2008 Presidential Candidates Comparison ( Side By side)... DOn't know what to think.

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Well-known member
I can see both sides of the arguement, here is MY opinion, while certainly Dr.s, nurses and such should be payed for their services, because they did go to school, they did pay their way through it. I don't think anyone should drown in debt because of medical bills.

Its ridiculous. We should have affordable health care. It shouldn't cost an arm and a leg. People shouldn't be turned away for pre-existing condition. I mean seriously, you're gonna tell someone you can't see them because they don't have health insurance, but when they try to get some they get turned away?! It doesn't make sense. You are pretty much pushing these ill people into complete debt. They can't be covered, and they cant pay. That, I don't agree with.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
No, actually I forgot. Just as I assume you forgot that I have asked you not to use my real name on this forum. I didn't call you "lizard" to insult you. For God's sake, it is in your username and I just shortened it like I do with most people's usernames.

Thanks, rbella.
I fully believe you did not use a shortened version
of my user name to insult me.

I don't think you ever did ask me not to use your real name here in public. I would have remembered, as you've been one of my favorite people around for some time. I do forget things, like everybody else, but I didn't forget.
I apologize, rbella.

Emotions are flying everywhere.

I don't think it is appropriate to use a person's real name on a board without their permission, therefore I try to stick to usernames.

You're absolutely right. I agree with you 100%. Sorry again.

Since this has nothing to do with the actual topic in this discussion, I will bow out now. I don't think that this is really an appropriate discussion in an open forum.

No, it isn't. But when I saw the shortened version of my user name, I thought, because we may have had (real or not) dissonance here, you were trying to hurt me.
I am very sensitive right now, dealing with a multitude of personal issues...incredible financial stress, to begin with.

Again, rbella, I did not mean to cause you angst. Please remember I am afraid of lizards and most other Creatures which slither. My username alludes to a poet, James Douglas Morrison.
He was a man who died too young, but not a lizard.

Hope your Day is full of Beauty. Peace. Peace ? Thank You.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dizzy

And really, our gov't couldn't run a successful brothel, we can't run our DMVs and we can't even figure out how to get a decent working public transit system in most states. After taking a look around me, these are not the folks I want deciding my health care. Maybe in a different time and a different political landscape, but not now.

I so agree with this! And, what about the Democrats having to close down their cafeteria because they couldn't run it correctly? Didn't hear that one in the news. If you can't even run your own cafeteria, umm, I don't think I want you deciding how I should run my own money/life/insurance etc.

Again, we need to stop growing government


Well-known member
Originally Posted by missworld
I know what she is talking about and talks cheap.

She makes a statement about other countries health care systems and does not back it up with one shred of evidence or personal experience.
I have actually lived outside of the US.


As I've already mentioned, I was not speaking about healthcare in other countries! I was speaking of Government run Healthcare in America, this is what we should be concerned about, not other countries, because it would be the American government running it, Not another country! I was speaking FROM EXPERIENCE IN THE UNITED STATES

Frankly at this point in time I simply don't trust out government, i defiantly don't want to give them more control over my everyday life.

Furthermore, I would not assume the people you talk about and refer to on this board are as dumb as you think, you have no idea what are experiences are or how extensive our knowledge about a subject is.


Well-known member
To be honest, I believe everyone should have health insurance.... Or that the price of health care should be um shall we say examined.

Doctors charge insurance companies an extreme amount of money comparatively to what the service costs b/c in the end they only receive a small fraction of the cost in return from an insurance company. This is one reason what a lot of doctors have stopped accepting Blue Cross Blue Shield, because they simply take losses most of the time with that insurer. Its not fair to doctors.

What is worse is that some of the Greedy doctors in the world charge uninsured patients the same amount they would charge insured patients and that simply is not right.

I believe all people should be able to AFFORD healthcare. A decent healthcare at that. I simply don't believe it's something our government can or will handle at this time. Will an astronomical deficit the government defiantly can't handle it at this point. I don't want to throw more money at them and expect them to provide decent healthcare. The head of our government may once again see a bunch of money that "isn't being used" and borrow against it .... Then we will all be out of luck.


Well-known member
One of my suggestions as a small business owner, would be that we could at least buy into a larger company's insurance plan to get a better plan at a better rate.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
One of my suggestions as a small business owner, would be that we could at least buy into a larger company's insurance plan to get a better plan at a better rate.

OMG that is what my husband and I pray for!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
OMG that is what my husband and I pray for!!

Doesn't it seem like a reasonable, common sense idea.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
What is worse is that some of the Greedy doctors in the world charge uninsured patients the same amount they would charge insured patients and that simply is not right.

I'm not being argumentative... I don't understand this statement. Can someone help me? Does she mean that people without insurance should be given a break...?


Well-known member
Meaning, the hike in prices for the insurance companies shouldn't be given to the uninsured patients as well.

In the clinic i worked for, we had a price chart for the uninsured patients which were drastically lower than what insurance companies were charged. I later found out that not all practices do that.

For Example lets say a doctors visit bottom line cost $10 ( without the dr.'s profit)

Insurance companies are charged $100 ... they turn around and say we will pay you 20% of that charge so the doctor makes 10$. ( and there are many instances where they don't break even)

well our office would charge the uninsured pt.s 20$

some offices charge them the 100$ they charge the insurance companies and I feel that is wrong b/c the prices were hiked up in order to make a small amount from the insurance companies in the first place.

Those figures are completely made up off the top of my head to show as an example of what I encountered


Well-known member
Yeah that's kinda like at the pharmacy last month...
I have a prescription plan they charged me $10 for a RX drug...Then I get home look at the fine print of the receipt and the cost was only $8.00 without a prescription plan...WTF...so now I ask before I get it filled...Is the prescription more than my rx co-pay? If not just charge me directly and I can pay less and don't go thru the insurance and make me pay more than the cost of the meds...There has to be something so wrong with that practice.
Yeah it was only a few dollars but thats a few dollars that I would have preferred go in the cancer donation box than to Walgreens.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Again, we need to stop growing government

i cannot agree with you more.

i'm very much a believer in the survival of the fittest. yes, i know alot of people think that mindset is cruel and primative, and that's fine.

everyone needs a little assistance at some point or another and that's fine. but people who continuously "need" government assistance and never seem to really get with the program, i think should be left to their own devices.

the government is not your mother, it is not your father and it should not act as either. am i the only one that thinks it's a little ridiculous that some state governments are actually trying to take soda machines out of high schools? now, if that isn't a gross missuse of power i don't know what is.

the government is too large as it is. the founding fathers laid the groundwork for the perfect government in the original documents that were written to found this country. i can only imagine those men are spinning in their graves as we debate such a thing as government run health care simply because they never could have imagined that the good they did would have been so quickly undone and the foundation they poured be so quickly demolished and replaced with a machine that would be so controlling that its citizens wouldn't even have to figure out how to take care of themselves.

i can't wrap my head around the entitlement complex that seems to be plaguing the states. what ever happened to the good old fashioned "you want it, you work for it" mentality?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy

the government is too large as it is. the founding fathers laid the groundwork for the perfect government in the original documents that were written to found this country. i can only imagine those men are spinning in their graves as we debate such a thing as government run health care simply because they never could have imagined that the good they did would have been so quickly undone and the foundation they poured be so quickly demolished and replaced with a machine that would be so controlling that its citizens wouldn't even have to figure out how to take care of themselves.

Why Kimmy didn't you hear those old documents should all be changed ... There are simply irrelevant to todays society.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
Why Kimmy didn't you hear those old documents should all be changed ... There are simply irrelevant to todays society.

Yes...a series of simple amendments should fix that!


Active member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I have not once been uncivil Jaime...Nor have I advocated for anyone else to be...I was simply stating that it is very hard for people to not get personal when it comes to politics and religion..as we can see from all of the posts that have been made tonight...It is a personal issue and I don't think all the people posting are trying to be offensive however when one does not agree with what certain people agree to it seems to be taken as a personal attack.
Everyone is entitled to feel what they feel regardless of whether or not Dick, Bob or Harry agrees with it.

I agree the request needs to be honored by ALL responding I think there is added agitation from those who should be also helping make sure it does remain civil and not "personal"

----i.e. shimmer....goodness...don't agree with that woman and all hell breaks loose.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by valabdalnabi
----i.e. shimmer....goodness...don't agree with that woman and all hell breaks loose.

Yes, it's just so frustrating when someone backs up their arguments with facts. Grrr...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
Yes, it's just so frustrating when someone backs up their arguments with facts. Grrr...

I'll tell you what, logic just throws a monkey wrench into all KINDS of things.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
No you don't.
You've yet to express respect for anyone whose opinion opposes yours.

Not so, I have expressed disgust at you and you little clique's self serving attitude. I respect the fact taht you have a right to that opinion.

Originally Posted by Shimmer
You would advocate it?

Not so, in any way! The overkill millions spent on high tech. weaponry such as cruise missiles do nothing to protect a soldier from an IED.
Furthermore I believe we need cruise missiles! But do we need this many?

4170 missiles
Total program cost (TY$) $11,210M
Average unit cost (TY$) $1.4M

ref1 ref2

$11210M But we can't afford to at least help those less fortunate with survival health care?

Originally Posted by Shimmer

Back at you.

Originally Posted by Shimmer
Darlin', I don't have to try, I just AM.




Well, considering the enormous debt our government has because of the war, it makes sense to raise taxes. The government can't just 'ignore' it away. The 'no tax' stuff is the only thing McCain's got going for him. People hate taxes. He wins. However, it's not really responsible to pass over the debt to the future generations.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chikky
Obama must have said 'We've got' a million times. It's 'we have'. You can't 'have got'. And 'gotta'. Oy.

And he's still way more eloquent then McCain!

Originally Posted by Chikky
And, does anyone pay attention to how many times a question went totally UNanswered?? McCain did it about twice, Obama about 90% of the time. Talked right around the question.

Both of them dodged questions, there politicians, and they will be judged on their performance. I watched that debate and I contest you 90% figure.
I think that shows bias on your part needless to say I support Obama and a definitely biased.

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