Originally Posted by rockin26
We'll miss you Jen! And of course we care if you're MIA! I hope the move goes well.
As for HK my list is out the window. I was just watching Makeup Geek TV reveiw the collection (I really love her) and now I'm loving the blush, lip glosses and the glitters. Oh so confused, I think I'll just have to decide on the night!
i've just watched lots of HK hauls and reviews.... so far i'm still keeping myy promise for not getting more than $100... pink fish TLC and the mirrored keyclip... i might have to see Strayin' l/s - Fast Friends & Nice Kitty l/g in person and swatch them myyself...
can't believe i'm not even thinking of getting any of the palettes (lucky tom or too dolly).. well done, dea!!
and rockin... please please please please don't make me want anything you're getting on the day.. at least, don't let me see what you get...
Originally Posted by sambibabe
I am planning to get 5 out of 7 Grand Duo stuff and at least 8 Sugar Sweet stuff.. Hope nothing interesting comes out after these till December!
hmm... i think i may skip on GD and go with SS instead.. but not that many... maybe only one or two... i'm pretty much broke..
and i don't think MAC will ever stop making us feel 'bad' for passing up on any of their collections... just a headsup..