Are Stereotypes Racist?

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little teaser

Well-known member
do i want to take a vacation to the middle east= NO do i want to walk in the ghetto at night alone= NO do i sterotype people places and situations=YES if thats what you want to call it

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
But a stereotype can't be formed w/out a consistant pattern of behavior. Thats really all a stereotype is, it's a behavior pattern that is observed on a regular enough basis by enough people. So if it's such a hurtful pattern of behavior, why are so many people observed to be doing it on a regular basis?

Because a lot of people turn a blind eye to the majority of people who aren't doing that behavior and it's easier to stereotype than to actually get to know a person. Let's take Middle Eastern people blow each other up. For every person who's blown someone up, there are who knows how many Middle Easterners who are not. It's an unfair stereotype, because it's less true than true (and in this case, I'd say significantly less true.)

Shimmer, stereotypes influence how you're treated. At the least level, people will be assy towards you. At the highest level, you're guilty before you're innocent. People will assume you can't do the job because you're lazy, stupid, or incompetant. There are a lot of harmful stereotypes for people who identify as queer, too, and those can be dangerous in other ways. The person may be displaying his/her own ignorance, but the ignorance can affect how people are treated. I'm applying this to white people who get treated like shit by people of color, too; racism, IMO, can and does go both ways.

I will agree, though, that some people do take racism to the extreme. Sometimes people just don't like you and that's fine. I just have a big issue when someone has to qualify me, to my face, as that chink bitch when it's obvious who s/he is talking to.


Well-known member
Shimmer - I feel what you're trying to say but when I'm stereotyped by my color and nothing else I DO CARE. In the past month alone I have gotten a ticket which started with a cop following me for no reason at all. Hell, (excuse me) I was driving 5 miles below the speed limit, in my own car (a sports car) and minding my own business. Why was I the one to be randomly picked out to follow and stopped for nothing? Hmm... And guess what the first question was? "Is this your car?". I wanted to say "Who in the hell's car is it supposed to be?". But of course he could just write me off as being confrontational and say he thought my cellphone was a gun and well, that's a whole other thread. And like I said that hasn't been the only instance this month. The only reason I got a ticket was because my tag was expired and he couldn't see that from the two lanes he pulled over from. I had one follow me into my own neighborhood and he couldn't stop me for any reason so he moved on. That's why I care.


Well-known member
I've been singled out before, while driving my mustang. Top down, nice day. Tank top and miniskirt. Cowboy hat firmly pushed down and sunglasses on with music going and having a good time.

Why was I pulled over?

No reason. Just to make sure everything was okay...the car being a five speed they "wanted to make sure I didn't have any trouble driving it..."

Honestly, you don't know why he singled you out. Husband was pulled over by a police officer on the opposite side of an intersection (fairly busy, too, as it crossed the interstate and was three lanes on each side, plus the left turn lane) who claimed he could see that the tags on previously mentioned Mustang were out.
You can make an educated guess, but that doesn't make the guess correct. :/


Well-known member
I knew I should have kept my mouth closed
. Nevermind. We live in a world full of tolerance where everyone holds hands and skips along without a tinge of racism or intent behind stereotypes. Welcome to Perfectville.


Well-known member
No, we live in a world where Everyone Thinks that Everyone else is out to get them. whether it be true ,or not,crap happens to EVERYONE.. Not just people of a certain race, Religion ,Gender or Sexual preference.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Oh gosh no that's not what I meant at all.

Please don't think that was my point.

You know I was being sarcastic. That's just for the people who don't want to see the bigger picture. We're cool and even if we don't agree, we can agree to disagree.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenii
Raerae, did you absolutely *have* to start an entire thread just to carry out your drama with amoona? Or did you honestly think nobody would see right through it?

I have nothing against you, but this is just petty. :|

Actually considering Amoona has me on, "ignore" I really wasn't looking for her input on the subject. I felt it was a topic that could use discussing in an intelligent manner, away from the emotional intensity of the other thread. This is how people learn and change their opinions/understanding of a topic.

Things dont change because you ignore them. Just like forcing little kids to say, "sorry" when they dont mean it, doesn't make them get along any better than they did before. People get along when they have better understandings of everyone around them. That comes from openly talking about sensitive topics.

No offense to you, but I personally can't stand people who have the opinion that if you just ignore something, it will go away on its own. At least this way we can all learn about each other's opinions. Respect comes from understanding, not blind ignorance.

Believe me, if I felt like carring on my drama, I would do it there. Had I wanted to carry on my drama I would have made this thread about the stereotype I used in the other thread. This thread is not about the drama in the other thread. But maybe it can prevent some in the future.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lemurian
What a loaded idea, starting a threat INTENDED to incite argument

What a novel idea, starting a thread to incite discussion!

Again, for those who wish to participate, please keep this on topic (your post was great btw). As much as I <3 to de-rail threads, there are a few topics that tend to be rather touchy, and my intent for this thread was for everyone to learn about each other.

I think sometimes since we can't see each other, we forget how diverse this board can be (I know I'm guilty), and sometimes talking about sensitive topics like this one, are important to remind us of how diverse Specktra is.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indigowaters
WTH? Projecting racism on the person to whom it is already projected? Clever. I have more respect for Chapelle after his decision to leave the show. People were like, "Oh, what about the money?". Screw money when it comes to making your own people look bad. And that’s exactly how he felt.

I too respect chappel for that reason-I wasn't being sarcastic. I really admire him.

This is one of those things you will have to trust me on about my opinion on racism etc because if i were to expand on it-it would no longer be a discussion because people would not take it the way it is ment. But I stand by my statement.


Well-known member
Guys, leave Raerae along-she's not doing anything to start an argument-she's doing a very good job at trying to keep a discussion going.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indigowaters
I think stereotypes coupled with power can produce racism. For instance, if I were an employer and thought that because of a person’s color, they were incompetent off the bat without giving them a chance to prove themselves, that would be racist.

Isn't that just plain prejudice though? Not really a stereotype (have to remember, all stereotypes are prejudice, but not all prejudice is a stereotype)?

In order for it to be a stereotype, enough of "Race X" would have to be percieved to be seen as incompetent, in order for the stereotype to have been formed in the first place. As a stereotype is just an oversimplified conception of the behaviors of a group of people.

I think part of it, is because as humans, we tend to identify patterns of behavior. If 10 ducks in a row quack, your not going to expect the 11th duck to suddenly bark like a dog. You expect it to quack.

I do think though, that they tend to get mixed up as being racist, because, typically we tend to know (and use) stereotypes of other races. And only tend to stereotype sub-sets of our own race. It's just part of having limited exposure to other races.

Example (I'll use my own family/expierence):

When I moved into my new place in Long Beach, my Mom was not exaclty, excited. I'm basically the only white chick on a block full of mexicans and blacks. For me, it's not a big deal, 1/2 my friends from when I lived in Santa Barbara were black or hispanic and from lower income areas (I worked in telemarketing, GREAT industry for racial exposure btw). My parents on the other hand, live in mostly a bubble of white upperclass suburbia.

While I was moving stuff into my place, my Neighbors brother came home. How was he dressed? Typical gangster type stereotype look. Baggy clothes, baggy east coast style jacket, couple of gold chains, whatever. He spent several hours out front of her house talking on his cell phone, or with one of his friends who was there, dressed in similar fashion, and occasionally meeting other guys for short conversation.

What was my Moms conclusion? He's probably a drug dealer. Was she wrong for stereotyping him like that? Maybe, maybe not. He is however, a totally cool guy, and he's totally nice. And if he's ever out front of my Neighbors house when I get home, he helps me bring in grocheries and boxes of cat litter to my 2nd floor apartment.

So why did she stereotype him like that? Well, considering he was dressed like any number of our pot smoking gangster rappers that are on MTV, drives a caddy with a bumping system, and portrayed a behavior patterns consistant with what she's seen of dealers on TV, it's not really hard to see why she did it, considering where she is from. Is she being racist?

She wasn't wrong btw. I never told her that though, she's worried enough about me living in LBC. Considering what goes on around where I live.


Well-known member
And what about the Latin guy not dressed like that, just wearing jeans a t-shirt like the average guy does. That stereotype is still carried over to him.

Just like how you carried over a stereotype towards Middle Eastern people.

It's one thing for it to be a stereotype that people joke about ... like what Sacha Baron Cohen did in Borat he is a very religious Orthodox Jew who observes the Sabath and he was exposing people in this country for their racisim. That was clever human. However on the other hand there's morons like Carlos Mencia who makes a living off of stereotypical racial jokes. They're not funny and they're not clever, they're just feeding the stereotype. That's a problem because people begin to believe that stereotype.

My boyfriend's lil cousin is half Iraqi (Mother) and half Black (Father). His father's family made that same stereotypical jokes that you attempted to make and what did he do. He came back to his mom and asked her "Are we bad because we're Arabs and we did Sept. 11?" That's why stereotypes are harmful and that's why they're racist. Another example is when the kid was with my boyfriend and his morons he calls friends ... my bfs friends were trying to get him to act "gangsta" and my bf got pissed. He was mad because he didn't want his lil cousin to think they were being dicks because he's half Black.

Looking at a group of people and making an assumption about them based on the small information you have of what is believed to be true about that group is ignorant and if it is in regards to their race then it's racist.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
So why did she stereotype him like that? Well, considering he was dressed like any number of our pot smoking gangster rappers that are on MTV, drives a caddy with a bumping system, and portrayed a behavior patterns consistant with what she's seen of dealers on TV, it's not really hard to see why she did it, considering where she is from. Is she being racist?

No. She’s not racist. Yes, she did stereotype him. That’s why I gave the equation of stereotyping + power = racism. She had no power over him in that situation. Or shall I say, negative power. It’s one thing for her to be concerned for you, my mom would have looked the same way. But we have to stop assuming that because a person looks a certain way, they are capable of doing harm to us or they’re up to no good. Maybe that guy was a drug dealer. But what about the guy who dresses the same way on his off time as a Captain of the Navy just because he likes that style of dress and that type of car and those type of rims? Or the guy who wears dreads that’s dressed down, that people think is a thug about to mug them, but is actually the head of his own company? (Two examples that I have actually witnessed and not just making up). Sometimes we take stereotyping too far and that’s when it goes beyond that into the area of misjudging someone not on their character but the way they look.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indigowaters
I knew I should have kept my mouth closed
. Nevermind. We live in a world full of tolerance where everyone holds hands and skips along without a tinge of racism or intent behind stereotypes. Welcome to Perfectville.

FYI Not trying to throw you on the spot, but your portraying another typical stereotype, "all blacks believe that all white officers pull over black drivers, just because their black."

I've been in the same situation as you before. Only instead of expired tags, I had a headlight out. I was 18 at the time, driving back from the Sorority/Fraternity area of UCI to my Moms house where I was living over the summer.

Wanna know what his first question to me was?

"Have you been drinking?"

My response, "No officer I haven't"

His reply, "Where are you comming from? Where are you going?"

My reply, "The Sorority/Fraternity are of UCI, I'm going home."

His relpy, "Are you SURE you haven't been drinking?"

My reply, "Yes, I'm sure."

He then asked for my liscense and regestration after beaming his flashlight into my car to check what was in it. A moment later a 2nd police officer pulled up, got out and walked to my car.

His question, "Have you been drinking tonight?"

I respond no again. And simply explain I was visiting friends from school, and was going home. He then asks me to step out of the car. And they then make me take a complete field sobriety test which I have no troubles passing because, I WASN'T DRINKING. They then ask to search my car. Which I let them do, because I dont have any alcohol in my car, just a few boxes from my dorm room.

So like 30 minutes later, they let me go with a, "Just make sure you get that headlight fixed." Because they had no reason to give me a ticket, or hold me there because I wasn't doing ANYTHING wrong. I was just driving home.

I'm not saying you didn't get pulled over because your black. It's possible. But you really dont know for certain. Everything you expierence, from being followed, to being pulled over for dumb reasons, I've expierenced as well. I've been embarassed by police on the sides of roads while they searched my car, KNOWING that everyone who was driving by was probably laughing at me. I've had police officers literally make me CRY in front of them because they were so mean to me while explaining why they pulled me over.

Having bad expierences with white officers isn't just a black thing. It happens to all of us. I hate cops personally, 9 out of 10 expierences Ive had with them are for stupid reasons, and their usually mean and cocky while trying to educate you with that superior attitude they ALWAYS use.

Edit: Indigo, please remember while reading that, that I'm not downplaying your expierences with white officers, they were probably just as horrible as mine were. And I totally agree that you were probably being ticketed, or stopped for stupid reasons. But just please keep in mind that even white people have horrid expierences with cops being assholes.


Well-known member
I totally agree with Raerae...humans learn through patterns and thus we form stereotypes.

I think its when we judge people based on those stereotypes and then decide not to get to know them at all or even avoid them then it becomes a problem.

stealing raerae's example...if her family had decided to move based on the perceived notion that that guy was a drug dealer...THEN it would be racist or horribly prejudiced. But they stayed and she got to know him as a good person...

Another thought is: if you hate that you are being stereotyped maybe you should try to not be stereotypical? Like if you hate that people are thinking you in your [gangsta/dumb blonde/snob/hooker/whatever] clothes are what your clothes suggest then maybe stay away from that and prove them wrong. I dunno what I am trying to say...its not coming out how I wanted it to.

I try not to judge people in a stereotypical way, but it happens, I am human. And most of the time I just dont like the person because I dont like everyone. I hate gangsta clothes because I think the person wearing them looks like an idiot, whether that be a black guy or a white guy or an asian or whatever else... I know there are bitches and asses in all 'stereotypical' dressing patterns and I know that stereotypes are true in a lot of cases, but they are also untrue in a lot of cases.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thestarsfall
Another thought is: if you hate that you are being stereotyped maybe you should try to not be stereotypical? Like if you hate that people are thinking you in your [gangsta/dumb blonde/snob/hooker/whatever] clothes are what your clothes suggest then maybe stay away from that and prove them wrong. I dunno what I am trying to say...its not coming out how I wanted it to.

And what if you're not being stereotypical? That's the point, her original remarks which started this thread were racist. If you see someone who you think is Middle Eastern and Muslim it's not ok to think they're gonna blow you up. If you see a Black man and assume he's going to rob you then that's not ok. If you see a White man and assume he hates you because you're not White that's not ok.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Isn't that just plain prejudice though? Not really a stereotype (have to remember, all stereotypes are prejudice, but not all prejudice is a stereotype)?

Stereotypes are the reasons behind prejudice.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Stereotypes are the reasons behind prejudice.

Exactly and holding a prejudice against someone based on their race is racists!
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