@SleepingBeauty - Hey Lady! Thanks for the shout out! I've been reading for a few days and following along with all the posts, but haven't felt like commenting too much as we had to put our little girl kitty down on Wednesday. It was the hardest day of my life and it was terrible to have to witness, but we couldn't have her be alone when she really needed us. We get her back this week I think and have a little urn for her, all picked out. To say that this week has been shitty would be a huge understatement. Luckily work has been steady so that has kept me busy and my mind off of things. We are grieving together and leaning on each other, so that is the important thing. When our hearts are ready, we will be ready to love again and adopt another senior kitty! I've cried myself to sleep every night so far, so hopefully tonight I'll feel a bit better. This type of grief seems overwhelming and misunderstood by well meaning people. I don't remember feeling this devastated when my grandparents passed and we were close. I think the element of choice is weighing heavily on us too and the fact that animals only love, they don't judge or withhold their love at all, unlike humans. Oh, how we miss her so much - we keep looking for her and expecting her. Sometimes I almost call for her before I remember.
@singer82 - girl, that can't be legal. What a bunch of bull. I worked as a server and when we would have a dine and dash it would be covered by the restaurant. You have had some good advice here about labour laws, etc. Thinking of you girl. To everyone being successful on your low buys and use it up challenges, Way to Go! I've been trying the 'week product basket' where I'm only using stuff in the basket for one week at a time. Not bad at all! This funk has kept me out of the stores at least, and I am re-examining many parts of my life. I keep thinking about how much I spend and how I could refocus that onto things that matter to me - like maybe charities to do with animals, for example. How can I give back to the causes that I care about? How can I honour myself and those that I care about in the best possible way? How can I save money for things that really matter, like money for adopting animals in need, for my future, for my education? How I have been frivolous in the past - sometimes it's hard to believe. I feel like I am waking up out of a long stupor.