MAC Divine Night Collection (October 17, 2013)


Well-known member
Usually my BIG orders take longer. If the first order was larger that is probably why.
both had same amount of items. The one that shipped is the one I really wanted anyways so i'm not concerned if the other is cancelled. They'd do me a favor LOL just curious.

and thank you :)


Well-known member
Has anyone who ordered through the site map before the text was sent out received shipping confirmation?
that's what I was asking, you just worded it way better, LOL. my 2nd order after the site map was up shipped early this morning and still the first order is pending.


Well-known member
I never said anything about a conspiracy plot to mind control anyone. I actually agree with what you're saying, we're probably just saying it in different ways. I do get the need to control overstock and the hype to drive sales, but I think in many cases they seem to grossly underestimate the sales they're going to make, and if this is something that continues to happen, it makes me suspicious that there's more at work here than just controlling inventory. Maybe not with this particular collection, it's a holiday collection and not attached to a big name, but RiRi, Marilyn, Hello Kitty, etc. This has been happening for a while, so while MAC can claim they're listening to customers, the recent RiRi launches have said to me that they either are trying and failing or not trying at all, between the inventory and the waiting room. My take on it is the latter, especially since no matter what, people who really want will buy, regardless of how MAC is treating them. That's just the way it is, and the execs at MAC/Estee Lauder know this. They can't even get a simple email right stating whether or not the pro discount is available.

I'm not stressed over this collection or punk couture, but I can see where you're coming from. However "growing pains" for a company that's more than 20 years old, is like meh. How difficult can it be? I need MAC to do better.

ETA - I do want to thank you though for the swatches and your thoughts on the collection, it's much appreciated here. I don't want you to think I'm coming for you or anything, I honestly think we're saying sort of the same thing. I just think you're willing to give them a little more slack. I just get really upset at bad customer service.
I think they're trying but failing, personally, because I am seeing them try different things online, like the waiting room - it takes a lot of work behind the scenes to implement something like that and if they don't have the best web programers and stuff on it, yep…problems.

You would think a huge company like Estee Lauder would know how to handle this stuff, but wow, you'd be surprised at how backwards some companies are and EL is still owned and run by a family at the top. That gets very backwards and not modern. No wonder they're not handling all of this so well. They need to keep Customer Service waaaaay more informed too - SO MANY companies have no clue at how important that is until it jumps up and bites them on the butt. The supply issues are thorny too, because it seems like a simple logical thing to make much more stock and get much more money. It's trickier, though, when you have many companies under one umbrella, where the gains on one is supporting the losses of another. We can't exactly blame the original MAC founders, who really did need to sell their business when they did, as there was AIDS tragedy involved. Why is corporate culture so foolish and short sighted about the companies they buy? Ugh - no easy answer for that, but EL's been a bit better keeping the MAC product true to its origins in ways many corporate buy-outs don't even come close to - but those horror stories are not often in the beauty industry the way they are in some others, like publishing for example.

Anyways, I just felt like jumping in with a glass half full sort of comment - didn't mean to direct it at you specifically, but I liked your comment and felt it really summed up what a lot of people are feeling so it seemed like the best one to quote to reply from! I love these sorts of intellectual back and forths!


Well-known member
I'm trying to catch up - with over 1,700 messages!

So far i'm not as excited as i thought i would be for the Divine Night color collection. I like Mineralize face stuff, and i don't mind Mineralize e/s, so I have a long "To Test" list. But nothing is screaming, "Buy ME!". And I think i can pass on most, if not all, of the lip things. I just have to get in there and see them Thursday AM.

As for the Nocturnals - the sets of gloss and balm ("TastiTints") and pigments - i may be interested in a pigment set or two, but not the other stuff.

And the Stroke of Midnight sets, they don't do anything for me. I like the packaging, but these are just items i don't buy.

Oh, well, more to spend on Punk Couture.


Well-known member
I think they're trying but failing, personally, because I am seeing them try different things online, like the waiting room - it takes a lot of work behind the scenes to implement something like that and if they don't have the best web programers and stuff on it, yep…problems.

You would think a huge company like Estee Lauder would know how to handle this stuff, but wow, you'd be surprised at how backwards some companies are and EL is still owned and run by a family at the top. That gets very backwards and not modern. No wonder they're not handling all of this so well. They need to keep Customer Service waaaaay more informed too - SO MANY companies have no clue at how important that is until it jumps up and bites them on the butt. The supply issues are thorny too, because it seems like a simple logical thing to make much more stock and get much more money. It's trickier, though, when you have many companies under one umbrella, where the gains on one is supporting the losses of another. We can't exactly blame the original MAC founders, who really did need to sell their business when they did, as there was AIDS tragedy involved. Why is corporate culture so foolish and short sighted about the companies they buy? Ugh - no easy answer for that, but EL's been a bit better keeping the MAC product true to its origins in ways many corporate buy-outs don't even come close to - but those horror stories are not often in the beauty industry the way they are in some others, like publishing for example.

Anyways, I just felt like jumping in with a glass half full sort of comment - didn't mean to direct it at you specifically, but I liked your comment and felt it really summed up what a lot of people are feeling so it seemed like the best one to quote to reply from! I love these sorts of intellectual back and forths!
I think with every launch they are surprised by the buying frenzy. I know it has been crazier and crazier since about 2010. The number of ebayers reselling has exploded as has the number of people with pro cards that are not really pros but get it to save money. I am not faulting anyone but it is true. I think they are trying. I think they are trying hard but they are not prepared for the response to some collections and they ahve listened by limiting purchases to only one but people are still finding ways around that too. I am not sure why there was a pro then no pro discount but I see very few people that are truly hurt by this in a business aspect that need these for their kits. That is honestly why pro is around. I see more from collectors and lovers for personal use. JMO and I know there are a few people needing kit stuff but not nearly as many as for personal use. I know that there is a LOT less leftover at CCO locations since Glitter and Ice so it is clear that they cut their supply to avoid left overs.


New member
The email I got this morning at 6:15 am said "Pro Discount is Not Available"...I guess the one they sent to the Canadian pros had the correct info? I'm very disappointed there is no Pro discount. I could understand why there was none for Rihanna's last collection, but there should be a discount for a more or less regular collection. I wonder what their rationale is. I will have to ask my local counter associates.


Well-known member
Stop talking about the new system. If you come into the thread and realise that there is something new/different going on...please PM Richelle or Erine. By time y'all finished, everybody and they mama gonna know what's up.

Dreaming Dancer

Well-known member
I haven't followed this thread as close since I don't use many mineralize products, but I did order Center of attention and scene to be seen MSF's. I'm hoping everything works out for the pros with your discount. These issues sound really frustrating. Maybe if we send positive vibes if will work out. :)