Bad Customers!


Well-known member
yesterday, i had an incredibly rude man at my counter. he wanted to use his 'usual hand cream'.
so he walks over to our sample of a moisturiser (behind the counter), and i said 'oh, just a second and i'll scoop some out for you', and he tells me 'no its ok, i just need some hand cream', and as i go to grab the hand cream sample for him sticks his filthy hands in and takes a massive gloop out of one of our facial moisturiser samples. typically, the most expensive one we do. he then goes on to slag off all the products on the stand, and says its only fit for hand cream, and that in every store he goes into he always does this.
i explained to him that i now needed to open a new product and try to explain why it's important that people don't put fingers in the pots and he looks at me as if what i'm saying is in another language. so i take the pot and chuck it away and he tried to take it from the bin 'if you're just going to throw it out i may as well use some more'. my face went bright red and i just glared him away from my counter. he then goes to a girl on the lancome counter and slags me off, and she explains about the reason you shouldn't put fingers in pots and he then goes and complains to a manager that we're all idiots and other stores don't care when he does it.
how many pots must he go through a week ruining stores testers?!


Well-known member
I had a girl who wanted a smokey eye. So I did it, other customers liked it. She didn't, she took it off and had me do it over again. I did, but this time, I banged out (meaning I did a GREAT job) her face even more. She loved that and even gave me a tip.

Now, the thing is, I did the SAME EXTACT THING as I did BEFORE!!!

She was just being a butthead.


Active member
Originally Posted by FacesbyNiki
I had a girl who wanted a smokey eye. So I did it, other customers liked it. She didn't, she took it off and had me do it over again. I did, but this time, I banged out (meaning I did a GREAT job) her face even more. She loved that and even gave me a tip.

Now, the thing is, I did the SAME EXTACT THING as I did BEFORE!!!

She was just being a butthead.

haha, that was too great!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
I totally agree, that and the ethnicity guessing game annoy me to no end.

Oh God me too, seriously why do people care so much? I'm black, cherokee & irish. Most people think I look spanish. But they always have to ask anyway. Them: "Where are you from?"
Me: "Florida"
Them: "I mean originally"
Me "Florida."
Then: "Well where are your parent's from?"
Me: "New York."
Them: "Where are they originally from?"
Me: "New York"
Them: "Well, what nationality are you?"

Do we really have to go through all this? I'm obviously not trying to discuss this with you because I have had to discuss it my whole life & I'm sick to death of it. Why push the issue? Latley I've been taking the Nicole Richie route & just saying that I'm black even though I really don't look black & I speak like the whitest girl you could ever meet. That really throws them off LOL!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I hate when people do that. I don't know what they get out of it, and it feels so invasive when complete strangers ask (I have people stop me on the street). The worst is they get offended if you want to know why they want to know.


Well-known member
I just wanted to say that people really don't mean offense when they ask about nationalities. I personally think that mixed ethnic girls are just beautiful and unique, especially compared to myself.

Then again, I've never randomly asked someone on the street about their ethnicity because, well, that's RUDE!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mello
I was just wondering, why is this offensive? I've been called that a few times aswell lol

The reason why I find it offensive because in the situations that I've been in where it comes up, it's like the whole "poster child" mentality: Look at this one person who looks sooo different and therefore embodies this "diversity" thing. Now act diverse.
In general, just the objectifying that goes along with the phrase in the instances where I've heard it used.

And going outside of the US the country guessing game gets a WHOLE lot worse. I ended up making a list of over 20 countries that people have guessed (some of them were legitimate guesses mind you, but others were just based on "you have dark skin, dark people come from *insert location*").


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JGmac
I just wanted to say that people really don't mean offense when they ask about nationalities. I personally think that mixed ethnic girls are just beautiful and unique, especially compared to myself.

Then again, I've never randomly asked someone on the street about their ethnicity because, well, that's RUDE!

I don't really find it offensive, I'm just sick to death of discussing it with strangers. If you are a new friend, a co-worker or something like that I don't mind being asked. But, when just random people are constantly asking it just gets so annoying.


Well-known member
yesterday i had a customers husband go completely mad with me because i touched her face when i was matching foundation. she asked to try 3 different shades because she was confused, and so i showed her what i thought was the match and brushed her face with my finger. (i had obviously sanitized my hands before!)
he was like "noone touches my wife and gets away with it raaah!"
i was shitting myself. my manager escorted him out of the store and the woman was bright red and left straight away. (i made her take a face wipe with her)
obviously there was some reason for his ott behaviour but wtf, i barely touched her, i couldn't have hurt her!


Well-known member
Found this article: Hey! It's not just us! Customers *are* getting more obnoxious!
Server abuse all the rage
Misty Harris , CanWest News Service
Published: Saturday, October 06, 2007

An increasingly hostile consumer climate is making Canadians who serve your drinks, staff your flights and ring up your purchases feel like they've accepted an invitation to their own hanging just by showing up for work.

Across the country, employee stress and incidents of customer conflict are soaring, and physically and verbally abusive customers are making headlines. Labour shortages, a culture of instant gratification and the outmoded attitudes toward customer complaints are among the reasons behind this growing epidemic of consumer bullying, experts say.

Full text of the article here:


Well-known member
Disbelieving customers, wtf. Yesterday I had a string of five or six people who just had an attitude of 'yeah right' radiating off them, and I had to work like a dog to coax a couple of sales from them. Seriously, it's not in my best interest to lie to you! I'd rather not have a sale in the first place than have a bad sale that gets returned.

I wish co-workers would case the customers a bit more before going "hey, ______, I have a make-over for you!". Nine times out of ten the customer is just looking for a freebie, but I've been set up by my co-worker to invest twenty minutes into someone who has no intention of purchasing anything. All you can do is push Teddy kohl, Chestnut liner, and every other really basic staple item and hope that at least one item ends up being purchased. You can't even pull the whole 'what is their purpose?' trick to get a sale, because they're without one!


Well-known member
WTF is with people?? This awful woman (who has been a Clinique customer for years) came in demanding three gift w/ purchases because she bought three items...completely ignoring the dollar amount that must be spent in order to get them. And she knows better- she's been getting GWP for years! SHE KNOWS THE DAMN RULES! Then her husband got in on it, yelling at me. I stood my ground and refused, and she finally just bought some other stuff to get her three gifts. Then her devil spawn came up and started loudly talking about how he'd "like to hit that" about one of my co-workers. And the idiots parents thought it was hilarious. ARGH.

Johnny Wal

Well-known member
i dont work in a cosmetics store/counter, but i work in Rite Aid pharmacy, which is just a drug store that has like, everything. haha. and so of course we have our low-end makeup section.
I am also male, but i wear makeup 5 days out of the week, basically (i normally have 2 days off a week from work, and dont wear makeup then), so im always wearing makeup at work. like full out bright colored eyeshadows and the works.

and SO MANY! women come up and ask "is there a female employee working who can help me with makeup?"
and ill tell them that there isnt anyone available at the moment, but i'd be more than happy to help them. now some of them are cool with it, after realizing, "hey, hes wearing makeup, he might know what hes talking about" and ive actually sold 60-70 dollars worth of makeup to people (just becuase they kept asking like "well what about lipsticks?" or "how do you think blush would work for me?" so i just get excited and tell them everything, and they buy everything! haha), but there are some people that just laugh at me and act like i know nothing. and ive even had people say "well you're a boy, you dont wear makeup and dont know anything about it" AS IM WEARING MAKEUP IN FRONT OF THEM!

i also hate when customers look at me, and ask "are you wearing makeup?"
they normally only do this with really bright colors, for some reason. its like HELLO! BRIGHT BLUE EYESHADOW! OF COURSE IM WEARING MAKEUP.


Well-known member
Dear Nasty Customer from today:

Yelling at me will not make your eyeshadow magically appear in stock. If we're out, we're out until we get another shipment. I did not purposely sell the last one to spite *you*. It is not my fault that you came on the last day of gift with purchase when our stock is at an all-time low. It is not my fault that someone else bought the eyeshadow you wanted before you could get to it. And no, you will not be receiving special samples from me for your wait because YOU ARE NASTY AND RUDE to yell at a person behind a makeup counter over an eyeshadow.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
We got shoplifted to the tune of $600 this afternoon. :/

eeeek! $600?! that's painful.

what did they take?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
We got shoplifted to the tune of $600 this afternoon. :/

Oh my god!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
We got shoplifted to the tune of $600 this afternoon. :/

Was anybody hurt? I hope not...



Well-known member's interesting reading a lot of the comments. I'm a devout customer, and so far...there's a good mix of valid complaints, "...suck it up, it's just part of service standards, and " could go either way".

My experience...I'm super intimidated everytime I step in to a MAC Pro store. I can't imagine being condescending to them just because I have so much respect for their talent. With that said, I do get a mix of very friendly, and absolute doll MU's. At the same time... 1 out of 4 times I go, I do run into a few who have that vibe that they are just the bomb for being able to work at MAC. SO FAR (from personal exp, not generalization), I find that with Pro Stores, it's either one extreme or the other. (btw..last trip, i had the good extreme). At Macy's, no one was outright rude, but my exp. hasn't been memorable. At Nordies...overall good service. My only hope is that I run into all the MU's here on Specktra because everyone here seems so cool . original intention for writing this comment is that there are customers in here who highly respect the talent of MU's like yourselves, whose intentions would never be to be rude & offensive. I just hope that you could spot us when we come in, and see us as those genuinely interested in colors and beauty of makeup. Please be especially patient when we are asking a ton of questions. I work in HR and it isn't uncommon for me to spend an hour on the phone repeating the same information on a benefit feature...and I have no problem with it, 'cause it's part of my job and they're not being rude or condescending...*deposits 2 cents*


Well-known member
I work in a pharmacy ..a major chain actually. So I deal with customers all day long. What I don't understand is that why do people think by yelling or being obnoxiously loud with someone is going to get them what they want? By yelling at me you're insurance company still won't cover the medication, we still won't fill an expired prescription ..and we still won't waive you're copay. So wtf????????????????

This is the funny part ..people want logical explanations as to why their refill didn't go through when they called it in on the automated system. If I had the answer to that ...don't you think the pharmacy would fix it and it would never happen again?? "why is it 15 dollars when I paid 5 dollars last month" "how come you didn't call me?" "why do i have to wait an hour?"

I know for a fact that when people go to their doctor's offices they sit there for more than an hour ...and see a doctor for 10 minutes and not complain once. But when you come to the pharmacy waiting 30 minutes seems like a gazillion hours to them. WTF??? and I don't know why its 15 dollars now..go call ur insurance company..they are charging u this price NOT US!

Ugh. I'm just sick and tired of the attitude in and day out. I understand these people are sick and cranky. But there is no need for you to be rude to people who are just doing their job. Plus it's MEDICINE's life and death ...don't you think it would be a smart thing to give the pharmacy all the time it needs to fill ur prescription correctlyyy?? "oh its just a box ..u need an hour to slap on a label!" ..YES! I need an hour to slap on labels to the 50 boxes ahead of your box! ..grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ...

P.S: Sorry for the non cosmetic retail rant ..