2008 Presidential Candidates Comparison ( Side By side)... DOn't know what to think.

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
"The collective principle asserts that... no society can legitimately call itself civilized if a sick person is denied medical aid because of lack of means"

we do live in a civilized society, we can't deny medical help, its the law. A similar statement can be seen as you enter every hospital in the US. Medical care will never be denied, nor should anyone worry if they are illegal aliens. The hospital won't turn you in, their role is to heal.

But what happens to the hospital bill? You and I will have to pay it, higher medical costs, etc.... its a domino effect.

"Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses longing to be free..."

this is no longer applicable, we can't afford it any longer.

Hi Red

Yes, your are absolutely right. This is The Law. This is the exact principle I told my British husband, when we first came back from England. He was horrified, & in culture shock (& I must admit, so was I) as we had recently returned from England, where things were vastly different. Back in upstate NY, at the end of a 15-minute consult to renew prescriptions we both needed, we were handed a hefty bill of just under $200 (total for the 2 of us.)

(I'm a US citizen who lived in Britain, in case anyone new comes in)

Although my husband is very healthy, as is our son, & as is mommy (lizardprincesa)
all of us do see a Dr. occasionally. My husband is terrified we could arrive at a hospital for an emergency, and have to pay the $200 copay his job's insurance plan charges. We cannot easily afford it right now...but we are definitely doing better than many many people, who are uninsured.

I feel truly sad that anyone should ever have this anxiety and fear, or even die, due to lack of information about how to re
ceive assistance (such as you referred to), or
due to the fact that people do not want to contribute to the well-being of the very people who are toiling in hot fields & other difficult locales, so we, the people of this great nation, can eat fresh vegetables and fruits, enjoy clean dishes in a restaurant, etc. etc.

Many migrant farmworker services operate on tiny, grant-funded (privately donated) budgets. They offer basic care, & if a person is seriously, desperately ill, they often find a kind healthcare professional who will want to help. I do not know if this is the case in every state, in every case. I am speaking only from experience in advocacy.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

[The following is only an aside....a thank you to true humanitarians...I discovered a Dr. in your very county, who was willing to treat the father of one of my students, a man who lay dying of cancer in a town in central Mexico. The 2 doctors, American (of European origin) and the Mexican doctor, communicated for a few Days via emails, faxes of xrays, etc...Meanwhile, the man's family was about to spend the yearly profit (tiny) from their little coffee field, so that the man could arrive here to be treated by this benevolent Dr. (Bless you, wherever you are, sweet-Hearted, professional man.)
Unfortunately, the paperwork for the gentleman in Mexico was a huge hurdle, because, of course, he didn't have a visa. The drs. and others tried to make it happen, though.
Sadly, he died at the end of the week.

Yes, that story is not about who is even *here* to receiving "assistance"...I write it only to point out that people can be so soo amazingly ~good~. ]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Back to Here and Now:

Did you know that many or most hospitals also have funds, donated by private humanitarians, which are set aside for the purpose of
caring for people who have no means *for whatever reason*.
I learned about these funds when I worked in the program with migrant and seasonal farmworkers.

Again, next time you (anybody) drives down that {highway} during Harvest time, take a good long look, please.
Imagine if one of those boys were your own son.

I have met the mothers of many of these boys. They are not here in The States.

My statements are meant globally. I am not speaking pointedly at you, red.
*Anybody,* please....next time you see one of the people you would like to think is an "illegal alien," "stealing jobs from Americans,"
please *think* again. Please think with your Heart.

Red, I mean no animosity toward you, nor toward *anyone* whatsoever.

Hope you enjoy your weekend. CherylFaith

PS I hate when I decide to post & I'm pressed for time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
Again, next time you (anybody) drives down that {highway} during Harvest time, take a good long look, please.
Imagine if one of those boys were your own son.

I have met the mothers of many of these boys. They are not here in The States.

My statements are meant globally. I am not speaking pointedly at you, red.
*Anybody,* please....next time you see one of the people you would like to think is an "illegal alien," "stealing jobs from Americans,"
please *think* again. Please think with your Heart.

I understand exactly why they emigrated to the US. But, please explain why we, as a nation, should feel more responsibility toward them than our own citizens? These workers are taking jobs in order to feed their families, children, etc. Exactly where are our jobless citizens supposed to find work, then, in order to feed their families, children, etc. Why is it we should feel it's OK for our citizens to be forced on to social aid because they are unable to find any other means to support their families because the jobs are being snapped up by undocumented workers? Our responsibilities should lie primarily with helping to ensure our citizens are employed.


Well-known member
I will answer you, because you are asking me to, and because you've given me a chance to provide more information.

Originally Posted by purrtykitty
I understand exactly why they emigrated to the US.

"Emigrate" *usually* implies a person wishes to remain in a country other than his/her native soil...*Usually.*
In many years of working with people from various backgrounds (I taught English as a Second Language, before working with seasonal/migrant farm workers),
I haven't met many people who actually wished to emigrate. I've taught/counseled/tutored/advocated on behalf of people of various ages, from various cultural/socio-economic backgrounds.
I have met people who had plans to stay in the US for awhile, often people who came from European countries, as well as a few people from China, South Korea, and Japan, others... a few of these people did express a wish to live here.
Of the seasonal/migrant farm workers of other countries whom I've had the pleasure to know, I haven't met many *single* people who wanted to make a Life here; the people about whom I speak, most often (but not solely) were from Mexico, a few from Colombia, Jamaica, Haiti, and they always expressed a desire to be Home, where their families were...

I am acquainted with *families* who *have* come and begun a new Life here. Some have started out working in agriculture/restaurants/landscaping, and eventually owned their own businesses and homes. "The American Dream"...Unless one's ancestors are completely indigenous to this country, I don't know that we can say the land *belongs* to any group or another. Wave after wave of people, no matter how they arrived here, have contributed to this country; America is a multi-coloured, multi-cultural, multi-lingual fabric of people.

But, please explain why we, as a nation, should feel more responsibility toward them than our own citizens?

Please don't make assumptions from my words;
as a person, I feel I have a moral responsibility toward all people, no matter their heritage/homeland, as long as they do not harm my family-and especially if they do something to *help* my family.

These workers are taking jobs in order to feed their families, children, etc. Exactly where are our jobless citizens supposed to find work, then, in order to feed their families, children, etc.

I do not know where our "jobless citizens [are] supposed to find work."
I can think of many sectors in which they might look.

Why is it we should feel it's OK for our citizens to be forced on to social aid because they are unable to find any other means to support their families because the jobs are being snapped up by undocumented workers?

Lately, I've read about a 17-yr-old pregnant woman who died of heat stroke in California, while working in the grape vineyards with her fiance (who is an American citizen, as far as I know...I will check it, though.)

I knew a guy whose family originally hailed from Western Europe. He was Caucasian. He was born here in the USA. One Summer, he worked picking carrots. He told me he would rather starve than do that type of work again.

Many Americans do not want to do this type of work. I do not know that they can be forced....maybe?

Many people who do the jobs of which we are speaking, are Americans, as well, although for some families, their main language may not be English.

People in the US contract labor to come to work on their farms/vineyards/sod farms/slaughterhouses. Often, the *labor* arrives in the form of an exhausted person who has travelled hundreds of miles, paid a great deal of money, just for the *chance* of coming to "el norte" to be able to feed his/her family.

Such labor contracting happens in other countries, as well, in various & often more hideous forms. I *believe,* because of geography & government, as well as the fact that we are considered a wealthy nation bordering a nation who tries its best to keep its class system in place,
the migrant worker status becomes an only option for an impoverished class of people who come to a wealthier country, to do the work its citizens do not wish to do.

When the pregnant woman died of heatstroke in a hot field, far away from Home, the outcry was muted, compared to what it would have been, had she been an American citizen...

Our responsibilities should lie primarily with helping to ensure our citizens are employed.

Those who wish to be employed will most likely be employed, as long as they are willing to take whatever job is on offer.

I have no idea what more to say.
I've spent almost the entire Evening reading about migrant farmworker deaths in California, due mainly to heat stroke, and I feel emotionally drained.

I love raisins. I love all kinds of fruits and vegetables. In fact, I am a vegetarian. After a few of the stories I have read Tonight, i have felt as if I could not eat another box of one of my staples; raisins. yet, if we don't eat them, people may be out of a job. I have decided to eat my blessed food with much more gratitude, to thank the people who have endangered their Lives for Love of their families...to an extent I cannot even imagine...

I am not going to cite links. Links and websites and stories abound. If you plan to read the stories of what many of the " illegal immigrants' " Lives
are like, please know you may find yourself in tears. I learned alot Tonight. I thought I knew so much, from working in an educational advocacy program for almost 10 years. I wish I had known more; I would have felt even more respect for the people who do the jobs many of us would feel insulted to do.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
My statements are meant globally. I am not speaking pointedly at you, red.
*Anybody,* please....next time you see one of the people you would like to think is an "illegal alien," "stealing jobs from Americans,"
please *think* again. Please think with your Heart.

what about next time i see one of them being arresting for murdering, raping or robbing someone?

the southern part of the US is being destroyed by these people. spend one day with a law enforcement official in the southern part of any border state and i promise that you will see an illegal immigrant arrested for some kind of violent crime. i'm talking daily, sometimes even hourly. they're commiting a crime just being here, but to compound the problem, many have turned to robbery, drug dealing and other various criminal enterprises to supplement their income.

no criminal will ever get any sympathy from me.


Well-known member
Well just to kind of put my two cents in, okay maybe half a cent. Cuz we are now on illegal immigrants, and I haven't had my opinioin voiced on this yet

I have no problems with immigrants as long as they follow the same rules of the law that I have to. Meaning...My husband works very hard to make sure we have everything we want and need...He bought me a new Lexus for Mother's Day 2008...Then July 2008...I am sitting at a dead stop for at least 20-30 secs with my signal light on waiting to turn into my drive..When out of no where a truck behind me runs the light from the opposite direction and I feel my car being hit, flipped into the opposite direction and into a neighbors yard. I look up and it is a hispanic man in a Dodge RAM (How ironic) He looks me dead in my fae..and then turns his truck around, I think to come and assist me..No he drives up on the curb, across the yard, drives around my car and hits the road jack!! As I sit there pinned between my seat and the steering wheel. OH Hell No MoFo..Not today was my first thought.. I will elaborate on that thought in a minute...
Thanks to my Mac bag
...I grabbed it and was able to write the license plate number down on the front window shield with my lipstick (my fav lipstick, let me add, ugghh) Several witnesses were there to help me and call the police...Basically after that was all said and done..The police ran the plates, found out they were stolen and later found the guy with selective amnesia still driving the same truck and He was an illegal immigrant with no insurance. I asked well what will you do, what do I do?..The officer said well honestly..We will deport him back to Mexico because there is really nothing we can do he is an illegal citizen here. I said then what happens..He said we send him back to Mexico and he'll probably be back in a few months until he is arrested for another crime. He said this happens 65% of the time and all I can suggest is people keep good insurance so they can cover their repairs.

So No, I have no problem with immigrants..I have a problem with immigrants that come to a country and do not follow the same rules and regulations of that country that every other American has to follow. Do what it takes to get legal..If you don't have insurance DON'T DRIVE.

This accident costs my insurance company 15K just in repairs and another 7500K in medical bills so far because I have a torn rotary cuff that will need surgery to repair. Not to mention now my rates will go up just because I was sitting there legally observing the laws. I know cars are material things and accidents happen..But you best believe if I hit your car and it's my fault ..I GOT YOU and You are COVERED and I will not leave you not knowing or caring whether you are hurt or dying for that matter!

And the thing that hurt me the most is ...This was a gift from my dh and he was so proud to surprise me with it which made it super special, then I had to call him to come look at the car and informed him he will have to also pay for this too... Of course my man is much more patient and doesn't worry about much, so he just said as long as you are alright we can fix the car or I'll buy you a new one..OK but that is not the point..I was mad..What if my son had been in the back seat, because after the wreck I had no back seat left!! Thank God, He stayed home that day for whatever reason, that only God knows!

Elaboration on my first thoughts...
My first reaction was to grab my gun from the console (Yes, I am registered to carry one due to the type of business we have, so chill!) and shoot out his tires so he could not flee..But in my right frame of mind. I thought what if I hit another innocent bystander. The fact that it angered me this much makes me worry about what I was thinking that would make me have so much anger at that moment. I dare someone break my toy and not have to repair or replace it!!

For all those like REd and others that go through the proper channels and follow the same laws and regulations I do, I appauld you and welcome you with open arms.

Damn it , LizardPrincesa...Now my post is as long as yours are!!!


Well-known member
That was a good post Tish, I think every country has their own way to battle Immigrants, some better than others, but as long as they are paying tax and working hard I don't mind.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
what about next time i see one of them being arresting for murdering, raping or robbing someone?

"Them." "They." Words like those propogate racism, and all the other "ism's" in existence.

When the economy fails, when people are upset over current conditions, throughout history, words like yours help people who need a scapegoat.

"Them." "They." Words like those helped the Holocaust begin.


Originally Posted by kimmy
what about next time i see one of them being arresting for murdering, raping or robbing someone?

Next time you see "this" happening to "one of them," maybe you should ascertain if the person is actually an illegal immigrant.
Murder, rape, and robbery happen on both sides of the border, and are committed by people of various races on both sides of the border.

the southern part of the US is being destroyed by these people. spend one day with a law enforcement official in the southern part of any border state and i promise that you will see an illegal immigrant arrested for some kind of violent crime. i'm talking daily, sometimes even hourly. they're commiting a crime just being here, but to compound the problem, many have turned to robbery, drug dealing and other various criminal enterprises to supplement their income.

Yes, violence around the border is *rampant.*
No, not *all* people who commit violence around the US/Mexican border are illegal aliens.

If you feel threatened for yourself and your family, I suggest you look to means other than pointing fingers at "them."

You do realize you are making a generalized statement about an entire group of people. People have died because they had attitudes like yours.

People die because they are victims of attitudes like yours.

And people have died for fighting attitudes like yours, too. You
have heard of these people?

I am not shocked at your attitude, although each time you think you've come back with a new and wonderful treasure of knowledge, you proclaim yourself even more distinctly to be ...

oh, never mind... People can fill in the blanks.

no criminal will ever get any sympathy from me.

I cannot give sympathy to criminals either, but I definitely cannot give sympathy to you.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
"Emigrate" *usually* implies a person wishes to remain in a country other than his/her native soil...*Usually.*

Fine, but the fact of the matter is, many of these workers never return home. So while initially, the intention might not have been to make the US their permanent home, in practice, emigration is exactly what happens.

Please don't make assumptions from my words;

as a person, I feel I have a moral responsibility toward all people, no matter their heritage/homeland, as long as they do not harm my family-and especially if they do something to *help* my family.

OK, but your argument seemed to indicate that these undocumented field workers should somehow be granted a greater status here because they were dealt a crap hand in their own country. My point is, how is allowing any undocumented worker to be employed here "helping" any citizen's family when it causes our own citizens to be forced on to social welfare programs? Those programs are costing taxpayers billions of dollars each year, money that could be better spent improving education, etc...if our citizens were employed in these positions currently held by undocumented workers.

I do not know where our "jobless citizens [are] supposed to find work."

I can think of many sectors in which they might look.

Which sectors might these be? If these are sectors requiring post-secondary education, I just don't see that being feasible. The jobs undocumented workers are taking are, by and large, not the ones which require a college degree. These are hard-labor jobs. Someone who previously worked in a meat-packing plant is not going to magically have the resources to go acquire a college degree in order to get another job, especially when he/she was barely making ends meet to begin with.

People in the US contract labor to come to work on their farms/vineyards/sod farms/slaughterhouses. Often, the *labor* arrives in the form of an exhausted person who has travelled hundreds of miles, paid a great deal of money, just for the *chance* of coming to "el norte" to be able to feed his/her family.


Such labor contracting happens in other countries, as well, in various & often more hideous forms. I *believe,* because of geography & government, as well as the fact that we are considered a wealthy nation bordering a nation who tries its best to keep its class system in place,
the migrant worker status becomes an only option for an impoverished class of people who come to a wealthier country, to do the work its citizens do not wish to do.

I guarantee those are exactly the type of employers that the US needs to start going after for improper hiring practices. Those employers are only enabling the undocumented workers to come here, and once the work is done, I highly doubt those employers do anything to ensure the workers are returned home.

Those who wish to be employed will most likely be employed, as long as they are willing to take whatever job is on offer.

The problem is, if there are no jobs available because the slots are filled by undocumented workers, then what is one supposed to do? Wishing to be employed only gets a person so far.

And TISH, thank you. Your experience is precisely why we need to get our borders under control. Immigration is not a bad thing, but uncontrolled immigration is.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk
... I think every country has their own way to battle Immigrants,some better than others, but as long as they are paying tax and working hard I don't mind.

You think we should "battle" immigrants...

but as long as they are paying tax and working hard I don't mind.

I have also lived in England. I didn't meet many people like you.

Kayteuk, I had an instinct about you when I first *met* you here. I then doubted myself a bit, after a couple of interesting posts you wrote.

I am learning how to listen to my instincts more and more.

EDIT: I deeply regret having written these words, but now they're here, if I erase them, they will be remembered. I shall explain in a PM to Kayteuk.



Well-known member
I am Human, so I am imperfect. I'd go so far as to say I'm pretty flawed.
I am, however, surprised at the blatant ignorance, prejudice, and inhumanity I have seen expressed by
fellow Human beings on here.

I believe the *majority* of people on Specktra are more Enlightened
than a small group which has voiced strongly negative opinions toward fellow Human beings.

I hope any people who are too intimidated to post,
please find a way to speak up;
you don't have to post, & you don't have to speak up on Specktra;
your voice of Peace needn't even be on the Internet,
but your voice needs to be heard.
Please work toward Equality and Peace.
I will be with you.



Well-known member
I don't think we should battle them, that was a bad choice of words. I do believe in assisting them. And our economy would be at ground zero in the UK if it was not for some Immigrants from developing EU countries coming here.

If I got a chance to vote in the US, I would vote for Obama.
I'm kind of getting sick of the hatred being thrown about by the Republicans at the moment, and some of their policies I disagree with. His book was fantastic and really enlightened me in to his life, and Mccain's was quite plain and "meh...".

I would put down factual reasons why I would vote for Obama, but I think I may get slaughtered by other members for having a opinion right now!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk
I don't think we should battle them, that was a bad choice of words. I do believe in assisting them. And our economy would be at ground zero in the UK if it was not for some Immigrants from developing EU countries coming here.

Kayteuk, I am truly sorry I jumped on you. I have stated that I realize I'm far from perfect. Please forgive me?
I was extremely emotional at the time. Not a great excuse for writing what I wrote, tho.

If I got a chance to vote in the US, I would vote for Obama.

Even if you wouldn't, I would *still* apologize for jumping on you.

I'm kind of getting sick of the hatred being thrown about by the Republicans at the moment, and some of their policies I disagree with. His book was fantastic and really enlightened me in to his life, and Mccain's was quite plain and "meh...".


I would put down factual reasons why I would vote for Obama, but I think I may get slaughtered by other members for having a opinion right now!

Why would you think a thing like that?

Again, please forgive me? Thank you.




Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk

I would put down factual reasons why I would vote for Obama, but I think I may get slaughtered by other members for having a opinion right now!

Honey please. Say whatever you believe, thats what the boards are for and a plethra of what people FEEL is already going on or being said.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
But what happens to the hospital bill? You and I will have to pay it, higher medical costs, etc.... its a domino effect.

That has been the underlying sentiment all along.
I guess that's the right's credo; self interest.

Originally Posted by red
"Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses longing to be free..."

this is no longer applicable, we can't afford it any longer.




Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa

"Them." "They." Words like those propogate racism, and all the other "ism's" in existence.

So right! Those words are almost always used in a negative context,to demonize and vilify a group of people, so known really cares if their treated less than!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
"Them." "They." Words like those propogate racism, and all the other "ism's" in existence.

What pronoun would you suggest?
Are criminals not criminals? "I guess it was okay to mug that lady, because your family's hungry, mister...so uh...just...I guess we're glad you didn't hurt her?"
I cannot give sympathy to criminals either, but I definitely cannot give sympathy to you.


Because I'm almost 100% certain she didn't ask for any.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Well just to kind of put my two cents in, okay maybe half a cent. Cuz we are now on illegal immigrants, and I haven't had my opinioin voiced on this yet

I have no problems with immigrants as long as they follow the same rules of the law that I have to.


Originally Posted by TISH1127
Meaning...My husband works very hard to make sure we have everything we want and need...He bought me a new Lexus for Mother's Day 2008...Then July 2008


Originally Posted by TISH1127
When out of no where a truck behind me runs the light from the opposite direction and I feel my car being hit, flipped into the opposite direction and into a neighbors yard.

That is awful!

Originally Posted by TISH1127
I look up and it is a hispanic man in a Dodge
...[snip]... He was an illegal immigrant with no insurance.

What a complete assh*le I'd want to kill him,(well at least see him rot in jail for a good while!).
That sucks and I am very sorry for what happened to you and your car.
If someone did that to my old '97 Toyota, I'd be incandescent!!!

However, in this case the uninsured party was an Hispanic male, but in other cases it could be a white, Chinese, African American, Native American, old, young, male, female, blue collar worker or business person at the wheel....

If one illegal immigrant drives without insurance it's one too many!
But better said is? If one person drives without insurance it's one too many!

Again, I am really sorry for what happened to you, it was totally unfair!

peace and love



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk
I would put down factual reasons why I would vote for Obama, but I think I may get slaughtered by other members for having a opinion right now!

I honestly have never put down why I will or will not vote for either candidate...It's obvious who my vote is for...You have a right to respond without feeling you will be slaughtered for your opinion. I won't get in a debate about the facts ... Because at the end of the day...It is my dang vote and I will vote for whomever I want and I could careless who thinks it's for the right or wrong reasons. People can list 2,000 reasons why they THINK I should or should not vote for a candidate...and those 2,000 reasons don't mean diddly squat to me because I will never be swayed from a choice that I choose for reasons that I feel personally benefit me and my family.

So say what you want it's a free country with freedom of speech. Everyone has their own opinion and some people will vote for a candidate just because they are die heart followers of a particular party for reasons that are unknown..Some say because my family has always voted Republican or Democratic ..Ok...Most of my family eats chocolate...But I don't...Because it's not good for me... I vote accordingly..based on what I personally feel is good for me...

I just feel so bad that you feel you can not voice your opinion on this subject without backlash! Horrible!! That in itself is the injustice people are tired of in this world...Having No Voice without fear of retaliation.

Trust me the worst thing that can happen to me for speaking my opinion on this board is I could be kicked off ...Would I loose one wink of sleep over that ...Absolutely NOT,!
Will I loose sleep over another 8 years of this economy and the possibility of the current repeated presidential decisions...ABSOLUTELY...Many Nights!!


Active member
Originally Posted by missworld
So right! Those words are almost always used in a negative context,to demonize and vilify a group of people, so known really cares if their treated less than!


what about this:

During a discussion about energy, McCain punctuates a contrast with Obama by referring to him as "that one," while once again not looking in his opponent's direction (merely jabbing a finger across his chest). That's not going to win McCain any Miss Congeniality points. Nor will it reassure any voters who believe McCain is improperly trying to capitalize on Obama's "otherness."

This goes beyond refusing to look at Obama in the first debate. With this slightly dehumanizing phrase, McCain may have just played into the emerging narrative of Obama-hate that has been sprouting at McCain-Palin rallies.

"That One," McCain Calls Obama In Debate (VIDEO)

I guess some people think its acceptable ...some...not most.
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