Bad Customers!


Well-known member
So I had this customer 2 days ago. She was pretty friendly & knowledgeable so we walked the counter together as she picked out things....stopping here & there asking me for advice on colors or whatever. I by no means forced her-or even pushed her to buy anything, she just kept picking things out.

Yesterday (before I came in) she had come in & returned everything ($125 worth) saying that she told me what colors she had at home & I swore to her that she wasn't buying the same thing. The only time she mentioned what she had at home was while we were looking at eyeshadows...and the only shadow she bought was By Jupiter (from Flashtronic) and she didn't even know what the mineral shadows were when I showed them to her so she was absolutely full of shit.

I don't know what her problem was, buyer's remorse perhaps?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
So I had this customer 2 days ago. She was pretty friendly & knowledgeable so we walked the counter together as she picked out things....stopping here & there asking me for advice on colors or whatever. I by no means forced her-or even pushed her to buy anything, she just kept picking things out.

Yesterday (before I came in) she had come in & returned everything ($125 worth) saying that she told me what colors she had at home & I swore to her that she wasn't buying the same thing. The only time she mentioned what she had at home was while we were looking at eyeshadows...and the only shadow she bought was By Jupiter (from Flashtronic) and she didn't even know what the mineral shadows were when I showed them to her so she was absolutely full of shit.

I don't know what her problem was, buyer's remorse perhaps?

Sounds like buyer's remorse. I have had that happen, only they didn't have the colors at home...I think her husband said something about the amount she spent. Sounds like your girl got excited in the store and then had a delayed reaction over the amount she spent.

I don't understand why she had to come in and give a story that could have got you in trouble...she could have just said it didn't work for her. :confused:


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear that Starr. Does that affect the performance of the Mac associates? I'm not sure how it works in the cosmetic industry but I hope you didn't get in trouble for it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by islandblossom
I'm sorry to hear that Starr. Does that affect the performance of the Mac associates? I'm not sure how it works in the cosmetic industry but I hope you didn't get in trouble for it.

It's always fun to come in on a random day and see that you are at $-125. That means you have to work really hard to make that up so you can make your goal for the day.

And at mac stores the managers have to approve returns so your manager gets the hear the bs story about how you didn't listen to the customer and made her buy all those items that she didn't need.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
It is our job to help people that come into our stores. If you have a bad experience, I am sorry, but go to someone else next time. I'm sure there is at least one MA in your local store that is nice AND competent in their jobs, but if you give them a chance, I'm sure there are several! I know we look all put together & that can be intimidating sometimes, but stop being so damn afraid of us & respond when we say "Hello. How are you today?"

I do respond to hello, how are you. I even smile and greet them first before they greet me. But I stay away because I don't want them applying anything on me and almost all of them want to slather on foundation or bronzer or whatever. My skin doesn't react right away but the next day I suffer.

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
Originally Posted by thebreat
This has made SO many people completely lose it! I have had customers screaming at me because they need the money for a house payment or whatever excuse they try to make.

omg ive had people do this too! and in my head im like "you need to PLEASE with that story... like the $13.99 is really helping your mortgage. are you serious."

Originally Posted by MissMarley
Knock yourself the fuck out. Since that foundation is incredibly backordered everywhere and NO STORE IN OUR FUCKING STATE HAS IT, good luck to you. Go be an internet customer, because I'm never going to help you again.

definetly have had these problems too! backorder means that there is literally NONE left anywhere... they literally have to cook up a vat of foundation/product and MAKE it.

another favorite of mine is the customer who kick and scream at you like you personally DISCONTINUED a product, or that dont understand that something discontinued is NOT made anymore.

Originally Posted by calbear
It's always fun to come in on a random day and see that you are at $-125. That means you have to work really hard to make that up so you can make your goal for the day

returns are super annoying! we had a really big day last saturday, like $5500 and we broke $5000 and didnt make the day because of ridiculous returns, including a girl who used a whole skincare line for a MONTH down to the last few wash and toner applications and pretty much kicked and screamed until we refunded her $70 or so dollars for practially empty containers. and the next day, everyone on my shift had a "conversation" about having to make goal. so frustrating! not only was it an impossible day as is, but even after busting tush all day long, it didnt even matter because of the returns.


Well-known member
It's always fun to come in on a random day and see that you are at $-125. That means you have to work really hard to make that up so you can make your goal for the day

returns are super annoying! we had a really big day last saturday, like $5500 and we broke $5000 and didnt make the day because of ridiculous returns, including a girl who used a whole skincare line for a MONTH down to the last few wash and toner applications and pretty much kicked and screamed until we refunded her $70 or so dollars for practially empty containers. and the next day, everyone on my shift had a "conversation" about having to make goal. so frustrating! not only was it an impossible day as is, but even after busting tush all day long, it didnt even matter because of the returns.

oh on! i had no idea that you guys get negative credit for returns! :confused: i'm guilty of returning a lot of stuff -- never several hundred dollars worth, and never with the intention to "scam" the system. but out of every dozen or so products that i buy, i end up returning one or two things, on average. doesn't seem like a lot, but i go makeup shopping about every other week. i'll usually have an item or two from my last purchase that didn't work out to return and then pick out another $50 - $100 worth of new products to buy. this is the same shopping routine i've been doing for years at MAC, so that adds up to a lot of returned product in my lifetime.

i only do it because whenever i'm not sure if i really like the color on me, or if i already have something similar at home, the SA or MA helping me almost always encourages me to make the purchase, saying that i can just bring it back if i take it home and don't like it. it seemed like they prefer i just buy the product and risk having me bring it back later. i didn't know returns were such a hassle.

would it be better if i just didn't make the purchases unless i was pretty sure of my decision to avoid making as many returns? i'm feeling really guilty now for being one of your nightmare customer -- please advise.


Well-known member
Why do people lose their minds when they go shopping? I'm not a MAC employee but I have worked in retail/service before: at Disney World (aka Nightmare World) and Barnes & Noble. Let me tell you, people do some disgusting things to books. Eventually, we just moved the entire sex section so it was right beside the bathroom to make our lives easier in the evenings. Also, at our B&N the cleaning staff online came in in the mornings before the store opened so booksellers had to take turns on bathroom cleaning duty during store hours. People... are... nuts. What on earth would possess you to write on the stall walls with your byproducts???

Nuts. Nuts nuts nuts. I enjoyed working in retail but when the horrible people show up...

All of the MAs at my local MAC have been fab so far. Hurrah!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hunnybun
oh on! i had no idea that you guys get negative credit for returns! :confused: i'm guilty of returning a lot of stuff -- never several hundred dollars worth, and never with the intention to "scam" the system. but out of every dozen or so products that i buy, i end up returning one or two things, on average. doesn't seem like a lot, but i go makeup shopping about every other week. i'll usually have an item or two from my last purchase that didn't work out to return and then pick out another $50 - $100 worth of new products to buy. this is the same shopping routine i've been doing for years at MAC, so that adds up to a lot of returned product in my lifetime.

i only do it because whenever i'm not sure if i really like the color on me, or if i already have something similar at home, the SA or MA helping me almost always encourages me to make the purchase, saying that i can just bring it back if i take it home and don't like it. it seemed like they prefer i just buy the product and risk having me bring it back later. i didn't know returns were such a hassle.

would it be better if i just didn't make the purchases unless i was pretty sure of my decision to avoid making as many returns? i'm feeling really guilty now for being one of your nightmare customer -- please advise.

When I have a customer in your situation (not sure if they have a similar color or if they will like the product), I usually swatch it on them and suggest they go thru their stash to make sure they are not buying something similar, or swatch both colors from our testers on their skin so they can see the two colors side by side. I also encourage sampling and giving the product a test run while they shop elsewhere in the mall or whatever. That's just me...I personally hate to go home and realize I have two of something or have a product that doesn't happens but as a customer it is annoying sometimes. I have a few customers that I already know what they have, so I tell them to pass on similar

It's your right to return if you need to, but if you want to reduce the amount of returns, ask the MA to write the product down with their name and tell them that you will come back if you decide you can't live without it.

Oh, and I just love people who use practically finish a product and then try to return or exchange...that's like eating an entire meal and then telling the waiter it was undercooked or that you don't care for the taste. :spy:


Well-known member
Customer: I'd like to try some eyeshadow.
Me: Sure! (as we're looking at the shadows display) Is there anything that pops out at you that you would like to try?
C: What do you think would look good?
(I proceed to tell her that smoky eyes are super in for fall, and that a silvery gray smoky eye would look gorgeous on her. She allows me to do the eye demo.)
M: (Handing her the mirror) What do you think?
C: Its...the same.
M: What do you mean?
C: I don't know, I want my eyes to look different.
M: Alright, well what did you have in mind in terms of how 'different' you'd like your eyes to look?
C: *rolling her eyes* I don't know, you're the expert.

Eventually, after attempting to play around with her existing smoky eye, she was still not satisfied...I had to excuse myself and subtly ask a coworker to take over. I did so hoping that *someone* would be able to read this lady's mind as to what she thinks makes her eyes 'different' and make a sale....all she walked away with was a liquid liner. Growl.

Oh, and what is with the girls that schedule appointments to have their makeup done, with no intention of buying anything from the get-go? Eventually you figure out that they don't want to make a purchase, and start finishing up so you can get them out of your chair, but just wasted a good 20 minutes or so. Not buying anything after just walking in and having a quick demo is one thing, but it's supposed to be the assumption that when you schedule an appointment, you should have the courtesy to walk away with a few things. Why on earth would you schedule an appointment, knowing that someone is using up time they could be spending making sales, so that you can get a free makeover? Gah! I would never.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACtastic
I did so hoping that *someone* would be able to read this lady's mind as to what she thinks makes her eyes 'different' and make a sale....all she walked away with was a liquid liner. Growl.

You left your ESP in your other handbag, tsk tsk.

I had a Brick Wall today - nothing I said got past her stony façade. I mirrored her, I did my usual jokey patter, F&Bed until I completely ran out things to say and just generally did the whole dog and pony show to try and get her to respond to me. Lady, lighten up. It's just eyeshadow.


Well-known member
Whatever happened to waiting in line?
There's something wrong with our "I want it how I want it, when I want it. And I want it NOW!".

So I'm looking at neutral blushes today. I pull out three: Cubic, Strada, and Buff. I'm in front of the display and swatching them on my hands when a little girl walks up (like 13-14) and takes the blush I was using out of my hands. When I went up to swatch lipsticks the same girl was practically yelling at the MA to put the makeup on her face including the lipstick I was holding (Cosmo). She was full on waving finger in face, throwing a tantrum as almost everyone else in the area stared.

People like that get on everyone's nerves. Customers included.


Well-known member
The other day, oh god. I was helping this very nice woman with a lipstick. She wanted a red one, so I was asking her to swatch Ruby Woo, Russian Red, and MAC Red, as well as a lacquer and lipglass on her hand. Suddenly, this very short girl pops out of nowhere, and in a drone-like monotone voice she says "Can you help me find a blush?" And I said "Sure, I'm with someone here right now, so if you'd like to go look at the blushes, I'll be with you in a minute." I proceeded to point to the blushes for her to browse, and she goes to the eyeshadows. I then had to go to her and direct her to the blushes.

I was finishing up with the woman who wanted the red lips (she chose the red 3d glass which is GORGEOUS) when suddenly the girl came back. I was obviously still helping the woman, but she stepped infront of her and started asking more blush questions in this monotone voice. I had to tell her again to wait for a little while longer.

I checked out the red lips woman and went to the girl at the blushes. I don't usually judge people, but this girl was so weird. She stood there with her mouth gaping open... and like. I don't know how to describe it. She was just so... weird. She first asked how much the blushes were. "17.50 plus tax" I responded. She insisted on rosey cheeks so I took Desert Rose and with her permission I applied some. She looked in the mirror, and her mouth gaping, she said that it wasn't pink enough. I hesitantly chose Dollymix and she wasn't satisfied with the color in the pot. Again she asked how much the blushes were, so again I said 17.50 + tax. I buffed it onto her cheeks and asked her to take a look.

She again said it wasn't pink enough! So I layered it up into her cheeks so it was SUPER pink, and she said it was "okay, but wasn't really rosey". Her mouth was still gaping, and I don't think it was like a condition or anything. I think she was just not self-aware enough to realize it was rude to gape at everything. She asked for the price and I told her 17.50! She then asked how much the brush was and I said 42, then realizing that maybe she had been asking about the brush the whole time? She then asked for the price of the blush again and I was really annoyed. She said she may be back, in this really dead sounding voice, and wandered over to Chanel, Lancome, and Clinique, looking for a brighter blush.

Are you serious?? First she's surprised by the price, then she's not satisfied with the brightness of Dollymix (and layered, that is very bright). Ugh, I was so fed up. I could seriously swear alot about her but I won't. I've never had such a difficult customer. And she wasn't like slow or anything. She was abnormally normal if that makes any sense.

She came back and bought the blush, but again she asked how much the BLUSH was, very clearly. Uhm, 17.50 + tax miss.

I feel like it was so much more difficult than I can explain here.

I'm just glad I didn't lose it while she was there. I kept my patience and stayed nice and tried to be helpful.


Well-known member
Why was yesterday the day of the weirdos?!

First customer of the day -
Custy: "I'm looking for a new lipstick."
Me: "Ok well let me show you are newest colors, it's apart of our Smoke Signals collection."
Custy: "None of them are red, I want a red lipstick."
Me: "Ok what types of finishes do you perfer?"
Custy: "I don't know I just want a red lipstick."
Me: "Ok lets look at color then. Would you perfer a bright red like Ruby Woo or a depper red like Dubbonnet?"
Custy: "I want a NATURAL red lip."

WTF?! The people at our counter always joke about the customer who comes up wanting a natural red lip, this was my first time experiencing it in person lol.

Second customer of the day-
Custy: "I want a natural everyday look."
Me: "Ok let me show you a few colors we could use."
Custy: "Hmm these are too light, how about this one?" *points to BRUN and CARBON!!!!!!* "What do you think?"
Me: "It's not something I would pick out for a natural everyday look but if you feel comfrotable with it we can play around with it."
Custy: "It's too dark, forget it I don't want anything."

Then she goes to my 3rd key, talks shit about me and has him do almost the same first look I did on her. Why waste an hour of my time when you're not going to buy anything from me?! Believe me you're not helping me with my artistry. Your odd views of a natural daytime look aren't going to help me get into Fashion Week next year so go back to buying your make-up from Walgreens.


Well-known member
im not a makeup artist but i almost always shop in the same mac. they charge a certain price for a scheduled makeover, and this price ($50) you pay by purchasing product..i could never think of going in to have my makeup done by artists i see regularly and walk away without purchasing anything! for all the hard work they put into it (and all the frustration they save me!) how could i not! it just boggles my mind how some people can be so downright rude, when im even nervous to be a little picky about what i want! i could never handle the customers ive read about here!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Why was yesterday the day of the weirdos?!
Why waste an hour of my time when you're not going to buy anything from me?! Believe me you're not helping me with my artistry. Your odd views of a natural daytime look aren't going to help me get into Fashion Week next year so go back to buying your make-up from Walgreens.

I KNOW SERIOUSLY. These people don't understand that they need to think about what they want before they ask for help. We can't read minds. Don't complain about what we do when it's YOUR fault that we applied it that way/your fault for not speaking up!!! I know. It really upsets me because I'm the type of person that really wants to please the customer, but they are just so vague sometimes!! And when they complain when it's them whose being unreasonable is just crazy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Why was yesterday the day of the weirdos?!

First customer of the day -
Custy: "I'm looking for a new lipstick."
Me: "Ok well let me show you are newest colors, it's apart of our Smoke Signals collection."
Custy: "None of them are red, I want a red lipstick."
Me: "Ok what types of finishes do you perfer?"
Custy: "I don't know I just want a red lipstick."
Me: "Ok lets look at color then. Would you perfer a bright red like Ruby Woo or a depper red like Dubbonnet?"
Custy: "I want a NATURAL red lip."

WTF?! The people at our counter always joke about the customer who comes up wanting a natural red lip, this was my first time experiencing it in person lol.

Second customer of the day-
Custy: "I want a natural everyday look."
Me: "Ok let me show you a few colors we could use."
Custy: "Hmm these are too light, how about this one?" *points to BRUN and CARBON!!!!!!* "What do you think?"
Me: "It's not something I would pick out for a natural everyday look but if you feel comfrotable with it we can play around with it."
Custy: "It's too dark, forget it I don't want anything."

Then she goes to my 3rd key, talks shit about me and has him do almost the same first look I did on her. Why waste an hour of my time when you're not going to buy anything from me?! Believe me you're not helping me with my artistry. Your odd views of a natural daytime look aren't going to help me get into Fashion Week next year so go back to buying your make-up from Walgreens.

I think your first customer's sister came to see me today. She wanted a rose lipstick that wasn't too pink, too plum, too red, too peach, too dark or too light. Lady, you just vetoed just about every lipstick we make.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by komischkatze
Why do people lose their minds when they go shopping? I'm not a MAC employee but I have worked in retail/service before: at Disney World (aka Nightmare World) and Barnes & Noble. Let me tell you, people do some disgusting things to books. Eventually, we just moved the entire sex section so it was right beside the bathroom to make our lives easier in the evenings. Also, at our B&N the cleaning staff online came in in the mornings before the store opened so booksellers had to take turns on bathroom cleaning duty during store hours. People... are... nuts. What on earth would possess you to write on the stall walls with your byproducts???

Nuts. Nuts nuts nuts. I enjoyed working in retail but when the horrible people show up...

All of the MAs at my local MAC have been fab so far. Hurrah!

Wait... are you saying there was gizz writing all over the wall??... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut
Wait... are you saying there was gizz writing all over the wall??... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

That does NOT surprise me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut
Wait... are you saying there was gizz writing all over the wall??... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

That, or probably more likely, poo. My brother's girlfriend used to work at GoodWill, and she once said she discovered the bathroom with shit smeared all over the walls, floor, and even ceiling.