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  1. DevinGirl

    Downtown Blue Brown

    Feeling a little better today *yay* I hardly ever use my blue brown pigment & I got a great sample of deep brown pigment in the mail. So, I decided to do a deep chocolate-y look today. I’m not 100% sure about the bright fuchsia lip, but it was fun wearing it [Face] MAC P+P Primer MAC SFF NC42...
  2. DevinGirl

    Fabulush on Monday!

    I hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine went well with almost no nausea – but it’s back today. Instead of morning sickness I have work-day-week sickness, lol. I felt a little sassy today & decided to spend a bit more time on the makeup. Hope you all dig it & I thank you in advance for looking...
  3. DevinGirl

    Friday's FOTD

    The intense urge to hurl every 5 seconds does NOT help my makeup application (or the ability to think of witty FOTD titles ). I don’t know if I like this, but it’s a bit colorful. I needed to brighten up somehow! Thanks for looking! [face] MAC P+P Primer MAC SFF NC42 P.F. Shimmer Strips in...
  4. DevinGirl

    This just in...

    So…I’ve been trying to see what’s up with my body. I was seeing a GYN & possibly had a pituitary tumor. I haven’t even gotten any results on the bloodwork I recently had. Bobby’s here not even one week…& I’m PREGNANT! I’ve been feeling ungodly nauseous & tired lately. I figured it was the flu...
  5. DevinGirl

    Oh Happy Day!

    Today is a wonderful day! I have some really super news (that I’ll blab in detail about in the ‘chatter’ section!). I’m happy, glitter makes me even happier – so…I’m about to explode in a Devin shower of glee here [face] MAC P+P Primer MAC SFF NC42 Physician’s Formula Shimmer Strips in Vegas...
  6. DevinGirl

    My 'no-witty-title' Wed. FOTD

    Lord have mercy it’s tough to be glamorous when you’re exhausted! It would be one thing if we just had Bobby to take care of, but Dave’s being a real trooper! So far we’ve had our two nephews spend the night like 3 nights in a row. So, I’m running on fumes here Tonight the nephews are going...
  7. DevinGirl

    Color in Colorado

    This is one of the looks I sported in my teeensy boring hometown in CO last week. Quite bright & I loved it. It's good to be back & posting on beloved Specktra! [face] MAC P+P Primer MAC SFF NC42 Physician's Formula Shimmer Strips in Vegas Strip MAC Sheertones Blush in Blunt LureBeauty...
  8. DevinGirl

    I'm Back!

    I don't have the strength and/or energy to go through all of the stupid details...I'll get right to the good stuff. That's right, I said GOOD stuff. Bobby is here in FL with us now. He's staying until the 22nd of July. From there I'll fly back up to CO with him for 3 weeks. He'll see his...
  9. DevinGirl

    Pretty Shiny Thing

    Glitter truly & genuinely makes me happy. I only hope I don’t go blind from using it on my eyes. That would not be cool. ‘Till then my eyelids shall glimmer like jewels! [FACE] :arrow: MAC P+P Primer :arrow: MAC SFF NC42 :arrow: Physician’s Formula Shimmer Strips in Vegas Strip [used 2...
  10. DevinGirl

    ~Take Me Away~ a place where bad things don’t happen to nice people & happiness is on tap... [face] MAC P+P Primer MAC SFF NC42 Physician’s Formula Shimmer Strips in Vegas Strip MAC Sheertones Blush in Blunt LureBeauty Mineral Blush in Apple Taffy [eyes] Wet ‘n Wild Crème E/S in Platinum Peony...
  11. DevinGirl

    Sleepy Girl

    I am so tired! I was tired yesterday & I didn’t take my makeup off before I went to bed. *GASP* Horrible, right? You have NO idea…my skin looked AWFUL today, not to mention that unicorn horn forming right in between my eyebrows! Pretend it’s not there! I also have major mascara particle...
  12. DevinGirl

    Sunday FOTD

    This reminds me of my 'Love That Old Gold' look...I shoulda changed it up a bit more. I recently got a sample of Rose Gold pigment (thank you so much Courtney! PM me, I've got a question for ya!) (all MAC unless otherwise specified) Face: P+P Primer SFF NC42 P.F. Shimmer Strips in Vegas...
  13. DevinGirl

    Gothic Geisha?

    I don't even have an explanation for just sort of happened & I went with it. Pretty damn neat if I do say so myself. What do you all think? I used: Face: MAC P+P Primer MAC SFF NC42 P.F. Shimmer Strips in Vegas Strip Eyes: Wet 'n Wild Creme E/S in Iced Out MAC Black Tied E/S MAC...
  14. DevinGirl


    I really like this. It’s just what I wanted. Feminine & slightly intense. Thoughts? Face: MAC P+P Primer MAC SFF in NC42 P.F. Shimmer Strips in Vegas Strip Jane Shimmering Blush in Natural MAC Sheertones Blush in Blunt & CoyGirl Eyes: Wet ‘n Wild Crème E/S in Champagne Toast (used as base)...
  15. DevinGirl

    My try at a rainbow look...

    I always see the most beautiful rainbow looks here. Makes me jealous! Trying it for myself for a long time was out of the question. Rainbow = intimidation. This was really hard for me & I can see a few spots where I should have blended more. It was my first try & was really tough! Overall...
  16. DevinGirl

    She's a knockout...

    Heh, feelin' a little confident today & that Social Distortion song was in my head...Here's my look for today. Face: P+P Primer SFF in NC42 P.F. Shimmer Strips in Vegas Strip Sheertones Blush in Blunt & CoyGirl Eyes: UD PP Bare Escentuals E/S in Antiqued Pearl Mixing Medium Bare Escentuals...
  17. DevinGirl

    Saturday FOTD

    I hardly ever post on the weekends...but I thought I'd post this! Hope you all like it! Thanks for looking! (All MAC unless otherwise noted) Face: P+P Primer SFF in NC42 P.F. Shimmer Strips in Vegas (highlighter) Angelcake E/S (I used this to add some soft pink below the highlighter)...
  18. DevinGirl

    Florida Peach

    I spent a lot of yesterday looking at prsfynestmamii’s FOTD’s & being impressed. I wanted today’s look to desperately mimic her blending & color usage. I don’t think I came too close, but I tried valiantly. I have to study her looks harder, but I think she’s a great person to try & learn from...
  19. DevinGirl

    The Color!

    I don’t know what possessed me today…I only meant to do a simple, soft, subtle look with my Parfait Amour for work today. Then I saw my fuchsia glitter & that was out the window. I love this!!!! (All MAC unless noted otherwise) Face: P+P Primer SFF NC42 P.F. Shimmer Strips in Vegas Strip...
  20. DevinGirl

    Pass the Sunpepper please...

    I’ve been wanting to try out my new Sunpepper pigment (Thank you mzcelaneous!). I’d love to say that this look WASN’T an accident, but as usual it was. I have no idea why, after I put on the Sunpepper, I reached for my Flammable paint – but I did. Naturally it looked weird, so I reach for the...