AU Colour Story Release Dates


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kiss_love_kill
ermmm is Balloonacy released yet? O.O i dont see it on the mac website

I definitely saw the display at my nearest MAC counter.


Well-known member
^missy29, i'm guessing 29th Oct, from the post above yours

Authentics isn't going to be released here this year. I checked an update calendar today and it's not on there for 2007.

My guess is that it'll come out around mid-january, a la danse. (I hope it does...)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by girlambrosia
Wait, wait, no Authentics? No fun palette with blush this year? And possibly not at all? Oh dear

not this year, but my best guess is that it will come out in the new year like Danse did. (US release boxing day, Aus release Jan 15-ish.) the reason I don't know a date is that the counter I asked at still hadn't received their release calendar for for next year - so they know release dates up until Dec 31, but no further.

I'll just keep asking every time i visit a counter til I get an answer


Well-known member
Anyone know the Australian release dates for these collections?

Of Beauty
The Originals
Sculpt & Shape



Well-known member
Of Beauty and Metal-X are now up on the MAC AU website. Of Beauty is listed as an online exclusive.

Happy shopping!


Well-known member
It's so dead in here lol.... The Aussie forum gets no love

Anyway I went to my fave MAC counter at Myer today and was told that Fafi would be released the first week of March. I'm assuming that will be the Tuesday March 4! He didn't know if there was going to be an event or not or if there was pre-ordering available.


Well-known member
N Collection is sometime in Feb... either early or mid Feb. I can't remember the exact date

Sculpt and Shape is also out now - it was released on the same day as the Originals.


Well-known member
i've been racking my brain trying to remember the exact dates for Fafi and N Collection.

miss_emc mentioned in a thread that Fafi is due for release on Feb 3rd, but a counter told me March (I think it was March 17)

N Collection is Feb - I think this is the one being released on Feb 3rd?

edit: first post of this thread has been updated by Lara and shows Feb 4 for Fafi and N Collection.


Well-known member
OOH i thought fafi came out on the 13th! MUST GO CHECK calendar!

oh noo i won't have any money til my bday on the 13th

damn damn damn epic damn damnery

another collection slips through my fingers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by redambition
edit: first post of this thread has been updated by Lara and shows Feb 4 for Fafi and N Collection.

4th is what I was told, but there are dates all over the place. I don't have a release schedule that I can access, so until someone supplies me with dates, I guess we go back to the old trick of taking the US release date, adding two weeks and then adjusting it to the nearest Monday.

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