Words or phrases people say that drive you insane?


Well-known member
I've always hated when people would say "anyhoo" but then I started saying it to a guy friend because I knew it drove him nuts. Now I find myself using that word sometimes!

I can't help it, the same way I can't help eating cream cheese that's pass the expiration date. It's a sickness I know.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
You know what I mean/ You know what I'm sayin' / You feel me?

No...I don't

I was just going to say that, but it's "Naw Meen", or "What up my N%$%@" the worst!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mizuki~
- "He's scary" meaning he's scared..wtf? it's the total opposite!

IA! I've never understood whether people do that on purpose or not


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mizuki~
- "Did it hurt?" Referring to my piercings. It's a stupid question I get every day.
- "He's scary" meaning he's scared..wtf? it's the total opposite!
- the adding an "s" to words that don't need it
- adding an "ed" or 2 to the end of words like "i askededed you a question"
- "cool beans"
- "i ain't.."
- phrases like " i r teh amused"
- "you straight trippin' dawg" so many things wrong with that sentence
- when people use the "N" word like it means homie or something
- "But the Bible/Oprah/Tyra/Dr. Phil says...:"

There's more, I know it! My brain just needs time to recover from all this..

That's some bay talk right there. lmao
"straight trippn dawg", "n" word, "kool beans", etc. What about "hella".

And "Did it hurt?" Referring to my piercings. It's a stupid question I get every day. I know what you mean... I get asked that too. And I tell people "NO"... and then I tell them "I'm good with pain" and wink. hehe


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AppleDiva
Who says Interweb? That is too funny!!

The same people who say Internets. Ugh.


Well-known member
where i live all the locals have really weird words for things! they call chewing gum chuddy! what the hell?!? that's not even a word! they call everybody duck or love whihc is also very annoying! oh and if they want a sip of my coke they'll say 'give us a swag' swag????? oh dear lord!


Well-known member
I HATEEEE It when people think that the signer in a band's name is the name of the band.
IE: That Rivers' (from Weezer) is named Weezer.

Used in a sentence it would be "Ugh, i hate Weezer's big glasses. Why doesn't he get contacts. He looks like a nerd"
Seriously, how do you think anyone's name is Weezer, or Limp Bizkit, or Nickleback, or Green Day?!?! It makes me crazzzy!!!

Or the use of the word Sang-wich as in sandwich. This should be forbidden.


Well-known member
I hate it when people use internet speak in real life ie LOL or I LOL'D
when people shorten band names to singular letters ie Lars F and the Bastards and they will say L.A.F.T.B instead ?? I don't know what the hell your talking about and neither does anyone else??? Also really isn't it more effort to do that then just say the name to begin with then you don't have to explain??

or when my bf talks like an idiot ie, that was epic, uh no it wasn't!!!


Well-known member
Oh, and I totally forgot...

Hell Nah.
That shiet is wack.
Ghetto A** Mo Fo.
Can I tap that a**.

Those "lines" make me think of uneducated shitheads. I guess I dated too many of them. lol


Well-known member
mines..but not like landmines but "yeah that car is mines". or aks..ax lol i dont know how to spell it.


Well-known member
The word "Innit" makes my blood boil...

"He should've told you, innit?"
"i am right, innit?" arrrrrgh


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
Or the use of the word Sang-wich as in sandwich. This should be forbidden.

Oh yes. I had a friend in my teens who would pronounce spaghetti as 'bisketti', I wanted to throttle her. C'mon, you're not 4.... it's not cute anymore, was it ever?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
where i live all the locals have really weird words for things! they call chewing gum chuddy! what the hell?!? that's not even a word! they call everybody duck or love whihc is also very annoying! oh and if they want a sip of my coke they'll say 'give us a swag' swag????? oh dear lord!

LOL!!' 'Chuddy'...! My fiance is English and I have been exposed to this slang of which you speak. I remember the first time he called me duck, me: don't..!

Aussie slang doesn't me bother me, I think we probably share a lot of the same words.


Well-known member
I've heard people call breakfast "brek-fix".
And posta (for supposed to, as in "You're not posta to do that!")
And pacific (for specific, as in "I pacifically told you the rules for the game.")


Well-known member
"rediculous". RED-iculous? So not only is it absurd, but it is also a member of the warm color family?

"definatly." Definitely = Finite = Definite = Definitely. There's no A in there. At all. Ever.

"wut." Is it really that hard to spell a four-letter word correctly?

"boughten." Double past tense? It makes no sense. (That rhymed!)

"irregardless." Along the lines of boughten. Ir the prefix is a negative. Less is the negative suffix. It's redundant. D:<

Sorry. I'm an English Literature major. I'm a grammar nazi, a spelling officer, a dominatrix of the English language.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by enigmaticpheo
"boughten." Double past tense? It makes no sense. (That rhymed!)

I laughed so hard at that one.

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