Bimbos unite!

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Well-known member
Lou~One of the reasons I don't get paid right away is because I don't have paypal and people have to pay with a postal money order, so they have to go to the PO, get it, send it off to me and I can't send the goods until I receive it and cash it. It is a slower process but since I don't do ebay nor plan on selling decks for long I prefer not giving Paypal my banking information! One less place to get hacked into!

Happily I just sold another 100.00 for just three decks, so those need to get packed up! I am hoping at least 1 MO will arrive today. Still waiting for the others. And one man deciding whether or not he wants a gorgeous deck that I am selling for 175.00. He thought it would go for 50.00. I told him to look at the website. It costs 247.00! lol Either he will pass and I will keep it (few people would be foolish enough like me to buy such an expensive deck) but you never know. I am glad I put the offer out there for him. Either way I am okay with it. Still so much to get through. Ugh!

Had to take a break from watching the news. It just becomes more and more devastating and shocking. Then a funny cat commercial came on and I laughed, realizing I had not laughed much in the past 24 hours. So, Harry Potter is on. I will find cheery things to do today!

Wore MAC's Cremeblend Blush in So Sweet, So Easy yesterday and kept it on during the night to see it's staying power. (My own version of testing a product!!). Pretty colour, had to use a lot of product to get the colour I wanted, faded quicker than Bobbi Brown and MUFE HD blush. I have a few colours, but the MUFE is my go to. I am in love with them. Today maybe I will try my first Illamasque blush! They are gorgeous looking! Pink Heaven!


Well-known member
Lou~One of the reasons I don't get paid right away is because I don't have paypal and people have to pay with a postal money order, so they have to go to the PO, get it, send it off to me and I can't send the goods until I receive it and cash it. It is a slower process but since I don't do ebay nor plan on selling decks for long I prefer not giving Paypal my banking information! One less place to get hacked into!

Happily I just sold another 100.00 for just three decks, so those need to get packed up! I am hoping at least 1 MO will arrive today. Still waiting for the others. And one man deciding whether or not he wants a gorgeous deck that I am selling for 175.00. He thought it would go for 50.00. I told him to look at the website. It costs 247.00! lol Either he will pass and I will keep it (few people would be foolish enough like me to buy such an expensive deck) but you never know. I am glad I put the offer out there for him. Either way I am okay with it. Still so much to get through. Ugh!

Had to take a break from watching the news. It just becomes more and more devastating and shocking. Then a funny cat commercial came on and I laughed, realizing I had not laughed much in the past 24 hours. So, Harry Potter is on. I will find cheery things to do today!

Wore MAC's Cremeblend Blush in So Sweet, So Easy yesterday and kept it on during the night to see it's staying power. (My own version of testing a product!!). Pretty colour, had to use a lot of product to get the colour I wanted, faded quicker than Bobbi Brown and MUFE HD blush. I have a few colours, but the MUFE is my go to. I am in love with them. Today maybe I will try my first Illamasque blush! They are gorgeous looking! Pink Heaven!
ah i now understand why there is such a delay! yeah that is a bit of a pain but i understand why you don't want to use paypal. i have a paypal account but i don't use it that often to be honest. only for buying the odd items off ebay and on specktra! but still these people should be posting the money orders as soon as they commit to buy really. or at least let you know there may be a delay. and congrats on selling a few more decks today. and i hope that guy buys for 175! it sounds like a good deal against the retail price! i can't believe that he thought it would go for 50 though!!

and yes we have turned the news off at my store. it wasn't the best thing to have on to try and sell tv's to. i think it made people feel like they could be spending their money on much better things than electronics when the world is in such a state. which is very true, but not good for meeting my targets sadly. tonight me and nick will be watching some tv shows and a movie called the simple man with mr colin firth! :)

and that is funny how you test how long products last! i am so weird but i have to remove all make up before i sleep. i get scared i will break out if i leave anything on. since 13 i have cleansed, toned and moisturised so it's just part of my routine now! even when blind drunk i still take all my make up off! lol!


Well-known member
lol I know. I am stupid to be wearing it to bed, though I used to do it all the time when I was a teen. Just rolling into bed while camping at 1-1:30am (my parents did not give me a curfew, which made my older sister furious!) and woke with major raccoon eyes! So pretty. lol Usually I do wash it off, and always with eye makeup, but I was crampy yesterday and didn't feel better until late. By the time I got the makeup on it would have been such a waste to wash it off. On those days I skip eyes. Just the face to look partially alive!

I am hoping that guy commits, but since he has not yet, I doubt he will. That is okay. I have tons of other stuff to go out.

Today I went Positively Pink! Eyes by MAC, blush is Illamasque in Nymph, MAC l/s in Lustering and gloss by VS in Baby Doll. So I am all dressed in pink from head to toe, including my nails! lol



Well-known member
you look beautiful Debi! pinks really suit you! sadly pinks on my eyes don't seem to look that great. i can wear them with violets and purples but generally i stay away. and you were so lucky for not having a curfew! i had to be home crazy early wvene when i was 18. one of the reasons i moved out of home so quickly.


Well-known member
you look beautiful Debi! pinks really suit you! sadly pinks on my eyes don't seem to look that great. i can wear them with violets and purples but generally i stay away. and you were so lucky for not having a curfew! i had to be home crazy early wvene when i was 18. one of the reasons i moved out of home so quickly.

Thanks! Everyone says I should wear nothing but pink. That might get boring, but I do admit pink is the best colour on me. Which allows me to wear Bubblegum pink on my lips and cheeks or anything rose or rose-mauve on my lips. I think it is my complexion and the colour of my hair. But I love violets and greens, too. Grey looks nice on me. Blue, not so much, but YOU can wear blue like crazy! It is your eyes and colours. It looks great on you! It looks odd on me, so I have to blend in browns and other colours to tone it down and make my own muddy mix!

I was very lucky not to have a curfew but it was because I never stretched it or got in trouble. My sister went out drinking and partying. I drank milk. lol I played nerdy games like D&D with my girlfriends. We got takeout pizza and ate junk food while playing. When we went camping I brought all the teens into nearby graveyards and told them scary stories. I even got caught by the police who said it was okay, but curfew was at 10pm. lol Wild me. No one drank, no one smoked anything weird. I was and am so square. And it kept me alive and well!

I am so excited! We just came back from see Red Riding Hood. It was excellent! You all have to see it. Some people said they liked it and others gave it a rotten review and called it predictable. No way. My husband and I kept changing our minds throughout the entire movie and an excellent ending. Not sure what everyone else is talking about. And everything matters. No slow moments. You have to pay attention to what everyone does and says. That is the trick of the movie. Trying to figure out who the Big Bad Wolf is. Loved it. Definitely getting this DVD for my collection!!

And then I went to CVS and picked up my first few Essie nailpolishes! Fun!!!! From left to right; Madomoiselle, Sugar Daddy, French Affair, Nice is Nice, Chinchilly, Beach Bum Blu.


Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ The polishes look gorgeous! The pinks should be lovely as Essie is famous for nudes and pinks. And you wear pink very well! I can't wear most pinks on my lids, except for cool & shimmery ones. The others make me look sick. I also remove all my makeup before I sleep. Will the makeup on your pillow? I saw the posters of Red Hiding Hood all over the mall yesterday. Is the movie thrilling or more scary? I like thrillers but not horror movies.

I would love to have my own house but the population density in my tiny country is very high and hence very difficult to get affordable housing, unless it is government housing (flats). Yet we can only apply for the flats if we are married or if single, you have an elderly relative or you are at least 35 yrs old. And each person can only have a flat, so if your parents have a flat under their name you can't use their name with yours to apply a new flat. And that's why we usually live with our parents until we marry. But this has its perks too, such as having someone cooking and cleaning for me at my age! lol!


Well-known member
Lou, definitely post a link when the article comes out. You go girl, kick that guy's ass and set him straight. I agree that having the news on is probably not good for selling electronics right now. The pics and videos are just so unreal and so very sad.

I had a curfew also. I moved out on my 18th b-day. I didn't drink or anything at that time but my parents didn't like my boyfriend so I just didn't want to deal with it all. He really wasn't that bad of a guy and he didn't drink at all so if i hadn't been dating him I probably would have been out partying like everyone else. I worked and saved up for my deposits on everything. I lived in a small town and you could get a studio apartment rather cheap in 1978.

MissQQ, I hope all is well in your area. I know that all this must be very scary.

Debi, loving the pink. It suits you well. I have to wash all of my makeup off before bed or my face would be covered in blemishes. I haven't bought an Essie polish in quite some time. Those are really pretty and such spring colors. I should look at some again. Right now I am loving Butter London's "All Hail The Queen" I saw it in the swatch thread and fell in love with it. It has so many different colored shimmers.

That's funny about the graveyard. You can't be in a graveyard after dark here. I love going to old ones especially with lots of history.

A few years ago when my daughter and I were looking at colleges and were in Lynchburg, Virginia there was a great one. It even has five small museums and gift shop:) There was some interesting graves. There is one that has a bed made of moss and covered in flowers. There is an enclosure that contains a monument with widows weeds flowing from it. The graves hold mother Agnes Langley (1789-1874) (Proprietor of one of Lynchburg’s most successful “sporting houses”) and daughter Lizzie Langley (1833-1891.) If you are ever in Lynchburg, VA you must make time to go to the Old City Cemetery. We didn't have a lot of time so we missed a great deal of it ...


Well-known member
Debi the essie polishes are beauiful looking! i like the look of the bluey teal colour on the end! fabulous! i have a couple of essie polishes but they are very expensive in the uk (£8 each) so i don't tend to buy that many anymore. and i am pleased you enjoyed the movie! :)

yes that is the most annoying thing! when your parents think that your boyfriend is the one who is going to have you staying out late and getting drunk! just like you nick was actually the reason why i didn't go out drinking while my friends were going out to clubs and getting drunk! me and him used to stay at his house and watch movies all night, have a bottle of wine and pizza! i think my parents realise now that they were being stupidly over protective though which is a good thing. and in a way it drove me away because i spent every saturday night at nick's house just so that i didn't have to come home stupidly early. plus because me and nick had a weekend job at the same place his mum would then drive us into work the next day it was a good routine!

so the plan for me and nick today is that we shall stay home. clean the house, play with the kitties and watch a movie. we were going to go into the city however i don't really need anything fro the shops and also i don't want to eat out because i ate out one day last week. so that would be no good for my diet! if we get bored i guess we shall go for a walk.


Well-known member
Just dragging myself out of bed. I was up super late and then we had to do all the clocks forward. We are about to have breakfast and it is almost lunch time! I love the Essie colours but they are a bugger to put on. I never get on well with cremes, either. I had to put French Affair on thick and it still was streaky. Then, though I thought it was dry, I mushed up part of my thumb while packing up a box of tarot. Back to the beginning! They are cute and nice, but still, they are not OPI. I wish OPI would have more really soft pastel colours and have them around regularly instead of these special/limited lines.

So...I am off to eat my breakfast and chat Red Riding Hood some more with hubby! We both had a lot of fun with it! Not sure of the plans to day, but I know dusting will be one of them! lol

P.S.~Lou, over here Essie costs less than OPI. But still quite expensive considering the bottle is smaller! I think each one cost me 8.00 or around that. Maybe 8.25.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
lou - Which movie are you watching? Have a fun day! I watched the adjustment burea and it is not very fantastic at all. After watching King's speech that was really boring when I compare the two.

Hi debi! We're on the same schedule again! lol. Enjoy your day! I love to chat about a good movie we watched together with my friends too.

Thanks, shadow. I'm pretty safe here so far. THough the nuclear thingy is making me nervous.


Well-known member
lou - Which movie are you watching? Have a fun day! I watched the adjustment burea and it is not very fantastic at all. After watching King's speech that was really boring when I compare the two.

Hi debi! We're on the same schedule again! lol. Enjoy your day! I love to chat about a good movie we watched together with my friends too.

Thanks, shadow. I'm pretty safe here so far. THough the nuclear thingy is making me nervous.
we actually watched a simple man today. very good film. quite serious but very enjoyable. i loved the cinematography in the film and it was actually quite moving.
what amused me though was seeing a well known british tv actor playing an american. he did the accent very well :) sorry that the movie you saw wasn't so great though :( i'm not sure what film i shall watch next. i want to see due date because it's a comedy and i feel like a laugh! but nick thinks it looks rubbish so i may watch it on my own at some point! i did treat myself to a tv box set today of the show lion man. it is about a guy in new zealand who keeps tigers and lions and is trying to breed certain types to stop them becoming extinct. i have seen the show so many times but nick never has and he loves big cats just as much as i do! so i thought screw it and bought all 3 seasons! 15 hours worth of program for £25! bargain!


Well-known member
Good for you, Lou, for getting that TV series. I have not seen it, but it sounds like something you both will really enjoy. I love movies about lions and wildlife, but always heartbreaking, too. I will have to look for that nail finisher to dry my nails quick. I have to dust this room now. Ugh. I don't know how I will get around all the boxes waiting to go out and everything is organized, so don't want to move them. But it is dusty in here! I need spring and summer so the heat won't be on so much, flying the dust around constantly.

What I really want to do is go out and buy another Coach bag. Yep...another one. I have my eye on a few and think it would be fun to have yet another. How many bags do you all have that you are actually using right now? I want something pretty...something fun!


Well-known member
Good for you, Lou, for getting that TV series. I have not seen it, but it sounds like something you both will really enjoy. I love movies about lions and wildlife, but always heartbreaking, too. I will have to look for that nail finisher to dry my nails quick. I have to dust this room now. Ugh. I don't know how I will get around all the boxes waiting to go out and everything is organized, so don't want to move them. But it is dusty in here! I need spring and summer so the heat won't be on so much, flying the dust around constantly.

What I really want to do is go out and buy another Coach bag. Yep...another one. I have my eye on a few and think it would be fun to have yet another. How many bags do you all have that you are actually using right now? I want something pretty...something fun!
yes i know what you mean about being heartbreaking too. some of the shows we watch are rather upsetting where you see people hunting animals for their skins and such. i hate any kind of cruelty to animals. pets or wild ones. and at work we always watch shows on nat geo wild or the planet earth program. such wonderful things!

and i have two bags that i use frequently. i have my louis vuitton and then my coach bag that i use of it is raining or if i have lots to carry. then i also have various bags from Radley and also a Matthew Williamson one that is a lovely black leather shoulder bag.


Well-known member
I gave hubby the Planet Earth series for Christmas! I am hoping we will get around to watching it soon as we haven't seen any of it yet.

So....I shopped. I hauled. I bought another bag and drooled over about 5 others. All my life I have pretty much been a 1 purse person, using it until it was falling apart, the same boring one year round, never big enough to hold things. I am a late bloomer when it comes to purse infatuation, but I am definitely there now. Maybe when I am 80 I will suddenly discover the fascination of shoes, but so far it is sneakers, a few pairs of shoes and slippers for me! Of course, I am not working, so even less excuse to need these things!

And I hit MAC, Sephora and Macy's, but only a little haul as I just have so much now and enjoying what I have. Pics in the haul section later. I am too tired and hungry right now! I saw a few people with Louis Vuitton's and thought of you! I also kept pointing out everyone else with various Coach bags just so hubby knew I had not lost my mind. The shop was insanely busy. There are a few sofas for the hubby's to sit and wait and one lady could not decide between 5 bags. She was there when I went in, I had a long wait, then she was still trying to decide when I left and her husband looked like he was ready to strangle her! lol The whole mall was absolutely mobbed. My husband had a super hard time finding a parking space and by the time he got into the mall itself I was already done with MAC and Sephora!

Time for chicken, rice and salad! Yummy....


Well-known member
Debi, Like Lou I use the Seche Vite topcoat and find that it works better for more me than any I have tried. I buy it at Sally's Beauty Supply for around $8. I haven't really looked anywhere else for it so not sure.

Someone gave my daughter the Planet Earth set as a gift but she hasn't had much time to watch it. I got her the set of Firefly and also Serenity so she and her friends like watching those right now.

When my hubby used to go shopping with me he like the husband chairs also:)

I've been searching storage boxes this weekend driving myself crazy trying to find something. I hate that. When I had my son my sister had a really nice baby blue ceramic bassinet that had a music box with silk flowers and greenery delivered to me at the hospital. I know the silk stuff has long been yucky but I wanted to find it and clean it and buy new stuff and fix in it to take to the hospital when my daughter-in-law has my grandson. I know my son would really like that but I can't find it for the life of me and usually I am so good at labeling. Of course I have moved a few times since then but my husband said he has seen it since we have been in this house also. We bought it in 1994 so who knows where it is. We both think we saw it in our study closet at one point and I went through a good part of it last night. The closet does look a bit like tetrus with all the storage containers. There is all kinds of things such as things I brought from my mom's after she passed that I really need to sort through and storage containers that for each of of the kids that I call their "special boxes" that has drawings form school over the years and all that kind of stuff. It's amazing how much crap you can put in closet if you stack it just right:) It's amazing how much crap you can put in a closet when you stack it just right:) IIt's amazing how much crap you can put in a closet when you stack it just right:) It's amazing how much crap you can put in a closet when you stack it just right:) It's amazing how much crap you can put in a closet when you stack it just right:) so she and her friends lklike watching those.basinettbwith silf flowers and greenery delivered to the I know the silk stuff got yucky through the yearsIthings. The closet does look a bit like r


Well-known member
Debi, Like Lou I use the Seche Vite topcoat and find that it works better for more me than any I have tried. I buy it at Sally's Beauty Supply for around $8. I haven't really looked anywhere else for it so not sure.

Someone gave my daughter the Planet Earth set as a gift but she hasn't had much time to watch it. I got her the set of Firefly and also Serenity so she and her friends like watching those right now.

When my hubby used to go shopping with me he like the husband chairs also:)

I've been searching storage boxes this weekend driving myself crazy trying to find something. I hate that. When I had my son my sister had a really nice baby blue ceramic bassinet that had a music box with silk flowers and greenery delivered to me at the hospital. I know the silk stuff has long been yucky but I wanted to find it and clean it and buy new stuff and fix in it to take to the hospital when my daughter-in-law has my grandson. I know my son would really like that but I can't find it for the life of me and usually I am so good at labeling. Of course I have moved a few times since then but my husband said he has seen it since we have been in this house also. We bought it in 1994 so who knows where it is. We both think we saw it in our study closet at one point and I went through a good part of it last night. The closet does look a bit like tetrus with all the storage containers. There is all kinds of things such as things I brought from my mom's after she passed that I really need to sort through and storage containers that for each of of the kids that I call their "special boxes" that has drawings form school over the years and all that kind of stuff. It's amazing how much crap you can put in closet if you stack it just right:) It's amazing how much crap you can put in a closet when you stack it just right:) IIt's amazing how much crap you can put in a closet when you stack it just right:) It's amazing how much crap you can put in a closet when you stack it just right:) It's amazing how much crap you can put in a closet when you stack it just right:) so she and her friends lklike watching those.basinettbwith silf flowers and greenery delivered to the I know the silk stuff got yucky through the yearsIthings. The closet does look a bit like r
oh i like the firefly series! although i love most joss wheedon shows! is your daughter enjoying it? and get her to watch planet earth! it really is awesome! there is lots to it, but well worth watching! i want my lion man set to arrive now!! it only got dispatched last night though so i bet it will be here by thursday. in the mean time me and nick shall watch some of our simpsons box sets! i love that show! i actually laugh until i cry at parts of it!

i hope you find a nice box soon. i have a special box for all my special things. i have stuff from old school work to cards that nick sent me before we were a couple. oh and i have all the champagne corks from my 18th birthday and our wedding and any other special occasion. oh and don't worry! the uk drinking age is 18 remember!

i am back at work and i don't want to eb here because it is so sunny outside! absolutely lovely! it is still cold of course however from the inside it looks like a summers day! have a great week ladies! i hope everybody is ok! including Nora and Susanne who aren't here as much at the moment


Well-known member
Good morning from a very cloudy New England! Lots of birds out, mostly crows, as it is trash day! They know the is pretty scary! Still lots of snow to melt, too, so nothing like what your wonderful day looks like, Lou! Send some this way!! Today I am praying that those money orders come in. I have 5 boxes waiting to be sent out and sold another box for 150.00 last night around midnight! And I need to get rid of a lot more. I promise to try to put a picture up later today with my new purse. My bedroom smells like new leather! And I found I am in love with Clinique Chubby Sticks for Lips! Anything that makes a girl happy!!

Hubby usually hides himself out in the mall, watching one of the massive tv screens while I shop in Coach, but he holds all my Sephora, MAC, etc. bags for me! That way he is not completely out of place and bored! But what bothers me is that he needs things and never buys them. Every year I have to raid his drawers for all his gift certificates he got from birthdays and Christmas and say "we are going out to buy you stuff!" What is it with men who will wear coats and jammies with holes in them instead of getting new ones? The other day he had not brushed his hair, not shaved, was in old clothes and working from home. I told him he looked like a bum. Sometimes having him work from home all the time is not so great. I like my privacy and a nicely groomed husband, thank you very much!

Off to have breakfast. Seems all I do these days is eat and sell decks!


Well-known member
Good morning from a very cloudy New England! Lots of birds out, mostly crows, as it is trash day! They know the is pretty scary! Still lots of snow to melt, too, so nothing like what your wonderful day looks like, Lou! Send some this way!! Today I am praying that those money orders come in. I have 5 boxes waiting to be sent out and sold another box for 150.00 last night around midnight! And I need to get rid of a lot more. I promise to try to put a picture up later today with my new purse. My bedroom smells like new leather! And I found I am in love with Clinique Chubby Sticks for Lips! Anything that makes a girl happy!!

Hubby usually hides himself out in the mall, watching one of the massive tv screens while I shop in Coach, but he holds all my Sephora, MAC, etc. bags for me! That way he is not completely out of place and bored! But what bothers me is that he needs things and never buys them. Every year I have to raid his drawers for all his gift certificates he got from birthdays and Christmas and say "we are going out to buy you stuff!" What is it with men who will wear coats and jammies with holes in them instead of getting new ones? The other day he had not brushed his hair, not shaved, was in old clothes and working from home. I told him he looked like a bum. Sometimes having him work from home all the time is not so great. I like my privacy and a nicely groomed husband, thank you very much!

Off to have breakfast. Seems all I do these days is eat and sell decks!
i shall send some sunshine your way! and i need those chubby sticks! however i can't find them in the uk yet which is upsetting! i wanted a couple last week. i shall keep an eye out at the clineque counter though. i just hope they aren't too expencive! and don't get me started on guys keeping things until they have holes in! nick never really spends money on himself and he wears his clothing until it is literally falling apart! i won't even tell you about his underwear! lol!


Well-known member
OMG....I am so glad you said that. I am thinking my husband is more attached to his old clothes than he is to me! lol I think the Chubby Sticks were 18.00 each, and worth it, too. I find them moisturizing, not goopy on your lips, nice colours, not too sheer, just sort of perfect! is the unveiling of the new purse and Poppy bracelet from Coach! I had to get a pink bag and the bracelet just screams summer and ice cream sundaes to me! With bright pink l/s, of course!



Well-known member
Hi everyone!

^^Lol at the men - Jerome is the same way. I get him new clothing as mini presents and surprises if he ever needs something, because he'll never buy it himself!! Too bad he'd know right away if I got rid of something! :p

Even though it's March Break, I've been pretty busy the past couple of days - Jerome and I took Saturday off to just kick back and relax, which was amazing, and yesterday I had more French recordings to do, which was about 5 hours of my day!! Today I'm getting some cleaning done as I have a friend coming over to work for several hours on our group project, and then I have tutoring and training. Jerome's off running a March Break camp for kids :)

It's been so scary to hear about all the stuff happening in Japan. Jerome has lots of friends and even family over there, and while everyone is OK, the situation is pretty dire. He was on the news and radio here talking about it because he was working at the japanese cultural centre when the earthquakes hit, and was explaining how to donate to the red cross through their partnership. At that point, though, no one realized the extent of the damage from the earthquake, the tsunamis hadn't hit yet, and the nuclear reactors hadn't been affected. Hope everyone in the line of fire is OK! We'd be over there in a heart beat to help if we could.

I can't remember who said it, but I am loving Butter London and All Hail the Queen at the moment, as well! I've been wearing it all week, actually :)

I've got to run off to get some more last-minute cleaning done and to grab a shower, but I'll be back to catch up later on this evening! :)
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