prostitutes into a lower tax bracket, because they take a huge chunk of their money...or do we lose the pimps and make them find jobs where they have to work for their money (cuz, I'm sorry, 'keepin' your pimp hand strong' just doesn't qualify as work in my eyes...

Lose the pimps. In countries where it is legal there are no pimps--they work in brothels. I'm just looking at it logically. It doesn't *hurt* anyone (like drugs hurt....going to a brothel for sex when with someone is wrong, just as hiring a prostitute would be) because the people participating are all adults. I know there would still be illegal prostitutes, it wouldn't solve everything, but at least some people could make THAT choice themselves.


Well-known member
Yeah, that's what I was leaning toward, myself. ...I dunno, the big point with that, I think, is the healthcare...cuz seriously...they could benefit from that...regular "sexual health" checkups would be a VERY good thing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kalico
The notion is ridiculous.

The notion of legalizing prostitution to tax them and give them help benefits.... Or the notion of gay marriage? Both are controversial subjects that the American public tend to shy away from. I was talking to a girl yesterday who moved to the States from Germany and she lamented, "I thought that America was OPEN minded...but...NO! They aren't! There are more stupid rules about people and fashion than there is in Germany. I could wear jeans to my job in Germany, and I was in charge! I wouldn't with clients...and now I work retail and can't show my knee! Why aren't people more open minded?"

And it hurt me that I couldn't answer her. Why aren't people here (the States) more open minded? Why is the notion of legalizing and regulating prostitution ridiculous? Or the notion of giving gay couples the rights that straight couples so ridiculous? I thought that we were a nation founded on the following:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. (The Declaration of Independence)

unalienable: inalienable: incapable of being repudiated or transferred to another; "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights"

(And yes, I know the context of it, but it should still apply to ALL Americans. Not just the WASP who wrote it)

So why are these notions so ridiculous? Because we're also a nation founded on the Almighty Dollar and taxing prostitutes and legalizing gay marriage...just more money coming in, in one form or another.


Well-known member
Because a lot of people don;t want a separation of Church and state and still claim America is a Christian Country with Christian values.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
Because a lot of people don;t want a separation of Church and state and still claim America is a Christian Country with Christian values.

Sad but true...
If it's a Christian country then sh*t...half (or more) of the people in it should be kicked out for following another religion. Meh. People aggravate me with their closed-mindedness...


Well-known member
The US is a melting pot. I don't even think there is an official religion.

Although I hope I live to see the day where there actually is separation of church and state.


Well-known member
There isn't an official religion. That would just show the world how hypocritical the government is. Marriage is actually one of the few places that Church and State combine. Sadly, it is a very personal thing that the government should just remove themselves from. I still don't understand why homosexual couples can't marry. I don't see much wrong with polygamy except when it involves children who can't decide for themselves (And benefits....that is a problem...but morally? No). Activities between consenting, informed adults is really no business of the government or anyone else.