Antiquitease: Color October 18th '07 Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I bought Red Romp lipglass and Uppity Fluidline. I looove Red Romp l/g, I layer it over this deep maroon Nars lipstick I have for a vampy look.

As for looks gorgeous but this hardly shows up on me!! I think it's because I'm so fair. It looks more yellow than gold on me. I am a bit disappointed.
Any of you other fair skinned ladies have this problem? I think it would look gorgeous on deeper skin tones, or olives. But right now....I'm thinking of returning it. What to do?

I am very fair, and Uppity looks like a slightly yellow but mostly white-gold. I really think that the liner in the Visual for Antiquitease is something else. Uppity is definitely not THAT yellow. It's a very pretty metallic white-gold. It's gorgeous when used as a base for golden powder eyeshadows!