Wow, this is RIDICULOUS. (Take II)


Well-known member
Indigo-even when I read your post I also inferred that you believed that some of us believe that cops can do no wrong -just from reading your post and I did read the entire thing.

The reason why people are saying this (myself included) is that there are a lot of questions going unanswered that really inhibit us from saying that this was the whole story. KWIM?

And I do hope the police that did that to him face the harshest penalty because the act of tasering (and yes I'm pretty sure a lot of people here know just how deadly they can be-if anyone turns on the TV and listen to the news enough you know how dangerous they are)- is excessive.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
Indigo-even when I read your post I also inferred that you believed that some of us believe that cops can do no wrong -just from reading your post and I did read the entire thing.

Ok. Thank you for clearing that up. I did infer that they were implying that but I didn’t say they said it. I just had to use you as an example (sorry), but I knew you were mature enough to handle it.


Well-known member

Eh I know how it is


Well-known member
What voltage tazer's were they using? Just curious...

As that can make a big difference in how deadly/dangerious a tazer is. I've been shocked by some of the low voltage tazers before, that friends of mine have had for personal protection, and they are really not that bad (someone had one at a party and people were daring each other to shock themselves lol). Makes yah twitch a little though, but not enough to knock you down or make you not be able to stand up. They really look more intimidating than they are, with the little blue beam of electricity buzzing, and cracking and poping.

For him to not be able to stand up at all, they would have to be using some seriously high voltage stun guns, which I just dont see campus police carrying around.

If they stunned him several times with something like this:


Then I might agree that excessive force was used. These are typically the types of stun-guns that will immobolize someone. However, they typically dont have more than 1 or 2 shots in them. If you've seen them on TV or the movies they shoot the little darts with the wires.


If he was shocked several times, it's more likeley that they used one of these types of tasers:


Thats the type of taser that was at the party I was at that people were messing around with. And while they do give a shock, it's by no means, "excessive force." They dont even hurt. Ever done the game at carnivals where you hold onto the two metal rods, and the electricity starts getting higher and higher and you see if you ca last long enough to light the guys nose up?. Thats basically what one of these feels like, only a bit higher voltage, so your muscles twitch lol. But it's probably enough to make you get your but up out of your chair, or in the case of campus police, stop what your doing. I know I would, if I saw a police officer approaching me with a taser, cracking in his hands lol...


Well-known member
I think the main problem with police officers nowadays is the fact that they don't know what the hell they're doing.


Well-known member
I think too many people like to point fingers at the cops. . Just looking for someone else to blame besides themselves or the actions of others that they believe are justified.

I'llsay it again that (since it got deleted)


but I doubt that the just walked up there and tasered him. I just don't.. and I apologize for having a different opinion. but hey we are all different.

ya'll are gonna just have to Agree to Disagree with me.

That is my final post on this subject. ..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
I think the main problem with police officers nowadays is the fact that they don't know what the hell they're doing.

To a degree.

On the other hand, police officers are usually trained beyond what civilians experience in their lives.


Well-known member
Well, I've always thought it takes a special person to do a job and do it well and a lot of recruits in many larger cities just cannot cut the mustard.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
so... He was asked to leave.. and a few moments later.. the cops came back, he wasn't gone so they just tasered him? I find that very hard to believe.

Well neither one of us were there right? So we have to listen to the people who were there. I find it hard to believe that every student in that building all had the same account of the night yet they're all wrong?! It wasn't just Middle Eastern students saying this it was African-American students, White students, Asian students, Latin students, East Indian students. If you find that hard to believe then idk what to tell you because those are the accounts of many different people who were there that night.

Originally Posted by youbeabitch
And the first time, and again, I'm a college student-but I also know it does not take a few minutes to save something-it maybe takes a minute. (Granted we are assuming it's maybe 5 minutes). They gave him time to save and to leave (assuming it wasn't like 2 minutes or 1 minute etc).

My biggest question is-During that period of time-when there was NO tasering-and whatever-we are assuming he has plenty of time to save and stand up showing he was leaving. Why did he not do it? Why when they were returning did he start screaming Don't you touch me?

I guess (and I KNOW a lot of you think I'm being a horrible person just by questioning all of this) it just makes no sense to me especially that reaction of him screaming dont you touch me before any tasering began and it looks like the moment he saw them.

Until we know 1) why it took so long to save (was he really that unfamiliar with the computer?) 2) His reaction of screaming don't you touch me BEFORE anything officially started 3) why during that time he didn't just save and make some indication that he was leaving 4) how long exactly did the police give him--I stand by my idea that this ENTIRE situation could have been avoided.

From what I've personally heard, and what I've read quoted from MANY different UCLA students that night is that the student wasn't doing anything to provoke a fight. The video did begin with the "don't touch me" remarks but the student was already being forcefully restrained by the cops.

Also many people asked about why he couldn't get up after being tasered. There are two reasons, one he has a medical condition which he repeated multiple times to the cops. Secondly UCLA's newspaper did this reporting themselves (I don't have it saved so I don't have exact numbers and stuff) but they said that the taser guns used are ment to temporarily paralize a person. Why would the cops carrying around a taser gun that just shakes you up or just stings?! Sorry but if I was a cop I'd want something that works!

I personally don't blame the police for this, I know a lot of cops who have good intentions in their line of work. These cops were just a part of a different group of cops, the crooked assholes. I don't live in LA either so I don't know what LAPD is like (although I've heard plenty of negatives) but I don't think this action is a reflection of all cops.

*If any of you have facebook then you'll find this guy there. You'll also find a group on there of people who were pissed about this. Many of the people in the group and who post were there that day.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
From what I've personally heard, and what I've read quoted from MANY different UCLA students that night is that the student wasn't doing anything to provoke a fight. The video did begin with the "don't touch me" remarks but the student was already being forcefully restrained by the cops.

Step 1... Steal underpants.. Er... Dis-obey Librarian/library rules

Step 2...

Step 3... Profit!!! Er... Get tazered by Police...

I still dont have a complete picture on what all happened.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
Well, I've always thought it takes a special person to do a job and do it well and a lot of recruits in many larger cities just cannot cut the mustard.

i know I said earlier that it was my last post but I have to chime in.

I Agree, and I find that its many of the YOUNG cops. Fresh outta the academy, that are extremely Cocky and arrogant , on a huge power trip that are the usual cause of problems. They will pull you over for anything, There is a town here in SO.CAL , Ojai, and the cops there are the absolute worst!! Because thats is where they send all the Newbies. and all of them are on a power trip. This may have been the case with this situation. in turn they should have there jobs taken away. and be punished for what they did.
I think a lot of men AND WOMEN, get into the police line of work for all the wrong reasons. But Certainly not all of them. I have a lot of respect for policemen/women.I get upset when people just point fingers at the cops , its all their fault all the time. I like to get the full story before I judge( in ANY situation) .. Call me immature for that. No skin off my back. I realize that I was not there, but that does not mean that I 'have' to believe the story's of the other students ( I already knew that they were of all races. I did read the article) but being fairly young, I know how young people react to situations involving the cops. But like someone said earlier I wasn't there. So I am in NO place to judge.

now THAT was for sure my last post on this topic.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Step 1... Steal underpants.. Er... Dis-obey Librarian/library rules

Step 2...

Step 3... Profit!!! Er... Get tazered by Police...

I still dont have a complete picture on what all happened.

Sorry I'm not too sure what the first part of your post meant. Basically what happened is that this kid was in the library which is fine. Nobody cared until 10 or 11 at night ... thats when they start patrolling for student IDs. The kid didn't have his so he was asked to leave. He didn't leave fast enough so the librarian called the campus police (which at UCs is the local police so it's LAPD). They forcefully removed him and that's where the video begins, with him yelling dont touch me. He was tasered at least 5 times according to reports and he informed the cops multiple times that he had a medical condition. After the first time he was tasered he was asked to stand up, which you can't if you've been tasered. So he got tasered again ... and so on.

The students that saw this got pissed, and rightfully so, after one of the students ask for the cops badge numbers they threatened to taser the students.

This information is based on what was written in the UCLA newspaper, what is seen in the video, and speaking/hearing from many of the people there that day in the library. The attack caused a lot of noise at UCLA and thousands of students came out against it and they had a huge demostration on campus.


Well-known member
I couldn't even finish watching the video because it is excessive. Ok being tasered once... could be written of as something, I don't know what... but something. These officers were just dumb!@#@#, in my opinion. I hope they do get severely reprimanded ... and that is my opinion until further evidence comes forth. I hope he gets a big settlement out of UCLA or UPD or what not.

It sucks too, because for every bad choice a cop makes out there... or bad cop... all the great ones that do wonderful things everyday to keep us safe go unnoticed... or worst become hated.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
What voltage tazer's were they using? Just curious...

The Taser M26 (pictured below) uses a peak shock of 50,000 volts

If they stunned him several times with something like this:


Then I might agree that excessive force was used. These are typically the types of stun-guns that will immobolize someone. However, they typically dont have more than 1 or 2 shots in them. If you've seen them on TV or the movies they shoot the little darts with the wires.

They have a single cartridge in them but once the person has heen tasered the first time, the barbs stay in their clothing (or skin) and they can be shocked multiple times by the officer holding the weapon as the wires remain connected.


Well-known member
I think a taser is excessive force when dealing with a disruptive student. He wasn't armed and posed no real threat to the officers, other students or staff. Here in the UK only fully authorized firearms officers are allowed to carry and use tasers. Do bear in mind that the vast majority of our police officers have never even handled a firearm (it's not part of police basic training) let alone had to fire one at a criminal.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
I think a taser is excessive force when dealing with a disruptive student. He wasn't armed and posed no real threat to the officers, other students or staff. Here in the UK only fully authorized firearms officers are allowed to carry and use tasers. Do bear in mind that the vast majority of our police officers have never even handled a firearm (it's not part of police basic training) let alone had to fire one at a criminal.

grr America is so violent I wanna move to the UK! I hear London is gorgeous ... but it's cold and snows ... I don't do cold very well haha.

NEWAY back on track ... I found this article from the UCLA newspaper. The student is file a lawsuit against the UCPD. There's a related article here. The second article is about the student demonstration brought upon by the incident. UCPD geared up in riot gear and everything
I love how police get sooo frightened of us protesters.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
It's not about them not doing their job; but there's a line and they definitely crossed it. You don't taser someone for yelling at you in a library. He wasn't being physically aggressive, he was being verbally resistant, sure. There was no reason to taser him, so yes, people were upset at the use of excessive, and might i add, unnecessary force. Okay, so he should have left when they asked him the first time, okay so he was in the wrong for that. But to taser someone 5 times in 7 minutes for saving his work on the computer and not getting up IMMEDIATELY just blows my mind. There's no explanation for that, there's no reason for it. And let's not just call it "excessive force." Considering he yelled that he had a medical condition, and the amount of tasering that took place in such a short amount of time, it's quite possible they could have severely injured or killed him. People don't realize how dangerous that weapon can be. It's been known to have killed people in the past. It's electric shock energy being physically asserted to the body against its will. it's dangerous.

i am well aware of how powerful these weapons are, trust me. i am well aware of how dangerous they are, as well. but you must also put yourself in the shoes of the officers. these few officers were surrounded by college students whom i'm sure they knew would side with the man in question. there is strength in numbers, and these officers were well outnumbered. did anyone ever happen to think that maybe the police had reason to believe this man was armed? or that he may have violent tendancies?

everyone always blames the cops, but nobody ever puts themselves in the officer's shoes. that's like blaming a man fighting in a warzone for shooting a civilian. their life is hanging in the balance, and for most cops it's a "you or me" mentality, and any human is going to choose to protect themselves at all costs.