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  1. DevinGirl

    A toxic copycat...

    A very nice lady in a CafeMom group I'm a part of makes MFFX (Mineral Face FX) cosmetics in California. Her daughter gets to try out all of her eyeshadows & is one lucky gal. Well the newest color is Toxic. A pretty lime/chartreuse green. I don't have it...but the look was SO pretty, I had...
  2. DevinGirl

    That's Mistress Pin-up to you...

    There was a pin-up contest in my CafeMom group. I'm helping judge so I'm not entering, but I wanted to do the look for fun. I didn't want to do the traditional stuff...but something a touch - naughtier. I hope you all like it. It was a BLAST to do. Plus it's nice when you have an image of a...
  3. DevinGirl


    I decided I'm going to really try my hand at different (for me) looks & honing techniques. So this doesn't really have any 'shock' value... I used: Face: Aveeno Clear Complexion Moisturizer MAC SFF NC 40 B.E. foundation in Tan MFFX e/s in Macaroon MAC blush in Honor Eyes: Bare Escentuals...
  4. DevinGirl

    3 looks for 1 click!

    I was in a little makeup rut for a while. I'm happy to say it's OVER! Here are three looks:This first one is from a YouTube tutorial by xxsqtigressxx[/url]called "Twilight" (I didn't have the EXACT colors she used - I improvised) Face: Aveeno Clear Complexion Moisturizer MAC SSF in NC 40...
  5. DevinGirl

    ~Precious Metals~

    Here's what I came up w/ during the kids' naptime! I used: Face: Aveeno Complexion Clearing Moisturizer MAC SFF NC 40 Bare Escentuals Foundation in Tan (for contouring) MAC Blush in Honour (highlighter) MFFX e/s in Apricot & Macaroon (highlighter) LureBeauty Mineral Blush in Apple...
  6. DevinGirl

    Hey There Blue Eye Tutorial

    This the tut for the look previously referred to as 'Shoving Electric Eels in Clear Blue Bottles'. Definitely a better name, lol. This is my 1st video tutorial. I haven't done one since 2007 & that was just a picture-only one. So gentle & thanks for viewing! It's lengthy! I...
  7. DevinGirl

    "Hey There Blue Eye" EOTD

    Had to fix that one wants to shove eels in bottles... *tsk *tsk I used: UD PP MAC Clear Sky Blue & Naked pigments MAC Bottle Green & Electric Eel eyeshadows Rimmel eyebrow pencil in Dark Brown Dior Diorshow mascara in Black And...I did a video tutorial for it. I haven't done...
  8. DevinGirl

    I'm baaaaaaaack FOTD!

    Hello hello my lovelies! I don't have a lot of time or energy to play around with makeup much. Here's a look I came up with today during naptime. Yay! I used: Face: Aveeno Clear Complexion Daily Moisturizer MAC SSF in NC40 B.E. foundation in Tan (for contouring) MAC blush in Honour...
  9. DevinGirl

    My gal...[pic heavy]

    was born on Feb. 10th, 2009! A new makeup diva is born! Yay! Our little gal is finally here. Miss Mia Taylor-Grace Touchton was born 2-10-09 at 8:32 AM. I was thinking that because the c-section was scheduled a week before her due date & she was conceived so quickly after her big brother...
  10. DevinGirl

    Still alive!

    Yes I am, lol. True it's been awhile - but life has been fun/hectic/busy/chaotic & I wouldn't have it any other way! My oldest son turned 11 last Thursday, my youngest son's about to turn 1 on Feb. 22nd, & my baby girl's going to be born on Feb. 10th. So, one can plainly see how makeup can...
  11. DevinGirl


    That's the best I could do as far as a witty title goes, lol. I had a bit of time & energy this morning. I thought I'd glam it up. I was wanting to take some family pics, but everyone was doing their own thing - baby included. Oh well, I'm my own most loyal photo subject, haha. Thanks for...
  12. DevinGirl

    Vids of the day Riley was born...

    I was getting all nostalgic & found these (Dave's such a great camera-man . Just wanted to share! I'll be there again soon enough, lol. The morning of my induction (2.22.08) YouTube - The morning of Riley's birth Riley all cleaned up! YouTube - Riley all cleaned up! A few hours later...
  13. DevinGirl

    It happened!

    We're pregnant with our 3rd & final addition to our family. I took an at-home pregnancy test yesterday afternoon & it was positive! We thought about it, talked about it, & it was the right decision for us to have ourselves some closely-spaced siblings. Riley will be 4 months on June 22nd...
  14. DevinGirl

    Primary yellow in Bottle Green

    Today I'm EXHAUSTED. For the past 2 or 3 nights...I can't even remember - Riley has been waking up in the middle of the night! He's been sleeping through the night for about 3 weeks now & all of a sudden he's waking up! Argh! I've achieved a goal of mine feel completely frazzled...
  15. DevinGirl

    Oh baby!

    So the latest news in the ever-intriguing life of your favorite Touchtons is...we're going to start trying for another baby! Insane? You betcha! Haha. Riley's been sleeping through the night for about 3 weeks now. Except for tonight, of course - hence the extra time to type up a blog. I...
  16. DevinGirl

    Short, smoky, & sassy!

    I got my hair cut finally. I've been wanting something short for awhile. The husband took me to get it done & hasn't been able to keep his eyes off of me! Can't go wrong there! Thanks in advance for looking! I used: [face] MAC P+P Primer MAC SFF NC40 MAC MSF in Med. Dark MAC blushes...
  17. DevinGirl

    Mondays are as good as gold!

    ...Not really, but today's Cinco De Mayo & that makes me happy! Here's today's look! [face] MAC P+P Primer MAC SFF NC40 MAC MSF in Med. Dark MAC blushes: Blunt & Honour [eyes] MAC Sprout & Mulch e/s MAC Green Brown, Provence, Naked, & Old Gold Pigments MAC Black Track fluidline Rimmel...
  18. DevinGirl

    Feedback/Opinions needed!

    I want to do something dramatically different with my hair & I'd appreciate any feedback I could get from my lovely specktralites! This is what my hair looks like now: FRONT SIDE I'm wanting something shorter & more messy/wispy/choppy...I also want dramatic blonde 'peek-a-boo'...
  19. DevinGirl

    Sunday FOTD - Argh no witty title!

    Woohoo...I look human two days in a row? Wow, hell must be growing cold as we speak, lol. Nah, I'm really not that bad. I'll at LEAST throw some foundation, blush, & mascara on if I'm leaving the apartment. But, in MY terms, looking decent two days in a row is really something. Thanks, in...
  20. DevinGirl

    DevinGirl: Green-Eyed Monster

    Hehe...maybe not a monster, but I couldn't think of anything witty, lol. Riley has slept through the night 3 whole times this week & I had enough extra energy to pump out a FOTD. It's not the most impressive look I've done, but it's better than what I've been looking like. Trust me on that...