All Things Sephora


Well-known member
I find the moral eps of Twilight Zone to be really gripping. Like "The Silence", "Obsolescence", "I Am the Night, Colour Me Black" etc and there was one where the neighbours thought aliens had landed and they descended into total suspicion and chaos.
OMG we totally hijacked the Sephora thread. My deepest apologies to the patrons of All Things Sephora. To AWS & Lady Shontay----It's only right that we each buy
something from Sephora to atone for this transgression!!!!


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF]OMG we totally hijacked the Sephora thread.  My deepest apologies to the patrons of All Things Sephora.  To AWS & Lady Shontay----It's only right that we each buy[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  something from [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]Sephora to [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]atone for this transgression!!!![/COLOR]


Well-known member
You ladies are convincing me to read Gone Girl! I've been wanting to see the movie for ages and still haven't gotten around to it. I know I'm late, but I just saw the Marc Jacobs Instamarc contour powder and I'm in LOVE with Mirage/40. Am I justified in ditching my ABH contour kit for this? I only ever really use the two middle shades anyways which seem pretty similar to these. Not to mention the MJ compact is HUGE.
I bought this yesterday at Sephora. I was planning on picking up the kat van d shade and light palette but the Marc Jacobs powders were way smoother and pigmented. Plus I don't think 6 contour/highlight shades are essential to me getting ready every day


Well-known member
Hi ladies! What under eye concealer and/or corrector is your favorite? Grad school is taking a toll on my sleep and my nars radiant creamy concealer isn't cutting it anymore. I have some pretty bad dark circles. They're not too puffy though.
Mac pro long wear really does it for me. From sephora, Benefit erase paste is great for color correcting but creases on me. First aid Beauty makes an eye concealer also that I've been liking a lot, but not enough to rank it above the Mac plw.


Well-known member
OMG we totally hijacked the Sephora thread. My deepest apologies to the patrons of All Things Sephora. To AWS & Lady Shontay----It's only right that we each buy
something from Sephora to atone for this transgression!!!!
mmhmmm ...what did you do


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF]OMG we totally hijacked the Sephora thread.  My deepest apologies to the patrons of All Things Sephora.  To AWS & Lady Shontay----It's only right that we each buy[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  something from [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]Sephora to [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]atone for this transgression!!!![/COLOR]
I don't apologize for going off topic. I remember once on the Mac side of this board some stranger tried to play thread police. Since I strive to be a lady I didn't read them. We chatter but we always get back on track. All my purchases, all my enabling, I think I earned the opportunity to ramble a bit. :wink:


Well-known member
Nothing bothers me more than a victim that clearly doesn't have to be a victim. I find victim turned fighter & victor much more appealing than a whiny little victim w/no
fight in them. It's been a while but one book that comes to mind is the 'Pilot's Wife'. I just wanted to slap/shake her!!! You know a real "SNAP OUT OF IT" moment.

I'm saying right! *smdh*
I don't like the whiny characters that can't face the reality of a situation. Like when zombies are running around or some other bad BS is going down and they're all lalala or crying in the corner. I want that person to die ASAP. They're the weak link.
You're the weakest link! Goodbye!
Quote: Originally Posted by awickedshape


I went to bed and missed all this! Lol

I was initially sympathetic to Nick but not as much after he did his foolishness. It's amazing how he actually thought he was in love with that girl. Smh.
Amy... what a scary human being. All the lies!
And Desi. So oblivious to his own creepiness.

I'm glad if this author gets her due. This is such a gem amidst tripe like 50 you-know-what etc.
I certainly didn't like their actions but I wasn't bothered by the characters because they made the book so interesting. I definitely want to read her other books.

I find the moral eps of Twilight Zone to be really gripping. Like "The Silence", "Obsolescence", "I Am the Night, Colour Me Black" etc and there was one where the neighbours thought aliens had landed and they descended into total suspicion and chaos.
This is why I couldn't stand her!! The others were just another species of dumb.


Well-known member
Hi ladies! What under eye concealer and/or corrector is your favorite? Grad school is taking a toll on my sleep and my nars radiant creamy concealer isn't cutting it anymore. I have some pretty bad dark circles. They're not too puffy though.
Lauren I have hideous dark circles and noticed them lighten significantly when I started using Algenist Vitamin C Serum. It was a result that totally surprised me because
that's not why I was using it. It just happened to be a collateral benefit! I also use YSL Touche Eclat' w/good results.


Well-known member
OMG we totally hijacked the Sephora thread. My deepest apologies to the patrons of All Things Sephora. To AWS & Lady Shontay----It's only right that we each buy
something from Sephora to atone for this transgression!!!!
Whoops. We did start talking about makeup. I can't remember how we drifted off to books lol. I'm pretty sure it was this same thread too where we were first talking about designer handbags and where to get 'em cheaper lol. I do think we were all very naughty and should be sent to Sephora for a lesson!


Well-known member
I've read Gone Girl and Dark Places. I haven't see the movie yet though. Don't know why I'm hesitant.

I need to stay as far from Sephora as I can. She's always as close as my phone.


Well-known member
I don't apologize for going off topic. I remember once on the Mac side of this board some stranger tried to play thread police. Since I strive to be a lady I didn't read them. We chatter but we always get back on track. All my purchases, all my enabling, I think I earned the opportunity to ramble a bit.
Shontay, I was giving myself the gift of purchase. My comment was all tongue in cheek. The ladies didn't mind.


Well-known member
Whoops. We did start talking about makeup. I can't remember how we drifted off to books lol. I'm pretty sure it was this same thread too where we were first talking about designer handbags and where to get 'em cheaper lol. I do think we were all very naughty and should be sent to Sephora for a lesson!
​It was this thread and I ended up with a new cross body bag to prove it!!!!


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF] Shontay, I was giving myself the gift of purchase.  My comment was all tongue in cheek.  The ladies didn't mind.[/COLOR]:curtsy:
I know it was tongue in cheek, lady. :fight: can't you see it still chaps my ass that someone tried to check me once? Let me be mad for a second? :lol: