MAC Divine Night Collection (October 17, 2013)


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Boy, did we hijack this thread.

To the newbies: don't be shy or intimidated, just join in the chatter, that's what this site is for. I'm shy too and sometimes feel like I don't have much to contribute, plus the language barrier is not making it as easy for me, but it's not about having to be a professional MUA giving advice or being a blogger with the latest info, this site is for everyone who just loves makeup.

Back to topic... where the darn swatches at?!


Well-known member
I get what you're saying but at the same time it wasn't really meant to be a permanent solution. It was really introduced after the latest Rihanna fiasco and basically meant for that. But we needed to test it out beforehand so this collection was perfect, it worked for a few minutes lol.


Well-known member
Boy, did we hijack this thread.

To the newbies: don't be shy or intimidated, just join in the chatter, that's what this site is for. I'm shy too and sometimes feel like I don't have much to contribute, plus the language barrier is not making it as easy for me, but it's not about having to be a professional MUA giving advice or being a blogger with the latest info, this site is for everyone who just loves makeup.

Back to topic... where the darn swatches at?!

waiting for blush swatches... i want the lavish blush swatchhhhhhhhh


Well-known member
I never see questions ignored. People just do not go back and look for the answers or except a PM I guess. There is not a new v. senior attitude but so many new posters seem to be intimidated and try to start drama. Also, people come for info only and never say anything. At least post what works for you and a review.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Mac-Guy

I can only speak for myself, but I'm sure others can relate as they had similar experiences. I stopped posting reviews, color stories or provide swatches (I'm talking about the early ones 2 - 3 weeks before the official release) as I got burnt by bloggers or other forums that blatantly stole my pics or copied my review without my consent. About a year ago, it got to the point where it was extremely frustrating to see that the info (including the little bugs I inserted) I posted on Spectra was floating around on other blogs, thus I decided to stop posting any information on new collections. I'm certain that this is the reason why others also stopped posting or at least don't post as much any more. It seems to be a common problem, but there is no solution.

I totally respect that, but I will say - I've been around just long enough to miss your posts, and your reviews would still be valuable to me even a couple of weeks after a launch...

Miss Dynamite

Well-known member
I swear, I'm gonna have some kind of meltdown waiting for Temptalia to get her stuff and post swatches. I have some items in my bag but I'm not 100% sure about them since we've seen no swatches at all. But I'm scared that they will sell out by then. I've been refreshing her site since like 5 AM.


Well-known member
Wait, Richelle said $5-$7, how did it get to $25?! I was ok with paying a $5 annual fee, but that's where I draw the line. $25 is a lot for a forum!


Well-known member
Hi guys,

I have been lurking Specktra for a long long time and only recently made an account. I do not have a blog, I don't come here to steal content and I am definitely not an ebay seller....I come here only to get information about upcoming collections because I love makeup and am addicted to MAC
... I also come here to look at swatches so that I kind of know what to order on launch dates.

I do not post much because:
a) Most of the time, I have absolutely nothing useful to say :p
b) The fact that most of you all know each other and have been here for years + all the posts about making stuff private is kind of intimidating...

I would also like to mention that the few times I have posted some simple questions, no one has ever answered me or acknowledged the fact that I asked a question...

Finally, as a *not so frequent Specktra visitor*, I can assure you that there are other ways of finding out when a collection launches online and people who really want to know will definitely find a different way of getting their information...

This is the Internet...and the Internet is a double-edged sword.
I would like to point out that you asked a few questions prior to the release of the lipsticks so we really couldn't answer the questions. Once we got them your question was answered but I'm not sure anyone quoted you.

Like another member asked us a good 5 times to swatch two or three lipsticks together to compare. Each time I think she got angrier but at the same time we really can't oblige until we get the items.

Oh and your nothing useful thing to say comment, that happens to me a lot! Sometimes just a smiley face works until you feel like there is something you can offer.


Well-known member
False. Please don't say no one has EVER answered you or acknowledged you. I just went back and saw someone answered your question about if whether or not one of the MAC shadows was a dupe for a UD shadow. Then you asked a question in the Temperature Rising thread. I didn't look through the rest of that thread for answers because truthfully, you asked a question on page 82 or so and the thread went well into 200+ pages. For all I know, your answer could be on page 90. Big collections=big threads. The thing is, most times peoples questions are answered but people asks questions and then leave without sticking around for the answer or even bother looking for them when they return.

And I agree that it's not hard to find info. But you also have to remember that there are some that are too lazy to look for it and just want it handed to them on a platter.

We read these posts all the time. Someone posts something rude about us & then when its researched, we find out that our members have always responded...many times.

In my personal life, if I would ever make a false accusation & found out that I was wrong - I would IMMEDIATELY apologize for MY oversight.

Maybe its cause I'm old & my parents taught me the huge value of respect. Kind of a lost art these days


Well-known member
Boy, did we hijack this thread.

To the newbies: don't be shy or intimidated, just join in the chatter, that's what this site is for. I'm shy too and sometimes feel like I don't have much to contribute, plus the language barrier is not making it as easy for me, but it's not about having to be a professional MUA giving advice or being a blogger with the latest info, this site is for everyone who just loves makeup.

Back to topic... where the darn swatches at?!


Well-known member
Wait, Richelle said $5-$7, how did it get to $25?! I was ok with paying a $5 annual fee, but that's where I draw the line. $25 is a lot for a forum!
I said that because $5 is not going to stop ebayers at all. It seems fair to me but that is my opinion. How many people only refresh here for launches instead of checking the sites? It is an amout to me that would keep lurkers out of the launch threads but still help those that only check here as a time saving measure because not everyone can check each site for 12 hours straight but wait for the subscription email with the update from here to go buy. I could see it as a fee for Specktra saving you from researching when it goes live on your own. Again JMO because a lot of people put as many hours in here as they would at a job during launches and time is money.


I don't know if you were referring to my post but I wasn't trying to start drama... I apologize if that's the way I came off. I really just wanted to show that I was present even though I might be silent...

I will try and start posting pictures of stuff I buy, normally by the time I get my goodies all the hype as died down but I guess it's better late than never :)

On another note, I wonder if T has received her stuff yet...


Well-known member
:agree: We read these posts all the time. Someone posts something rude about us & then when its researched, we find out that our members have always responded...many times. In my personal life, if I would ever make a false accusation & found out that I was wrong - I would IMMEDIATELY apologize for MY oversight. Maybe its cause I'm old & my parents taught me the huge value of respect. Kind of  a lost art these days :unsure:  
She probably won't because like she said she's only here for information. If she does apologize, I would like to apologize myself for false accusation :)

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