All Things Sephora


Well-known member
I went through the same thing basically! However, after attempting to get use a promo code and my GC.... (to no avail I might add) the online cart now says my GC is invalid. I am steaming mad. 
That is so ridiculous that the reward card won't work now. I'm so sorry for all of your frustration!!!


Well-known member
Im sure someone else is in the same boat as me... Anyone whos either canadian or us and living in the other country, but still getting emails from their original country? I live in the usa now and still get promo info via the canadian emails, so I got my 20 off 50 email but its all canadian. Anyone know if this code will work in us stores? Thanks!


Well-known member
I'm sorry that they keep messing up with you. If you cannot find resolution I would escalate. Move higher up the totem pole until you get the results you want.
I am thinking about that. I am typically a non-confrontational person, but I am just plain upset now. I have class soon, and need some time to simmer down so I can be frank, yet polite, with them. I used to work in CS and felt very put off by screaming customers (Not that I would scream!! but yeah.) I have had such a disaster with this GC. I guess this is "karma" for not having a single problem with the VIBR sale, ha. ha. ha.


Well-known member
I am thinking about that. I am typically a non-confrontational person, but I am just plain upset now. I have class soon, and need some time to simmer down so I can be frank, yet polite, with them. I used to work in CS and felt very put off by screaming customers (Not that I would scream!! but yeah.) I have had such a disaster with this GC. I guess this is "karma" for not having a single problem with the VIBR sale, ha. ha. ha.
I've worked retail before and I know for a fact killing someone with kindness will get you further than yelling and acting crazy. The only time I remember losing my shit was with Spirit Airlines. *sighs I hate them a pox on their business!!!* Don't be afraid to take to social media. Use Facebook and Instagram if you can!


Well-known member
I've worked retail before and I know for a fact killing someone with kindness will get you further than yelling and acting crazy. The only time I remember losing my shit was with Spirit Airlines. *sighs I hate them a pox on their business!!!* Don't be afraid to take to social media. Use Facebook and Instagram if you can!
I lost my sh!t one time working at Sephora. This lady came in trying to return a freebie for money. Lady.. it's a freebie... but she wasn't getting it. omg I got so pissed. One of my co workers had to jump to save me, I was gonna curse her out lol.
She did end up cursing out my other co worker, she was such a nut job.


Well-known member
I've worked retail before and I know for a fact killing someone with kindness will get you further than yelling and acting crazy. The only time I remember losing my shit was with Spirit Airlines. *sighs I hate them a pox on their business!!!* Don't be afraid to take to social media. Use Facebook and Instagram if you can!
Spirit is the absolute worst! I hope everyone who is having trouble obtaining or using a code is able to get it worked out! I opened a card with Nordstrom and will mainly be using them going forward I think. Seohira had too many issues this year and they weren't very helpful in resolving them. Plus I would rather have the Nordstrom notes than the "point perks" Sephora offers.


Well-known member
I hope everyone who is having trouble obtaining or using a code is able to get it worked out! I opened a card with Nordstrom and will mainly be using them going forward I think. Seohira had too many issues this year and they weren't very helpful in resolving them. Plus I would rather have the Nordstrom notes than the "point perks" Sephora offers.
I think I will be opening a Nordies card this winter break, too. :)


Well-known member
FYI My code just came in my email so they maybe sending some out today. Sucks because I really wanted to see Smashbox Master Class 3 palette and its no longer on the site booooo, but I'm sure I'll find something else.


Well-known member
I think I will be opening a Nordies card this winter break, too. :)
I have a nordies card, I like it, extra points and stuff.
I also like that they can always find ur purchase and refund u in cash. No store credit, love em!

Quote: Originally Posted by kimbunney


My code just came in my email so they maybe sending some out today. Sucks because I really wanted to see Smashbox Master Class 3 palette and its no longer on the site booooo, but I'm sure I'll find something else.
My code just came via email too, I spent it yesterday, lol well done Sephora


Well-known member
I think I will be opening a Nordies card this winter break, too. :)
Do it! I almost exclusively purchase NARS from Nordstrom. You can get a personal triple point day and if you do credit instead of debit there are 10 point days. They are few and far between but they're still there. I love the CS at Nordies. I also get all my shoes from them since they closed Nine West in my nearest mall and I have big feet!


Well-known member
I just checked out and used the gift card and promo code. All went smoothly. It should be the same across the board. Sephora needs to get it together!


Well-known member
I'm a VIBR and haven't received anything either. I never get the mailers so I'm not surprised I haven't gotten one yet but I always receive the emails. I contacted Sephora CS and they said if I don't receive it by 12 PST to contact them again. So hopefully they are in the process of getting them out to us all today.


Well-known member
I'm a VIBR and haven't received anything either. I never get the mailers so I'm not surprised I haven't gotten one yet but I always receive the emails. I contacted Sephora CS and they said if I don't receive it by 12 PST to contact them again. So hopefully they are in the process of getting them out to us all today. :sigh:
I emailed them at midnight last night to let them know that it's the third and that I still haven't received it lol. They haven't gotten back to me. :p