would you ever leave the house without makeup on?


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wow some amazing responses thanks girls!

I just wanted to sum up a few things in response. A few comments touched me.

Originally Posted by CellyCell
For PE class I do a bit of concealer/mascara but yesterday I went bare faced exposing some old acne scars and I felt OK. Lol, baby steps. But sweat + makeup does not mix.

I forgot that there are many girls here who are in school. When I was in school I had acne and dark under eyes (still have the undereyes) and was so insecure about my skin I wore makeup all the time and made my acne worse (it couldn't breath). But to me it was worth feeling a teeny bit better about myself.

its good to see those of you in school not wearing it 24/7 and giving your skin a break. If you have good skin there is no need to wear it to school at all IMHO. save it for looking totally hot when you go out with friends.

If I had great skin then I wouldn't bother with makeup at all. I too am one of those "orgre without it people".

These days I only have scars (thanks to peels and microdermabrasion) and the good old undereyes are here to stay along with some wrinkles. yay.

Originally Posted by jackie100
NEVER. I only had one hour and 20 min today to get shower and put makeup to get to the smog check center place before they closed and I decided not to even go because I wouldn't have enough time.

I need at least 45 min on makeup ALONE,

It's a fact that people treat people who are better looking "better". It's not me projecting a better attitude because I feel better about myself when I have makeup on. There have been studies done where it's been proven that people react more positively to people who are more attractive. With makeup I can transform myself from an ogre/beast into someone more glamorous and MUCH more attractive. The world is hard enough to deal with as it is, people tend to give me better service when I'm all glammed up. It's not psychological either, it's a fact.

Man I wish I had that much time to get ready! I kind of miss having my own time before kids

I have to admit that I've been treated better when I am done all over (makeup and clothes) by certain people and snooty shops, bah humbug to them I say! If they want to be that shallow thats thier problem but YES it is a psychological phenomenan.

Originally Posted by NatalieR429
Every single guy that I have ever ever ever been involved with say I, and women in general, look better without makeup on. Obviously I like makeup (im on specktra all the time), I like to wear it for special occasions, to sass up my eyes, play with fun colors. But in no way will I let makeup ( or lack thereof) keep me from running errands, going out in public, or steal my ZZZ's because I must put it on. Plus taking it off is a bitch...most of the time I'd rather not bother.

just wanted to say that I've had the same comment from men about women. Don't they know we do it for ourselves and other women? not them? LOL


Well-known member
Nope. Simply coz I have bad skin and I'm just too uncomofrotable going without it. I could go without anything else on just not foundation and concealer =/


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When I was in middle school and beginning high school I always had to have eyeliner on to step out of the house!
Now I'm okay with going places without anything sometimes, I get lazy and sometimes work starts wayyy too early.


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I guess I am the opposite of some specktrites as I used to just wear bare minimum makeup but started wearing more recently as my skin worsened.

I primarily wear it to conceal imperfections, but if I'm running to the store, working out, etc...I'll go without.

Besides, most of the time people really DON'T care. Even though I do prefer to wear it while shopping, out with friends, etc...people at the grocery store have a million other things running through their mind and whether "that smokey eye looks perfectly blended or not" will probably not break their focus unless you're Megan Fox, lol. We can blame celebrity and fame obsession on our culture but it really starts from within.


Well-known member
I find make up is something that is entirely reliant on time for me.
I am confident to go out without it, but I prefer not to.
I have a couple of female friends I will not meet up with without a full face though.


Well-known member
As much as i love putting on makeup - i can say that i go out without makeup alot!! its just those lazy days when iam not in the mood b/c its just college, or going to a friends house or going to get something from the shop - sometimes even thinking ofthe feeling of putting foundation on my skin right after i wake up makes me not want to put it on! (i hope that made sense! i have oily skin and its very apparent in the morning - all i want to do is wash my face, drink coffe and be off)!!


Well-known member
I have done it many times when I'm just too darn tired to put on makeup. However the I just cannot leave the house without moisturizer, sunscreen, and lip balm.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bumblebees24
However the I just cannot leave the house without moisturizer, sunscreen, and lip balm.


hehe i always do! I like wearing makeup but most of my friends don't! So it feels weird sometimes!
but i usually only wear makeup to like church or like if i'm going out & not to uni.


Well-known member
I wear makeup to work everyday. If I'm going out, I usually put on some concealer, foundation and I must get my brows done. If I'm not lazy, I'll put on some mascara.

I don't bother to do anything if I'm out walking my dog though.


Well-known member
i would if i had to. but if i had a few minutes i would def do my brows, apply mascara, a lil bronzer and some blush. lol


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No - I pretty much always either have a pimple or red scars from pimples that I need to hide and there is no way I'd let anyone see them. When Im at my most lazy and just going to the grocery store or something the minimum makeup I'll wear is concealer/light foundation and blush/bronzer. Usually I'll throw on at least mascara and eyeliner in addition but I'll feel gross and blah the whole time Im out. In summer when I have a tan sometimes I can wear just this and feel better but thats because a tan makes me look way better already.


Well-known member
i go out often without make-up.. but this is something that i started when i was about 24 or so.. before than i would not go anywhere without it

though i must admit i do feel bad if i run into someone i havent seen in awhile and im not dolled up


Well-known member
I've been wearing eyeliner since sixth grade so I've been pretty attached to it! On a daily basis I will usually just go out in my eyeliner and mascara, I hardly ever not wear makeup. It wouldn't be such a big problem for me if people couldn't tell the difference or told me I looked better without it (My boyfriend does all the time but he's a different case), but whenever I go to school without makeup the first thing people say to me is "Oh wow you look tired" and I'm like "Yeah, cause I'm not wearing makeup." It makes it really hard to feel confident enough to leave the house without eyeliner when people comment on how dead you look ...


Well-known member
I went out without makeup today which is extremely rare ( about 10 times in the last 9 years totally makeup free) and it was deeply unpleasant, I never would have thought it possible to feel both invisible and as if people were staring at how bad I looked, wont be doing that again...


Well-known member
I leave the house all the time without makeup, don't get me wrong i do love my make up and i love the routine of putting it on as it does make me feel good, but i am lazy at times and just couldnt be arsed, plus i don't like to put make up on everyday as i like to give my skin time to breath.

It doesn't really bother me going out without makeup either, yes my face can be a little red at times but overall i think i look fine both with and without makeup.


Well-known member
I have bad skin so I hate going out without foundation and concealer. Everytime I do it I seem to run into someone I know I don't see regularly. I'm okay leaving the house with those two items but once you've gotten that far some blush, shadow and liner doesn't take much longer, hahaha.

I love playing with makeup and it's the best part of my day! If I don't have time to put a little on my morning feels too rushed and out of place.


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Originally Posted by Civies
I've been wearing eyeliner since sixth grade so I've been pretty attached to it! On a daily basis I will usually just go out in my eyeliner and mascara, I hardly ever not wear makeup. It wouldn't be such a big problem for me if people couldn't tell the difference or told me I looked better without it (My boyfriend does all the time but he's a different case), but whenever I go to school without makeup the first thing people say to me is "Oh wow you look tired" and I'm like "Yeah, cause I'm not wearing makeup." It makes it really hard to feel confident enough to leave the house without eyeliner when people comment on how dead you look ...

I agree once I was in a rush for work and just did foundation/concealer. One of my co-workers told me I looked 'tired'. I wasn't tired, just wasn't wearing my usual makeup. That made me feel super bad. Like if I didn't wear makeup would I look tired all the time?!!


Well-known member
I go to the post office, grocery store and to the bank drive thru without makeup. That's about it!