Bad Customers!


Well-known member
I used to work at Kohl's. And we had this guy who would come in and take some girl's panties into a fitting room with him. When he left, the panties would be on the little stool thing in the fitting room with gizz allllll over them.

We also had a guy who would try on pants and pee in them and then leave them on the floor.

I also had a lady steal from me during one of my shifts, and she put her clothes on the floor, squatted and pee'd all over them to discourage us from touching her clothes and trying to find out who she was.

Kinda sad huh?


Well-known member
I'm sorry if this is offensive to anyone.

But that is fucking disgusting. I'm glad people can't take the testers in the cosmetics and go away to try them on. Some people are just retarded. >=(

The other day a woman came with a baby to my counter. Another artist walked up and asked how she was and if she needed any help. The woman replied "No thank you, I'm just going to change my daughter." Omfg. IN COSMETICS?? Right here in the middle of everything. And I know she was going to put that diaper into our trash. My fellow artist promptly directed her to the bathrooms which aren't at all too far away. Are you fucking kidding me? Changing her daughter, right there on one of our chairs!!! My friend and I almost died from shock. Of all places - cosmetics???


Well-known member
No. I don't blame you for thinking it's disgusting, hell, IT IS! Sometimes I wonder where people's heads are... seriously.

Changing her daughter on the chair!?! That's why they have bathrooms... hello! D:< I can believe someone would do that sadly... but it's still really shameful... I wouldn't even like undressing my daughter/son/child I don't have in a public washroom let alone a cosmetics chair!
I was shopping at a MAC counter a few months ago and there was a lady breastfeeding while sitting on the chair there. I was like... WTF!?!

Some people have no shame... seriously. I know it's not against the law to breastfeed in public in Illinois, but still! No one wants to see that, really.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BloodMittens
I used to work at Kohl's. And we had this guy who would come in and take some girl's panties into a fitting room with him. When he left, the panties would be on the little stool thing in the fitting room with gizz allllll over them.

That's... VERY disturbing 0_0


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut
That's... VERY disturbing 0_0

Yeah... it was really really gross. The sad part is that we never caught him leaving or coming in, except on the cameras in the loss pervention office. And even then we couldn't do anything about it.

Hell, he might still go there and do it to this day. Disturbing to think about D:


Well-known member
This thread makes me nervous that I've been a bad customer... Well, I've never yelled, slapped, demanded a discount, broken testers or anything like that (in the words of Beyoncé, my mama taught me better than that. Like, waaaaaay better), but still.

I also get shocked over how rude grown people can be. How can they act like that and not be ashamed of themselves? Have they no dignity?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BloodMittens
No. I don't blame you for thinking it's disgusting, hell, IT IS! Sometimes I wonder where people's heads are... seriously.

Changing her daughter on the chair!?! That's why they have bathrooms... hello! D:< I can believe someone would do that sadly... but it's still really shameful... I wouldn't even like undressing my daughter/son/child I don't have in a public washroom let alone a cosmetics chair!
I was shopping at a MAC counter a few months ago and there was a lady breastfeeding while sitting on the chair there. I was like... WTF!?!

Some people have no shame... seriously. I know it's not against the law to breastfeed in public in Illinois, but still! No one wants to see that, really.

I mentioned it before, but I had a customer begin to breastfeed her baby while I was giving her a makeover.

That undies guy is disgusting. It's too bad something couldn't be done about him...he needed to be banned from the store.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BunnyBunnyBunny
Yuck. He should at least buy them, and masturbate into it at home. .__.

If I would have seen him, I probably would have suggested that. But I guess he got his shits and giggles from doing it somewhere where he could get caught. Yucky D:

EW! Right there when you were doing her makeup?

JEEZ. People need to learn the meaning of modesty! Gross!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BloodMittens
If I would have seen him, I probably would have suggested that. But I guess he got his shits and giggles from doing it somewhere where he could get caught. Yucky D:

EW! Right there when you were doing her makeup?

JEEZ. People need to learn the meaning of modesty! Gross!

Yes. I was speechless.


Well-known member
I don't mind people breastfeeding their children, I just don't think it's appropriate to not ask people if it's okay first. I mean, is it so hard to ask? Also, when you have having your face done (or really having anything done to you) that is a real no-no. I mean, if you know you have to feed them soon, can't the face wait?


Well-known member
Ohhhh I got one better on the child thing - mom wanted a makeover but the kid wouldn't sit still in his stroller, so she picked him up and put him on her lap. Well the kid spent the ENTIRE makeover groping my breasts which the mom thought was cute. and when he wasn't groping me, he was putting my brushes in his mouth. I'll take a breastfeeding mom anyday over this.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
That undies guy is disgusting. It's too bad something couldn't be done about him...he needed to be banned from the store.

I actually think this guy should be investigated further by the police. That's some disgusting child molestation fetish shit right there!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by righteothen
I don't mind people breastfeeding their children, I just don't think it's appropriate to not ask people if it's okay first. I mean, is it so hard to ask? Also, when you have having your face done (or really having anything done to you) that is a real no-no. I mean, if you know you have to feed them soon, can't the face wait?

That's exactly how I feel. I don't mind breastfeeding in public so much. A makeover isn't the best time to breastfeed, IMO. It was hard to do her makeup b/c she kept looking down to coo at her baby or to make sure she was still uhm, attached. I would have been happy to wait until after feeding time, but the mom acted like she needed her face done RIGHT THEN. Eventually I think she got the message. Some people's priorities are mixed up.

I don't know how you managed to complete that makeover, Calbear.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut
I actually think this guy should be investigated further by the police. That's some disgusting child molestation fetish shit right there!

Yeaaaah. Well, we tried to catch him... but our Loss Pervention at that time was horrible. They never caught anyone, not in the 8 months I worked there. We got stolen from all the time, but never caught anyone. Lazy LP seriously.


Well-known member
I didn't have a 'bad' customer... but I did have a difficult time today...

She was a very nice girl, but she wasn't clear in what she wanted. She was going to a wedding and I gave her a full face application. She disliked the first eyes I applied and tried again, she was again dissatisfied (at least she seemed it) but she said it was okay anyway. While I was applying lashes, she started crying and I felt horrible... I don't know if it was the makeup that was the last straw, but she had said she hadn't eaten, or slept, and was under alot of stress... I just felt really horrible and had my assistant manager finish the lashes (while I stood there and reassured the girl too)... but I just couldn't finish it. I was really stressed at this point. I just hope I didn't ruin her life or anything. Like everybody in cosmetics said that it looked great and that it wasn't my fault... but like I just felt so bad. It was my first time applying lashes too, and I sorta messed it up. =/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BunnyBunnyBunny
I didn't have a 'bad' customer... but I did have a difficult time today...

She was a very nice girl, but she wasn't clear in what she wanted. She was going to a wedding and I gave her a full face application. She disliked the first eyes I applied and tried again, she was again dissatisfied (at least she seemed it) but she said it was okay anyway. While I was applying lashes, she started crying and I felt horrible... I don't know if it was the makeup that was the last straw, but she had said she hadn't eaten, or slept, and was under alot of stress... I just felt really horrible and had my assistant manager finish the lashes (while I stood there and reassured the girl too)... but I just couldn't finish it. I was really stressed at this point. I just hope I didn't ruin her life or anything. Like everybody in cosmetics said that it looked great and that it wasn't my fault... but like I just felt so bad. It was my first time applying lashes too, and I sorta messed it up. =/

You didn't ruin her life...she obviously had something else going on-that and the fact that she had not eaten or slept. The first time I put lashes on someone, the lashes were waaaaay above the lashes, lol. I had to take them off and redo them. You were stressed. It will be better next time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BunnyBunnyBunny
I didn't have a 'bad' customer... but I did have a difficult time today...

She was a very nice girl, but she wasn't clear in what she wanted. She was going to a wedding and I gave her a full face application. She disliked the first eyes I applied and tried again, she was again dissatisfied (at least she seemed it) but she said it was okay anyway. While I was applying lashes, she started crying and I felt horrible... I don't know if it was the makeup that was the last straw, but she had said she hadn't eaten, or slept, and was under alot of stress... I just felt really horrible and had my assistant manager finish the lashes (while I stood there and reassured the girl too)... but I just couldn't finish it. I was really stressed at this point. I just hope I didn't ruin her life or anything. Like everybody in cosmetics said that it looked great and that it wasn't my fault... but like I just felt so bad. It was my first time applying lashes too, and I sorta messed it up. =/

I can say from experience that it was not you. When I was having my makeup tested for my wedding, I was a giant ball of emotions and nerves, and anything could have set me off. For all you know, she was thinking of something entirely unrelated to her makeup, and just snapped. Or she could have been worrying about how she was going to do it on her big day, or who she was going to have it done by. The fact that she was willing to have the rest of the application done at all is a great sign that you didn't do anything wrong, because when I was getting close to my wedding, if I didn't agree with something, I was gone ^_^.


Well-known member
Ha, I temporarily forgot about this thread. For those who wondered about what I said earlier, yeah people would write on the bathroom walls with gizz, poo, and yes ladies even menstrual blood. What??

I worked in the kid's section for a while too. You expect accidents there because they're *kids*, but I had this little boy one day get mad at his mom because she was ready to leave and he wanted to keep playing with the train set. So he just... peed right there all over the train stuff that other kids played with all of the time. She was pretty apologetic and dragged him out of there quite angry.

This isn't a customer thing, just an inconsiderate person thing. Last year I was on a flight from the Tokyo-Narita airport to DTW (Detroit) and the guy next to me was traveling with his wife and kids. This included a little boy who was... I dunno, a year old? And at one point in the middle of the flight he says to his wife, "Oh, I'm just going to change him right here." Excuse me? I understand you've got to change your kid's diaper on a long flight and the bathrooms are small... but you're just going to have to truck on back there and make the best of it, buddy. I'm VERY not into being all up in the middle of some stranger's diaper change scenario and I'm very paranoid about this little boy peeing on me or something (I'm a bit of a germaphobe). He should have at least ASKED if the people around him would mind. Thankfully, his wife vetoed that idea and sent him to the back to take care of it. Thank you, strangerlady. Thank you soooo much.


Well-known member
What about the ones that want to try on lashes but don't want to purchase them after you have CLEARLY STATED that they must purchase the lashes.