Words or phrases people say that drive you insane?


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I'm going to defend the pluralization of stores because in Chicago- that's just how we all say it! LOL


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Using "finna".
I work with adults who use it all the time in their normal vocab. Yikes!


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"I'm not gonna lie" to preface sentences that have nothing to do with professing the truth.

For example, "I'm not gonna lie, I love this lipgloss." Oh really? Had you not started the sentence that way, I'd have figured you were full of crap. Or, "I'm not gonna lie, it's freezing out today!" If you were in fact lying, it'd be pretty easy to just check the temp. It's just such a stupid expression that somehow has wormed it's way into a lot of people's vernacular. Blehhhh!


Well-known member
"GET ER DONE" or whatever the f$%K it is. Anyone who says that I just think is ignorant and annoying. I don't know why, it just bothers me.

Online when people type "wat"... "wats up. wat is going on. wat are you talking about?"



Well-known member
geez, i could probably make up a never ending list of these but right now i'm gonna go with 'hot mess'. for some reason that description makes me cringe every time i read/hear it.

it almost killed me to type that. haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by medusalox

I also have a friend who routinely mispronounces words. I think she uses the words to appear more intelligent, but it backfires.
I hate when people do that. I've learned to not correct them, because when I do, I come across like a supreme bitch. Ehhh. Just this week she has mispronounced 'ingenue', 'empathy', and 'mentality'....or in her case, 'in-jen-you', 'ihmpatty', and 'mantality'. I cringe.

I hate that!


Well-known member
I may be from Texas but I hate when people say "I'm fixin' to"

or when my dad says "red eye?" as in ready? That drives me insane! And it is so embarrassing in public!

Also when people say "what's good?"


Well-known member
You can't have your cake and eat it, too means after you eat it, you can't have it anymore, cause you ate it! But, I agree, it is pretty stupid. anyway.
And when someone says, I am literally going to die, I ask, "Promise?"
or, if they say, "Do you want to know the truth?" or some such, I say, "So, you lie the rest of the time?" or something along those lines.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance
Overuse of "literally".
"I'm literally speechless".
"I'm literally dying".
- well clearly you're not.

Add the word "ACTUALLY" to this list..

I'm actually.....
No, actually...

then we have the ever-famous "BASICALLY"..

I'm basically....
No, basically...

Actually, I'm basically going crazy!

I live in New Jersey.
We do NOT SAY JOY-ZEE, Its New Jersey
We do NOT SAY NEW-AHRK, its Newark, (Nooorrk)

WE do however have an accent, and yes thank you, to the salesperson who called me from CHICAHHHGO that said "oh, you must be in NJ from they way you TAAWWWK" (insert mocking tone here)

ANd then we have, to make mattes WORSE:

there is not an F in there.

Uber and or Hella
or HELLA Annoying
(yea, you are uber-hella annoying!)

Or- ending a sentence in "YO"
"i'm workin, yo"


Well-known member
I am so done with the term HATER. It has become an epidemic. For example, if I don't like something or someone, I'm not hating. Maybe I just don't like the colour, food, place, etc. But it seems like it's become a default term to people everywhere to justify why people don't like their makeup style, their clothing style, their youtube channel.
If I "hate" on someone, as the term originated people hated on each other for no reason other than spite, mean spiritedness et al. Now you can't have an opinion without being labeled a "hater." Trust me, if I don't like something, I don't like it, I don't want to be you, have what you have etc., I am fine with myself.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACForME
I must join in.
Some things I hear that are just maddening:


*I gots it!
*We's goin'-
*I's is- or - We's is, what happened to I am or We are?
*She done got preganant (preg A nant) did we forget its pregnant?
*Its My birFday (when yo mama done birf'd you?)
*wuzzgood ma?
*My car was stoled / Someone stoled it. Oh, so your car was stolEN? Or someone stole it? UGHHHHHH!!!!
*Its worser-
*We's droved to da bar. We's? Droved?

Yes, I live in NJ, and the worst thing about it is everyone thinks we say JOISEY.. We don't. We do have obvious accents.. The only place that has an issue with the letter R is New England.

I deal with the same thing. I'm from NJ and constantly hear people ask me to say certain things. Yes I saw "caw-fee" for coffee, "frawg" for frog and "tawlk" for talk but your pronunciation sounds different then what I am accustomed to as well.

Another one I hate is when people say "true story" after they are done with telling me something. Like "She hit him in the face, true story". I don't think your lying so there is no reason to justify further.

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