2008 Presidential Candidates Comparison ( Side By side)... DOn't know what to think.

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
Fine, it's a birth defect then.

A chromosonal anomaly, a difference in genetics, can *cause* birth defects...but can also cause enhancements...

Imagine...So often, people who have Down's are classified as more loving...not always the case, I can assure you. My son is certainly loving, but he has his naughty - little - boy moments & Days of sheer stubborn "normal kid" humanity, during which you would question the stereotype. He doesn't run up to people in the street and hug them....

But... if this stereotype has any degree of Truth to it,
maybe such a lessening of aggression
could prevent us from annihilating the world's population...
Maybe escalating war could be reversed if enough people were so enhanced.

A hole in the Heart is an example of a "birth defect" which happens to some children who are born with Trisomy 21.

on the subject of "Hearts".....

Have a Heart (?)

Thanks. CF



Well-known member
After last night I now know 110% who I am and will vote for. It's the same person I planned on voting for the entire time, so to me the debate really didn't do much but tell me thing's I already knew.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
Yeah, I don't have to.

I wasn't mandating you to "reference" the quote. I tried to submit the 2 quotes without typing anything, but it wouldn't post. I was using the word, "reference," as a noun, not as the command form of a verb. I'm sorry I was unclear.

You seem to have some kind of narrow minded focus that being mentally challenged can only mean one thing.

If you have the time, please read a few posts again, and you may see this is not the case.

I'm not going to address this again

That's cool. I'm tired and haven't eaten.

because it's patently obvious that you've taken remarks made in this post and injected something into them that was not there in an effort to find something to be offended by.

I'm sure some may see my words as such, but I am simply not like that.

I do not have the time to search for things which may offend me.

That or to find something to lecture us all on.

I really take neither satisfaction nor joy in hurting people.



Well-known member
I don't usually like to get involved in these types of discussions, but after seeing so many people refer to a "biased media," I have to say something.

This idea of a "biased media" is a fallacy created by Rupert Murdoch and a couple of enterprising bloggers over the past couple of years.

The only inherently-biased media (mainstream media, that is) is Fox News.

The idea that CNN or The New York Times are just platforms for liberal "bleeding heart" journalists is false.

Are there instances of bias in the media? Yes, of course. Journalists are people too, and can not help but sometimes inject their opinion. But overall, most media outlets keep the opinions on the editorial page (which is completely and utterly separate from the news).

As a journalist, I'm asking you to stop distrusting the media - we are not the enemy. We do not try to slant stories in order to influence your opinion. All we want to do is report the truth.

Thank you for listening.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
Okay I'm really confused,

From the content and construction of this post that so doesn't surprise me!

Originally Posted by SkylarV217

This list is purely your opinion if you do not quote verifiable sources for every policy you attribute to a candidate.

Originally Posted by SkylarV217
Served in the US Armed Forces Yes No

Thomas Jefferson Didn't serve in the military. Your point?

Originally Posted by SkylarV217
institute socialized national health care plan No Yes

I hope you are always healthy and insured, many hard working Americans are neither.

If I had the time I would deal with you entire right wing biased diatribe...

There is a big choice to be made which could shape the 21st century for the whole world. So you can admire John McCain for his service to this country but to paraphrase the post WWII British Labour party
Cheer McCain:Vote Obama!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by peacelover18
I don't usually like to get involved in these types of discussions, but after seeing so many people refer to a "biased media," I have to say something.

This idea of a "biased media" is a fallacy created by Rupert Murdoch and a couple of enterprising bloggers over the past couple of years.

The only inherently-biased media (mainstream media, that is) is Fox News.

The idea that CNN or The New York Times are just platforms for liberal "bleeding heart" journalists is false.

Are there instances of bias in the media? Yes, of course. Journalists are people too, and can not help but sometimes inject their opinion. But overall, most media outlets keep the opinions on the editorial page (which is completely and utterly separate from the news).

As a journalist, I'm asking you to stop distrusting the media - we are not the enemy. We do not try to slant stories in order to influence your opinion. All we want to do is report the truth.

Thank you for listening.


So only Fox news is biased? Let me guess....your liberal! Kind of funny how people interpret news anchors/etc. opinions when they are the latter...umm yes the media is biased, whether you like to believe it or not( well I guess you do believe this, because you stated Fox news is, and then preceded to tell us that there are instances of journalist being biased...) I know you were trying to 'educate' us, but that's like me saying as a makeup artist, that only me,Janice,Kimmy and shimmer know how to do makeup but everyone else sucks...but there are some other good makeup artist out there too. It's kind of an ignorant/contradictory statement. The idea that one person "created" or certain others "created" there being a biased media is a huge slap in the face, considering I watch the news ALL of the time. It's also imo kind of laughable. no offense.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by peacelover18
I don't usually like to get involved in these types of discussions, but after seeing so many people refer to a "biased media," I have to say something.

This idea of a "biased media" is a fallacy created by Rupert Murdoch and a couple of enterprising bloggers over the past couple of years.

The only inherently-biased media (mainstream media, that is) is Fox News.

The idea that CNN or The New York Times are just platforms for liberal "bleeding heart" journalists is false.

Are there instances of bias in the media? Yes, of course. Journalists are people too, and can not help but sometimes inject their opinion. But overall, most media outlets keep the opinions on the editorial page (which is completely and utterly separate from the news).

As a journalist, I'm asking you to stop distrusting the media - we are not the enemy. We do not try to slant stories in order to influence your opinion. All we want to do is report the truth.

Thank you for listening.


Umm.. No.

Where are all the "mainstream" media reports of Joe Biden and his racist gaffes?

Where are all the "mainstream" media reports of the former Chairman of the DNC saying that Hurricane Ike is obviously coming because of the Republican Convention?

How is it that THE ENQUIRER is the only outlet to break the John Edwards is a douchebag who cheats on his sick and dying wife story for MONTHS?

Where are all the reports on how the surge in Iraq has succeeded? There was nothing but doom and gloom from the media before it started. I haven't seen a comparable amount of sunshine and butterflies despite the changes.

I'm smart enough to read a boatload of different media, so I get a well rounded set of information on any particular subject. But to claim that only Fox News is biased or that the left leaning media is an invention of Rupert Murdoch and some bloggers is absolutely ridiculous.


Well-known member
i just have to say that watching the debate made me think both candidates need a lesson in manners. did they really need to interrupt and talk over each other so much? gosh.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aleksis210
So only Fox news is biased? Let me guess....your liberal! Kind of funny how people interpret news anchors/etc. opinions when they are the latter...umm yes the media is biased, whether you like to believe it or not( well I guess you do believe this, because you stated Fox news is, and then preceded to tell us that there are instances of journalist being biased...) I know you were trying to 'educate' us, but that's like me saying as a makeup artist, that only me,Janice,Kimmy and shimmer know how to do makeup but everyone else sucks...but there are some other good makeup artist out there too. It's kind of an ignorant/contradictory statement. The idea that one person "created" or certain others "created" there being a biased media is a huge slap in the face, considering I watch them news ALL of the time. It's also imo kind of laughable. no offense.

Thank you for your reply.

First of all, my political views have nothing to do with this discussion.

Second, my opinion of Fox News is not based out of my views; my opinion is shared by virtually everyone in the media, including people who study the media to keep tabs of any bias that may appear.

Like I said in my original post, there are biases in the media, but they are usually a result of human error, rather than actually trying to persuade or influence opinion. Fox News was created based on the idea that media is inherently liberal-biased, an idea that has been spouted by many conservatives for years as part of a "strategy" (the exact word of former Republican party chairman Rich Bond). It is therefore inherently biased toward a conservative view.

I'm not really sure how your analogy fits into this discussion. I'm not saying that there are only a few good journalists or media outlets out there. If you would like to see an example of the media that usually skews conservative on its editorial page, read the excellent The Wall Street Journal (also owned by Rupert Murdoch, coincidentally, but not biased like Fox News is).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
Umm.. No.

Where are all the "mainstream" media reports of Joe Biden and his racist gaffes?

Where are all the "mainstream" media reports of the former Chairman of the DNC saying that Hurricane Ike is obviously coming because of the Republican Convention?

How is it that THE ENQUIRER is the only outlet to break the John Edwards is a douchebag who cheats on his sick and dying wife story for MONTHS?

Where are all the reports on how the surge in Iraq has succeeded? There was nothing but doom and gloom from the media before it started. I haven't seen a comparable amount of sunshine and butterflies despite the changes.

I'm smart enough to read a boatload of different media, so I get a well rounded set of information on any particular subject. But to claim that only Fox News is biased or that the left leaning media is an invention of Rupert Murdoch and some bloggers is absolutely ridiculous.

And how about the doom and gloom talk of the economy? To some degree, I think the media pushed us into a downturn.


Well-known member
I am really not trying to argue your expertise, but I will state that as an independent who does not belong to either party, it is obvious even to me that the media is biased.

Yes, Foxs News is slanted to the Right. But, are you actually trying to tell me that NPR, NBC (For the love of God, they are liberal), ABC (Hello? BaBa WaWa) and others are not highly liberal? I'm sorry, but to me, that just does not ring true.

I am sure that as a journalist this is offensive to you because you probably do a great job of keeping your opinions to yourself when writing articles, etc. However, can you honestly argue that a reporter can't slant an interview, story, article, or whatever without inserting their personal opinion? It is called editing. It is done quite artfully and done in a way that makes almost every single "report" in the mainstream media (with the exception of Fox which is inherently conservative) slanted to the left. JMO.

EDA: Google the interviews (youtube) that Barbara Walters and Charlie Gibson did with John McCain and compare them to the interviews they did with Obama. I am fairly certain there is quite a bit of bias there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
A chromosonal anomaly, a difference in genetics, can *cause* birth defects...but can also cause enhancements...

Imagine...So often, people who have Down's are classified as more loving...not always the case, I can assure you. My son is certainly loving, but he has his naughty - little - boy moments & Days of sheer stubborn "normal kid" humanity, during which you would question the stereotype. He doesn't run up to people in the street and hug them....

But... if this stereotype has any degree of Truth to it,
maybe such a lessening of aggression
could prevent us from annihilating the world's population...
Maybe escalating war could be reversed if enough people were so enhanced.

A hole in the Heart is an example of a "birth defect" which happens to some children who are born with Trisomy 21.

on the subject of "Hearts".....

Have a Heart (?)

Thanks. CF

Yes, I understand that...I took biology. I simply stated that Trisomy 21 is a birth defect because, by definition, it is a condition at birth that deviates from the norm. I never said it was a bad thing, nor am I suggesting that your son (or any other person born with a defect/disability...whatever term you choose to use) is any less of a human being. Being the child of two disabled parents (one the product of a birth defect, one a childhood disease) I myself am a testament to what people can overcome.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by missworld
From the content and construction of this post that so doesn't surprise me!

This list is purely your opinion if you do not quote verifiable sources for every policy you attribute to a candidate.

Thomas Jefferson Didn't serve in the military. Your point?

I hope you are always healthy and insured, many hard working Americans are neither.

If I had the time I would deal with you entire right wing biased diatribe...

There is a big choice to be made which could shape the 21st century for the whole world. So you can admire John McCain for his service to this country but to paraphrase the post WWII British Labour party
Cheer McCain:Vote Obama!


To make things clear, i didn't write the Original Post, I received it in an e-mail and posted it to get others opinions on the election and the candidates .

And to me its a big deal that one of the candidates didn't serve in the military since one of the main jobs of the president is to become Commander and Chief of the United States Army. To me it's better to have a leader that has been experienced in that area,b/c it shows they are willing to sacrifice for the country they want to run, but that is simply my opinion I am fully aware that some of the greatest American presidents did not serve in the military.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
Umm.. No.

Where are all the "mainstream" media reports of Joe Biden and his racist gaffes?

Where are all the "mainstream" media reports of the former Chairman of the DNC saying that Hurricane Ike is obviously coming because of the Republican Convention?

How is it that THE ENQUIRER is the only outlet to break the John Edwards is a douchebag who cheats on his sick and dying wife story for MONTHS?

Where are all the reports on how the surge in Iraq has succeeded? There was nothing but doom and gloom from the media before it started. I haven't seen a comparable amount of sunshine and butterflies despite the changes.

I'm smart enough to read a boatload of different media, so I get a well rounded set of information on any particular subject. But to claim that only Fox News is biased or that the left leaning media is an invention of Rupert Murdoch and some bloggers is absolutely ridiculous.

Thank you for your reply as well.

There have been reports on Biden's remarks. The New York Times actually published an article earlier in this month about the issues with race he's had in his past. It hasn't had as extensive media coverage for 2 reasons: 1) most people already know about Biden, 2) the media is intensely focused on someone we hardly know (or knew) anything about - Sarah Palin.

About Howard Dean's remark - I can't seem to find any mention of that anywhere, in any kind of media. Would you mind directing me to where you learned of his statement?

As for the coverage of The National Enquirer of John Edwards' affair, again the media didn't report on this for a long time for 1 of 2 reasons: 1) The media felt it was below their standards to report on such things, 2) The story couldn't be verified. The second reason is, unfortunately, probably the accurate one.

As for Iraq, there really hasn't been much coverage on that lately because the media is focused on the presidential campaign, and this probably brings in more readers/viewers than "boring" issues like Iraq.

It's a smart idea of you to get your news from a variety of sources. But I stand by my statement that the media itself is not inherently liberally-biased, while Fox News was created in effect to provide a biased view of the news.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by peacelover18
Thank you for your reply as well.

There have been reports on Biden's remarks. The New York Times actually published an article earlier in this month about the issues with race he's had in his past. It hasn't had as extensive media coverage for 2 reasons: 1) most people already know about Biden, 2) the media is intensely focused on someone we hardly know (or knew) anything about - Sarah Palin.

About Howard Dean's remark - I can't seem to find any mention of that anywhere, in any kind of media. Would you mind directing me to where you learned of his statement?

As for the coverage of The National Enquirer of John Edwards' affair, again the media didn't report on this for a long time for 1 of 2 reasons: 1) The media felt it was below their standards to report on such things, 2) The story couldn't be verified. The second reason is, unfortunately, probably the accurate one.

As for Iraq, there really hasn't been much coverage on that lately because the media is focused on the presidential campaign, and this probably brings in more readers/viewers than "boring" issues like Iraq.

It's a smart idea of you to get your news from a variety of sources. But I stand by my statement that the media itself is not inherently liberally-biased, while Fox News was created in effect to provide a biased view of the news.

Joe Biden's remarks weren't a big news story when HE was a presidential candidate, long before Sarah Palin was a blip on the radar.

Howard Dean isn't the former Chairman of the DNC.

As for the media thinking Edwards' affair was below their standards. This is the same media that didn't seem to have an issue insinuating that John McCain had an affair with Vicki Iseman. Interesting how one is below standards (despite proving to be true) and one isn't.

As for the Iraq coverage going by the wayside because of election coverage, I might buy it if the surge hadn't taken place MONTHS ago before this upswing in political news.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
i just have to say that watching the debate made me think both candidates need a lesson in manners. did they really need to interrupt and talk over each other so much? gosh.

The laughing and shaking of the heads while either is talking bugs me the most...also did anyone hear the very quick and subtle ...."yeah, whatever" from obama while mccain was talking about I believe it was 9/11....I was thinking what's up with all the immaturity? One more point that I wanted to bring which I think is soooo stupid/irrelevant that a lot of news programs were bringing up was the fact that McCain was barely looking at Obama while he was talking...who-the-hell-cares....I wanted to watch the news afterwards to hear about peoples standing points on what was said not their mannerisms...Omg Obama kept on stuttering...ooo McCain blinks too much...so and so was picking his nose...I could understand maybe discussing someone talking over the other or saying 'yeah whatever' and what not, but someone not looking at someone while they're talking? Geez maybe that's just his way of not getting distracted and paying very close attention to every word he was saying(as I do sometimes as well...)
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