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  1. DevinGirl

    Riley = Chatterbox

    Little Riley (2 months old now!) & I had a little talk while watching TV. YouTube - Riley is a chatterbox!
  2. DevinGirl

    What's black, white, & fuchsia all over?

    I am! Wow, being a new mother definitely takes work, devotion, & leaves hardly any time at all for primping! I snuck 20 minutes yesterday to glam myself up for no reason at all & it felt wonderful! Thanks in advance for looking! I used: [face] MAC P+P Primer MAC SFF NC40...
  3. DevinGirl

    Riley's Birth Story

    It only took 40 weeks & 3 days - but I finally get to write about Riley's birth! I am so blessed & grateful to have been able to conceive & carry him...but boy am I glad that he's out! On 2/22, Friday morning at 6 AM, I was admitted into the hospital for my induction. Shortly after my...
  4. DevinGirl

    The Riley Factor (update!)

    Well we had our ultrasound today. They're estimating that Riley weighs 8 lbs. 11 oz. Almost 9 lbs.! Although it's an estimation, it's still nuts. Bobby's been saying that Riley will be big, but I didn't take him seriously. That'll teach me. He's big, fat, & has hair! Here are 2 u/s pics...
  5. DevinGirl

    Bitter Fruit

    I only wish I had the actual MAC 'bitter' eyeshadow. Grr. Well, still no baby. I do have an appointment tomorrow to see about getting the old water broken & hopefully speeding things along. This is ridiculous. Anyhoot...onto the actual FOTD! Thanks for looking & all of your...
  6. DevinGirl


    Yet another day with no baby. *sigh* Maybe he’ll come today as it IS his due date. At any rate, I found myself glamming it up for absolutely no reason at all. Thanks for looking! I used: [face] MAC MSF in Medium Dark MAC SFF in NC40 Wet ‘N Wild Bronzer MAC blush in blunt...
  7. DevinGirl

    My 'eye-don't-even-know' EOTD

    I have no idea of what I was going for here. I just thought that if by some miracle that I mercifully went into labor today (crosses fingers) this would be a cool eye look, lol. I used: Urban Decay Primer Potion MAC pigments in: Golden Lemon, Primary Yellow, & Frozen White MAC eyeshadow in...
  8. DevinGirl

    Pregnancy Update!

    I had my 39 week OB appointment today. Dr. said I'm another cm dilated, so that's 2 cm! My cervix is also definitely thinning out. The exam didn't hurt quite as much as last time, thank goodness! Looks like Mr. Riley wants to ride this thing out, huh? I'm still wanting to go for VBAC &...
  9. DevinGirl

    Grr X 2

    So I was walking with the Mr. in a store yesterday...minding my own waddling business & up comes these 2 ladies. They loudly exclaim that I must be having twins. Look...I'm 5 foot fucking 2...& Riley's a huge giant mutant baby. I can't help it that my tummy's huge So, I tried to laugh it...
  10. DevinGirl

    Lazy FOTD

    Actually coming up with this look took some work...the lazy part is that I don't feel like remembering what I used. I was trying to think of chocolate chip mint ice cream, lol... (My eyes are computer-generated )
  11. DevinGirl

    My Birthday!

    It’s my birthday! Nothing like being 9 months pregnant on your 25th, haha. I don’t really have any special plans, but I can at least look like I do, right? I’ve said it before & I’ve said it again, shaping is NOT my speciality…but I gave it my best shot. Thanks for looking & I hope you all...
  12. DevinGirl

    Can you sea me?

    Hello all. I thought I'd do a blue look today. Yesterday I barely managed to slather on primer, foundation, & pencil in my brows. THAT felt like a major effort, so today's look is by sheer miracle, lol. It reminds me of the ocean. I've been seeing lots of great shaping on here lately...
  13. DevinGirl

    Plain Jane Pin-up

    Holy smokes, Devin posting 2 FOTD's in one day...Well, this one is way way way toned-down & I was kinda just messing around. I still liked it & thought it post-worthy. Plus, my hair's long enough to make my little crown curls, so...can't hate a girl for feeling purdy! Thanks for looking...
  14. DevinGirl

    Let's crash Cloverfield!

    Yep...if a scary movie came out recently - you can bet I'll be glamming up my haggard self for it, lol. Lately I've been feeling so exhausted & miserable, it was a wonderful change of pace to get out. Actually I spent much of the movie wondering if I'd throw up. The camera angle for the movie...
  15. DevinGirl

    Glamour for The Orphanage

    These days I seem to really pretty it up for moviegoing. The movie was good - although I thought it would be scarier. Here's my FOTN & I thank you all in advance for looking! [face] MAC P+P Primer MAC Studio Fix Fluid in NC40 MAC MSF Natural in Medium Dark LureBeauty mineral blush in Apple...
  16. DevinGirl

    My FOTD for mscuppycakes!

    I guess it's kind of weird to dedicate a FOTD to someone, but that's what I'm doing. She's been an amazing friend to me during some particularly hard times. When I got back from my trip to CO - I had a package waiting from her. It contained some eyeshadows (amongst other goodies) that I've...
  17. DevinGirl

    Day After Christmas FOTD

    My Christmas was rather yucky. I had to spend it in freezing Colorado (like negative 26 degree weather!). Plus I was without my husband & son. But...damned if I didn't look good, lmao. Here's what I looked like. [face] MAC P+P primer MAC SFF in NC40 B.E. Mineral Veil MAC frost...
  18. DevinGirl

    I Am Legend FOTD

    I wanted to look super sassy yesterday when we went to go see I Am Legend. These days I’m only at home or work, so I took the opportunity to glam it up! Thanks for looking! I used: [face] MAC SSF NC40 WNW Bronzer in Acapulco Glow LureBeauty mineral blush in Apple Taffy MAC...
  19. DevinGirl


    I found out that this is available if you type in my name on Google. Too personal for just anyone to see...
  20. DevinGirl

    Baby Shower FOTD

    I had my baby shower yesterday & it was a blast! I decided to try a rainbow look for a 2nd time to see if I could do it. Lately my makeup’s been a bit lackluster, so it was highly satisfactory to see that I hadn’t lost my touch. Yes, folks…I’ve still got it Thanks for looking! I...