MAC Wash And Dry Collection (May 14 / May 21, 2015)


Well-known member
I think I will be setting alarms. Next one will be 2:30 AM and after that probably stay up. After 3 AM est I will be too nervous to sleep anyways!


Well-known member
I hope you find the right doctor soon. They should do an MRI and make sure the coil is still positioned properly. What if you go to the ER and demand an MRI?
A Dr has to send a request to my insurance company and they have to approve it. If I go to the ER they can do a CT scan and a lumbar puncture, but those won't show anything now. Another option would be something like an angiogram where they go back through my leg and do kind of a scope or something, but they won't do it just if I ask. They'll tell me to see a neurologist.
That sounds awful! What hospital did you go to? I just noticed that you're also in Pittsburgh!
I went to AGH. I like to avoid their ER though, I've had bad experiences there and they're always so busy! Which MAC do you usually go to? I was going to Robinson, but a few of the girls there get on my nerves so I'd rather go to Ross, Nordies or Macy's.


Well-known member
I give up with staying up all night anymore. I've lost too much sleep over these collections only to have them go up at 9am anyway. I'm getting too old for this! LOL


Well-known member
That sounds awful! What hospital did you go to? I just noticed that you're also in Pittsburgh!
I went to AGH. I like to avoid their ER though, I've had bad experiences there and they're always so busy!

Which MAC do you usually go to? I was going to Robinson, but a few of the girls there get on my nerves so I'd rather go to Ross, Nordies or Macy's.
I usually just order online, but if I go in store I go to Ross Park Mall, either Nordies or Macy's. I used to live in SoCal and had 2 MAC stores nearby so I got spoiled.

I've never been in AGH, bion. At least not that I remember. It seems like it would be a little scary there. I've always thought it must be like Grady Memorial in downtown Atlanta - a top-rated trauma center but full of people and some of them very strange people. Am I right?
I'm going to bed but I'll look for your answer when I wake up.


Well-known member
I have to search for another Dr, but sometimes it takes months to get in. They usually try to move appointments around to get me in sooner since I'm high risk, but just having to wait longer between the last appt to the next scares me because I've had a migraine since March 26th, nonstop. I mean I know I suffered severe trauma, but I'm practically useless 4-5 days out of the week. My list for this collection is Golden Rinse Washeteria Tumble Dry I wish I could get the 125 brush, but I have to watch my money right now. I should've stayed home, but I really thought I was going to find a good Dr because the hospital I went to is known for having good neurologists. My headaches are from a brain aneurysm I had in March, they had to run a coil up into the aneurysm to keep it from filling up with blood anymore. Picture filling a balloon with water and then running a string into the balloon until the balloon is filled with string instead of water. That's the blood vessel in my head, it bubbled out and filled with blood so they had to fill it with a coil so the blood doesn't cause it to bubble out any further. The surgery was nothing compared to the headaches I've had ever since then.
I was just trying to catch up and I ran across your post. You poor thing! I had an aneurysm last year and had three coils placed. I cannot imagine enduring migraines after all of that. The dr/hospital should be able to do a MRI/MRA. It sounds like the coil has moved or repositioned itself. Unfortunately we're not in the same state or I would refer you to my neurologist- they were great!


Well-known member
I dont know yet

I want GR but i have 1 AS bu .

and the lipstick just want the packing


Well-known member

Sorry to go off topic but I have been having some serious problems with vertigo and my doctor seems stumped. Has anyone dealt with this before and how did you get a proper diagnosis?

Thanks so much for any help.

my mom has meniere's and so does my BFF's mom - i can chat with you and try to help you as i have been though it all and know a lot about it - send me a PM when you can and ill make sure to go check PM's soon! xx

for MAC, do we have a 2 day ship promo code? i just tried a few i found online and all were expired....

good luck girls! do i need the highlight that is really not a highlighter?? hah!


Well-known member
Which MAC do you usually go to? I was going to Robinson, but a few of the girls there get on my nerves so I'd rather go to Ross, Nordies or Macy's.
If you're in need of a pick me up (which it sounds like you might, sorry for your troubles!), go see Travis at Ross. He just transferred back to Pittsburgh from my region and he'll be sorely missed! He's wickedly talented, chill, and funny.


Well-known member
btw, that beautiful givenchy floral lippie in 205 is back up on sephora, only a few left if anyone happens to be looking!!


Well-known member
Hey ladies!
I hope everyone gets what they want!!
I think I'm going to wait for the Nordics release, but I'll still keep popping in. The frenzy always gets me.