I'm Back and this is what I got (digs thru Bag)
Blow Dry (Perfect Coral) B2M
Strawberry Blonde (B2M)
Red Devil (B2M)
Live and Dye (B2M)
Soft Wave (B2M) This is what C-Thru should be for WOC
Peroxide (B2M)
Henna (B2M)
100 Strokes (B2M)
Top Knot (B2M) put on top of Flammable, Haunting f/l or Nice Vice WOWWW
Pincurl (B2M) LOVE
Knight (B2M) Perfect non frosty grey
Brunette LOVVVVVVVVVE x infinity (2) One for my Mom
RedHead (Giftcard) LOVVVVEEEEE
214 $23.00
226 (3) gift certificate
I spent $113
What I didn't get and why
No other lippies...
Was not impressed with any of them on....
The only other one I would have considered would have been
What A Do which was just a plain frosty nude nothing special reminded with of 1N just a tad darker with a tiny hint of pink (emphasis on tiny)
Chignon was a glaze...very little color took many coats then looked like Jampacked l/g
B-Babe - Just another pink frost
Quick Tease - Jampacked's twin
French Cuff - Mythology's twin..but Mythology is better and I have that
Flip - Bronzy Gold....Nothing special what so every - Goldmine is so much better
Deep Shade - Contrast renamed (really)
Femme Fi - Love it...But already have it
Petticoat's Twin yet silkier feeling..I put Petticoat on one cheek and Blonde MSF on the other...couldn't figure out which side I put what on that were just that similar on me and IMO
165 if you have 109, 138, 116 (skip it) I have all those so it was skipped