Bad Customers!


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Originally Posted by Nyla2120
I'm so sick of people who don't take care of their skin, coming to the counter & saying "I want my skin to look like yours!" and then when it doesn't, they become rude & accuse me of not wearing MAC. For example....The other day a lady comes in & says she wants a foundation that will make her skin look like mine. She is older & has clearly been a sun worshipper for many years. I apply moisturizer, primer, foundation, concealer & a light dusting of powder to set it. I think everything looks really nice & I hand her the mirror. She goes "It's not all nice & smooth like yours!" I explain to her that foundation can cover discoloration, but it can't cover texture. She goes "You probably aren't wearing MAC foundation & that's why yours looks so good! I bet your skin isn't so perfect without make-up!" Now she was just being rude & abusive. I explain that yes I am wearing MAC & my skin without make-up is actually pretty good because I take very good care of it. She goes "Well, I guess you are just blessed then!" Needless to say she continued being rude, but she still bought everything I put on her & left with barely a thank you. This is something I deal with almost every day though. Sometimes people really have unrealistic expectations when they come to the counter & then when things don't turn out how they imagined they want to blame the MA. A middle aged Woman who has smoked, baked in the sun & only God knows what else can't come to a make-up counter & expect to leave with her skin looking like the 27 year old MA who works there. It's just not gonna happen!

*WARNING LONG POST* I was thinking about this last night... And how clearly terribly this woman treated you. For some reason I couldn't stop thinking about it, and even though I don't work at MAC (even though I'd REALLY love to), I kept thinking of possible ways to guard against this nonsense that you might be able to use.

So when you see hear this phrase: "I want my skin to look like yours!"... I'm sure alarms go off in your head, especially when the customer has no comparable physical characteristics and like this individual, has not taken measures to take care of herself in the past. So maybe you could prepare a response when you hear this alarm go off in your head. I was thinking maybe something like this...

"That is so sweet of you! Well we can use the same products on you that I'm wearing, but they might not be exactly right for you. Maybe you could tell me what it is that you like about my skin and then we can find some products that will be perfect for yours." Or alternatively...

"Thank you! Well I can't make your skin look just the same; it's obviously different from mine, but we definitely have products that can improve the tone/provide coverage/hide under eye circles/moisturize/etc." Maybe just try to establish some realistic expectations up front, although I know some people are totally unreachable in that sense.

It's of course just my opinion, but like I said, I just couldn't stop thinking about how rude this person was to you, and I hoped maybe I could offer a suggestion!

I try to observe the customers pretty closely when I go into my local MAC (I’m in every other week and I’m friendly with almost all the MUAs!). It’s pretty shocking to me how naïve and rude many of them are. Contaminating the products, interrupting consultations because clearly they are far too important to wait their turn, swatching eyeshadow after eyeshadow with the same finger without wiping it clean. Smudging the lipglass stick on their lips (LOL and yech!) or double-dipping! I really try to take note of it all because one day I really hope I’ll have the courage to just ask for that MAC application and hopefully I’ll have an idea of a few things to expect. Much respect for what you guys deal with on the daily!

Last night, one of the customers was inquiring about a primer, and she seemed incredibly confused about what order in which to put on foundation, primer… Now, I must admit, I just started using primer just a couple months ago, but wouldn’t the word “primer” indicate to you that it indeed primes the face and goes on prior to foundation?! After further questioning by the makeup artist, the customer revealed that moisturizer was not part of her daily regimen. This still comes as a shock to me. I truthfully don’t really know why anymore since I hear this all the time. The two girls I sit next to at work don’t, even though one has what looks like painfully dry skin. I use THREE moisturizers! Back to my story, the MUA had to explain to the customer, moisturize, then primer, then foundation. Poor girl. She got busy with a lot of customers that came in after me, who all ended up purchasing NADA. She apologized profusely but I told her I love perusing the store and never mind taking swatching a lot of products while I wait. I bought 3 blushes, a blush palette, and 2 shadows.


Well-known member
I'm not a MA, but I do regard myself as a good customer. I live in a small town with 1 lancome, 1 clinique, 1 estee lauder and 1 elizabeth arden counter. I just recently became addicted to lancome. The MA who helps me with my stuff at the lancome counter is a doll though she works for EA. I guess the reguler for lancome is rarely their. when i have the time we chat and we try out samples and shades. Ive been known to spend 2 to 3 hours at the counter. But my town is so small their is usually her and the clinique girl and me. Now idk if most MAs r like that but the one time I did go to a MAC counter in syracuse I dealt with 2 people a young woman who was soo helpful and a middle aged heavily made up woman who was particuarly rude to me and the friend i was with.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACLovin
LOL! How obnoxious! Don't you just wish you could say these things to people without the risk of losing your job?



Well-known member
i have come across many MAs with all sorts of different personalities. people are different no matter job they are in. i only had a problem with one MA's service in the many years i have been shopping for cosmetics at department stores (she works for clinique and i just do not go to that counter anymore). but customers - humans in general - have to be respectful. if i really need something clinique from that counter (my sister is a huge fan and i buy her products for christmas and birthdays), i just make sure i know what i need ahead of time and keep it short and sweet. i just do not like when people generalize MA (or people in retail, offices, etc) because its not fair. Everyone is different and you cannot judge an industry from one or two bad apples. that applies to any industry.
i work for the government now and everyone hates us lol. i have no idea why as i do not get paid anything and my work really is civil service, but everyone thinks we have too many days off (not true it seems i go to work more than people i know in the private sector!) and they think we make all this money (again not true lol) but they get real nasty when they have to come to my office. why? who knows, i do not take it personal anymore but it is frustrating


Well-known member
Originally Posted by wildesigns
God, it's just like doing hair...people always come in and say 'what do you think or do what you want (this WILL backfire a LOT, even with very careful pre-consultation)?', 'I want it shorter' (no shit), 'How would I look with bangs', etc...when the best look for some is truly a paper bag! It's not up to me to tell someone how they should/will look, crap. I do hair f/t and MU occasionally for events and I most enjoy the MU though I love doing hair, it's just the absolute ignorance and the way that sooo many people talk down to 'service workers' once they enter the salon that gets to me.

It's so wonderful when you get a gem that you can really work with.

omg i hate when people say do whatever you want to my hair cause i did that once and this girls hair came out AWESOME and then she kept telling me "maybe a little shorter here.. and here.. and here.." and basically completely changed her haircut. i swear i gave the girl about 5 haircuts in a row. i should have charged her 5x's lol. if you say do whatever you want then don't make me totally redo it after! why do people think we are mind readers?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by neotrad
I'm not a makeup aritist or work at a cosmetics counter/store, but I've seen a lot of bad customers at cosmetics counters/stores during my visit there. And no matter how RUDE the CUSTOMERS are, the MAs and BAs there are always treating them politely and sometimes as if the customers are such gems. Your post has made me think..."what if you stopped accepting ANY returns especially the ones that have been opened already?" It made me think like those customers are buying the cosmetics from you 'to return them'. I'm not from the US, but lived there for several years and I was sooo surprised that you accept returns cosmetics products that have even been used/tested there! I really feel they should change their return/exchange policy&rules in the near future. Unless customers are not allowed to try/test cosmetics at stores.

Hi guys, I'm in Denmark, and was totally shocked when I realised that it's possible to return something that one has tried on..... overhere, if theres just a slight chance you want to return something, the MA's have to seal the product in a little plastic bag - and if it's been opened.... then you cannot return it. If you want to try something, you can do so in the store......

I heard a girl on youtube, she had gotten the new 226 brush, and had used it, but she wasnt sure she liked it - so she was going to return it..... I was shocked!

My local MA's love it when I come to the counter.....I always know more then them.... ha ha - thanks to Specktra :)



Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkbeauty27
About 2 weeks ago, at my counter we were really slammed on a Saturday. I walked over to the front side of the counter where we had our lipglasses and slimshines and someone had written in lipstick ON THE COUNTER - "Can I get some f*cking help around here?" How rude! I have no idea how long that was written on our counter. Some people have a lot of nerve. Also, it is so annoying when people deface our display units. Someone took a Penultimate eyeliner tester and drew little cartoon pictures on our Chill unit. Nice, huh?

That is so disrespectful, if I caught someone doing that on my counter they would get such a telling off they would never do it again.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xStarryEyedX
someone almost made me cry today. =(. i did a ladys makeup and i was like oh do you like it and she kept saying she had to ask her husband if he liked it... then he comes in.. no hi no how are you.. "oh it looks all cakey.. it looks like you have makeup caked on your face it looks awful" and she was like it doesnt look natural? *translation, 'i think it looks natural but i'm afraid you'll disagree with me'*.. "no it looks awful it looks like you piled all that powder shit on your face"... everyone was like no it looks great but he just says that and walks out.. it made me feel like shit, i think i did a really good job and she was half retarted w/ the questions she was asking so not only did i do a good job but she was annoying and he was really mean. =(.

Don't let it get you down, people like thayt aren't worth it.
Was her husband her brain or what? Can't she form her own opinion on what looks good on her.


Well-known member
I had the loveliest of customers today.
Had a lady booked in for extensions who I've done before, she was a nightmare then and nothing as changed.

Preped her nails as normal (I say normal but she refused to relax her hand so I was working at an unatural angle)I proceed to stick the tips on and because she's in-between sizes I used the slightly smaller one on her as the next size up is way to big. Straigh away she like "it's too narrow" and I haven't even blended it in yet or applied the overlay.
She tell me that she loves the nails to fan out so that they are wider at the tip than at the base, now some of you may not agree with me but I refuse to do nail that are thick and wide cause they look un-natural, I pride myself on making extensions look real even if they are not so I calmly explain to her that they will look fine once I'm done.

Every fucking ten second she was looking at that one nail sayin it's to thin, anyways I finish the set and she all happy that it looks fine now (told you so) and changes her mind on what color she's gonna have.

She came in for a red but decides on the color I'm wearing which is a pale apricot pink, I had a bad feeling about that one.
Bearing in mind I'm a NC20 and she's probably a NC37, the color isn't gonna look exactly the same on her as it does on me.
A base coat, 2 coats of color and a top coat later she feels the color doesn't suit her and asks for them to be re-painted red but at this point I've already started my next client so she book in for later and then doesn't turn up.

Why the fuck would you wait till I've put a total of 4 layers of polish on you before you decide to tell me that you hate the shade?

I swear today as been the day from hell.


Well-known member
^aw, sorry you had a shitty day.

Why are people so obnoxious?! Are they even aware of how annoying they are? I really don't think so. No one must have ever taught them how to conduct themselves or consider others' time and/or efforts. Just totally oblivious to the world around them. They are their own universe. Ugh... I deal with people like this all the time.
I'm lucky I have extreme self-control, or otherwise I probably wouldn't be employed any longer, lol


Well-known member
My poor collegue got a gem of a client today.

Lady walks up and demands a quick nail shape and a varnish, now bear in mind we do operate on a book in system and haven't alway got time to do stuff straight away, she was really fucking rude about it and had an air of "your just a lousy Nail Tech and I'm better than you cause I have more money".

Anyway the girls appointment hadn't showed up so she told the lady to take a seat.
The lady as a very short oval nails to begin with and what's them taken "squoval" which means taking some lenght of to make the tip flatter instead of pointy.
Mid shaping she shouts out "I don't like the way youre shaping those nails little girl, youre making them to square and to short" grabs the file out of the girls hand and begins shaping them her self.
She wants a French so she's show all of the different finishes and claims she wants the most natural version of it, two coats of pale cream polish on the tips later she decides it's not strong enough and want's the tips white.
Polish is changed to white but it's to bright for her and wants something "less white" she's told that she as now gone trough the whole selection of french finishes so she kept the white but glared at the girl when she put her payment trough the till.

But she stll give the girl a tip which made no sense as she clearly didn't seem happy.

I felt so sorry for the other Tech too cause she wasn't feeling well and said she felt like crying when she was having a go at her.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hikaru-chan
My poor collegue got a gem of a client today.

Lady walks up and demands a quick nail shape and a varnish, now bear in mind we do operate on a book in system and haven't alway got time to do stuff straight away, she was really fucking rude about it and had an air of "your just a lousy Nail Tech and I'm better than you cause I have more money".

Anyway the girls appointment hadn't showed up so she told the lady to take a seat.
The lady as a very short oval nails to begin with and what's them taken "squoval" which means taking some lenght of to make the tip flatter instead of pointy.
Mid shaping she shouts out "I don't like the way youre shaping those nails little girl, youre making them to square and to short" grabs the file out of the girls hand and begins shaping them her self.
She wants a French so she's show all of the different finishes and claims she wants the most natural version of it, two coats of pale cream polish on the tips later she decides it's not strong enough and want's the tips white.
Polish is changed to white but it's to bright for her and wants something "less white" she's told that she as now gone trough the whole selection of french finishes so she kept the white but glared at the girl when she put her payment trough the till.

But she stll give the girl a tip which made no sense as she clearly didn't seem happy.

I felt so sorry for the other Tech too cause she wasn't feeling well and said she felt like crying when she was having a go at her.

Don't you ever want to glue their hands to the table?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Don't you ever want to glue their hands to the table?

Never crossed my mind, until you mentioned it but come to think about it that wold be quite satisfying, lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hikaru-chan
Never crossed my mind, until you mentioned it but come to think about it that wold be quite satisfying, lol.

dooo it doo it!!!

today was annoying, we are having a big visit tomorrow (prez of the company) and we were on our hands and knees cleaning the place and all these people came in. well. one of our eyeshadows was knocked over (((
))) and banged into another which somehow bounced and our darkest loose mineral eyeliner was sprinkled into every neutral colored eyeshadow on the tray and my favorite highlight color trickled from the tray to the floor kind of like a pretty sparkly white waterfall.... it was like slow motion. then everyone and their mother wanted to try shit on... AND DO NOT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE FACT THAT MY COMPANY IS NOW ADVERTISING THAT EVERYONE SHOULD COME IN AND GET FREE SAMPLES! ( which we have to ring up and average into our numbers)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hikaru-chan
Never crossed my mind, until you mentioned it but come to think about it that wold be quite satisfying, lol.

The downside is that you'd literally be stuck with her in the store.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hikaru-chan
Don't let it get you down, people like thayt aren't worth it.
Was her husband her brain or what? Can't she form her own opinion on what looks good on her.

I really feel for some women who have rude boyfriends... I swear its like all or nothing with them. They are either complete shits who blatently tell their girlfriends that something looks crap or ''whatever'' or like one case the other day ''I can notice it (contoured cheek) but have no opinion" - I was like jeeeez, give her a little bit more than that?! Otherwise, they rule the whole shopping experience by acting like the 'friend' and dictating what colours their girlfriends wear.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Why waste an hour of my time when you're not going to buy anything from me?! Believe me you're not helping me with my artistry. Your odd views of a natural daytime look aren't going to help me get into Fashion Week next year so go back to buying your make-up from Walgreens.

That just made my day.

Seriously, though, I just don't get it. If peolple are so "satisfied" with their measly $2-5 purchases from Walgreens or RiteAid, then why do they even bother coming into a department store, trying everything on, and then complaining about the price and saying how much better their "marykay, avon, covergirl, etc" is"?

I guess they're just trying to find ways to reassure themselves that their cheap crappy makeup brands are great, but still, it's so ANNOYING. Just stay at home, lady.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BloodMittens

I kinda know how you feel. Except I'm a pale-y girl and I'm 1/2 Lithuanian 1/2 Russian. Well, my grandmother is 100% Lithuanian and sometimes when I talk to her on the phone we both speak in tongue to each other. I'll be in line at some random store, this doesn't have to be a customer talking, and then I'll get off the phone with her, and have someone turn around and either say:

Person: "You know, it's rude to speak in your native tongue in a store! You could be talking about me and I wouldn't even know!"

Or I get:

Person: "OMG! You're accent is SOOO cute! Where were you born!?"

Me: "Illinois."

Person: "Oh... well what's the accent from?"

Me: "Which one?"

Person: "Oh... um, the one you were just speaking."

Me: (Depending) "Russian/Lithuanian"

Person: (If it's Lithuanian) "Ohhh... where's that?" -_- = Me... you've GOT to be kidding me.

Person: And if Russia: "Ohhhh! You mean like the USSR!? In Soviet Russia Road Fork you! LOL!"

And then I do either a faceplant or don't say anything. I have gotten the RUDEST comments from just talking on the phone to either my grandma or my mother in tongue. And I HARDLY speak it. I only know basic speech like "When are you going to be home?" Etc. Etc.

The rudest comment I ever got was from a man in line with his son, and they were both white as can be, I was talking to my mother on the phone in Russian and I basically just said "Hi, mom, what's up?" and was listening to HER in ENGLISH, this guy turns AROUND and looks at me straight in the eye as we're waiting in line at the GROCERY STORE with tons of people around us and says "You see that Billy/Bobby/Whatever the kid's name was/Richard that's what you call a COMMUNIST!"

I looked at him dead in the eye and my jaw DROPPED.

"Go back to Russia you Commy!" and then he walked away leaving his food and cart infront of me. I was speechless and everyone at the counter was confused and felt sorry for me. I was so offended.

Ohmygosh, I've had that happen to me too. I'll be in a store (not talking to a sales associate, just browsing around for clothes or buying groceries), and my mom will happen to call me (I am 1/2 russian & 1/2 ukrainian) so I have to answer of course, and it's just much easier for my mom to understand me if I am talking in Russian. Boy, do peolple stare at me when I do that and act offended
I don't get it. I'm not talking to THEM, just my mom. What's the big deal? (I also want to mention that I don't even talk that loud, so I'm not being annoying or anything).