Bad Customers!


Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
^^^Both of those stories really piss me off :/

Me too. Especially the one where he claims she is a communist! Racism is an ignorant practice!

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I can't effing stand customers that come in not intending to buy a DAMN thing, but they want you to give them a STASH of samples.

On a few different occasions when I was working at Victoria's Secret a woman would come in, decline my offer of customer service and cut right to "I want some samples/Give me some samples/What samples to you have right now?" Okay, you want samples, no problem. So I hand her a few different kinds and she says "I need more..." WTF Okay, so I hand her like two more. Then I start getting reamed about how she wants two fucking hands full!!! I explain to her that we have many customers that come through and we need to be able to provide samples for as many as we can, but that if she really likes something, she should come back and we can help her shop for the items. Then I get "I WANT TO TALK TO YOUR MANAGER" Okay. So I get the manager, tell him/her what the problem is, the manager rolls his or her eyes, we say how much we hate assholes like this, then the manager tells me to just give her the damn samples so she can get the fuck out of our store. I sigh, because I don't want to give the brat anymore samples, but I do as I'm told and watch the bitch smirk at me, not realizing that she's the one who looks dumb for being such a cheap and greedy twat.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
I can't effing stand customers that come in not intending to buy a DAMN thing, but they want you to give them a STASH of samples.

On a few different occasions when I was working at Victoria's Secret a woman would come in, decline my offer of customer service and cut right to "I want some samples/Give me some samples/What samples to you have right now?" Okay, you want samples, no problem. So I hand her a few different kinds and she says "I need more..." WTF Okay, so I hand her like two more. Then I start getting reamed about how she wants two fucking hands full!!! I explain to her that we have many customers that come through and we need to be able to provide samples for as many as we can, but that if she really likes something, she should come back and we can help her shop for the items. Then I get "I WANT TO TALK TO YOUR MANAGER" Okay. So I get the manager, tell him/her what the problem is, the manager rolls his or her eyes, we say how much we hate assholes like this, then the manager tells me to just give her the damn samples so she can get the fuck out of our store. I sigh, because I don't want to give the brat anymore samples, but I do as I'm told and watch the bitch smirk at me, not realizing that she's the one who looks dumb for being such a cheap and greedy twat.

Wow, she sounds like a child. "Gimme gimme gimme! Waaaaaaah, samples!" *stamps foot* Actually, I take that back, I've seen better behavior from kids. The problem is, stores bend over backwards over people like this, that's why they do it, they know if they whine enough, they will get their way. It's a shame, because people like that don't even contribute to the bottom line.

I will absolutely hook people up on samples that need them, but we are not here to provide goodie bags for your book club/bridal party/Tupperware customers. Thanks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
I can't effing stand customers that come in not intending to buy a DAMN thing, but they want you to give them a STASH of samples.

On a few different occasions when I was working at Victoria's Secret a woman would come in, decline my offer of customer service and cut right to "I want some samples/Give me some samples/What samples to you have right now?" Okay, you want samples, no problem. So I hand her a few different kinds and she says "I need more..." WTF Okay, so I hand her like two more. Then I start getting reamed about how she wants two fucking hands full!!! I explain to her that we have many customers that come through and we need to be able to provide samples for as many as we can, but that if she really likes something, she should come back and we can help her shop for the items. Then I get "I WANT TO TALK TO YOUR MANAGER" Okay. So I get the manager, tell him/her what the problem is, the manager rolls his or her eyes, we say how much we hate assholes like this, then the manager tells me to just give her the damn samples so she can get the fuck out of our store. I sigh, because I don't want to give the brat anymore samples, but I do as I'm told and watch the bitch smirk at me, not realizing that she's the one who looks dumb for being such a cheap and greedy twat.

i didn't even know victoria's secret had samples. that lady must have been one of those serious hard core sample lady's. ten bucks said she just went store to store to see what she could get for free. and twenty bucks said she did the same thing in every store and got a whole shitload of free samples.

dear god i hate the sample ladies.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xStarryEyedX
i didn't even know victoria's secret had samples. that lady must have been one of those serious hard core sample lady's. ten bucks said she just went store to store to see what she could get for free. and twenty bucks said she did the same thing in every store and got a whole shitload of free samples.

dear god i hate the sample ladies.

The ones that breeze in and say, "What's free today?"

"Uhm, you can have a Kleenex."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Elusive21
Ohmygosh, I've had that happen to me too. I'll be in a store (not talking to a sales associate, just browsing around for clothes or buying groceries), and my mom will happen to call me (I am 1/2 russian & 1/2 ukrainian) so I have to answer of course, and it's just much easier for my mom to understand me if I am talking in Russian. Boy, do peolple stare at me when I do that and act offended
I don't get it. I'm not talking to THEM, just my mom. What's the big deal? (I also want to mention that I don't even talk that loud, so I'm not being annoying or anything).

That is so ignorant! That makes me mad hearing stories like these too! I hate stupid people! You would think this day in age that people could learn to get along with one another.

I wish people would be more open-minded!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
And then they take the entire tissue box and stuff it in their handbag.

i've had people steal q-tips. no joke.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
LOL I'm at my computer laughing because of stuff like this:

At VS when someone did a return the store copy of the receipt that printed out would ask for a name and a phone number for the customer. You're supposed to offer them a pen and politely request that they sign it. Most people would sign it and such, no problems. But sometimes people would get really offended and act all flabbergasted that I asked LOL This one lady in particular got really angry at me for asking and she got all wide eyed "NO! No I'm not going to sign it! I'm don't HAVE to give you my name and number!" LOL Really lady, go some fucking where. You're not that important, we ask everyone who does a return.


Well-known member
Okay. This story is ridic. Everyone at my counter was died laughing when I told them about this customer.

So, three women came up to me and one of them said she wanted to look at some foundation. I said okay and brought her around to the other side of the counter. I ask her what kind of coverage she is looking for with her foundation. She then tells me that she wants it to cover her face because it's a foundation. I then explain to her that I meant did she want a full coverage, medium coverage, or sheer...and she tells me again that she wants it to cover her face. So, I then asked her if her skin was oily or dry and she said it was medium. I said, " it's a little bit of both? Oily and dry?" She then says, "No, it's medium." Ahhhh.

It gets worse.

After we picked out a foundation for her, the lady's mother comes up to me and asks what she would use to cover up a scar...I told her concealer. She then asks me, "So, I have been wanting to wear open toed shoes...would I use a concealer to cover up a corn on my toe?"



Well-known member
Originally Posted by ductapemyheartt
Okay. This story is ridic. Everyone at my counter was died laughing when I told them about this customer.

So, three women came up to me and one of them said she wanted to look at some foundation. I said okay and brought her around to the other side of the counter. I ask her what kind of coverage she is looking for with her foundation. She then tells me that she wants it to cover her face because it's a foundation. I then explain to her that I meant did she want a full coverage, medium coverage, or sheer...and she tells me again that she wants it to cover her face. So, I then asked her if her skin was oily or dry and she said it was medium. I said, " it's a little bit of both? Oily and dry?" She then says, "No, it's medium." Ahhhh.

It gets worse.

After we picked out a foundation for her, the lady's mother comes up to me and asks what she would use to cover up a scar...I told her concealer. She then asks me, "So, I have been wanting to wear open toed shoes...would I use a concealer to cover up a corn on my toe?"


At least she didn't ask you to demo that for her.


Well-known member
This is a great thread. There are some really nice customers out there (I hope to think I am one) but also some really obnoxious people whose behavior is outrageous and unacceptable... and hopefully amusing too because after putting up with their ****, the sales assistants/ MA's etc. deserve a good laugh to relieve some of the the pressure.

To be a good customer (in no particular order):
(From my own experience and from reading this thread)

-DO say "please" and "thankyou". DON'T roll your eyes, stamp your foot, huff and puff, or touch the MA in any way.

-MA's are not mind readers. They don't know what your friend's favourite lipstick is or that you happen to hate purple or which foundation you want to buy just by looking at you. Just (nicely) tell them, or explain which features and benefits you are looking for in a product and work together to find it.

- It's good that you think that the MA has knowledge and the ability to help you, and the MA will be happy to know that this is appreciated. However, please realize that you may be putting the MA in a bit of a tricky spot if you say "I don't know" to all their questions and tell them "you're the expert, you tell me!". They ask these questions so that they can figure out what your needs are so that they can provide you with the product result you will be happy with. It's okay if you genuinely don't know exactly what you want, but please try and help the MA to help you. Perhaps if you are booked in for a makeover, you could have a think about what look you want to achieve, what colours and textures you prefer and those you don't like, what you want the makeup to do for you, etc. and then when you communicate this to the MA it will be easier for him and you will be far more likely to be thrilled with the result and with the purchases you make.

-GWP's are not usually available and when they are, they are a "gift" not an entitlement. If you (and ever other customer) got a free gift every time they bought something or even just entered the store, the prices would have to go up to compensate.

-The prices are set by the company, not the MA. They are not allowed to change the price to suit you. Please don't ask them for a discount because they must say no which can be awkward for them and can make you look bad too. Please also understand that cosmetics do not go on sale.

-Keep in mind that MA's work on commission and/or work to sales targets. Imagine yourself in that situation and you will be less likely to waste their time. He's there to help you, but he's also there to make sales because that's what he's paid to do.

-Only return things if you REALLY need to. Realize how unfair it is to buy something, use it once and then take it back to be thrown in the bin. No wonder prices get raised.

-When a MA greets you upon your entering the store, acknowledge her back. Then talk to her about whatever it is you need help with if you need to. Don't ignore her, walk tot he register and stand there waiting for her to come serve you. Please also remember that the MA's don't have spinning The-Exorcist-style heads, so if you stand outside of their line of vision, they won't see you and it's not because they just don't want to serve you.

-Keep in mind that MA's do not just play with makeup, they have many duties and responsibilities and are constantly multi-tasking on their feet all day.

-Use the testers, and only the testers, and put them back where they came from. Please use them in a hygeinic manner as they have been used by strangers before you, and will be used by more people after you. Do not use the testers on the MA.

-If you are receiving a makeover, and you are not comfortable with the results, work WITH and not AGAINST the MA. It's fine to politely explain that you feel it is a little bright (or whatever) and the MA should be happy to fix it for you. It's not ok to treat them like they have no skills and are beneath you. It is quite probable that the MA might apply a product with a different technique than you are used to. It does not make them "wrong" so don't tell them off. If you don't like it, that's fine, you don't ever have to apply it to yourself that way. If you treat it as a learning experience it will be a much more enjoyable experience for both of you and you might learn a fantastic new technique. If you are extremely particular about your makeup and feel that no-one else can get it right, it is perhaps not a good idea to get an MA or anyone else to do it for you.

-Don't come in close to closing time and expect the MA's to do X, Y & Z for you.

-There are times when we all get frustrated, but name-calling and yelling is never ok.

-As it has been said, (I also like this one!) it's a makeup brush, not a magic wand. Your face is unique. A MA can enhance your best features (we all have them!) and de-emphasise any areas that may need it, making you look great- but you still still look like you (that's a good thing!). You won't look just like Jessica Simpson or Jennifer Lopez or anyone else. The MA also can't completely erase your wrinkles or give you a new nose.

-Give the MA's a chance if they are of a different ethnicity or skin colour to your own. Part of their job is to work with all skin tones.

-Please pay attention to your personal hygiene before coming in. It shouldn't have to be said, but make it a pleasant experience for all involved by being clean and odor-free. All these personal hygiene rituals should be done at home in the privacy of your bathroom (and with your OWN supplies). There will be no ear de-waxing or tooth flossing anywhere near the counter.

-MA's must be knowledgeable about the products but they are not walking encyclopedias. They can't know every single thing and don't want to be tested on it. So you know exactly how many hairs are in your blush brush? Good for you!- but the MA doesn't want to be quizzed on it so you can smirk when she doesn't know the answer and declare yourself the winner.

-Please don't rant 'til you're red in the face to the MA about a certain policy or product (etc.) you have a problem with. It's not his fault.

-Please leave children at home when you come in to have your makeup done. If you must have your children with you when you are shopping, please keep an eye on them and correct them if they misbehave. It's not fair on the MA's as they will be in the way when they are running around and they don't deserve headaches from screaming kids when they are working hard to serve you. They are busy working and are not babysitters. It's also not fair on the other customers as misbehaving children make their shopping experience less enjoyable. It's not fair on the company or its staff if your children mess up the testers, or the customers who genuinely want to use the now-ruined tester to help them with their purchasing decisions. Kids are walking petri dishes! Even if you don't care about the MA's, the other customers, or the company, you should at least care about the safety of your own children. There are many non-kid-friendly substances around as it is a shop for grown-ups.

-Don't talk on your phone whilst having a conversation with the MA who is trying to help you. If you're on the phone, you can't blame her if she then decides to leave you to your phone conversation and tends to another customer who is waiting.

-If you have an appointment booked, and you develop a skin or eye infection, a cold sore or a cold/flu/virus etc. please cancel it!

-If you want to use concealer on your corns or bunions, please don't share that with the MA, or anyone else for that matter.

-No guns.

I'm sure I have missed many though!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KristyVictoria
Yes, and it was called Jet. I had a tube. Too bad you guys don't make it anymore, I loved it.

Just because we want grey lipstick doesn't make us bad customers!!!

I have almost 4 tubes of that stuff.

There was also a greyish-beige called Relic. I went through about 4 tubes of that!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
At least she didn't ask you to demo that for her.

ha ha. She told me she would come back another day when she did not have stockings on!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ductapemyheartt
ha ha. She told me she would come back another day when she did not have stockings on!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by ductapemyheartt
ha ha. She told me she would come back another day when she did not have stockings on!


What are you going to do? Hide?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by metal_romantic

What are you going to do? Hide?

I don't know! I told all of my coworkers about everyone will probably just be, like, ""


Well-known member
Holy just....moly wow! I live in Seattle I remember that going down the thought of someone demanding to be matched wtf. Wow....

Originally Posted by MizMac
I think my all time horror story was when I was working for MAC in Tacoma WA. It was almost a year ago. A crazy man came into the mall and started shooting with a machine gun. Yes a machine gun. We had this lady insist that we still match her up for a foundation. At the time our security gates had not dropped down yet (making sure all mall customers where going to have someplace to go. I tried to polietly explain to her that there was a mad man with an M16 in the mall and we weren't quite sure where he was. She let me know that she drove 20 miles and she WAS going to get her foundation. ( I worked 30 miles from the store so I really couldn't pitty her) I told one of my gals to turn the chair facing the door that way if crazy guy came by, she would have something to hide behind. There was no way that I was going to let one of my girls get shot to match bitchzilla for a foundation. It was insane, we where preforming triage in the womans shoe dept. Then she got really pissed since we where closing the store and she couldn't buy her foundation. That by far was the BIGGEST customer from hell.


Well-known member
Urgh! Today was the first time I had a customer complain about me

(3 years in retail, 11 months of that in cosmetics)

Earlier in the week I came back from my "tea" break (15min) and there was a lady waiting for me (yes, we only have one person on the counter at a time - it really sucks). She was all "oh, your back a few minutes early" (I had to restrain from rolling my eyes at this point!). So she told me she was looking for a new foundation and had been currently using our 'longwear' foundation, but found it a bit dry. She was an older lady so I recommended our 'hydrating anti-aging' one. She asked if it was more expensive (it is, its $40 more), she said "I don't want to spend that much on a foundation!", so I recommended the 'hydrating mineral' foundation, which is the same price as the longwear. I asked her what colour she was using in the forever, she told me "20, but its too light, I dont want anything too light!", so since the 30 is obviously too dark, I swatch the 23 on her chin (yellow base), explain its a bit darker than the 20, but it does have a yellow base, she replies she likes the colour and I proceed to put it all over her face. She purchases it along with a few other things. (May I just say, she was quite rude and bossy in her manner during the whole consultation).

Then yesterday she came back (while I wasnt there - how convenient!) and starts shouting at my counter manager about me, about how I recommended the wrong colour, and its too yellow and she and her family feel horribly cheated out of their money (uhh wtf?). She claimed that she waited an HOUR for me to come back from my break (umm, not possible! my tea break is 15min, I didnt go over, she wasnt there when I left, max she could have waited is like 12-14min!) and that I forced her into buying the wrong colour! My manager took the return (not knowing my side of the story, obviously) and recommends to her the more expensive "anti-aging" foundation in 20 - and the customer takes it! She complains about a whole other magnitude of things like our packaging and such (oh ok, you don't like the packaging - I'll just go get the nicer ones we keep out the back!???), and says she is going to write a formal complaint letter to the store.

My manager got quite annoyed at me at first, she asked me why didn't I sell the anti-aging, why did I sell her a yellow base, why was I away from the counter for an hour etc etc. I explained the whole story, and then she understood, and was really annoyed also, since most of what the customer said was untrue!

We are happy to take returns (on UNOPENED) products if you changed your mind, if you got home and saw it was too yellow, then bring it back, be nice about it - in store we have fluorescent lights - they can make things look different!

Umm, don't come in and tell me you like the colour I put all over your face (so you could see it properly!), I can only go on what you tell me! If you think a colour you previously had is too light, then I wont give you that colour! Im not a mind reader, some customers like to be matched perfectly to their skin, others don't, Im only trying to sell you what you want! If you didnt like it in store - dont buy it! IF YOU TELL ME YOU LIKE THAT COLOUR AND THATS THE ONE YOU WANT - THEN IM GOING TO THINK IT IS! DON'T LIE ABOUT ME TO MY MANAGER AND MY STORE - do you know what kind of sh*t that gets me in?! THEY TAKE IT VERY SERIOUSLY. Dont say you waited an HOUR for me, when you waited 10 minutes! Dont say i CHEATED you out of your money, and then buy the more expensive foundation from my manager!

This put me in the worst mood today. Honestly, I dont get paid next to nothing to take sh*t like this! I LOVE my customers when they are nice and enthusiastic and generally love the brand.

Sorry, rant over, I just had to get that out!