Be spotted by your boss at an adult bookstore OR a strip joint?
Bookstore, because I don't think he'd be going to the same strip joints as me.
Eat a cigar burnt at one end and chewed at the other OR chew and swallow six packs of bubble gum at one sitting?
Six packs of bubble gum without question
Live in a house with no windows OR no doors?
No windows - there's always electricity and central heating/ac
Have gorilla arms OR ostrich legs?
GORILLA ARMS! - I have stick arms now, plus I could take care of the hair
Upon seeing an injured animal on the side of the road, drive by and leave it knowing it's in pain and going to die OR run over it and put it out of its misery?
So people actually run them over for said "purpose"? Sounds interesting...
Spend a summer driving through the Arizona desert with no air conditioning OR across country with a broken stereo?
Arizona - because I used to drive around here w/o ac anyway, I can take the heat
Have frequent spurts of uncontrollable drooling OR be a bed wetter?
Maybe the drooling, cause it might help me play the sympathy angle
Accept a $1000 violation from a cop OR suck on his toes for 10 seconds beside a busy freeway inorder to get the ticket torn up?
The cop has to be a she, who just sterilized her feet... otherwise I'll have 10 big ones for the court
Be a virgin until you're 40 OR have an active sex life without ever climaxing?
Virgin until I'm 40, not climaxing is just.... wrong.
Change a flat tired at night in a thunder/lightning storm on the freeway OR run out of gas on a deserted country road?
Flat tire - cause it doesn't involve being permanently stranded. Don't you ever see those horror movies?
Pee in your pants in front of everyone at a wedding OR laugh uncontrollably at your grandmother's funeral?
Laugh - because it could be about an awesome story that has meaning, and it's always better to think about the positive things, instead of being down and dreary
Have the kind of personality that causes people to believe you're a conniving manipulator OR a pathological liar?
Maybe the liar, I don't like manipulators
Drink a gallon of public hot tub water OR eat a used bar of soap from a public shower?
Probably the water, because if it gets hot enough, it'll be sterile
Never use a phone OR electric lights again?
PHONE all the way!
Roll around naked in poison oak for an hour OR eat a dead lab mouse?
Naked in the poison oak - cause there's always a chance I'll like it, at least more so than eating a rat
Find a dead fly in your salad OR a really long thick hair in your ice cream?
Hair - that never gets to me
Be president of a firm that poaches endangered species OR work for a corrupt politician?
I'll take the politician cause they usually only last 4 years.
Never be able to sleep lying down OR instantly fall asleep every time you sit down?
Sleep lying down - Think of owning the awesomest recliner chair ever!
Have the ability to become invisible OR to fly?
INVISIBLE! I have dreamed about this since I was a little kid...
Be a compulsive liar OR marry one you can't divorce?
Be the compulsive liar
Drink a quart of an elementary school janitor's mop water OR eat the sand from a mall ashtray?
Well, up to this point I've already drank public hot tub water and eating hairy ice cream, lets go with the janitor's mop water! I already feel sick...
Have a small butt on your forehead OR two little feet dangling from beneath your chin?
Maybe the feet - cause it might be harder to knock me out
As a woman get a small, visible tattoo on your forehead OR have EE cup breasts?
What size is EE? Well, if I WAS a woman, I'd go with the boobs, cause there's always plastic surgery
Vote for a politician who has his or her own best interest in mind, but who will also be very good at the job OR vote for one who is selfless but slightly less competent?
Ahh they're all crooked and corrupt.
Plow a quarter acre plot of land by hand OR plow 20 acres with an ox to help you?
Oxen all the way - it'll do most of the work
Eat a small can of cat food OR seven lemons in their entirety?
Cat food - gotta be something nutritious about it.
Conceal a ripe pimple on the tip of your nose with makeup and be discovered when someone's kiss accidentally pops it OR have your hairpiece lift off with a sudden rush of wind?
Hairpiece - cause if I was bald, I'd have my whole head shaved
Be attacked by 20 raccoons OR two large Rottweilers?
The racoons - cause I like fightin' wild animals
Not eat OR not sleep for three days?
Sleep - cause the food will more than make up for it
Have an affliction that causes you to have bowel movements on your living room floor while sleepwalking OR that causes you to pee on a total stranger twice a year?
Pee on the stranger - how funny would that be, hahaha!
Get caught by your spouse have an email cybersex relationship with someone else OR have an actual affair with your spouse's best friend and never get caught?
Cybersex - cause it might be interesting to bring her in on it
Live in a country with the same freedoms as the USA but where terrorists bomb buildings every other day OR live in a police state with no privacy rights, but where everything is bomb free?
I guess the bizarro-world USA - I'll just have to stay away fom the buildings
Thoroughly lick a large frog all over OR lick just once a small two inch area on the backside of a portajohn?
Frog - they aren't ALL poisonous. And maybe it'll turn into a beautiful princess.../endfairytell
Be attacked by 30 angry poodles OR one Doberman?
HAHA I'm going with the poodles, funniest looking dogs of all time!
Be caught picking your nose in your car OR scratching your genitals in the supermarket?
I hate to admit it, well, no I don't, but I'm caught doing both anyway
Lick your bathroom drain clean OR mop up the bathroom floor with your head?
Mop up the floor - cause my hair is easy to wash, and the floor isn't that dirty
Have the ability to see in a world of blind people OR be a great musician in a world of deaf people?
As they say "in the land of the blind, the one eye'd man is king" or in our case, 2 eye'd man.
Have a mouth full of ticks OR a butt full of worms?
Butt - cause worms don't bite or burrow, I don't think...
Get caught shoplifting OR urinating in public?
Urinating - cause it's a smaller fine, & it would be funny since someone has to catch me doing it
Drink a shot of yak spit OR a teaspoon of snail slime?
Yak spit has to taste better than snail slime...
Be accused of stealing OR of sexual harassment on the job?
Stealing - it's not as bad, and I'm not that bad
Display only pictures of yourself in your house OR display only the pictures that came with the frames?
Pictures with frames - I know what I look like by checking out the mirror
Be forced to throw up completely through your nose OR throw up normally into a cup and have to take a big gulp of it?
Through my nose - I've a little up there before, it burns, but at least I won't have to drink any of it
In a fight be armed with only a table tennis paddle OR a wiffle ball bat?
Wiffle ball bat - another moment of hilarity
Be dishonorably discharged from the military OR kicked out of a presigious college for cheating?
College - cause there's always trade school
Dress for one year like a nun OR like a mime?
What about dressing up like a nun-mime?
Drive everywhere on a street sweeper OR be able to drive only six months out of the year?
Six months out of the year - remember that's every other day, good enough for me!
Live until you're 90 and die after six months of unbearable pain t hat can't be helped with drugs OR live to 55 and die peacefully?
Live to 55 - I'll be experiencing something new every day
Have to hold a one inch roach in your mouth unharmed for five minutes OR have to lie motionless on a termite nest for ten minutes?
Termite nest - as long as they don't bite my behind
Be known as a thief OR a liar?
I think I'm already known as both
As a man have a ten inch pencil thin penis OR a two inch long super thick penis?
The ten inch'er - they do make implants, it's easier to thicken than stretch
Dive from 20 feet high into six feet of water OR from 40 feet into ten feet of water?
20ft - less travel means less force on impact, right?
Eat nothing ever again but sweets OR dairy products?
Dairy - sweets would only lead to severe health problems
Spend an evening with a person to whom you're very sexually attracted when y ou're extremely tired, dirty, and sweaty from a long day at work OR just go home and watch tv?
Spend it with the person - cause even if they're repulsed by your stench, chances are you'll be watching tv alone the following night anyway
Have to perform surgery on your spouse using only a textbook for instructions OR with no formal training defend your spouse in a trial for a murder he or she appears to be guilty of committing? Surgery - I always wanted to be a doctor
Be covered in itchy scabs OR have popcorn kernel shells stuck in between every tooth? Popcorn - floss is your friend!
Have your ears where your eyebrows are OR have your nose where your bellybutton is? The eyebrow ears
Have the ability to see ten years into your own future OR one year into the future of the world? Ten years into my future - it could include what happens in the world
For the rest of your life live in a house infected with ticks OR have hair lice? Hair lice