Age - Do you look yours


New member
I'm actually 40 but I look like I am in my twenties. Good genes! I think it's great that I look young, but some people treat me differently if they don't know how old I am. I teach in a community college and I always get mistaken for a student. I wonder if I did look my age if I would get more respect. It seems that people are more condescending when they think you are younger.


Well-known member
Im only 17[ 18 on the 19th lol ] and everyone thinks im 21 or 22. I dont like it at all older guys are always hitting on me and I think its gross.


Well-known member
I'm 17, do I look it ?? LOL .. i don't think so, people always think my mum and I are sisters and I'm pretty tall for my age and of my ethnicity and all .. so people think I'm around 19-20 .. that is until I speak then they think I am 14 or so .. but I don't think I look so far off my age so I don't mind xD


Well-known member
I look younger than my age. People just assume I'm in my early 20's and when I tell them otherwise they are always surprised. I think they way I carry myself and dress is an influence in their opinion. I have good genes and a lifetime of good skin care to thank for this boon


Well-known member
younger....always. i get chased down in the casino or tackled at the door for ID and to make sure they arent letting a kid in. strange looks when i buy alcohol, and well im not even 5ft tall so maybe thats why to. but my whole family is like that parents 60s look 40 something brohter 40 ppl think hes just out of college aunts uncles cousins etc. if i put on makeup that helps a lil bit. but if i have huge big floppy curls etc then its all "hey what are you doing in the club". more than likely ill take after looking like my dads mom since everyone in the family think im her incarnate. so thank goodness for the melanin and black not cracking lmao.


Well-known member
Absolutely not. I am 16 and people have told me I look like I'm in my early 20s. ): It's probably because of the makeup though. I tend to be recognized for my actual age when I do minimalist makeup.


Well-known member
I've always looked older ever since I was a kid based both on how I look and how "mature" I act. And I'm turning 23 at the end of November - so I'll probably be "27".


Well-known member
Im 19 and people tell me I look 15! WTF! lol no I dont. Its funny cus sometimes I forget and think that Im still 16. Maybe because that was my favorite age to be! but oh well.

My mom has 5 kids her oldest being 20, they think she is my sister!


Well-known member
I think I look my age, personally...but I always get ID'ed when I go into a club or pub. Though when I was about 14, people always thought I was 16-17.

I also have people frequently telling me I look much younger than my age, but I think some of my friends might be an influence on peoples perception, as they genuinely look young for their ages.

My poor fiance looks loads younger than he is, he's 26 and he still gets ID'ed and one time he got ID'ed for an 18 movie. People always think he's a student, its hilarious to see the look on their faces when he's like "No, I'm not actually a student, I own my own company." cos I guess being called a student when you're a business man is pretty insulting. I find it funny though.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
I'm almost 18 and some people would say I look 19 with makeup on. and some times i look younger lol but I do look my age

My mom's 53 and everyone thinks she's in her early 40s


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chic 2k6
I'm almost 18 and some people would say I look 19 with makeup on. and some times i look younger lol but I do look my age

My mom's 53 and everyone thinks she's in her early 40s

That's great for her!
I wish it will be like that for me! hahaha

I think, when you get older, its all in the way you present and take care of yourself that tells about your age. You have 2 woman's in their 50's who's life is really not alike. One is overweight, never eats well, drinks and smokes a lot, don't exersize, and the other one is in good shape and health, eat well and do sports.

Its now or never, you can decide to live a healthy life and look young and good all your life. I'm 27 and I can see what bad choices makes. I look at my mother and her sisters, they look sad, older than they really are...

Right now, I probably look 27 or younger. It depends on what I wear. But I surely know what ''path'' to chose...

(Sorry if it's not clear... haha)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
That's great for her!
I wish it will be like that for me! hahaha

I think, when you get older, its all in the way you present and take care of yourself that tells about your age. You have 2 woman's in their 50's who's life is really not alike. One is overweight, never eats well, drinks and smokes a lot, don't exersize, and the other one is in good shape and health, eat well and do sports.

Its now or never, you can decide to live a healthy life and look young and good all your life. I'm 27 and I can see what bad choices makes. I look at my mother and her sisters, they look sad, older than they really are...

Right now, I probably look 27 or younger. It depends on what I wear. But I surely know what ''path'' to chose...

(Sorry if it's not clear... haha)

I would also argue a *small* factor in age guess is also how you dress, hair, etc. Small.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aeni
I would also argue a *small* factor in age guess is also how you dress, hair, etc. Small.

Its true


Well-known member
It's weird... cause people always thought I looked older when I was in my teens (like 22-23)... but now at 25 (quickly going on 26) people think I'm in my late teens or no older than MAYBE 20-21. And when I get carded at clubs or bars they give me grief for my DL pic that was taken when i was 16, because in my DL pic I look older than I do now... But in all honesty... I like looking younger... I like to think I'm just aging gracefully! :yummy:


Well-known member
I'm happy that I do look my age, thanks to make-up, spectacles and tasteful clothing. Without make-up and wearing just sweats, most people think I'm twelve (I'm 25). But I think this is because I'm very short, not because I look particularly young (I have many wrinkles and terrible skin due to a good five years of chain-smoking).


Well-known member
i'm 17 and most people either think i look my age, or like 19-20. i think i look my age, personally. i think it's just the makeup that gets some people thinking older.

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