I really feel I have to post here because....well, just because I know I have to.
I am totally prepared to be berrated for this, and I dare say (and I cant be certain because I haven't read all of the posts) there are a lot of people who have been scared to write anything that so much as hints at an agreement with the article, but I will write this anyway.
I used to go to church a few years back and used to go for a long time. I fell away from the church, and not because I stopped believing, but stopped because my lifestyle started changing and I started becoming 'spiritually lazy' and felt like a hypocrite. I don't believe its right to go to church on a Sunday and act all holier than thou and then sin the rest of the week (what is the point!). However I will say this, I do still believe in everything I did when I went to church.
I wont call myself an active christian, but I still have all the belief system, so for the purpose of this response I'll use the term 'Christian' lightly. So.....as a 'christian' I do believe that homesexuality is not as god intended and therefore, for me, I would have to say I oppose Gay Marriage. HOWEVER! I do also believe in free will. As a christian, I know that the future is already written and whatever is in gods plan will come to pass. Without starting to preach scripture a good example is when Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane (please excuse any spelling errors!) the night before he was crucified, he cried out to god to ask if there was any other way, but as I said before, God has a plan and everything happens for a reason (I promise I won't start bursting out into scripture!).
So back to the point. I don't stay in the States so cant talk for anyone in your country, but if I was born in the states, and the government were passing a bill (or whatever its called) and it depended on feedback from the population by means of a vote, I am entitled, just like every other member of the population (gay or not) to make my contribution.
What really makes me angry about all of this, is that it appears VERY much, that so long as you are on the opposing side, you're opinion shouldn't count. If people want to be angry, they should be angry with the people who made the decision to put the matter to vote. Homosexuals (and I don't like to use that as a label, because people are not defined by their sexuality) are entitled to their opinion just like everyone else. I do not take away your right to your opinion and I would expect the same in return.
Just because I have a certain belief system (as does EVERYONE) that does not make me closed minded or out of touch with reality. What actually makes me boil with rage is the vile, horrible, nasty comments that 'us' on the opposing side have to put up with from those on the opposite side of the debate.
If you are under actual attack from someone then, by all means stick up for yourself. However, I have never criticised anyones belief systems or their personal lives, so don't criticise mine. Regardless of the argument or belief system, no one should be made to feel like their opinions don't matter, or that their opinions are less important than anyone elses. If people don't want to live in an opressive society then it should be that way for all, not just for the cause you are fighting for. If you want to talk about equality, then make it equal for all.
As a final point, everyone is free to make their own choices, and I would never dream of stopping you from doing so, but I will not be forced into going against what I believe in, just because someone else thinks I should.
This is not aimed at anyone in particular, and is not just a response to this topic, but really a general response to the whole topic.