2008 Presidential Candidates Comparison ( Side By side)... DOn't know what to think.

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I do not consider Michael Moore an unbiased source, he does have a bias, but you know its good to consider both sides of the spectrum. And FOX news, omg dont get me started.

I just want people to consider things they are voting for, question and picture how things can be different. I seriously still think everyone should have the right to healthcare, or at least affordable one where it doesnt cost you an arm and a leg, and people who are considered uninsurable. That needs to be fixed.

I know American cars are sold everywhere, but from what we were taught in class they also told us that we have the LEAST fuel efficient cars, and that actually American cars are declining in sales specially like FORD, they even had to lay off a bunch of workers to cut losses.

There are many things in America that we could do better, not just health care, our education system, we have for the lack of better termenolagy, stupid people in america in comparison to the rest of the world. And we do not have better surgeons, if you have money you do. Doctors in Cuba are better trained then here. And I seriously think that we wouldnt stop researching if it became available to everyone, if anything I think we would be able to do more.

You know I'm not trying to play devils advocate, or change anyones mind. But I think that if everything that we are doing now, isnt working, then its obviously time for a change. For reform. If we keep on doing the same things, we will obtain the same results. We need to change and do it together because it affects everyone. I like the idea of healthcare for everyone, but will it happen? probably not. But we should at least work towards improving what we do have. Make it better for those who cannot afford it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll

I know American cars are sold everywhere, but from what we were taught in class they also told us that we have the LEAST fuel efficient cars, and that actually American cars are declining in sales specially like FORD, they even had to lay off a bunch of workers to cut losses.

What most people don't know is that MANY American made cars get the Same exact mileage as imported cars , actually most Compact or mid-size American cars get the same mileage as Imported cars of the same size.
We just have SOME bigger cars, like trucks, Suv's, mini-vans being sold here that aren't sold elsewhere, and that is where most of the statistics come from.

People just like to believe all the hype of how imported cars get "soo much" better mileage than American cars, and how they are "built so much better" (which IMO , I have witnessed the complete opposite of that)


Well-known member
I suppose it comes from the fact that Asia is way advanced in technology compared to America.

Did anyone see the movie BABEL? Well I saw how the asian girl (i think she might have been japanese cant recall to well) was deaf mute, but could video "talk" on her cellphone w/ her friends and stuff. One of my co-workers said that its true, the cellphones are video capable. I wish we had that!!! lol

Everytime I've mentioned purchasing my first car, I've been told to not buy American. Weird. We'll see.

I can't wait for november. I just want this over with, the whole uncertainty of what is gonna happen, will it be good or bad, just be done already! lol

Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
What most people don't know is that MANY American made cars get the Same exact mileage as imported cars , actually most Compact or mid-size American cars get the same mileage as Imported cars of the same size.
We just have SOME bigger cars, like trucks, Suv's, mini-vans being sold here that aren't sold elsewhere, and that is where most of the statistics come from.

People just like to believe all the hype of how imported cars get "soo much" better mileage than American cars, and how they are "built so much better" (which IMO , I have witnessed the complete opposite of that)



Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
Obama wants to raise the capital gains tax TO 28 PERCENT! its at 15 right now.

That is INSANE, thats going to make the economy worse off than it already is, at that point no one is going to buy or sell anything in fear of losing all of their money.

He also wants to Raise Income and Payroll Taxes.. Sorry but the government takes enough money out of my check already, They don't need to be taking anymore.

thank you

raising the capital gains will stifle economic growth, its a proven fact, why can't people understand that? If you burden with taxes those that are pumping money into our economy, they'll limit their investments .. I mean why should they invest? What's in it for them? Naturally its a domino effect, less investments, less job creation, etc. etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
I do not consider Michael Moore an unbiased source, he does have a bias, but you know its good to consider both sides of the spectrum. And FOX news, omg dont get me started.

I just want people to consider things they are voting for, question and picture how things can be different. I seriously still think everyone should have the right to healthcare, or at least affordable one where it doesnt cost you an arm and a leg, and people who are considered uninsurable. That needs to be fixed.

I know American cars are sold everywhere, but from what we were taught in class they also told us that we have the LEAST fuel efficient cars, and that actually American cars are declining in sales specially like FORD, they even had to lay off a bunch of workers to cut losses.

There are many things in America that we could do better, not just health care, our education system, we have for the lack of better termenolagy, stupid people in america in comparison to the rest of the world. And we do not have better surgeons, if you have money you do. Doctors in Cuba are better trained then here. And I seriously think that we wouldnt stop researching if it became available to everyone, if anything I think we would be able to do more.

You know I'm not trying to play devils advocate, or change anyones mind. But I think that if everything that we are doing now, isnt working, then its obviously time for a change. For reform. If we keep on doing the same things, we will obtain the same results. We need to change and do it together because it affects everyone. I like the idea of healthcare for everyone, but will it happen? probably not. But we should at least work towards improving what we do have. Make it better for those who cannot afford it.

My problem with this post is that you called other people out for using a news source and claimed it was biased...because it's on the internet.
When you were called out for using Moore as a source, it's "considering both sides of the spectrum".



Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
I do not consider Michael Moore an unbiased source, he does have a bias, but you know its good to consider both sides of the spectrum. And FOX news, omg dont get me started.

Thank you for proving my point.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
My problem with this post is that you called other people out for using a news source and claimed it was biased...because it's on the internet.
When you were called out for using Moore as a source, it's "considering both sides of the spectrum".


I had never even considered a different type of healthcare structure until I saw this movie. I didn't even care or knew how it worked, I know he has his bias, but it made me think. A lot of people just conform to what is, and they don't care for things to change because they like the comfort of what they are used to.

So it might sound weird for me to say that as an example, but I am just saying think about if we had things different in this country.

We can try and change the things we don't like about this country. There is a power in choice, and in choosing not to choose, you are letting things remain stagnent, just go out and vote!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
I wouldnt care to pay $8 a gallon of gas if we actually had fuel efficient cars. Thats why American cars arent sold anywhere else cus they're p.o.s cars. America is one of the top consumers of oil and we do have the cheapest.

cars are not the only things that consume oil. airplanes do, trains do, heavy machinery does. industrialized nations consume alot of everything.

Originally Posted by glamdoll
A lot of people just conform to what is, and they don't care for things to change because they like the comfort of what they are used to.

and alot of people conform because they do know how it works and they are fine with the way the health care system is in this country. just because michael moore says it's bad doesn't mean it is; just because he tells you there's a better way doesn't make that the case.


Well-known member
Just a heads up. If you use makeup, which I assume you do because you are a member of a makeup website, then you contribute to the use of oil.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
Just a heads up. If you use makeup, which I assume you do because you are a member of a makeup website, then you contribute to the use of oil.

True. Actually.. If you purchase anything, you are contributing to the use of oil. Since it all has to get here somehow, it isn't magic.


Active member
Obama WILL NOT raise taxes or capitol gains taxes on households making less than 250,000, that means the average american will not see a tax increase...just people with lotsa money.... ( me and my husband are both college educated ...he is an engineer and Im a nurse...and we dont make over 250k! That is from factcheck.org.... that means 95% of people in this country would not be affected...SO McCain supporters quit lying....PEOPLE BE CAREFUL...its so wrong for people to post lies for their candidates political gains!!!! Look at our failed economy....all because of people in power ignoring the smoke signals...
People don't even know that McCain cheated on is first wife and left her with her three kids for his new girlfreind Cindy Mccain ( 18 yrs younger by the way)...he married her within a few months of his finalized divorce. Cindy Mccains father was a millionaire business owner who had political ties to help John McCain land his job in the senate. just google her....He married her for his political gain...just like he chose Palin ( who thinks shes running for miss america)-haha....goodness..and shes a whole differnet chapter.
Cindy Mccain stole drugs from one of the organizations she ran and actually went to detox afterward...and was pardoned by the court to a fine and community service. Talk about family values..Sarah palin stands against EVERYTHING Hillary stood up for. ...i actually read and researched...and am proud to have made the wise decision for Obama ..He will bring us the CHANGE that we all need. Mccain is in the same boat as his buddy Bush....PEOPLE ...does it tell you something that more educated people are voting for obama??? Vote for whoever you want....but dont forget to ask yourself what is important to you??? Womans rights??? the cost of your education???? Ask yourself...is your family better off than they were 9 years ago??? To me ..I have seen a drastic increase in tuition prices, gas prices, food, people losing their homes, global warming(palin doesnt believe in it by the way), jobs are being rewarded for being shipped overseas, our economy is crumbling,wow...the list does go on....this is SERIOUS...dont believe the hype...sorry for rambling. All that i have seen is the poorer getting poorer and the richer getting richer....get out there and vote!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
True. Actually.. If you purchase anything, you are contributing to the use of oil. Since it all has to get here somehow, it isn't magic.

Never said it was magic, never said I was against using oil, so before anyone makes any more assumptions remember when you assume you make an ASS out of U not ME!

Fuel efficient cars, is that too much to ask for? If you like your money down the drain in gas, then by all means. Go on!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by valabdalnabi
People don't even know that McCain cheated on is first wife and left her with her three kids for his new girlfreind Cindy Mccain ( 18 yrs younger by the way)...he married her within a few months of his finalized divorce.

This isn't really new news, While doing your research did you happen to come across other Vietnam Vets & POW Divorce rates? Vietnam Vets alone the Divorce rate is more that double the National Average (especially for that time period) It stands at somewhere b/w 80-90% and that's simply Vets thats not looking at the POW's.

I'm not saying its alright to leave your family or to cheat, I'm very much against both of them but while looking into someone's personal life you can find mistakes everywhere. How many of us don't love someone that has "run out " on their family or cheated on their wives. Does that choice in their personal life make them any less capable of doing their job ?

I commend McCain for publicly stating in an interview with Rick Warren I believe that his Greatest Moral failure was the failure of his first marriage. So he realizes what he did was wrong and accepts responsibility, something most people never do...


Well-known member
How in the world can ANYONE who's a Democratic voter bust on McCain's chops for cheating on his wife?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by valabdalnabi
that means people like you and me will have no tax increase...just people with lotsa money.

That is such a dangerous statement. "Just people with lotsa money". Just out of curiosity, who do you think these people are? They could be your neighbor. Also, people who make "lotsa" money should not be punished for being successful. Just because someone doesn't have what another person does, does not make it right to try and "even things up" for the benefit of the lesser. It's quite sickening if you ask me. It reminds me of a little brat who can't have the better toy another child has.

I guarantee that if you busted your ass and made $250,000, you would be mighty pissed to watch a majority of that money go to people who are abusing the system so they don't have to work. As a matter of fact, I can also almost guarantee that at least once in your life you have commented on how pissed you were that a large portion of your paycheck went to taxes. Put that on a larger scale, add a 60-70 hour work week to it and a 40% total deduction of your paycheck and get back to me. You would not be pleased.

Originally Posted by valabdalnabi
just like he chose Palin ( who thinks shes running for miss america)

Ok, seriously. Is this a joke? Ridiculous comments like this make it very hard for me to take your statements seriously.

Originally Posted by valabdalnabi
Sarah palin stands against EVERYTHING Hillary stood up for. ...i actually read and researched...

Wow, good for you. That must have been difficult to research seeing as how they represent different parties that are usually totally opposed to each other. Just because Sarah Palin is a woman, that does not mean she needs to be Hillary Clinton. I thank God she isn't.

Originally Posted by valabdalnabi
and am proud to have made the wise decision for Obama ..He will bring us the CHANGE that we all need.

I would love it if you could inform me exactly what the change I need is? I appreciate when others can tell me that.

Originally Posted by valabdalnabi
PEOPLE ...does it tell you something that more educated people are voting for obama???

Did you find this on factcheck? Because that is the most ridiculous argument for your case that I have heard.

Originally Posted by valabdalnabi
is your family better off than they were 9 years ago??? To me ..I have seen a drastic increase in tuition prices, gas prices, food, people losing their homes, global warming(palin doesnt believe in it by the way), jobs are being rewarded for being shipped overseas, our economy is crumbling,wow...the list does go on....this is SERIOUS...dont believe the hype...sorry for rambling. All that i have seen is the poorer getting poorer and the richer getting richer....get out there and vote!!!!!

I do believe you have a congress made up of a democratic majority that you may also thank for your misfortunes. President Bush does not control every aspect of what you stated. And the "hype" more surrounds Obama than any other candidate in past history.


Well-known member
RBELLA , I love you =D I have been up for 25 hours now and have to be in class in 45 mins but wanted to respond very much like you did to that entire statement =D You made me happy lol .

What I was going to say is :

I don't want to be rude .... BUT ( and thats a big BUT ) .... I have not worked my ass off to graduate with honors and continue school at a graduate level while helping my DH get through a Mechanical Engineering degree to go on further in school so that WE can help those that chose not to go to school have a better standard of living...

I understand the need to pay taxes, but why should we work hard to build our lives up if we are simply going to have to give up nearly half of the money we make .... not including the rest of the taxes we would have to pay.

Those people that make a "lotta money" generally have worked hard to earn that money... and while we won't be in the second tax bracket until the end of the 4 year presidency term and we are barely making it as it is We are doing something to make our lives better , why should we pay double the taxes of other people just b/c of the professions we chose ?

I have NO problem what so ever helping people that honestly need help

but my major problem with this is that more "help" systems will be started in order to help those in "need" and i'm supposed to be okay with that b/c "its time for us to pay our fair share". I am a bigg supporter of charities and schools. I just want MY HARD EARNED MONEY to go where I wish it to under this system it will go where i definitely DON'T want it to.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by valabdalnabi
Obama WILL NOT raise taxes or capitol gains taxes on households making less than 250,000, that means people like you and me will have no tax increase...just people with lotsa money. That is from factcheck.org.... that means 95% of people in this country would not be affected...SO McCain supporters quit lying....PEOPLE BE CAREFUL...its so wrong for people to post lies for their candidates political gains!!!! Look at our failed economy....all because of people in power ignoring the smoke signals...
People don't even know that McCain cheated on is first wife and left her with her three kids for his new girlfreind Cindy Mccain ( 18 yrs younger by the way)...he married her within a few months of his finalized divorce. Cindy Mccains father was a millionaire business owner who had political ties to help John McCain land his job in the senate. just google her....He married her for his political gain...just like he chose Palin ( who thinks shes running for miss america)-haha....goodness..and shes a whole differnet chapter.
Cindy Mccain stole drugs from one of the organizations she ran and actually went to detox afterward...and was pardoned by the court to a fine and community service. Talk about family values..Sarah palin stands against EVERYTHING Hillary stood up for. ...i actually read and researched...and am proud to have made the wise decision for Obama ..He will bring us the CHANGE that we all need. Mccain is in the same boat as his buddy Bush....PEOPLE ...does it tell you something that more educated people are voting for obama??? Vote for whoever you want....but dont forget to ask yourself what is important to you??? Womans rights??? the cost of your education???? Ask yourself...is your family better off than they were 9 years ago??? To me ..I have seen a drastic increase in tuition prices, gas prices, food, people losing their homes, global warming(palin doesnt believe in it by the way), jobs are being rewarded for being shipped overseas, our economy is crumbling,wow...the list does go on....this is SERIOUS...dont believe the hype...sorry for rambling. All that i have seen is the poorer getting poorer and the richer getting richer....get out there and vote!!!!!

You are right. TAX the hell out of the rich!! Its not fair that they worked their ass off to become successful and make all that money! They should have just sat on their asses


Also about the capital gains tax, If he isn't going to apply it to anyone who doesn't make 250,000 a year. Then what happens if you sell your house that is valued at well over 250,000 , Well guess what, you are one of those people. and you are gonna get taxed. Its going to apply to everyone in one way or another.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
Never said it was magic, never said I was against using oil, so before anyone makes any more assumptions remember when you assume you make an ASS out of U not ME!

Fuel efficient cars, is that too much to ask for? If you like your money down the drain in gas, then by all means. Go on!

That wasn't directed at you or anyone honeybuns. I was only adding to a previous comment.

And I have a fuel efficient American Car . Im pretty happy.
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