Originally Posted by youbeabitch
1) The students made it a LOT worse by trying to interfer and by saying " we want your information" etc. They should've never done that period because it not only fueled the police but it also fueled the guy being tasered.
That still doesn't give them the right to continue to do it, and he threatened to taser them too, which basically just makes that officer look taser happy.
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
2) The students should've called 911 or something and at least gotton a description of the police (the video was great) but the interference it just made the situation a LOT worse.
If they had called 911 from oncampus, they would have been connected to UCPD, the same people responsible for the incident.
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
3) The first thing we see in this video is the guy screaming before the police even talk-he yells" DON'T TOUCH ME" over and over. That causes concern to me because this could've been a very peaceful removal if he hadn't started screaming that in the first place. That makes me think he was being taken because of a previous act or he had a known history with the police. But that right there makes me think that something happened and I don't think he was tasered at that moment. I think they just walked in.
The video wasn't taken at the exact moment the incident began. The student that filmed it started recording when it got more heated. According to the paper, he was looking for his ID, didn't have it, and asked if he could just finish his paper or save it so that it wouldn't be lost. They told him he needed to immediately get up and leave (I don't think being in the library sans ID is that serious of an offense.). He didn't immediately get up, he tried to save his paper, and the police got more hostile. They grabbed him, he got angry and thats when the video started rolling. He was also handcuffed even though he was already leaving. He said he would leave if they just let him save his paper.
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
5) The police ask him to stand up. He didn't stand up. Why?
After being tasered, your muscles can be inhibited for as little as a few seconds and as much as 5 or more minutes. It's possible that he couldn't stand up.
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
7) The next thing we hear is obscenties (and rightly so I would be screaming them myself) but then you hear things that make me wonder what exactly he really was doing there by going on some huge tirade about the patriot act etc and then still refusing to stand up.
Ironically enough, the screen savers in the student computer have a snippet of the Patriot Act, to justify why the librarian and other technicians are able to watch what they're doing on the computer and stop them if it's not something they should be doing, i.e., Myspace, Downloading, trying to access adult material. I do agree that he had enough lung capacity to yell out I CANT STAND UP I'VE JUST BEEN TASERED instead of screaming about the Patriot Act.
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
8) Then we see the students getting in the way which was ridiculous-it just made everything worse.
It's a vast improvement from the bystander effect we're used to seeing.
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
Honestly watching this video-I think he was causing a disturbance in the first place, or he was on drugs, OR he was indeed doing something illegal prior and that was the way they caught him.
And I know you all think I'm being big and bad and horrible but most rational people they would be asked to leave in the first place and they would've left or if not they would've seen the police and let them come over and it would've been done and over with very peacefully and very calmly.
I really don't think there was just no reason for them to come in like that. There has to be a reason and just listening to him at first makes me suspect that they weren't just coming in for an ID and he knew it.
As for the tasering-that was excessive. They shouldn't have even used it but I'm not sure if they could use force to pull a guy out of a chair either. I'm not well versed in California law.
Tasering is supposed to be used on a suspect who is violently and aggressively resistant. This person was verbally resistant, sure. So yell at him. There was no need to taser him. He was handcuffed, he wasn't bucking or kicking until he was tasered, and that was a physical reflex. And people are arguing that it's justifiable because he wouldn't stand up, but there's a good chance that he
couldn't stand up. I do agree that if that were the case, he should have yelled that instead of going on about the patriot act and the obvious abuse of power. But he was tasered 5 times in less than 7 minutes, that's an average of once every minute and 12 seconds or something like that. Which is a lot on the body. It's 20-30,000 volts of electric shock being sent to the body for 2-4 seconds.
As for why they showed up, the paper didn't mention anything about a criminal record, or anything illegal happening before they came for him. Apparently a library tech asked him for ID, he didn't have it, and he promised he'd leave after he finished his paper. So when he didn't, the library tech called the police, which is what they're supposed to do. I know it's a strict policy that without a valid ID, you can't stay in the library, especially between the hours of 11pm and 8am because school facilities have had issues with street kids loitering and non-students taking advantage of something they don't pay for, but that doesn't call for tasering someone 5 times in 7 minutes, that's ridiculous. I hope there's a damn good punishment for that.