MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
I called 5th Ave again hoping for a miracle I guess, and the girl that answered off the bat was like, "lemme guess you're looking for LJ? " lol, she was really sweet about it tho and she said that if I mixed heroine with fascinating kohl liner it's a dupe for LJ.


Well-known member
Just lived chatted with Nordies; I asked if they can give me a listing of which stores have LJ in stock.

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You have been connected to a Beauty Stylist. Kiran D has seen your question and will be with you shortly.

Kiran D: Hi Karol, everyone is asking about this collection. Unfortunately the east coast stores are already sold out and once the west coast stores open they will be sold out for any phone orders. I'm so sorry.
Karol: aww that's upetting :( well thank you for your time. i appreciate it
Kiran D: No problem, have a great day.

i'm so over MAC. i don't get how the ENTIRE east coast is already sold out, smh.
No surprise there. That is how Mac rolls. Mac is a tease.


Well-known member
I went to Macys to do (personal) security for my sis who works at the MAC counter. (I'm not a real security guard, just looking out for her because in the past, things have gotten crazy during LE launches.) LMAO at the stampede that was headed our way once the doors opened! They were literally running...OMG, I felt like the dope man with the last hit! LOL, that ish' was scary AF!
Wow that's crazy!


Well-known member
Why was my Nordies sold out at 10:01 and they told me they had 20+ in stock, AND they told me they weren't doing pre orders... ugh...
I feel your pain. That sucks.


Well-known member
But someone mentioned how helpful this site/community "Specktra" is lol but it truly is I know just randomly when I was stalking RHPS a girl just randomly hit me n the pm like i c ur n Cali and this store is doing presale! Just out the blue it was really so sweet had she not done that I would've had no idea. My good gf works @ Nordies MAC she's been n the game along time and I sometimes know more than her!


Well-known member
Okay sorry for the pic spam but I have swatches. Sorry I didn't get these out yesterday, the UPS guy didn't deliver until it was pitch black outside.

Imperial Jade

Man I love this polish so much. Hopefully I can take a better picture if the sun ever comes out again.

Romantic Breakdown

Love this one! I normally don't have an issue with lustres but they are definitely hit or miss and this one is for sure a hit!

Comparison swatches of Romantic Breakdown @cowabungadude

I tried to get them as color accurate as possible but again the weather terrible.

Burmese Kiss

Comparison with Toying Around

I was getting super worried about Burmese Kiss with the recent swatches and while it is definitely more orange than I was hoping I still like it way more than Toying Around on me. It pulls slightly darker and a wee bit more pink. I think I'll finally rid myself of TA and wear BK with Cherry liner.
Beautiful swatches as ALWAYS. BK and TA look identical in your swatch here.


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Well-known member
I went to Macys to do (personal) security for my sis who works at the MAC counter. (I'm not a real security guard, just looking out for her because in the past, things have gotten crazy during LE launches.) LMAO at the stampede that was headed our way once the doors opened! They were literally running...OMG, I felt like the dope man with the last hit! LOL, that ish' was scary AF!
For the Riri Holiday launch, the doors opened and I was walking fast and everyone else RAN past me, I was like, "Oh, are we running?", totally clueless. Then others came running from the side entrance and intercepted. My first experience with that crap. Then after that is when I went to Montague and nearly got frost bite...ahhh, good times. Never did that ish again though.


Well-known member
For the Riri Holiday launch, the doors opened and I was walking fast and everyone else RAN past me, I was like, "Oh, are we running?", totally clueless. Then others came running from the side entrance and intercepted. My first experience with that crap. Then after that is when I went to Montague and nearly got frost bite...ahhh, good times. Never did that ish again though.
I understand those who can, but girl I can't do it! I love makeup, but I can't run, freeze or fight for it :p


Well-known member
Just speaking for myself, but I know that if stuff was easier to get and hung around, I wouldn't feel as pressured to buy. Impulse buy, because I know there may be no other chance. MAC is excellent at marketing, they are telling us what we want and why we want it. We want it because it's rare, it's hard to get, it's like a badge of respect. It doesn't win the likes of the masses, but I totally get their marketing strategy.
Yeah, I definitely know there are a lot of impulse buyers out there =), but there are also plenty of people who are just addicts and collectors who love having everything (like many people up here lol). There is no way that they are making as much money producing small quantities than they could be by making larger quantities. This would only be true if they made a few quantities and sold it at double or triple the cost of a regular lippie. Even if a regular person was walking in the store and saw the lipsticks, they would get sales off of them...probably more impulse buyers lol. They would not have a hard time selling out of the lipsticks, even with greater quantities. That's why I think the business model is poor, but I do understand what you're saying about the impulse buying.


Well-known member
they did restock, go now! Well, Cinderella they did
Thanks for this! I picked up Royal ball---the only thing I got for myself from Cinderella. Had the beauty powders in my bag, but while I was deciding, they sold out! Not to concerned though since I have SO and there are some fantastic collections on the horizon!


Well-known member
There was absolutely NO ONE at my Nordstrom MAC counter this morning, I grabbed two LJ, and one BK and FS. So much for skipping, i can't resist purples, and then when I was there chatting with the SA the other two landed in my bag. *snort* She said she thinks it will sell out fast though. Still can't believe I was the first person, saw a second girl as I was leaving. Now I really need breakfast, LOL.


Well-known member
There was absolutely NO ONE at my Nordstrom MAC counter this morning, I grabbed two LJ, and one BK and FS. So much for skipping, i can't resist purples, and then when I was there chatting with the SA the other two landed in my bag. *snort* She said she thinks it will sell out fast though. Still can't believe I was the first person, saw a second girl as I was leaving.
Good for you! Sounds like you seriously lucked out. Great to hear :)


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Well-known member
Hey madam. I did not. I guess I am soooo used to grabbing Nightmoth. Lol. Did you get LJ?
No hun I wasn't interested since I do have Nyx Violet, Lavender and other similar ones... I'm trying not to buy dupes when I already rarely wear the ones I have in my collection... I knew u would be in a state of bliss however


Well-known member
I called 5th Ave again hoping for a miracle I guess, and the girl that answered off the bat was like, "lemme guess you're looking for LJ? " lol, she was really sweet about it tho and she said that if I mixed heroine with fascinating kohl liner it's a dupe for LJ.
Girl, they always trying to give somebody a recipe for somethin lol...I wanted some color one time and the girl was trying to give me a "recipe" for it and the finishes weren't even the same (matte, etc). Let us know if you try that out though!