MAC - Shop Shop Shop / Cook Cook Cook discussion


Well-known member
okay definitely want dish it up and backing up runaway red...will probably grab restores dazzle and a tendertone...other than that i'm surprised i don't want a lot from this collection at this point.


Well-known member

here is Call Me Bubbles Eye Shadow x4
Call Me Bubbles (Satin)
Fresh Daily (Frost)
Full of Flavour (Matte)
Brash (Veluxe Pearl) (repromote)

Thank you! I know for sure I am going to haul this now... Well as long as it swatches well!

So this, Runaway Red, Optismistic Orange and Purring Tendertone and I'm good! I may take a peek at the purple/violet quad. Not a fan of Hynotizing though, so that may cancel out. I can't wait to check out the collection and have yet to call around for an event in my area. I may hop on the phone tonight. Side note, with a name like "Cook, Cook, Cook" I'm hoping for some great food at the event, lol.


Well-known member
Call me crazy, but my excitement for a collection actually plummets as soon as I see the official info and as it gets closer to release. Weird.

MAC lipsticks seem to go bad faster than I use them up, so despite how tempted I am I'll probably skip the lippies. I can dupe most of the quads, and I've lost interest in the fluidlines. Looks like I'll be leaving with just Purring Tendertone. o.o


Well-known member
A few of the product pictures bother me.

Plastic fake pearls? Why not use real? I think that would've looked better.

It's like... if I was trying to sell Caviar and my promo pictures were of it on a plastic dixie plate.


Well-known member
Wow - I just want to wear that shiny hot red vinyl dress in the promo!!!!
I need something to wear my pink rubber cleaning gloves with

Love love love the fluidlines & creme blushes


Well-known member
I'm sitting at $266.00 right now for this collection! I have took out a few items out and will order them online instead. Can the 31st come sooner?! I'm so excited about the event!!!! Who else is going on the 31st and will be swatching like crazy? LOL!


Well-known member
Well, looking at official promo pictures and contemplating the sad state of finances after Daphne, Gareth, and Iris made out like bandits, I am confining myself to fewer products.
Thank goodness we have some nice Amplifed and Cremesheen finishes (and a matte!)

Naughty Saute Bright pepto pink (Cremesheen OR Quick Sizzle Bright Pink (Matte) since I missed out on the pigeon
Watch Me Simmer Bright pink-orange (Amplified) unless it looks too much like Morange or Vegas Volt
Runaway Red Rich red-blue (Satin) (Repromote)

>>Kissable Lipcolours:So Vain - Muted midtone coral & Flaunting It (grey mauve-purple)

skipping the quads now--they're dupeable I think

I will get the Brown Black fluidline from Shop3

That shouldn't break the bank.


Well-known member
*_________* now I'm excited for this collection!!!!!!
I'd like:
Call me bubbles quad (at the beginning I wanted Shop and drop.. which is lovely, but I prefer the orange quad!!)
Optimistic orange (maybe... if I can afford it)
Watch me simmer (it looks like something I don't have) I could also like the purple lipstick
Hush hush (if I can afford it... Vera pigments and pearlglide have the priority!)


Well-known member
I think I just want some Tendertones. I honestly think I've gotten to the point where I just want a few awesome things lately, rather than hauling everything in sight like I did for the last two years.


Well-known member
My List is is
Flaunting it- Im buying two.
the quads I don't want to put them on my ever so small list until I see swatches and swatch on myself.


Well-known member
I'm so jealous your event is so soon! mine is this collex will have been out for 2 weeks - I'm lost!

I'm sitting at $266.00 right now for this collection! I have took out a few items out and will order them online instead. Can the 31st come sooner?! I'm so excited about the event!!!! Who else is going on the 31st and will be swatching like crazy? LOL!


Well-known member
Hmm... not too interesting. My list:
-Flaunting it kissable
-Florida Cremeblend blush
-Either Shop&Drop or Color Added quad
Maybe Hot n Saucy kissable, but probably not. I have my Lucas Papaw ointment for $5


Well-known member
just for once im not going to make a list!
wait for swatches etc etc

with the likes of nars chanel etc it is easier to make a list as there is one friggen collection...

mac is too hard and i dont feel like getting stressed out "oh did i forget one blah blah"
take em as they come LOL


Well-known member
If I have MAC Red and Port Red, do I really need Runway Red? All the hype as got me curious, but I wear straight red about once in a blue moon. I tend to go for more muted or brick reds like Party Line or Media.

i don't think port red is a straight up has a bit of copper or something to it...and i think the finish is frostier or something....
as others have mentioned, very different from runaway red...