I guess I'm the "dinosaur" in this group. At almost 50, I've been married over half my life. Not to the same person. I married young at 19 to someone who was 6 years older and divorced after 15 years. Later, I married again and we're fixin' to celebrate our 10th anniversary. He is 8 years my junior. I LOVE, love, love my husband and, I think, we'll be together the rest of our lives but then, that's what I thought at 19 too.
To be honest, if I had it to do over again. I wouldn't marry until I was at least 40, if at all. Not that marriage isn't a wonderful institution. It is. More importantly, it provides us with legal avenues that protect our interests both financially and medically and, of course, legally. But as a middle aged woman who was (perhaps) a late bloomer, I have finally found myself. I finally know WHO I am, WHAT I want to do, WHEN I want to do it and HOW I want to do it. Those things are not quite as possible to achieve when you're married. There's always someone else to consider. always, always, always. If you have children (which we don't) it make achieving your goals all the more difficult. Family first, you second. By the time your family is grown, you're getting started in a world where youth gets the edge instead of maturity.
In most homes, the husband earns the largest share of the income. Sad but true, the glass ceiling still exists. When the call comes for re-location wives don't have a choice but to pick up and go, leaving their careers, selling homes they may have purchased in their own names, etc. Yes, new ones can be forged.
I guess what I'm saying is I'm 49, turning 50 in June and so are most of my friends who are, for the most part feeling very similar things. Some of us want to pick up and go live in Belize where we went zip-lining through the jungle last summer much to our husbands amazement. We do girlish, fun, amazing, amazing things and some of us have just come out of retirement to start new businesses. Again, spouses frowned on some of us. But we understand their consternation. We have put husbands, children and our homes first for so many years, of course they think we're batty. But, it's our turn. We never got it when we were in our late teens and twenties and thirties.
I'm not knocking marriage really. All I'm saying is think waaaaay behond the white dress, the rehersal dinner, honeymoon and the first baby. Think about what YOU want to accomplish in 10 years...20? 30?
Married or not. Find your goal and go for it! Stick to it and don't let anyone...even a husband...get in your way. They aren't always there forever. You WILL reach a point in your life when you say to yourself or your best friend of 30 years..."Hey, what about me???" "When is it MY turn??" And that's when it WILL be your turn because once you ask that one little question, it naggingly never goes away and it's so hard to achieve when you're married with children. And yes, I think you reach it much earlier if you're NOT married because your focuse is solely on you (if you let it be). Be young and enjoy!
Good luck to all the young brides and brides to be. I really DO hope your dreams and your marriages are everything you want them to be. Please know these are ONLY my opinions so take them with a grain of salt.