2008 Presidential Candidates Comparison ( Side By side)... DOn't know what to think.

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Originally Posted by Mixedbeauty
both have problems...both have made judgements and went back on them...but one has to win...im sort of still undecided. The one think I know is that they spend too much time talking about what the other is not doing. Instead they need to focus on what they can provide for the american people when in office.

Im not sure i can afrord the higher taxes but then again i dont want another 8 yrs gone down the drain and ending with a recession and a whole lot of ppl loosing their homes.

The bolded statement is so true, i like how millions of dollars are spent on Campaigns and the bulk of that money goes towards investigating and badmouthing the other side.... It's really sad.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
the only problem i have with statistics like those is that they're off. the welfare office only investigates cases that are brought to their attention by law enforcement, child/adult services and other government agencies. there's alot that slip through the cracks, so to speak.

just want to add that i only put up the numbers for the ones that were found to be fraud and not the ones that were sent to be investigated for fraud and no evidence of fraud was found


Active member
Originally Posted by concertina
Annnnd, I'm done.

I don't have enough tact and patience to respond to the (second) above post.

So instead, I'm going to go post about make-up! Yay!

...and I totally hear you on that! You made very good points and Im proud of you...it did'nt go in vain. How is Austin? My husband was an intern for one year there. We loved it in Austin. The people were absolutley wonderful...AND soooo open minded. We would love to go back and visit one day. Good luck to you.


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Originally Posted by rbella
Also, if one makes too much money to qualify for government assistance, then perhaps some budgeting should also be taken into account. My mother raised 3 kids on her own on $18,000 a year, in a house, with health insurance and somehow managed to do so without requiring government assistance. And guess what, she also has a retirement plan because she saved and spent her money wisely.

Ok I understand your mother raised 3 kids on 18,000 a yr but we live in different times now. My cousin in law has cancer and his insurance is has max out with all of his treatment's. He did have a well paying job that he had to quit from b/c of his illness and his wife also has a well paying job. Now they are stuck paying out of pocket for all of his medical treat. Does anyone know how much a one day hospital stay cost????

Let me tell you, when I had my daughter and got my explaniation of benefits the bill was around $20,000. I stayed at the hospital for less than 24 hrs, b/c I wanted to come home. That was not including my co-pay, so you can only imagine how much it would be for someone who can barely make ends means and is really sick.

So some kind of budgeting for the average middle class family for thousands of dollars is not possible.


Well-known member
I think a big thing that is scaring people is that these "plans" the candidates have, is just that, a plan. Doesn't mean that it will become a bill, and then passed through two houses, into law. There are a LOT of our constituents in Washington that HOPEFULLY we all voted for, who will keep us from too much of a tax hike. If we have a tax hike, it won't be that much, unless they can SHOW us that if will be used for good right now. If Obama gets elected, he'd have to have a vast majority of the Senate and House be Democratic to get such laws passed, and even then, a lot of those Democrats run closer to middle of the road and won't favor such extreme legislation. Take the good with the bad, and realize that most of these platforms won't get passed, and remember to vote for your Reps in the House and your State Senators... those are the true decision makers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nursee81
Ok I understand your mother raised 3 kids on 18,000 a yr but we live in different times now. My cousin in law has cancer and his insurance is has max out with all of his treatment's. He did have a well paying job that he had to quit from b/c of his illness and his wife also has a well paying job. Now they are stuck paying out of pocket for all of his medical treat. Does anyone know how much a one day hospital stay cost????

Let me tell you, when I had my daughter and got my explaniation of benefits the bill was around $20,000. I stayed at the hospital for less than 24 hrs, b/c I wanted to come home. That was not including my co-pay, so you can only imagine how much it would be for someone who can barely make ends means and is really sick.

So some kind of budgeting for the average middle class family for thousands of dollars is not possible.

First, let me state, that I realize these are different times. However, $18,000 in 1985 is about the equivalent to $30,000 a year now. I would consider that difficult for most single mothers trying to raise 3 kids.

And, actually, I do know how much it costs for hospital stays, surgeries, etc. My father died of brain cancer (grade 4 glioblastoma) and was unemployed when he was diagnosed. So, no I am not immune to the cost of hospital bills and treatments. My family incurred those costs and paid them out of pocket, so yes, I am very well aware of how expensive hospital treatment is.

I used to work in a hospital as well and I am aware that there are plenty of programs available to allow for treatment when someone is without money. I used to dole out money from these programs to indigent patients. All somebody needs to do is apply, show proof of no income (not a difficult task if you have no income) or proof that the funds do not exist in your bank account, and they will waive the fees. I have done so for many patients.

Also, your EOB is always up priced because the hospital, surgeon, doctors and pharmacists will only be re-imbursed about 10% of their total fee. So, yes, it may state that the cost of your hospital stay was $20,000, but you can guarantee your insurance only paid the reasonable and allowable amount, which probably came to about $5000 at most.

If you come in as a cash paying patient, you will not be charged the same invoice your insurance company receives. I know this since I used to work as an adjuster for a health insurance company as well.

And yes, budgeting for thousands of dollars for a possible emergency for the middle class family is possible. I do it. Why can't anyone else? I just pick and choose what I decided is important.

For instance, my car is cheap, paid off and I rent and apartment. I don't have any expensive clothing nor do I own any major jewelry with the exception of my wedding ring. I get my hair done once a year b/c it is ridiculously expensive and my husband and I put 20% of every single dime we make into a savings account for retirement and keep another 3 months of our salaries in a savings plans for emergencies. We don't eat out often and we sit down together and budget. It's not a hard thing to do, really. You just have to make a commitment that being self-sufficient and not stressed about money for the rest of your life is your priority. Unfortunately, a priority for a large majority of this world (I'm not referring to those on welfare, etc.-I mean everyone) is to keep up with the Jones's. It's quite sad, actually. My only luxury is MAC/make-up, to which I have a monthly budget as well.

mona lisa

Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
cars are not the only things that consume oil. airplanes do, trains do, heavy machinery does. industrialized nations consume alot of everything.

And of course make-up has petroleum based elements which come from {drumroll please...} OIL

Originally Posted by kimmy
cars and alot of people conform because they do know how it works and they are fine with the way the health care system is in this country. just because michael moore says it's bad doesn't mean it is; just because he tells you there's a better way doesn't make that the case.

Well said Kimmy!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty

An old adage comes to mind: Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime.

you've just defined capitalism

We as a society have to be socially responsible and help those in need that have limited choices and no way to get ahead. There's a lot of these folks out there, victims of their circumstances.

Most of us are living a life we've created with our own hands, we've made our choices, went to college instead of hanging out in the street and do drugs (as an example) ... we cannot continue to help those that by their own hands chose to do things with their lives that lead nowhere

I'm socially responsible to a certain point, but I struggled to get where I am today, no hand outs, I received a little help from the goverment (student loans, etc.) so I can better myself.


Well-known member
I saw this today and I'm seriously considering it lol .... In all seriousness I would vote for a candidate with all of these priorities


(1) 'Press 1 for English' is immediately banned. English is the official language-- speak it, or wait at the border until you can.

(2) We will immediately go into a two year isolationist posture to straighten out the country's attitude. NO imports, NO exports.
We will use the 'Wal-Mart's policy, 'If we ain't got it, you don't need it.'

(3) When imports are allowed, there will be a 100% import tax on them.

(4) All retired military personnel will be required to man one of our many observation towers on the southern border. (six month tour) They will be under strict orders not to fire on SOUTHBOUND aliens.

(5) Social security will immediately return to its original state. If you didn't put nuttin in, you ain't gettin nuttin out. The president nor any other politician will not be able to touch it.

(6) Welfare - Checks will be handed out on Fridays at the end of the 40-hour school week and the successful completion of a urinalysis test and a passing grade.

(7) Professional Athletes --Steroids - The FIRST time you check positive you're banned for life.

(8) Crime - We will adopt the Turkish method. The first time you steal, you lose your right hand. There are no more life sentences. If convicted, you will be put to death by the same method you chose for your victim--gun, knife, strangulation, etc.

(9) One export will be allowed; Wheat. The world needs to eat. A bushel of wheat will be the exact price of a barrel of oil.

(10) All foreign aid using American taxpayer money will immediately cease, and the saved money will pay off the national debt and ultimately lower taxes. When disasters occur around the world, we'll ask the American people if they want to donate to a disaster fund, and each citizen can make the decision whether it's a worthy cause.

(11) The Pledge of Allegiance will be said every day at school and every day in Congress.

(12) The National Anthem will be played at all appropriate ceremonies, sporting events, outings, etc.

Sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes but a vote for me will get you better than what you have, and better than what you're gonna get. Thanks for listening, and remember to write in my name on the ballot in November.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
I'm socially responsible to a certain point, but I struggled to get where I am today, no hand outs, I received a little help from the goverment (student loans, etc.) so I can better myself.

I completely understand. I have a mountain of student loans to pay back myself. A little help, a little boost I can justify. Very few people are able to make it completely on their own. I just have never figured out why some people can be so content with living off the blood, sweat and tears of others' hard work.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lapis
Skylar I just wanted to let you know that email forward is credited to Bill Cosby but he did not write it.
snopes.com: Bill Cosby's Write-In Candidate Platform

Thanks, I figured it was just part of his comedy. I didn't think it was a real political platform ... I i posted b/c i would vote for someone that had that platform and i thought it was somewhat comical... i think we can all use a little humor in light of the current political crisis and residential race =)


Well-known member
I agree with everyone position here, actually,

1. I am mad about welfare given to one's who don't appreciate but realize that without it, some people would live like a "third world country.
2. Mad about our tax dollars but we all benefit, fruit is extremely high, compared to what we are used to paying, and the govt. subsidizes that from our tax dollars but from most likely poor farmers (who don't live like queens, even they are providing us with life).
3. Mad about hospital costs and not have care that everyone can afford but realize that some people can't even afford to go the dentist because of their circumstances.
4. Hate that some people in this country don't won't birth control to be handed out responsibly (it wasn't covered by insurance until 5 years ago), but when then most irresponsible people become parents don't want to provide basic health care for the innocent children that are born to these folks, not me I a childless.

And I want to debunk this myth that foreclosures are being had by people who can't afford their homes, foreclosure are happening because Congress under Bush, Republicans and Democrats, voted to have bankruptcy taken away from people, who in the past would have been able to keep their homes and payoff their darn bills at the same darn time, just like we are trying to bailout Wall Street but they still seem to be able to keep their assets. If it good enough for Wall street, it should be good enough for Ma and Pa.

Off to rant about MAC playing with my emotions over Ungaro.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
Thanks, I figured it was just part of his comedy. I didn't think it was a real political platform ... I i posted b/c i would vote for someone that had that platform and i thought it was somewhat comical... i think we can all use a little humor in light of the current political crisis and residential race =)

I know we don't see eye to eye on just about anything and this can just be added to the list, I don't find it funny at all and the last person I would vote for is the person who would ever spout that in seriousness.

For example the export wheat at the same price as oil /no exports or imports points, well with wheat tripling in cost right now, along with corn and rice millions are starving world wide.
Right here in the US people have problems affording food cost, if not for the US ability to import cheap food and for Mexicans and others who are willing to work for low pay to pick fruit/veg etc American food cost would be extremely high.
I don't think your avg high school grad is going to want to pick hundreds of pounds of fruit for pennies a pound, $7500 a year isn't much can't do that job and put in 40 hours to qualify for state help either according to that writer, hmmmm
Slave labor in America : Book Guide : Special Guides : Lifestyle : Sympatico / MSN

As for Exports one of the US's biggest importers and exporter to the US is right next door in Canada, I don't see anyone saying ban imports from them! plus you need to export to make money!
The saying no man is an island stands just as well for countries.

Not to mention it was incredibly racist, of course all immigrants come from across the southern boarders in this writers mind
and it seems it is advocating shooting people trying to enter the country, as my son would say that fails!!

Please just remove Mr Cosby's name from the post.

Truthfully I don't care if there's pray in schools even tho I go to church weekly as I see it write a letter and have your child excused if you don't want it, I don't care if they play the anthem where I come from you go to school you sing it, you say the pledge and you have to know your school's song and pledge too! If your family doesn't want you too, they write an excuse letter! Simple

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I just thought I'd suggest that welfare should even include systems for people who cannot get jobs.

My father fucked up badly by quitting jobs very instantly. Because of his health, he allegedly cannot get a job and is receiving welfare... He's probably going to sit around, do nothing, ruin his health more by doing nothing, and play around online when he isn't driving to shop.

Even someone like him could hold some kind of job, using his "skills." There are plenty of jobs that require typing only. I wish a reform would require him to have a job that requires what he's going to do: use a computer. God knows I've had plenty of jobs that only require that.

I don't think welfare is a bad thing at all, but I think you have to earn your keep unless it's truly impossible. I think it would not only be good for the rest of us but also give the receiver some skills and dignity. I think most people need a sense of purpose in life, honestly, and even something as simple as computer work would do it. One of the many jobs my father had was working at a home for the mentally challenged. They had a job; I think it was stuffing and filling envelopes. I don't see why people who have greater mental capacities cannot do the same.

mona lisa

Well-known member
How about starting with politicians have to use the same healthcare programs they would try and push onto the rest of us? How about they do not earn a lifetime pension for congressional service but instead are subject to the same sources for retirement (401k, social security, etc.) as we are? And how about they get a 15% pay cut every year that they do not balance the budget to at least within the rate of inflation?

I could note more but that is for starters...


Well-known member
To my friend who spoke about bankruptcy in this thread ...
Bankruptcy is severely abused and rules were tightened as to who can apply ...

They made it all too easy to get off the hook, and get out of paying your bills and creditors. Bankruptcy does not get you out of paying your mortgage, actually you can't even file for Chapter 11 if you are behind in your mortgage payments.

mona lisa

Well-known member
Originally Posted by PuterChick
McCain has said that he would keep our men and women over in Iraq for 100 years if need be....... That is a scary thought!!

Charles Krauthammer dispatched with this canard six months ago:

The 100 Year Lie

'Nuff said.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I just thought I'd suggest that welfare should even include systems for people who cannot get jobs.

My father fucked up badly by quitting jobs very instantly. Because of his health, he allegedly cannot get a job and is receiving welfare... He's probably going to sit around, do nothing, ruin his health more by doing nothing, and play around online when he isn't driving to shop.

Even someone like him could hold some kind of job, using his "skills." There are plenty of jobs that require typing only. I wish a reform would require him to have a job that requires what he's going to do: use a computer. God knows I've had plenty of jobs that only require that.

I don't think welfare is a bad thing at all, but I think you have to earn your keep unless it's truly impossible. I think it would not only be good for the rest of us but also give the receiver some skills and dignity. I think most people need a sense of purpose in life, honestly, and even something as simple as computer work would do it. One of the many jobs my father had was working at a home for the mentally challenged. They had a job; I think it was stuffing and filling envelopes. I don't see why people who have greater mental capacities cannot do the same.

Every time I see your name, I know something offensive might follow...sigh...
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