Originally Posted by SuSana
I'm sorry but I highly doubt that. That is work that nobody wants to do. You're right, nobody forces them to come here, but if they had a choice I know for a fact they would never choose those jobs, and no American citizen would willingly do those jobs.
With our rapidly growing unemployment, this will change. And, for the record, Americans would do these jobs. Who do you think did them before we had a massive influx of immigrants? And we DO still have Americans doing some of these jobs. But fact remains that you wouldn't want to pay an American $7.25/hr when you can pay an illegal $2/hr for the same job. We cannot compete.
Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
Our foreign policies have forced them to come here. We've raped third world countries for centuries! Our countries leadership have orchestrated this.
Eh, a bit of an exaggeration, it's really only a century and a half. The Monroe Doctrine (1823) was our first real foray into international affairs, and really it was laughed at by the Europeans so it was more symbolic than anything, then manifest destiny didn't help our relations much. But really, we weren't even on the global scope of affairs until after WWII, so while we did intervene in places like DR and Cuba, what's now considered the "third world" (it's technically now called the Developing World since the fall of communism) was destined to experience problems from its original colonization. And who colonized majority of that land? The Portugese and the Spanish. Their problems are rooted in events that took place far beyond the US's Revolutionary War. We haven't made anything better, but we sure didn't create all their problems. So this isn't quite accurate.
Do you realize that in Mexico and other third world countries, that the farmers there can't even make a living farming anymore! Why, it's partly due to unregulated free market capitalism. Our government initiated trade deals with these countries that benifited american corporate farmers. So instead of these poor people being able to make a living off the land farming feeding themselves etc., now most of their food is IMPORTED from other places. |
And this hasn't happened to the US? Drive through middle America sometime. You don't see the family owned farms anymore. My family owned a farm in PA for generations before it simply wasn't profitable anymore. There are many people who had no choice but to sell out to the huge companies- it was either that or keep losing money. It wasn't just the devloping world that was hurt by that legislation, but then again this is just another example of why not to trust a government.
Many of them have no way to earn money! These people respond the same way people from oklahoma responded during the Dust Bowl, when drought caused farmers to go into forclosure. These people did the same thing the Mexicans are doing, THEY MIGRATED. How would you feel? Would you watch your children starve and stay put? |
But the problem is that we can't support all of them that are coming. Our infrastructure is severely overtaxed and outdated. Our budget can't handle the shortfalls caused by the fact that their wages aren't enough to cover the cost of life in America so they disproportionately use public services. Our citizens can't afford their own lives (for whatever reason) so how can we ask them to cover someone else? When they can't afford themselves how can they be asked to help others?
I think that, one thing alot of you need to understand is, WE LIVE IN A GLOBAL SOCIETY! There are no boarders anymore. And it's not just in the U.S. either. it's going on in Europe and China, it's going on everywhere. |
Erm- we've
alwayslived in a global society, the exchange of ideas and people has just become faster due to the technological advances. The Roman high classes spoke Greek because their educators were Greek; the Silk Road went from the Chinese through the Parthian empire and ended soemwhere in the Roman civilization; European colonization of the Americas is another example of globalization.
We've always had a global society, and yet there have always been boarders. Try to live in Mexico illegally and see how that works out. It hasn't gone too well for the Guatemalan migrants.
I don't think some of you all appreciate just how much it sucks to live in a developing country as opposed to living in "the west". Many more people here have the opportunity not to be poor. In many of these countries THERE IS NO MIDDLE CLASS. |
And take a look at WHY there is no middle class there. We've put so many companies into the Developing World (not just the US, but all Developed nations) but then we put the local guy out of business. IE: the local guy who ran a shoe making business out of his home can't compete with a corporation anymore- the corporation can always produce a higher volume for a lower cost; they have the resources to absorb the shrink. The guy down the street can't. Truthfully, if we wanted to truly help, we might as well leave the developing world to do it by itself and merely become trade partners. But politically it would mean a power loss- not going to happen by any major players.
One thing I think is funny is that so many republicans hate this but, the largest influxes of immigrants from the south occured during the Regan and Bush administrations. I mean Regan granted Amnesty to 4 MILLION illigal immigrants and why .. so the 'free market' could take advantage of cheap labor. |
Both parties have been bastardized from their original platforms. Most people who HAD to pick a party to vote in primaries (like NY) might register as Republican because it's been historically been the party that promised to leave us the hell alone.
But, for the record, JFK was the one to completely change the immigration policies without regard to all of the potential outcomes. JFK was a reckless president. LBJ created the Great Society programs, which encouraged growth. Without restrictions, what else was Reagan suppose to do? CQ has an amazing array of peer-reviewed articles about the historical context and political reasons and ramifications of that amnesty. Check it out if you have access to it. It's very interesting.
It's unfortunate, so much of the voting public is UNAWARE of what is really taking place here.
I know why funding for education will always be insufficient. The government benifits from having an uninformed electorate. With FOX and humans tendency to encourage their viewers to make decisions based on their own irrational fears (ala mushroom cloud and bush war good), it's guaranteed that the voting public will be EASILY manipulated! |
Hah, they've been doing this since the Jacksonian era. This is just politics as usual.