What voltage tazer's were they using? Just curious...
As that can make a big difference in how deadly/dangerious a tazer is. I've been shocked by some of the low voltage tazers before, that friends of mine have had for personal protection, and they are really not that bad (someone had one at a party and people were daring each other to shock themselves lol). Makes yah twitch a little though, but not enough to knock you down or make you not be able to stand up. They really look more intimidating than they are, with the little blue beam of electricity buzzing, and cracking and poping.
For him to not be able to stand up at all, they would have to be using some seriously high voltage stun guns, which I just dont see campus police carrying around.
If they stunned him several times with something like this:
Then I might agree that excessive force was used. These are typically the types of stun-guns that will immobolize someone. However, they typically dont have more than 1 or 2 shots in them. If you've seen them on TV or the movies they shoot the little darts with the wires.
If he was shocked several times, it's more likeley that they used one of these types of tasers:
Thats the type of taser that was at the party I was at that people were messing around with. And while they do give a shock, it's by no means, "excessive force." They dont even hurt. Ever done the game at carnivals where you hold onto the two metal rods, and the electricity starts getting higher and higher and you see if you ca last long enough to light the guys nose up?. Thats basically what one of these feels like, only a bit higher voltage, so your muscles twitch lol. But it's probably enough to make you get your but up out of your chair, or in the case of campus police, stop what your doing. I know I would, if I saw a police officer approaching me with a taser, cracking in his hands lol...