Bad Customers!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FacesbyNiki
What about the ones that want to try on lashes but don't want to purchase them after you have CLEARLY STATED that they must purchase the lashes.

Whaaaaaaaaat? How did that work out?

I have had people bring in drugstore lashes, some well-worn raggity spider leg lashes for us to put on but never that! *knocks on wood*


Well-known member
oh yeah. i've had them want to try lashes for the first time. you get them on and they freak out cause they are so drastic and they want them taken off. then they don't think that they have to buy them. they're fake lashes people. they aren't supposed to look 100% real! especially when you have little bitty lashes to begin with. we didn't force you to get them. thats why if they haven't worn lashes before we ring them up for the lashes first. lashes are the one thing that we don't let people return, unless the band is all wonky before the first use. ringing up the lashes first helps to avoid most of the conflict.


Well-known member

I work at Sephora, and the vast amount of times I've had a racial interaction is outstanding. I'm a caucasian, 23 y/o who has worked in m/u industry for 5 years. I've worked for many lines, freelanced, have my own business on the side, what have you. I've worked on all skin types and tones, and genders. Repeatedly, I have had African American and Indian women come in and ask me for help choosing shades of blush/lippies/ whatever, and I will tell them I'm happy to assist. To which I get this reply - "I wanted someone of MY skintone to help me." Or I have also gotten, if I am in skin that day, clients who are interested in the more ethnic haircare or skincare lines (to which I am fully trained in the product AND the structure and physiology of skin and hair types) "Can I just get a black/asian/indian person to help me?" Obviously being white impairs my vision/knowledge/ability to help anyone outside my race. :/ AND these women ask why racism is still rampant? This behavior doesn't help.


Well-known member
Re: Racism

Originally Posted by darkwater_soul
I work at Sephora, and the vast amount of times I've had a racial interaction is outstanding. I'm a caucasian, 23 y/o who has worked in m/u industry for 5 years. I've worked for many lines, freelanced, have my own business on the side, what have you. I've worked on all skin types and tones, and genders. Repeatedly, I have had African American and Indian women come in and ask me for help choosing shades of blush/lippies/ whatever, and I will tell them I'm happy to assist. To which I get this reply - "I wanted someone of MY skintone to help me." Or I have also gotten, if I am in skin that day, clients who are interested in the more ethnic haircare or skincare lines (to which I am fully trained in the product AND the structure and physiology of skin and hair types) "Can I just get a black/asian/indian person to help me?" Obviously being white impairs my vision/knowledge/ability to help anyone outside my race. :/ AND these women ask why racism is still rampant? This behavior doesn't help.

I get this all the time at my counter. Where I work, we have a lot of women of color come to us, which has never been/ never will be an issue with me. But when I ask someone if they need help and they give me a nasty/pained/or look of the similar and either ask me quizzically if im sure i know how to help them, or ask if theres anyone else who can help honestly kind of hurts.

It goes the other way as well hoenstly, I've heard it happen at my counter, a girl with my skintone say flat out that she didnt want a girl on my team to help her, as she wasn't the same 'tone' and pointed at me, asking for me...I continued with my customers and made sure that soandso helped her, and showed her that no matter the artists color, they can help you.

These will be the same women who rant about racist treatment elsewhere when they dish it out themselves...I'm trained to help each and every person that comes to me, black, white, orange, grey, purple, green..male, female, all of the above...anywhere from 12-99...

It's very frustrating.

*none of this was meant to offend anyone in anyway*


Well-known member
i'm indian. i ONLY go to mac for face makeup, and the artists help me pick what's right. i hate my sephora, no one ever wants to help me, or they're very wishy washy about their answers, or they just seem like they don't give a crap. like, the other day i walked in and asked if they carried laura mercier, and the associate was like 'no, but what's the big deal. just go around the corner to nordstroms.'

now, that's customer service. lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
oh yeah. i've had them want to try lashes for the first time. you get them on and they freak out cause they are so drastic and they want them taken off. then they don't think that they have to buy them. they're fake lashes people. they aren't supposed to look 100% real! especially when you have little bitty lashes to begin with. we didn't force you to get them. thats why if they haven't worn lashes before we ring them up for the lashes first. lashes are the one thing that we don't let people return, unless the band is all wonky before the first use. ringing up the lashes first helps to avoid most of the conflict.

True but when you are doing a full face and they have an appointment and they say they've worn lashes before. "Oh, I wear MAC lashes all the time." And then like you said, they get them on and realize they are too dramatic for them.


Well-known member
Ok totally revive the thread lol. So the other day I'm at work doing this walk-up demo and we get to chatting. This is how it goes -

Custy - "So what make-up school did you go to?"
ME - "Oh I didn't. I actually go to the Academy of Art University down the street for Fashion Merchandising and Journalism."
Custy - *thinking I'm an idiot* "Oh good for you, education is so important. What nationality are? You look so exotic."
ME - *wanting to slap her cuz I HATE when people say I look exotic* "Oh thanks, I'm Palestinian."
Custy - "Oh, it's a shame what goes on in the Middle East. Just so you know I don't support the war."

Then she goes on and "teaches" me about Middle Eastern history. When she finally lets me get a word in and I school her about ME history and politicals she looks stunned.

ME - "Yea, I know a lot more then just make-up."

Why do so many customers just assume because we're MAC girls we're idiots?! Why the hell are they surprised when they realize I know a lot more then just a their foundation color?! One of my co-workers has her MASTERS - is she just a dumb make-up girl too? I may not be the smartest person in the world but I'm no idiot and I hate being treated like one. This has happened to me so many times that I've honestly considered quitting because of it. I know I shouldn't care what people thing but even outside of work when I tell people I work for MAC and I'm a make-up artist they always start talking to me like I'm an idiot.

And stop calling me exotic you nitwit, it's offensive! If you were so smart you'd have known about orientalisim and how calling me exotic is offensive!! grrrr - RANT OVER!


Originally Posted by amoona
Ok totally revive the thread lol. So the other day I'm at work doing this walk-up demo and we get to chatting. This is how it goes -

Custy - "So what make-up school did you go to?"
ME - "Oh I didn't. I actually go to the Academy of Art University down the street for Fashion Merchandising and Journalism."
Custy - *thinking I'm an idiot* "Oh good for you, education is so important. What nationality are? You look so exotic."
ME - *wanting to slap her cuz I HATE when people say I look exotic* "Oh thanks, I'm Palestinian."
Custy - "Oh, it's a shame what goes on in the Middle East. Just so you know I don't support the war."

Then she goes on and "teaches" me about Middle Eastern history. When she finally lets me get a word in and I school her about ME history and politicals she looks stunned.

ME - "Yea, I know a lot more then just make-up."

Why do so many customers just assume because we're MAC girls we're idiots?! Why the hell are they surprised when they realize I know a lot more then just a their foundation color?! One of my co-workers has her MASTERS - is she just a dumb make-up girl too? I may not be the smartest person in the world but I'm no idiot and I hate being treated like one. This has happened to me so many times that I've honestly considered quitting because of it. I know I shouldn't care what people thing but even outside of work when I tell people I work for MAC and I'm a make-up artist they always start talking to me like I'm an idiot.

And stop calling me exotic you nitwit, it's offensive! If you were so smart you'd have known about orientalisim and how calling me exotic is offensive!! grrrr - RANT OVER!

I agree with you completely its like we are expected to be some stereotypical idiot haha what people fail to realize is that we come from all types of backgrounds and experiences. I wish people would think before they speak.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
...And stop calling me exotic you nitwit, it's offensive! If you were so smart you'd have known about orientalisim and how calling me exotic is offensive!! grrrr - RANT OVER!

I was just wondering, why is this offensive? I've been called that a few times aswell lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
And stop calling me exotic you nitwit, it's offensive! If you were so smart you'd have known about orientalisim and how calling me exotic is offensive!! grrrr - RANT OVER!

Before ANYONE comments, I know I am digging my own grave by talking in tongues on the phone in America. But still, I was born here, what's wrong with using my tongues my mother and grandmother taught me SLIGHTLY when I was young?

I kinda know how you feel. Except I'm a pale-y girl and I'm 1/2 Lithuanian 1/2 Russian. Well, my grandmother is 100% Lithuanian and sometimes when I talk to her on the phone we both speak in tongue to each other. I'll be in line at some random store, this doesn't have to be a customer talking, and then I'll get off the phone with her, and have someone turn around and either say:

Person: "You know, it's rude to speak in your native tongue in a store! You could be talking about me and I wouldn't even know!"

Or I get:

Person: "OMG! You're accent is SOOO cute! Where were you born!?"

Me: "Illinois."

Person: "Oh... well what's the accent from?"

Me: "Which one?"

Person: "Oh... um, the one you were just speaking."

Me: (Depending) "Russian/Lithuanian"

Person: (If it's Lithuanian) "Ohhh... where's that?" -_- = Me... you've GOT to be kidding me.

Person: And if Russia: "Ohhhh! You mean like the USSR!? In Soviet Russia Road Fork you! LOL!"

And then I do either a faceplant or don't say anything. I have gotten the RUDEST comments from just talking on the phone to either my grandma or my mother in tongue. And I HARDLY speak it. I only know basic speech like "When are you going to be home?" Etc. Etc.

The rudest comment I ever got was from a man in line with his son, and they were both white as can be, I was talking to my mother on the phone in Russian and I basically just said "Hi, mom, what's up?" and was listening to HER in ENGLISH, this guy turns AROUND and looks at me straight in the eye as we're waiting in line at the GROCERY STORE with tons of people around us and says "You see that Billy/Bobby/Whatever the kid's name was/Richard that's what you call a COMMUNIST!"

I looked at him dead in the eye and my jaw DROPPED.

"Go back to Russia you Commy!" and then he walked away leaving his food and cart infront of me. I was speechless and everyone at the counter was confused and felt sorry for me. I was so offended.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
I totally agree, that and the ethnicity guessing game annoy me to no end.



Well-known member
I ended up quitting after dealing with a horrible customer who was my boss' sister.

I was serving a friend of mine who happens to be Aboriginal - I am too but Im really pale so at first glance you cant tell. Anyway, my boss' sister comes in, starts ranting about how Aboriginals are filthy and I shouldnt be serving them etc. I ask her to please calm down and not to say such inappropriate and hurtfull things.

She swears at me, goes gets my boss who then tells me to hurry up and finish with my customer because 'Her kind are light fingered and dirty'. She then told my customer not to think of stealing anything because 'I know you abbos are all theives and Im watching you.'

I snapped, I told my boss to shove her job up her ass and that I refuse to work for such an ignorant troll. I asked her if she thinks those things of my friend and all Aboriginals, what does she think of me. She then told me to calm down, not to cause a fuss and get back to work because 'All the abbo has been bred out of you, your skin is white enough so it doesnt matter to me.'

I told her to go to hell and not to shaft me on my last pay cheque or she would be hearing from my lawyer, got my stuff and left with my friend.

Probably not the best thing to do, telling your boss to shove it etc, but I wasnt thinking. I was so enraged and hurt that it just came out. And anyway, Im not going to be needing her reference seeing as I was going to quit anyway and already had a new job to start on monday.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Ok totally revive the thread lol. So the other day I'm at work doing this walk-up demo and we get to chatting. This is how it goes -

Custy - "So what make-up school did you go to?"
ME - "Oh I didn't. I actually go to the Academy of Art University down the street for Fashion Merchandising and Journalism."
Custy - *thinking I'm an idiot* "Oh good for you, education is so important. What nationality are? You look so exotic."
ME - *wanting to slap her cuz I HATE when people say I look exotic* "Oh thanks, I'm Palestinian."
Custy - "Oh, it's a shame what goes on in the Middle East. Just so you know I don't support the war."

Then she goes on and "teaches" me about Middle Eastern history. When she finally lets me get a word in and I school her about ME history and politicals she looks stunned.

ME - "Yea, I know a lot more then just make-up."

Why do so many customers just assume because we're MAC girls we're idiots?! Why the hell are they surprised when they realize I know a lot more then just a their foundation color?! One of my co-workers has her MASTERS - is she just a dumb make-up girl too? I may not be the smartest person in the world but I'm no idiot and I hate being treated like one. This has happened to me so many times that I've honestly considered quitting because of it. I know I shouldn't care what people thing but even outside of work when I tell people I work for MAC and I'm a make-up artist they always start talking to me like I'm an idiot.

And stop calling me exotic you nitwit, it's offensive! If you were so smart you'd have known about orientalisim and how calling me exotic is offensive!! grrrr - RANT OVER!

It's so sad because everyone from hairdressers to retail workers get that attitude. Hell, you can see it on some m/u boards. If a person has the slightest feeling a MA is being rude (whether it's valid or not), the first thing they say they should have said is, "You only work in a store."
"Oooh, that's original-I guess if you are so superior then you don't need anyone's help."


Well-known member
We're not gonna talk about the 8 MONTH pregnant woman who tried to attack me because I am white & all I was doing was trying to do was to get her mother the correct foundation color. Apparently this was insulting to her somehow.

Yeah, my manager had to physically hold her back....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BloodMittens
Before ANYONE comments, I know I am digging my own grave by talking in tongues on the phone in America. But still, I was born here, what's wrong with using my tongues my mother and grandmother taught me SLIGHTLY when I was young?

Person: "You know, it's rude to speak in your native tongue in a store! You could be talking about me and I wouldn't even know!".

Oh my good lord I hate it when people say that. Do they seriously think they're so important that I'll not only talk about them on the phone but do so in another language just to prevent them from understanding my apparent smack talking? We're complete strangers, and I'll talk in whatever language I'm most comfortable with! It'd be one thing if I was in a retail position serving customers, but I'm just another person in the store.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
We're not gonna talk about the 8 MONTH pregnant woman who tried to attack me because I am white & all I was doing was trying to do was to get her mother the correct foundation color. Apparently this was insulting to her somehow.

Yeah, my manager had to physically hold her back....

Buh-bye. Did you call security?


Well-known member
i am not a makeup artist, but am regularly at the mac counters and my favourite is when an MA will be helping me and another person just comes up and stands there. i am always at the counter for hours so i let other customers go in front of me, so i moved aside to let the MA help her.

'um, can you find someone from clinique for me?'

i hate that.

seriously, if you see that the makeup artist is WITH a customer, do not walk over, especially if you are trying to buy makeup from another counter.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by ductapemyheartt
i am not a makeup artist, but am regularly at the mac counters and my favourite is when an MA will be helping me and another person just comes up and stands there. i am always at the counter for hours so i let other customers go in front of me, so i moved aside to let the MA help her.

'um, can you find someone from clinique for me?'

i hate that.

seriously, if you see that the makeup artist is WITH a customer, do not walk over, especially if you are trying to buy makeup from another counter.


That is so annoying. The Clinique employ (or any other counter surrounding the MAC counter) might have gone on break, yet, even though the Clinique client might not be aware of this, she'll still glare furiously over our counter, just waiting for a MAC employ to go over there (even when it's busy) and help her. Today's society is so unpatient, it's quite entertaining actually to see how far a customer will go to get noticed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
It's so sad because everyone from hairdressers to retail workers get that attitude. Hell, you can see it on some m/u boards. If a person has the slightest feeling a MA is being rude (whether it's valid or not), the first thing they say they should have said is, "You only work in a store."
"Oooh, that's original-I guess if you are so superior then you don't need anyone's help."

Grr yea I hear ya - I thought I got treated like crap in regular retail, but what I feel is worse is being treated like an idiot because I'm in the beauty industry. Even my friends started talking down to me like I'm an idiot! I asked my boyfriend's very close friend is he could help me fix up a simple website to put an online portfolio and to kinda look more legit when I approach potential bridal clients (you know the paying custys haha) and he gives me a weird look. His response was "So you're taking this whole make-up thing seriously? What happened to the girl I used to know? You rather paint people's face then talk to people about politics and religion? You've changed!"

I wanted to slap him. Yes I am taking this make-up thing seriously, and no I haven't changed! Putting make-up on people doesn't make me less intellegent then I was a year ago before I started working for MAC.