

Well-known member
lol so I can have something to look at in the dark
I can just picture you staring at your nails in the dark talking to yourself


Well-known member
I am always like that when i am at a MAC counter or store. At my counter they are always nice and talk to me, help me decide which lipstick i should buy and which one fits me best. At some of the other counters/stores i have been to they tend to leave me alone... i feel like sometimes i am getting on their nerves. Don't know why bc it is their job and i thought they might enjoy doing it. But hum... they always run away from me, look around and do nothing at all :lol: It's not like there are many other people to take care of in the store... most of the time i am alone or i am there with a friend of mine. :unsure: Maybe they just don't like me. :cry: :lol:

Dolly Snow

I hate insomnia as well I actually have to take medicines to help me sleep cause my mind just wanders all night. I was going to say maybe you guys need a drink to calm you down lmao!! :drinks:  
I have terrible insomnia :lol: Thats how I can stay up for collections lol so it has it's good parts


Well-known member
I think you all have enabled me into drinking some wine tonight. And since you all know I'm a cheap date, 2 glasses is all I need!


Well-known member
I just acquired a huge wine glass.....the dr says a glass od red wine a day is fine lol but he never said the size
Well if a glass is good,then a bottle has got to be even better! Oh and screw dirtying a glass, get Naomi classy and guzzle it from the bottle.


Well-known member
I am always like that when i am at a MAC counter or store. At my counter they are always nice and talk to me, help me decide which lipstick i should buy and which one fits me best. At some of the other counters/stores i have been too they tend to leave me alone... i feel like sometimes i am getting on their nerves. Don't know why bc it is their job and i thought they might enjoy doing it. But hum... they always run away from me, look around and do nothing at all :lol: It's not like there are many other people to take care of in the store... most of the time i am alone or i am there with a friend of mine. :unsure: Maybe they just don't like me. :cry: :lol:
I've experienced that too when I go to counters out of town at least. Here where I live they know me at the 2 counters and stop whatever they are doing to help me. Guess they're thinking "bitch drops a lot of cash here, I'm helping her out!"


Well-known member
I've thought of going to the doctor,but just never have. I work a set schedule and am not really stressed or anxious over anything so I've no clue what brings it on. I do the same though, just go and go until something in me just clicks and then I sleep like a baby.
You should go to the Doctor just to have peace of mind my insomnia was actually diagnosed cause stress and anxiety. I never knew I had a problem I just kind of always been a night owl so I thought I was normal. But mine started to get really bad cause I started feeling on the edge all the time every little thing would be so stressful for me to deal and I was never like that. I'm the kind of person that works pretty well under pressure and I guess my body was taking taking a toll. I still have good and bad days but going to get help did help with my sleep somewhat


Well-known member
I've experienced that too when I go to counters out of town at least. Here where I live they know me at the 2 counters and stop whatever they are doing to help me. Guess they're thinking "bitch drops a lot of cash here, I'm helping her out!"
Exactly! When I get to my counter they smile at me and help me immediately. A few months ago (when my addiction was at its beginning) i went there and one of the ladies recognised me and said: "Hey, you're the girl who bought Brick-O-La about one week ago, aren't you?" She even knew which lippy i bought :shocked: I like it when they know me, makes me feel at home :lol:


Well-known member
looks like enabler-villa has turned into hammered avenue
I keep the regular size bottles around for the week day and the liter size bottles for the weekend.

I have an crazy high wine tolerance for some reason and can consume 1 1/2 of the liter sized bottles before I feel myself becoming drunk, after 2 liters I'm pretty gone. One regular size bottle does NOTHING to me. I try not to get wine drunk though and know my wine limit because it is the only time I will get hungover and feel like I want to die. I can drink tons of beer too before feeling a thing, it's really weird so if a guy tried to get me drunk he'd have to shell out a pretty penny or go for hard liquor.