Originally Posted by nursee81
Now REALLY have you seen this happen? or are you assuming?
It's really sad that people can complain about the government helping people. I do understand that people do abuse the system and get away with it. But not all people who are using the system are abusing it.
I work in healthcare and I personally see how it affects everyone. People can't get the proper care b/c their insurance doesn't cover it. They can't apply for government help b/c they make too much. So what are they left to do? They end up quitting their jobs and then apply for help. And they are no looked at abusing the system.
On my father's grave I have seen this. Perhaps I did not see this particular individual get on the metro, however, I did go to MAC, see her pull money out of her bra to purchase hundreds of dollars of makeup. Then, I got the joy of standing behind her 1 hour later while she used food stamps at Kroger to buy more food than I could afford, including a thick ass steak.
In addition, I used to work at a retail store where some women would come in and spend so much money for items and then complain about not receiving their welfare checks.
I'm sorry, but I have seen this too often not to be pissed off by it. I am not proclaiming it to be any particular race, religion, or whatever that is solely the culprit. I've seen white, black, mexican, asian, all different ethnicities and religious groups pull this crap. I am incredibly offended by it.
I understand people need help. I get that, I really do. I don't mind helping those who really need it. My problem is that it seems that both sides of this issue are unhappy with the current state of how the government handles things, so why not change it? The current programs need to be reformed with stricter guidelines and criteria that will keep the abuse from happening. I don't want to keep throwing money at an already existing problem.
Also, if one makes too much money to qualify for government assistance, then perhaps some budgeting should also be taken into account. My mother raised 3 kids on her own on $18,000 a year, in a house, with health insurance and somehow managed to do so without requiring government assistance. And guess what, she also has a retirement plan because she saved and spent her money wisely.