
Dolly Snow

I keep the regular size bottles around for the week day and the liter size bottles for the weekend. :haha: I have an crazy high wine tolerance for some reason and can consume 1 1/2 of the liter sized bottles before I feel myself becoming drunk, after 2 liters I'm pretty gone. One regular size bottle does NOTHING to me. I try not to get wine drunk though and know my wine limit because it is the only time I will get hungover and feel like I want to die. I can drink tons of beer too before feeling a thing, it's really weird so if a guy tried to get me drunk he'd have to shell out a pretty penny or go for hard liquor. :lol:
:lol: it is actually really good to have a high tolerance for alcohol. I try not to get wine drunk either because I get pretty interesting! But reg alcohol like the hard stuff, I can drink and drink and be ok lol


Well-known member
You should go to the Doctor just to have peace of mind my insomnia was actually diagnosed cause stress and anxiety. I never knew I had a problem I just kind of always been a night owl so I thought I was normal. But mine started to get really bad cause I started feeling on the edge all the time every little thing would be so stressful for me to deal and I was never like that. I'm the kind of person that works pretty well under pressure and I guess my body was taking taking a toll. I still have good and bad days but going to get help did help with my sleep somewhat
I might go some day. Maybe.


Well-known member
I keep the regular size bottles around for the week day and the liter size bottles for the weekend.

I have an crazy high wine tolerance for some reason and can consume 1 1/2 of the liter sized bottles before I feel myself becoming drunk, after 2 liters I'm pretty gone. One regular size bottle does NOTHING to me. I try not to get wine drunk though and know my wine limit because it is the only time I will get hungover and feel like I want to die. I can drink tons of beer too before feeling a thing, it's really weird so if a guy tried to get me drunk he'd have to shell out a pretty penny or go for hard liquor.
Love it!!! I'm the exact same way with beer ..But Wine after a bottle I feel pretty good


Well-known member
But reg alcohol like the hard stuff, I can drink and drink and be ok lol
That is so interesting my Best Friend can drink the hard stuff like there is no tomorrow but if she drinks beer she can't hang lmao!! She has me on the floor cause she gets pretty interesting as well .


Well-known member
Sleep is really important. I get the same way, I stay up all night, not even tired lol and in the morning just as I drop off. I have to wake up and it's awful.
true. I always stay up late, when i wake up in the morning i am tired... in the afternoon i am so tired that i have to sleep again which makes it difficult for me to sleep in the night... Vicious cycle...


Well-known member
I've experienced that too when I go to counters out of town at least. Here where I live they know me at the 2 counters and stop whatever they are doing to help me. Guess they're thinking "bitch drops a lot of cash here, I'm helping her out!"
They do the same thing for me as well at my regular counter, every one knows me by name and will stop in the middle of doing full faces to ask me what I'm in for. They're all so friendly and accommodating that I rarely go to any other counters or to the store unless they're out of what I want at the Dillard's because they're so great there.

Dolly Snow

That is so interesting my Best Friend can drink the hard stuff like there is no tomorrow but if she drinks beer she can't hang lmao!! She has me on the floor cause she gets pretty interesting as well .
:lol: she gets interesting too. But I know what you mean my best friend is the same in the sense of she cant drink certain things lol


Well-known member
But reg alcohol like the hard stuff, I can drink and drink and be ok lol
Few weekends ago I was at my friend Amy's house and me, her and her husband were taking shots of strawberry moonshine. I don't think I've ever been that drunk in my life and I've been pretty gone before. It's just so good that I couldn't stop. lol


Well-known member
Vicious cycle...
Your my twin !!! I stay up late at night wake up tired and when I get off work I take a nap and go to sleep late again. My Doctor that was treating my Insomnia was like well don't take a nap and go to sleep early. I just stared at him like this
..I really tried it!! But I couldn't do it


Well-known member
I've experienced that too when I go to counters out of town at least. Here where I live they know me at the 2 counters and stop whatever they are doing to help me. Guess they're thinking "bitch drops a lot of cash here, I'm helping her out!"
Yeah same thing happens at my counters.They even ask me to wear the lippie next time I come to the store or the likes. I play the game bec I always will want to them to hold new LE stuff if I ever need!