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  1. DevinGirl

    I wanna drive in your fast lane...

    My FOTD title has nothing to do with my look at all, lol – I’ve just been listening to Brian Setzer nonstop ever since the husband got his stereo installed in our ’65 Ford Falcon. I’m having a pretty good glamour day today, I don’t feel sick, too tired, & it was just my day at the old vanity...
  2. DevinGirl

    Clear Blue Skies are my FAVE!

    I forgot just how much I love Clear Sky Blue pigment. It truly completes me. Here’s Monday’s FOTD. It’s certainly not the most extravagant of my looks - but a lot more vivid than what I’ve been looking like as of late. *yikes* Thank for looking! I used: [face] MAC P+P primer MAC SFF in NC42...
  3. DevinGirl

    'Devin-remembered-she-has-makeup' FOTD

    Not only do I own makeup, I remember how to use it! Haha, well I do wear makeup...but mostly I just skimp on doing my eyes. Boring, boring, I know. I just can't seem to bring myself to cheat myself on precious sleep time to work on my eyes anymore - just to rent out breastpumps, lol. Now...
  4. DevinGirl

    My week-long hospital stay! =(

    Well...I had an appt. at my OB/GYN's office on Monday 10-8. I had scheduled it because I thought I urinary tract had come back. Plus I was having some pretty interesting back pains. Fevers, chills, aches, & shakes, too. Well, I thought they'd hand me an RX for some antibiotics. Nope. What I got...
  5. DevinGirl

    We're having a . . .

    It’s official . . . we’re having a boy! The doctor’s visit went extremely well. I, along with the baby, are both measuring well. He’s 11 oz. & is 6 to 9 inches long – about the size & weight of a full coke can, says the sonographer. Bobby says that I’m going to be ‘boy-trapped’ when the baby’s...
  6. DevinGirl

    Saturday's FOTD

    Creative title, huh? I finally have my UD PP! Even though this is a neutral-ish FOTD, it’s certainly more well put-together than what I find myself looking like these days. Enjoy & thank you all for looking. I used: [face] MAC P+P Primer B.E. Medium Tan mineral foundation...
  7. DevinGirl

    Like a virgin...Using Bare Minerals for the very first time...

    So, I’ve recently acquired some Bare Escentuals mineral foundation. I’ve drooled while watching those infomercials for quite some time. My first try was a disaster. It was my fault though. I used the same brush I use with my Blunt blush, so it shouldn’t have been a surprise that I ended up with...
  8. DevinGirl

    My belly progress at 19 weeks! =)

    So, I'm guilty of a little DevinShoppingTM here & there in this pic... I've got a nice array of stretch marks on my tummy...and I have the capability of erasing them, so...I did! I HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY! Hey, it works better than cocoa butter or Mederma LOL.
  9. DevinGirl

    Give Me Strength...

    I know...I literally posted an update yesterday. Well if you haven't noticed by now...things change & shift quickly in the life of the Touchtons. I have another update & it's tough. I'm trying to get things off my chest - so I thank you all in advance for reading & staying current on my soap...
  10. DevinGirl


    We had an appointment yesterday & while we were hoping for an ultrasound - we didn't get to have one. We did get to hear the heartbeat though. My son was in the room & his face just lit up. It was rapid little heartbeat with an occasional blip of static. The pauses, the nurse explained, were...
  11. DevinGirl

    Burnt Honey

    I felt a little sassy today. A wonderful angel of a person from MUA offered to send me Urban Decay’s ‘Honey’ e/s & a MAC blush duo as RAOK items. I was completely stunned & that completely made my like…week. So, I felt a bit like playing around. [face] MAC SFF NC40 Physician’s Formula Shimmer...
  12. DevinGirl

    Baby Name Help!

    I made up a list of baby names - 4 boy & 4 girl. Even though the ultrasound pics definitely looked male - the Dr. didn't confirm it. So, I have both options. Click here to vote: Thank you, thank you, & thank you!
  13. DevinGirl

    -.-.-.-.I saw it in a dream.-.-.-.-

    I seem to be having the oddest/scariest dreams ever lately. For the past month & a half, actually! Pregnancy seems to stimulate my subconscious into scaring the crap out of me as I sleep. I won’t get into the gory details, but last night’s dream involved dead people being kept in a pool by some...
  14. DevinGirl

    Hey there stranger...

    Hello hello! Yup, I’m finally posting a FOTD. I’ve missed it so much & after looking at a few of them yesterday, I felt the urge to open my traincase. It’s nothing elaborate, but it’s something, darnit! I used: [face] MAC P+P Primer MAC SSF NC40 P.F. Shimmer Strips in Vegas Strip MAC...
  15. DevinGirl

    She's Alive!

    Hello everyone! Yes, I’m alive & well! My trip to Colorado was a horrible one. I’ll spare you the stupid details & get to the good stuff. My son is here in FL with my husband & I! Basically he’ll attend school here & we’ll fly back up at Christmas break. He’ll meet with the counselor & if she...
  16. DevinGirl

    Has anyone had a VBAC?

    Has any mom here had a Vaginal Birth After C-Section? The doctor brought it up at my last visit & now I'm getting more & more curious. I had a C-Section with my son & the healing time was miserable. Every time I coughed or sneezed I thought I was going to split in two! Initially, I was...
  17. DevinGirl

    [The night walked down the sky with the moon in her hand]

    Today I woke up with plenty of time to do (hopefully) some justice to Carly’s Night Time FOTD. Hope I didn’t botch it up too badly! Thanks for looking! [face] MAC P+P Primer MAC Studio Fix Fluid NC42 MAC Naked Pigment (as highlighter) MAC Sheertones Blush in Blunt & CoyGirl [eyes] MAC Deep...
  18. DevinGirl

    Gave It My Best Shot To Look Pretty Even Though I Feel Crappy

    I meant to try my own version of Carly’s Night Time FOTD (I loved it so much I dreamt about it!), but I refused to wake up on time…so I had to rush. Lately I’ve found that wanting to throw up can make you not want to do elaborate makeup (surprising, isn’t it? ). But today, I fought past the...
  19. DevinGirl

    My baby!

    So we had our first prenatal appointment today - & it went perfectly! Everything is fine, normal, & all systems go! I'm exactly 7 weeks & 2 days pregnant. That gives us a due date of February 19th. My b-day's Feb. 4th, so I'll have the baby shortly after. What a great late birthday...
  20. DevinGirl

    karma Chameleon

    That’s a Boy George song…the lyrics actually say ‘red, gold, & green’…I did orange, gold, & green. I’ve been having a witty FOTD title block, so this is the best I could do today, lol. Hope you all like it. I have my first prenatal Dr.’s appt. today so wish me luck! =) [face] MAC P+P Primer...